
Christmas Traffic in your City

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Christmas Traffic in your City

It's Christmas Season ones again and that means heavy traffic here in Metro Manila. Here a 2 kilometer stretch that would normally take a minute to travel can take up to 2 hours.

How's the Christmas traffic in your city?


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It's always a very big mess every Christmas holidays with how the road is always congested as a result of too many cars and legal on the road.

This traffic jam gets so bad that when traveling, some people are forced to sleep in their cars on the road for at least a day or 2 before getting to their villages.

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Oh gosh. That sounds awful. I guess traffic in other parts of the world is that bad. The worst I've seen so far is a few hours of waiting. But to actually have to sleep in your car like that. It's unfortunate.

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I agree with you. That is really unfortunate to sleep in the car because of traffic.

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And I thought traffic was bad here for getting stuck an hour or so. It's even worst where you live! It's like Christmas brings everyone out of their homes and they all decide to go out for whatever reason. Maybe it's the cool air or the decors I'm not sure.

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I agree with you. There are places where traffic is so heavy.

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I can’t even imagine how stressful that would be. It’d make me not even want to leave my home and travel to visit people for Christmas if I knew that would be the consequence of trying to get anywhere.

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You're right. Traffic is very stressful also to me.

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Wow,that's very bad sleeping on the road for two good days then I should be thanking God. Yea, we do have this traffic problem during Yuletide period like this but it isn't this bad.

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Really?? That's aweful. I can stuck on traffic for 2 or 3 hours but for a day? I think that too much.

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What?! Sleep in a car for two days because of traffic? Gosh, that is unfortunate. And I thought that a four hour stuck in traffic jam for a 2 hour mile travel was already hell. I should still be thankful I get to sleep on my bed after a four hour drive. I am sorry for you man.

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Wow. That is some traffic you have there. I feel blessed that our house is near the city proper that we can walk going to the market, the park, the City Hall and the mall. There is traffic sometimes but not that heavy.

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That would be very uncomfortable sleeping in the car due to traffic. As I have observe, some people tend to be irate when stuck in a traffic for an hour/s. Well who wouldn't if you have an important meeting or business to attend to.

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For us in this side of the world. I think 2 days before the christmas and 7 days after the christmas. There is going to be traffic outside the city. And it takes a lot of time to get back into the city. I think for all of us it could be different though. I guess we learn from the experience in that case.

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Christmas or no Christmas the traffic will be a mess around here. This is especially true for the roads leading I to the city.

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That is right. It is because of the volume of cars. The roads are just the same.

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That true. In a busy city, traffic is not new. Though at some point it get worst when christmas is coming.

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That is also the case here. The government have tried plenty of ways, build plenty of sky ways and underpasses, created laws and ordinances- and still, there is heavy traffic everyday. My grandma used to say that there wouldn't really be a solution for traffic. Because it all boils down to discipline of all people in the road, drivers and passer-by's. And since they would not be disciplined to follow all the necessary rules of the road, no matter how wide the road is or how many laws you passed, traffic would still be there-heavy and stressful.

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Traffic is always there even though it was just a normal day but it get worst if Christmas season is coming. I used to travel daily in one point to another that will only takes 15 minutes and now it takes me for about 1 hour and 30 minutes and it wasn't rush hour though. But then it was Christmas and it is the most womderful time of the year.

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I agree with you. Just expect it so that frustration will just be little.

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The traffic condition gets worse when there are Christmas Sales happening in the malls. There are just too many people wanting to get the best deal for their money that they all rush to the malls during these events.

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We'll were in the same country bro but different city, I love in Cebu and the traffics in Metro Manila and here is pretty much the same, but I feel like it's more traffic in Manila just because of the Population, Manila has more population than Cebu but yeah a traffic's a traffic and it sucks, Philippines should really find a way on how to solve that problem, because it's been a problem for years and they're not able to solve it up until now.

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That is right. We hope that this problem will got to be solved in due time.

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Christmas traffic here is tolerable. You can't really expect things to be smooth since a lot of people are outside. It's common to see busy streets with tight schedules for shopping and business ventures. That's why I've done my gift shopping early so that I can avoid the long wait in traffic.

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You are right. Shop early to avoid Christmas rush and traffic.

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It’s part of why where possible I try to shop online - to avoid any crowds whether that’s on the roads or at shopping malls. This time of year can get kind of crazy at some stores nearby.

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Online shopping then is of great help especially with this Christmas traffic.

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This is where online shopping comes in now as a reliable option and you can get items at the comfort of your home.

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The traffic in my town is just the worst you'll spend an hour or more stuck in traffic usually on rush hours. right now my city has a lot of road development project so a lot of roads are closed or under construction. I highly expect during this Christmas season the traffic in our city will get worst I'm glad I work at home all I need to do is to avoid going out during rush hours.

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This is why home based work has a great advantage. You will not get stuck in heavy traffic at all.

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The traffic is a little bit heavier but it's not too bad. Austin, Texas isn't really known for heavy traffic. Even the traffic people complain about is nothing compared to traffic in Los Angeles, California.

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Oh, you’re from Austin? Love that city! It’s been several years since I was there but the people in that part of TX are lovely and the city just has such a fun vibe!

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I think even though it is not Christmas. Traffic is very heavy in Metro manila. How much more now that it is Christmas time? It has become worse I think.

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I know a few people from the Philippines and they have said that traffic in Manila is pretty hectic. I’ve never been there myself but I think it’s the case in a lot of large cities around the world. The population has outgrown the infrastructure too quickly.

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With the amount of people living and even working in Manila I'm not surprised that the streets are congested on a daily basis. And I do have to agree with you that Christmas just makes it worst since people from other cities are checking out the Christmas decors all around Manila.

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Looks like the pre christmas selling and the holiday shopping must be on the rise. And that is going to be there upto first day of christmas. I have seen traffic reduces from 25th to 31st january. It may be different for everyone but its fun either way.

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Christmas traffic is a thing of the past. It is now pretty much a "year round traffic". There are few new roads being built in a year but there are thousands of new vehicles purchased daily and that leads to disastrous traffic. One thing I think the government could do would be to prioritize development of provinces and new cities so that not everything is centered in just one part of a region or country.

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Seems to be the case in many countries in the world. So many places are seeing crazy levels of population growth but are still relying on roads and other infrastructure from decades ago, so it's no wonder the roads and other methods of transport are super congested.

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Governments just can't cope with how many vehicles are churned out in a year and most definitely don't have the budget to prioritize traffic solutions when there are many people that are starving and jobless. It is a hard balancing act and I don't envy their position but I support all the good they do and voice out my opinion if something needs to be better.

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Thankfully right now I live in quite a small town, so traffic doesn’t really happen - it’s something I’m very thankful for because I have lived in cities before where certain days of the year are absolute pandemonium on the roads.

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Traffic here starts around mid November. Since people from the city pass through here to get to the city up on the mountains, that's when they usually start to gather and cause traffic. Then there's also the famous Light show during Christmas around my area which usually starts late November. Traffic is just insane, we still haven't gotten used to it but knowing the schedule of when it starts and when it's died down is something that's a common knowledge with the locals.

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Come Christmas, almost every car owner finds a reason to be on the road. I guess it has to do with the lunches and visits and the exchanging of gifts. Anyway, all that translates to a lot of traffic. If you want to move fast, you better own a bike.

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I'm not sure if you can call it traffic but it is impossible for vehicles to travel within our roads and streets during Christmas holiday. The place is full of people and vendors from far away places just to sell their goods and services. It's like an open public supermarket and very lively especially during the night.

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Heavy traffic are caused by Christmas sale in malls. There are even long lines inside the mall. It is because they will pay to the cashier what they have purchased.

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It is always crazy inside shopping malls. The queues and the runs people make to ensure that an item which is on a quick sale does not get sold out.

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I think that it is really expected that during Christmas season we will experience some heavy traffic whether it would be in the city or some provinces. i think it is mainly because people during this time have the tendency to go on shopping more compare on the ordinary days. The roads are congested by the different vehicles and other shoppers passing by which makes it more hard to buy some of the things that we really need to prepare on the Christmas day because we might be stock in the heavy traffic which makes us to lose some temper especially if we are in a hurry.

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I agree with you. Also, aside from the people who go out for shopping and such, I think, most people are heading back to their home towns. We all know that Christmas is very special that people who work abroad or from different places choose to go back to their beloved families to celebrate.

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That's true. Some reason why the city is congested because people wants to see Christmas light in the plaza. Some would just loved to unwind and do a last minute shopping. There are those also who have an early vacation, having a window shopping.

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There is not much traffic in our city. We are living in a province. Its good that we don't suffer much heavy traffic in our place.

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That's good. it is peaceful, quite and have fresh air compared it the city where during Christmas season the city is chaotic and hectic. Malls and other establish are packed with people who do shopping and what not.

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You're lucky. Here in the city the air gets polluted because of all the smoke coming from all the cars caught in traffic. And then when the new year comes, the smoke from all the fireworks adds to that.

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Where I live most people often travel out of the city, to be with their families who live further out. So around Christmas time, there is usually heavy traffic while these people travel but once they leave, from 20th December to about 27th there usually are very few vehicles on the roads. It is the perfect time for shopping for some of us.

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Oh my gosh. This is something that I would not want to imagine. Even during rush hours or during the time when everyone gmhead back home the traffic in the city is unbearable that you'd wish you'd learn how to fly. Christmas traffic is inevitable and it's very frustrating.

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Here, even if it is not Christmas season, there is a heavy traffic. It is a daily dilemma that everyone faces. Whether you are a student or an employee off for work-or you are a driver. Even if you have your personal car, you would sure to lose a lot of your time (and patience at that) on the road. It is just the normal day here. No matter how many laws are passed and ordinances are created, and no matter how wide your road is, as long as there are undisciplined drivers and pedestrians, then there would always be heavy traffic.

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I was amused when someone told me that travel from Manila to Davao will take you more than an hour while traveling from Makati to Ortigas will took you 3 hours or more. I can consider myself blessed because I don't travel everyday go to work. That's a great advantage to the freelancers like me.

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Yes, that's actually very terrible. Traffic nowadays is so much that it will make you lose you temper and go insane. I really hate going out and trying to beat the rush hour because, you know, no one can beat the traffic.

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There is traffic in my city all the time. The funny thing is that over here it is the opposite. Everyone goes away for the christmas holidays from the begging of December.Traffic in the city begins to ease off. The city actually becomes very empty and a drive that used to take 2 hours now takes the time its supposed to, 10 minutes. The world is a funny place and so different.

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That's what I actually observe when holiday season kicks in. Maybe because of the last minute shopping or people just love to buy a lot of things during Christmas.

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Yes, it's because of this factors. Aside from that, the fact that people are inalky on their way to their home town is enough reason to understand the stressful traffic.

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I am sure that most of the seaports and other airports that we have might also be congested and might experience a heavy volume of traffic because of the arrival of our fellow OFW's in the different parts of the world. Most of them are going home to their respective provinces for a vacation during Christmas since it is a time for reunion for some families who have not been together for a long period of time. It was a tradition already for us that is why it is expected to have a very heavy traffic until the end of the month of December.

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