
These Thai-Spiced Deviled Pumpkin Eggs Will Are A Great Halloween Treat for Bad Tricks

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These Thai-Spiced Deviled Pumpkin Eggs Will Are A Great Halloween Treat for Bad Tricks

These Thai-Spiced Deviled Pumpkin Eggs are great for giving to people who come a knocking on Halloween, especially saved for those who have a bad trick! Or even for yourself! They don't only just masquerade as gory looking mini pumpkins but they also pack a bit of a kick as well!
These Thai-Spiced Deviled Pumpkin Eggs Will Are A Great Halloween Treat for Bad Tricks
To make them is not that hard. They're basically just boiled eggs sliced in half and the yoke mixed with some spicy mustard and Thai Curry Paste or you can use any curry paste!

Here's the Ingredients you'll need to make them.

  • 6 Eggs (1 Egg makes 2 pumpkin eggs).
  • 2 Tablespoons of cold full fat coconut milk or use mayonnaise.
  • 2 Teaspoons of Thai Curry paste (or use another brand)
  • 1 Teaspoon of ketchup or other tomato sauce.
  • ½ Teaspoon of paprika and a little sprinkle.
  • ½ Teaspoon of spicy mustard.
  • ¼ Teaspoon Sriracha or other hot and spicy chilli sauce.
  • A little sprinkle of salt to taste.
  • Paprika for sprinkling.
  • 1 Spring onion or some green gelatin.

And to prepare them.

Hard boils some eggs. Cool and then peel. Slice them in half down the middle and carefully remove the yolks into a small bowl. If you cooked them right the yolks will be hard but not gooey. Mash up the yolks with the ingredients so it's palpable and can be added to a pipe bag and squeezed out or carefully mold the mix into one of the sliced egg halves and use a knife or cocktail stick to add some brain like lines. Gently brush it with a wet brush or spray it with fine water mist to make it wet and then sprinkle over some paprika for added blood like effect. Cut a spring onion or use some green gelatin for the pumpkins stem part to complete the look.

Hopefully if you've done this right, you will have made Thai-Spiced Deviled Pumpkin Eggs that look like the ones above. You can't go wrong!

Happy Halloween!


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We don't celebrate Halloween quite like other countries, it is not big here really. Yes you see a few people mentioning it, but not much.

That said my hubby would love those little eggs for sure. They look like they would be a huge hit at a family braai (barbeque) too!

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When I was a little child, and I went trick or treating, my mother was always present. Whenever we knocked on the door, and if they were handing out wrapped foods that were premade my mother would tell us to accept them, and then she had bag that we will basically toss them into. My mother wouldn't allow for us to eat any premade goodies with the fear that it was poisoned, or contained razor blades.

When my mother was trick or treating when she was younger, she was given an apple. Before she was about to bite into it, she had the thought to actually cut the apple in half, and when she did she found that the apple actually contained small razor blades in it. This is mostly the reason why my mother would never allow us to accept any wrapped goodies that were foods, and not candy. We also were never allowed to eat any candy that was wrapped on the ends like Tootsie rolls.

When I was younger I really didn't understand this, and would get quite upset but now that I am older I realize that this was a preventative measure just in case the candies were tampered with. The world is a scary place. Be safe on Halloween!

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This looks good! The ingredients and instructions are easy and the presentation is fantastic. Thanks for this recipe. It's perfect for this coming Halloween. These Thai-Spiced Deviled Pumpkin Eggs Will Are A Great Halloween Treat for Bad Tricks

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I don't celebrate Halloween because I don't belong to Christain culture. The Christain population is so low (just about 3-4 percent) in the country that I hardly know any Christians in my home country. However, the world wide web has taught me so many thinks. The internet has made me a tolerant man because I have taken interest in different faiths and religions.
I think this is a great treat, not just during Haloween, but also for all occasions. I enjoy cooking and trying a new dish. I hope I can recreate this treat.

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Halloween and Thai-spiced eggs?

Wow, that's quite a combination! I have lived in Thailand for more than 20 years and never noticed that Halloween is a big event for the Thais. Christmas, yes. New Year, too. Well, the Thais celebrate January 1st as their New Year, too, although the traditional Thai New Year is actually Songkran, the famous water festival in April.

Just curious. Are this Thai-spiced eggs really spicy? I remember that Thais have a very high tolerance for spiciness. Their somtam, Thai Spicy Salad, is made with a handful of prik khi noo, the small, super spicy chillies.

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