
Motivating Yourself Using Daily Rewards

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Motivating Yourself Using Daily Rewards

In order to succeed as a freelancer, you need proper motivation. Paying your bills could be motivation enough but at times even this may fail to arm you with that passion you do something to the best of your ability. 

This is why you need something you look forward to once you've completed everything that you wanted to do at the end of the day. 

Freelancers, a reward of some sort at the end of the day can be the motivation you need to get things done well and in time.  

A few ways you can give yourself a treat:

- do something you love but hardly ever have time for.
- take a nap. you won't feel guilty that you've wasted time.
- learn something new. 
- watch your favorite movie.
- go out for a walk.

At the very least if you reward yourself regularly for anything you do well, you'll be happier. 


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I love this strategy and I think little incentives can work exceptionally well as motivators. It also is useful if it gives you a break from what you're doing, to refresh your focus and re-inspire you.

Going for a walk to get some fresh air or taking a nap are my two favorites on that list, and are strategies I use often to reward myself.

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Oh, that's a good way to remove stress. We're more likely to be motivated when we're feeling relaxed. One thing I do is drink lots of water frequently. I don't know why but going to comfort room frequently helps.

Because you're forced to stand up and keep moving every now and then. It makes you more aware of what you're doing when you come back.

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Drinking lots of water has so many benefits, and definitely just getting up to have to go to the rest room can be useful! A stretch of the legs and a chance to get up from the computer is always nice. I think being well hydrated always helps my focus too.

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I know, right? The best thing about is that you're given the chance to reorient yourself with reality. Often times we're too absorbed with online tasks and work stuff. So bathroom breaks sort of dispel us from working tirelessly for hours.

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Yes, having a ventilated room and a glass of cold water can make you feel relaxed and made your day.

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So true. I've also read an author recommending this. It's important for people who spend the majority of their time indoors. Sitting in a room can be difficult if you're doing it hours a time. Best to breathe fresh air every now and then.

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I agree. Taking a break is important to all kinds of job. It helps our mind to relax for a while and gather up some thoughts that may help our work. I also like taking naps as my small prize after working for a period of time. Everyone deserves something good in return after their hardwork to help them keep inspired.

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That's a simple yet effective strategy of pampering yourself after a tiring day of work. It's actually preferable since it doesn't involve money, it's free.

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As the saying goes, all work and no play . . . .

Good thing is all the best things in life are free. Even spending a little time on youtube to watch a few cat videos can be a reward itself if you don't have much free time. My reward at the end of the day is online checkers. Costs nothing.

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We do not want jack to be a dull boy.

Listening to music is powerful. You close your eyes and just move with the lyrics and instruments. What an effect!

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Music! That too certainly is a great way of rewarding yourself.

I know from experience that slow music can be soothing. It can even have a soporific effect which is exactly what you need after working hard most of the day.

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Oh, like how you put it. I haven't heard of that word before. Thanks to Google, I now know that it's for something that induces a state of drowsiness.

The best soothing music is classical. I like Canon in D. It's one of the gentlest pieces I've ever heard.

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Using daily rewards is a good idea. I'm doing it without thinking about it like that. Daily in between work, I usually take breaks to watch a movie. Like today I'll be watching Sopranos Season 2 episode 4. This helps me relax my mind.

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I agree with you, this is really a nice strategy very useful.

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Incentives make us motivated. They lubricate our mind and even all the limbs to write. Incentives, however small, will move us a step forward.

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I agree with you, it's a nice strategy to make the best of of your day and make your work not boring.

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Yes, incentives can make us work much harder to get it, we can trick our mind to work harder just to get that.

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Yes, you need motivation, even if you are a freelancer. Freelancers generally do not get motivation from others as they are working alone and they even do not know who has actually hired them. Therefore there should be some sort of self motivation to increase your efficiency, and be inspired and work creatively. Rewarding yourself is a great way to motivate yourself.

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Everyone needs motivation. We can do a lot better, we can perform a lot better if we are motivated. We can also influence others to be motivated. If you are motivated, you can also be their motivation.

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I motivate myself by thinking and setting up a reward for every accomplishment. Let's say that I needed to finish an article which I would earn $5 from, I'll set a reward like ice cream from 7-11. If I make $20 then the reward could be a box of doughnuts. If I make $50 then it's a new shirt. Doing this motivates me to work.

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Being a freelancer, I realized that I am my own motivation. Thus, I had to come up with the best strategies of motivating myself. Thanks for rewards you have highlighted because I reward myself with some of them.

Taking a walk, watching my favorite movie and treating myself with some delicious meals are some of the rewards that I usually reward myself with, although that depends on some other factors.

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Food is the greatest reward that I could ever receive after a long tiring day. I agree that sometimes, I also set food as my own motivation to keep on working. Small rewards are like investments for getting yourself up to work. It has a positive effect to our body and mind which is really effective.

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Yes. It is called self-treating. You just enjoy the food after working hard and achieving the goals you had set that day.

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I agree with you, there is no one to motivate you best but yourself.

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As a freelancer, you will always be in a position where no body is motivating you. You are your own motivation. Just like a boss rewards his worker in a day job, as a freelancer, you have to reward yourself. You can reward yourself with something simple as eating chocolates or something elaborate as going to a Jacuzzi.

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As a freelancer, you will always be in a position where nobody is motivating you. You are your own motivation.

This is what I realized after trying to talk with a few guys here and there. Since then, I am my own motivation, and apart from rewarding myself, I do push myself even when I feel tired.

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I agree with you. Freelancing can be hard and you definitely need something to look forward to. It's true that money is a great motivator however sometimes it is not enough. Freelancers get to caught up in making a living and sometimes forget to live. For example make sure you rest and take a minute to enjoy life.As mentioned take a walk, watch a movie, read a book e.t.c. Know that when you finish your work you have something special to look forward to.

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Walk and walk and walk, and when I finish walking, I walk again. That is how I revive a tired @stbrians. It relaxes the body and the mind and refreshes.

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Through understanding a totally easy and simple truth that not every person acknowledge in their lives. Rewards can deliver you an excellent feeling, perhaps a happy one too. People will applaud for you each time you give yourself a reward due to the fact it really is an award for doing something great.

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I love watching movies and series which is why they are my best rewards for myself. I set them at the end of the day or after I have completed a project that had given me a headache and looking forward to watching one makes me even more hardworking and productive.

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I used to watch movies before but now I play video games. Winning, earning points and moving to the next level is a good reward for me. This is in addition to walking. Sometimes I do one and do the other another day.

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I tried this before, awarding myself with playing video games.I even got as far as rewarding myself a new game when I got a large reward. But at that time, I noticed that I tend to play more than do work (haha). So I just made room for playing video games in my schedule. It's not much of a reward but more of a cheat day.

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I tried this before, awarding myself with playing video games.I even got as far as rewarding myself a new game when I got a large reward. But at that time, I noticed that I tend to play more than do work (haha). So I just made room for playing video games in my schedule. It's not much of a reward but more of a cheat day.

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Hahhahaha. It is actually a tactic that only works when you can manage to control yourself as discipline is always important at work. You should know when and where to stop with the games like having to play only three levels per reward.

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Video games are always excellent and a great way of spending one's time after a hard day doing any sort of work. It is always about being getting the stress of work off so that you will easily handle the next bunch of work.

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I also enjoy watching movies. However, I don't consider watching movie as a reward to myself. Getting heat and foot massage can be a reward for me. taking a hot bath can be a reward. A lovely dinner with someone I love is a get reward for me (and also a great justify that you actually give time to your loved ones). I think rewarding yourself and relaxing are two different things. Buying a shirt is a reward, listening to music is a relaxation.

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So simple yet very effective. You did it right and fulfilling. We need to reward ourselves in order to be happy. I love the nap bit. Sometimes I just fall in my sofa and go zzzzs!!!

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Anap is always awesome since it brings some sort of satisfaction from the rest that one has. You will feel fresh later on when you begin to tackle other tasks and some of the most successful people sometimes take afternoon siestas to free their minds.

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I agree that power naps are of great help to revive ones energy. It also boosts both our mental and physical alertness.

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I like motivating myself to do stuff. It makes it easier to accomplish tasks. Especially, the difficult ones. I think all of us are motivated with earning money. So that's why I make sure to stay active with extra income sites. Such as survey sites where you get paid for answering them.

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I really enjoy sites like that, since I find it fun getting to give my opinion about different topics. It’s a nice added bonus if you can get a few dollars here and there for doing them!

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I have tried such sites as well. But I haven't got any luck ot seems. I am screened out of almost every survey thus I get low points. So I don't do it much now.

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[quoteI have tried such sites as well. But I haven't got any luck ot seems. I am screened out of almost every survey
There are some survey sites like globaltestmarket which claim to have surveys for everyone. I haven't been on the site so I can't be certain whether what they say is true.

You could take a look at the site if you haven't been on it yet. Maybe you could find what you are seeking there. Perhaps you won't but the most you could lose is just a few minutes of your time.

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Take a break and treat yourself and your family after working for long hours is a great thing to do. For me, it's not necessary to be daily because that would lessen my enthusiasm towards working for a project. I am more motivated to work if I know that after working for so many hours, I'll receive a reward for myself.

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I am always excited about new projects and if they come daily then the better. I nonetheless always love to have something I am looking up to when completing any project so that I can remain motivated to finish well and quickly so that I can get to my reward.

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If you are doing the same thing every day it will no more be a reward. For instance, if you go to a restaurant and have dinner every night, that will be a kind of rituals compared to going to restaurant on
weekends. Something like buying a perfume, a new shirt, a bottle of wine can be a reward to motivate yourself.

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Yeah right, rewarding yourself on a daily bases makes the day just an ordinary day. I think it is more motivating when you are reserving something you want to do after you've done a project that took many days to finish.

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Nothing could ever be satisfying when you got what you want after all the hard work you have done. Small achievements also requires small treats for yourself as your everyday motivation. I, myself, have my great and small motivation. My great motivation is something that I look forward to that may happen in the near future. While the small motivation is something that I could do to myself everyday to make me feel inspired like buying some candies or chocolates after my work is done.

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Yes, I completely agree with what you wrote. I need both small and big motivations, to remind me why I'm doing what I'm doing. Small motivations usually revolve around a delicious treat or a night out with friends. The long-goal motivation is travel. These perks help me keep my mind focused and optimize my time while working.

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Having such motivations will give you reasons to work harder and not to give up. I look into it as my inspiration to keep going. I also take travelling as my long term that I would like to receive after all these hard works.

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Travelling would be nice after accomplishing your work. No wonder travel blogs are very popular these days. I would really like to have that sort of work but I am not really adventurous.

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Small achievements also requires small treats for yourself as your everyday motivation. I, myself, have my great and small motivation. My great motivation is something that I look forward to that may happen in the near future.


Some people who want to save money actually use this strategy to motivate them to keep saving. They reward themselves for hitting set milestones (say like for $100 saved - reward yourself with a gift that might cost between $5 and $10). The small rewards can give you the impetus you need to keep working hard so you can get the bigger reward which comes later.

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That is very true, rewarding yourself for every successful day at work can keep you motivated for your work the next day. This rewarding can be very useful in the case of freelancers who have to wait for a long time to get paid for some of there work. Whenever I feel like I have achieved something in my online job, I have this habit of taking a small walk outside in my garden or the neighborhood. Every weekend I do watch a movie with my friends or family and that is one of the ways I reward myself.

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I have heard that motivations and you're right those little things can do big in the long run. I find it useful and beneficial. I heard once that motivations are like taking a bath, you need it everyday.

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Of course yes, we all need motivation every single day in order to keep pushing ourselves to get the best out of whatever we have invested our time into.

Without the motivation, there is always an increased possibility of losing interest in what we have committed ourselves to.

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I loved the "taking a nap" one. It's amazing how such a simple thing can drastically change your mood and help you become even more productive in the day! I used to stay clear from napping, until one day I was so exhausted I fell asleep with my laptop beside me. When I woke up a half hour later, the difference in energy levels, concentration and mood were astounding. Ever since, I try to take a nap daily for 20 minutes, as a welcome break from work. Trust me, it's a life-changing trick.

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There is no doubt about how good taking a nap would do most freelance writers because being too much committed to working online takes its toll on anyone and the nap serves as a reboot to one's brain and body to help the freelance writer come back to the work better and sharper.

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The perfect “power nap” often has the same impact for me. I can feel exhausted and like I’m hitting a wall, but then a good nap and it rejuvenates me so much! I end up feeling like a brand new person and feel way more productive to finish my work.

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Whenever I feel like my freelance work is crashing down too hard on me, I would always take a walk and have my head well cleared.

I'm not the sleeping type of person that I would take a nap often, so taking a long walk does it for me and make me feel fresh once more.

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Sometimes I think a good long walk in the fresh air is just as rejuvenating - if not more so - than a long nap. Also, I often see things when I’m out walking that trigger more inspiration in me, so it’s helpful from that point too.

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Ha. For most people, a daily reward is getting to clock out early or finishing a job or task before the end of the work day. For a freelancer, it's probably some 'you' time. Which we get very little of.

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It’s definitely a different environment to your standard 9 to 5, but that’s why I think it can be even more important to reward yourself. You’re essentially being your own boss, so if you’ve done something great or been working really hard at a particular project I say go ahead and treat yourself!

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Yes! Even if it's having a special treat, or watching a movie, or planning a complete day off at the end of a big project. Motivation is key to continue working with all the positive energy,

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I think daily rewards definitely sounds like a good idea. And in fact it can keep anyone motivated. Sounds like say daily few dollars here and there. And you can definitely find yourself in a comfortable position. I have seen many people making use of the daily rewards for the customer retention. And same can be working on the freelancers too. I think in such context it'd be reasonable to make use of the point system or some sort of give away system.

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To motivate myself in doing freelance online work I put up goals, not big ones but just little ones, small weekly targets. It may be a thing that I need to buy or a movie treat for the whole family. Little goals which can be obtained by working hard and getting paid.

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Money is always a motivation, but make sure to spend it wisely. Sometimes a major cash flow can suddenly dry up. It never hurts to put some away for a rainy day.

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That’s part of why I always try to save a percentage of my pay check every time I get paid by a client. You just don’t know when you’re going to have tons of work and when it’s going to be slim pickings - that’s just the nature of freelancing sometimes. Having savings makes that scenario much less stressful to deal with.

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This happened to me last year. I had to make a sudden payment for a health emergency and I was so glad I had some money stashed away, as work dried up for a couple of months while I was in recovery. Having backup funds is a smart strategy.

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I agree with freelancing it is bit easier. But with job money it can be hard. I also put some work so that family can make use of the items for the rewards. It helps things that way. That's what I have noticed so far. It can be a bit different for each one of us. So setting goal and rewarding people around needs to be thought about.

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I must agree with you on that. We really need to reward ourselves though not everyday, at least, every time you feel like the workloads are just too much too handle and you need to get them done. Many would do something that doesn't involve money, while others would prefer to spend their money on eating and other stuffs. It all depends on the person, we motivate ourselves differently.

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I agree every big task should come with some sort of reward. That way we can get motivated to do that work. And this approach also gets better performance out of us. Many people have tried to handle reward system like that in mind and it worked for them.

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We deserve to have a break after a long hours of work as a freelancer. Being a freelancer is not easy so we tend to strive our hardest to earn money at home. Yes money will be my always motivation and something to give for my love ones. This is a good idea especially when we are so stress with what we do.

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I like your ideas and I really agree that these rewards can really motivate us. Aside from what you mentioned, I motivate myself by thinking that I have to add funds to my bank account. And I also think that I need to buy some stuff for me and my family. I set my goals and believe that I can reach them if I will work harder.

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I am really motivated to work as a freelancer because I really appreciate the daily rewards that I receiving for doing some hard work. It feels good to recive some rewards in many forms such as money, learnings and even recognition because it help us to gain more motivation.

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For sure I give myself Daily Rewards. At the end of the day I usually watch a movie or a TV show. Not only is it a treat, but it helps me slow down so I can fall asleep.

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I do the same. I watch one netflix series episode or movie a day. And that is my reward for doing something new that solved my problem. It works to some extent. But I try to make sure that I do something reasonable for that so as to avoid easy rewards.

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I often find that helps me chill out and relax after a long work day as well. If I tried to finish work and go directly to sleep I think I'd mind would still be going at a mile a minute! Doing something to break your mind from that singular work focus is super helpful.

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Yes if you are working long day then taking small breaks and rewarding in some ways. That can be a good approach. I have seen that working out for me. I can tell you that not all people can work with those rewards.

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My favorite reward is taking a long worthwhile nap. After a tedious job, I always find time to rest. It is healthy and it is free. lol. But every now and then I treat myself for a drink or a new gadget whenever I finished a major job.

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I don't really enjoy sleeping as in most cases, it always seem as if I am going through some times that I should be working. What I always do is to keep getting some new gadgets that is a nice way to enjoy my life.

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You can really motivate yourself if you have a daily rewards, because from that, you can be good and have a better day if you achieve that reward,

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Motivating yourself with daily rewards is actually a pretty effective technique, because it works on the basis of Pavlovian classical conditioning (here I go with the psychology, again).

If you build the connection in your brain that performing x will equal to y (y obviously being the reward) then you’re far more likely to perform x without even thinking twice about it. With enough conditioning over time, you actually begin to build subconscious motivation to work and do things rather than having to actively motivate yourself.

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But would you not at some point get tired of the routine? When you have been too used to the same reward it would not excite you as much, thus not incite you to do as well. I think that varying and leveling up your rewards is a must. After all, human brains are much much more complicated than rats.

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@emiaj55 Well sure. But everyone has a favorite reward, no? Besides, if you're making money - you can easily afford to diversify your rewards.

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If you get tired, just change the reward. This will maintain the rewarding system fresh and interesting for you and will continue motivating you further. Get creative with the rewards! Your future "you" will be thankful, for sure.

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Well, with all due respect, I never did say that it has to be the same sort of reward each and every time. It doesn’t always have to be a certain type of reward, but just some type of reward.

It’s about building the association in your brain that doing something productive is going to result in some kind of pleasure afterwards. Whether that pleasure is having a bag of gummy bears one day or playing your favorite video game the next day doesn’t really matter. The point is to just give yourself something you enjoy afterwards.

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I always do this often and it has been a way that I can motivate myself to keep doing the things that are good. I don't always have enough time for some fun, but once I am done with the things that I am doing, I always look at ways that I can feel at home with hanging out at a favorite bar to enjoy some good meals.

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Sometimes after doing a lot of work in a day, I give time for myself to relax through singing a karaoke machine because I like to sing and it was been my favorite past time whenever I want to relax from doing a lot of work. I feel much joy and feel motivated whenever I can sing after doing my offline and online works.

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That's interesting @esteban123. I could never do karaoke. I'm way too self-aware.

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I think we sometimes need to take a break on working as a freelancer because we are not robots but a humans that need to to rest for a while. We need to to give time for our selves so that we will not feel very tired and for us to gain much focus and concentration on our works.

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What you have said are all true and very effective tips for many of us. Sometimes as a freelancer we demotivated by many things. Other than that we lose our focus to continue what we are doing. Like what you said we need sometime to take a break in order for us to restore our mind and relax so that we could be able to motivate again.

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Yes that is really true and we need to let our mind rest even in just a few hours or a single day so that we can stay fresh and stress free because working as a freelancer is very tedious and stressful. We must make our minds healthy as much as possible so that we will not suffer from severe headache because of thinking too much.

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That is right. If a person thinks too much in the end they will suffer headache and sometimes more than that. We should take care our brain in order for us to live a healthy human being.

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Yes that is true and it is not bad to work hard since I know that we are having some daily targets that is why we are doing the best we can in order to achieve a certain goals but then of course we must be aware that having a healthy mind and body is must because in the end we will still be the one who would suffer from its consequences. It is good to give time to our selves to have some leisure because it will make us dull if we just keep on working without having some rest or giving rewards on our selves.

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That is right. We are not machine and robot to work tirelessly. We are just human who needs rest for sometimes.

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Sometimes rewarding yourself after a rigorous online task is important in maintaining our mental health so I might say that I will not call it a reward but an essential routine in keeping ourselves healthy and well focused.
I personally reward myself with a 15 to 30 min nap after lunch. It keeps my mind refreshed during afternoon so that my productivity level will not dissipate. A cup of cofee may help also. These are just small and inexpensive things one can give himself as a reward.

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Yes I agree with you, we really need to reward our selves for us to stay motivated and refreshed for the whole day. I usually have some sleep whenever I cannot make it to work late at night since I am just following what my body say. It is very important to set some limitations for us to keep energetic and functional for the day. I just sometimes wake up early in the morning to finished my freelancing works whenever I was not able to finished it due to some important reasons.

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Rewarding is the best gift that we could give to ourselves. We only have life and we must treasure it. Do not overwork our body. Nap is good thing not just our body but in our brain too.

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I agree a nap is really what I need everyday to make sure i will finish whatever task I have for the day. A hot mocha will help too while playing my jazz music too. And I make sure to have a body massage at least once in a month as a simple reward for myself.

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Naps are helpful for a quick midday recovery. We're able to relax and improve our performance. I haven't done the monthly massage thing. Though, I've heard plenty of benefits from those who've done it.

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I believe that it is very effective. That routine will help your brain rest very well. I think chamomile tea also makes you relax well.

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Yes that would be a good idea although I haven't tried it yet to have some chamomile tea since most of the I am taking a cup of coffee to stay awake and energetic for the day. Mabye in the future I will try that drinks to experience how it works and how it feels.

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I used to be addicted in coffee. I was like craving to it every time. I used to drink about 10 glasses of coffee with sugar per day. I realized that it was not healthy to drink it with sugar and that number of cups. I eventually decided to stop drinking coffee as often and when I want it I prepare it without sugar. I am now have 1 or 2 cups a day without sugar only creamer. I would say that I have a good sleep and feel relax all the time.

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Yes you are right that coffee is really addicting since I was been addicted to it before, the good thing now is that I slowly decreasing my intake of coffee since I know that too much caffeine would result to sleepless nights which I really don't want to experience and to happen as well. I am just having 2-3 cups of coffee everyday and after that I am now more on drinking water because I want to stay fit and healthy. I am also avoiding too much intake of sugar because it is not really good to our health since I don't want also to compromise my health which is something that I am thinking right now.

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Yes, that is absolutely right. That is also why motivation or motivating yourself is very important. The great treat for my self is to have a good rest and to relief my stress by cycling together with my brother during weekends. I feel very happy when I do cycling or biking. It's really fun and an enjoyable recreation activity.

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That's nice of you to share. A lot of people enjoy the outdoors as a way of stress relief. Cycling also keeps you fit and active. I'm sure it's fun to do that with your loved ones. I ride leisurely around twice a week.

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There are many people in our area do cycling. I am interested to know the proper techniques on riding it. I think it is good for me also as it is good for weight loss too.

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My reward to myself is buying a book and travelling to other places. For my everyday rewards to myself, I take a power nap. It always gives me energy. I also love to eat sweets, chocolates are definitely my favorite.

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Oh, I like the idea of buying yourself a book! I've been trying to motivate myself to read more lately. It's something I really need to try and dedicate more time to. Maybe that should be my daily reward - to allow myself some time in my schedule to just relax and enjoy a good book.

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Sounds perfect. Traveling to other places for relaxation as a reward to yourself is something very good and interesting. Books and chocolates are good rewards too.

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Today after I finished my freelancing work I went to my local coffee shop and enjoyed a coffee and a pastry. It was the perfect sweet treat and caffeine fix, and it was nice to get out of my usual surroundings for a bit of a break. Perfect for a reward and a motivator!

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Sounds great @amelia88. I do that from time to time, except in my case it's a hot chocolate and a pastry.

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That is so satisfying. To be able to get away from your working place for a while and enjoy the ambience with a cup of coffee is so relaxing and rewarding.

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It's one of my favorite things to do! It's not something I do all the time (coffee shops coffees can get pricey if it's an everyday thing!) but for an occasional treat and a change of scenery it definitely hits the spot! Motivating Yourself Using Daily Rewards

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Every once i a while we to take a break from work. It is one way of treating our self and giving a pat on our shoulder that we did a good job and we have treat our self for the job well done. It is not all the time we have to work until we forget how to enjoy our life. Taking a break from work also help us to relieve from stress and pressure. It makes us feel relax.

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This is exactly what everyone should be doing. Whatever we do daily, for sure we will feel some stress so we should do things that we like in order for us to regain some energy and motivation to work hard and be more productive the next day. You can also make a weekly or monthly reward for yourself. I do this with my extra money from savings. This way, you won't be guilty of what you are going to buy because it is just a small part or excess of your earnings. Like saving 1-10% of your earninga a day will be enough. This strategy is very effective for me and very rewarding.

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Seems like most of us have the same way of rewarding ourselves. Nap and coffee, although somehow contradicts with each other but it solely depends on the manner that it is being indulge. Taking coffee before nap surely will destroy your power nap time. Coffee should be taken after power naps to boost up mental creativity and get more productive throughout the day.

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Yes, often when I have a nap I wake up feeling a little groggy - even though I do feel refreshed in the long run! Having a coffee after a power nap is the perfect pick me up to get back into work mode.

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The best reward out of your list is SLEEP. There is nothing more relaxing than having an ample amount of sleep after a long strenuous day. Knowing that come tomorrow you get to do it all over again, LOL.

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On that note I'm about to sign off for the day and get some rest myself! I had a productive day today and it's nice to get an early night knowing that I worked hard and got a lot accomplished!

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Good for you. As for me, yesterday was also a tiring day, and I get to have 10 hours of sleep. Today will be a long day as my employer added a few extra to the things I have to accomplish so yeah, wish me luck.

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We just started our second sem and got stressed because of our terror proffessors but everytime I think that I'll get my rewards today, all my problems diminished.
I feel like I don't have a single problem anymore. Money can cure my stress.

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Planning a vacation can also used as a motivation to work. Especially if you want to go to abroad for vacation, you work overtime just to make sure it will come true. It is always good when you also need a break from work because it can lighten you mood and relieve some stress when you go on vacation.

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In order for us to stay motivated and to be able to push ourselves to our limits, we need to gibmve ourselves a break and rewards so that we won't feel tired and exhausted.
That's also my problem I'm inconsistent I could do great today but tommorow I could be just plain useless and look like a dreamless person.

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I agree@agbuyarashel. This is especially true with freelance work.Its very easy to overwork yourself and become less, productive. It becomes a vicious cycle. The more you work the more exhausted you become and the the less productive you become so you have to work harder. I'm learning to pace myself and reward myself with a book or a movie at the end of the day, which I absolutely love and it absolutely relaxes me.Rest and rewards are very important for anyone that wants to be productive.

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Motivating yourself using daily rewards: I strongly agree on this, the simple reward is a great way for you to motivate yourself, treating yourself a pause from stress and relaxing your mind is good motivation to be able to continue what are you planning to do. Enjoying your life while working is good mind set that you can help in yourself.

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This is honestly a very good idea as it helps give you the motivation you need to do and finish your tasks for the day. Aside from the motivation boost this will also help to bring down work related stress level. It would help you calm your mind, boost your mood and even help you be more productive the next day.

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I am planning to buy next month a new gold bracelet as reward for myself for doing a lot of hard work and a great job since everyday I am doing my freelancing sites because I want to earn more even though I do already have a full time job offline. I really need to work hard since I want to buy some important things for myself and my family and it is about time that I do give a very good reward for hard work and sacrifices.

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I see to it that when I finish my daily tasks (usually work after work), I treat myself to a movie/tv show episode before bed. Though it's tempting to do this everyday, I control myself to only do it when I am satisfied with what I have done for the day. It defeats the purpose of rewarding myself if I don't follow it.

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For me, I reward myself of good food. When I know I've worked a lot, I reward myself eating good food. I eat out. I try out new foods and restaurants I have never tried before. Sometimes, I pamper myself like going to a spa to renew myself after finishing a great deal of work.

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This is a sound advice. Whatever reward you may have for yourself, if it is worth it, it would be something you can look forward to. And with that, I will now use my favorite TV show as a reward for myself to finish my work in the time frame i have previously set up. This way I can use my goal to have a proper work-life balance as a reward.

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