
Does your family earn money with an arts and crafts business?

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Does your family earn money with an arts and crafts business?

Most of my family is artistic, doing some kind of arts or crafts.

My dad is an oil painter and mix media artist, specializing mostly in portrait painting, but also scenery and has sold portrait paintings locally via his network of friends and coworkers (before he was retired). And, now he creates digital art, which I'm hoping to put on T-shirts for sale.

His success inspired me to do the same.

I'd love to offer some of my hand-crocheted items online at a Marketplace for arts and crafts. Crochet is one of my favorite pastimes and a good stress reliever and would be such a cool way to earn money in my spare time.

I like the idea of selling handcrafted items online as it's so much easier reaching a diverse targeted audience of people who really want to see what you have to offer.

My experience at selling locally (such as at fairs) was hit and miss as the crowd was not always looking for the exact thing that I had to offer. Offering these same products online would just be easier than going to a fair and sitting all day, hoping for one or two sales.

I'm so enthusiastic about the idea of selling handcrafted items online that I've even encouraged my daughter to pursue her own passion which is illustration.

She creates interesting drawings of game characters, such as the ones from Five Nights at Freddy's games. In time, I'm hopeful she can have a little shop of her own in the Marketplace to sell prints or T-shirts showcasing her own unique artwork.

Does your family have an arts and crafts business or earn money by selling their hand-crafted work?


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My brother is an artist he cant paint and draw. I often try and sell his handkerchiefs online and in yard sales for $3 to 5 bucks. My nephew can draw as well they are talented in that way. Other than that we really have no real crafty people on our family, i cant draw to save my life. I think selling your homemade products online on sites like Etsy is a great idea. The only thing i would do if you have something original is to get a patent, make sure your work is safe. You can start selling it and risk someone stealing your idea and get the patent once you start selling but you just have to hope someone hasn't done it already or at around the same time as you. I have been in the t shirt business before and i always got my t shirts from They are the highest quality and lowest price. If you find a better one please let me know lol! What kind of shirts will you be doing scree print or silk screen?

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My mother paints for us but never sold anything except for macrame type of items, she is quite good at it. She doesn't have the time this kind of stuff anymore.

Except her, I don't know about anyone in my family that is capable of doing hand-crafted work no to mention selling the stuff once made.

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Maybe you should be the one to break that! Making stuff is easy and if you have the time it can be very fun. Thanks for sharing

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my brother is very good with artistic work and he does most of the art work for my location exhibitions but unfortunately he has never sold it.he prefers to do all the paintings for free and as a hobby.

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Oh I love making crochet things. I have some beautiful books that I borrowed from my mom and that I got from my gran too when she passed away many years ago.

I used to make all sorts of things for myself but now that I have kids and I really want to make some of the cute things there is just no time! I actually gave all my wool and books to my mother in law and she makes things for my kids LOL.

I have never sold anything I made, I just did it for fun for myself and on a few occasions I made gifts for people close to me

Something that I really enjoyed but I have not done for years is lace making. It was so much fun to learn that, you should give it a go Beverly! If you love crochet you will probably enjoy lace making. I only ever made bookmarks though lol.

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No, because there's no artist in our family.
Most of my relatives are farmers and medical professionals, no one love crafts, there are some but
their expertise are painting.

I do appreciate arts and crafts, but unfortunately not passion to have a business like this.

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There is no artist in our family so we do not earn anything from it. The only thing we can about arts is to watch it and be amazed. When i was i child i am fund of drawing any kind of things that comes in my mind but when i grew up my interest to it has gone. All i do now is to idolize some painters or artist in their amazing work.

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Actually in our family arts and crafts is not the main source of income in our household we depend on a restaurant that we had. but i tried selling crafts and arts through online like our school requires us to make a crafts of mug so i created my own using porcelain and after my teacher check my project i try it to sell online and luckily someone likes my mug design and she bought it for 5 dollars i know it is not that much but i can feel that i have a talent in crafting so maybe in the near future i will try to make more of it.

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My sister is very good at crafting. About two years back she started making D.I.Y decorative items and she received so many praises that she started selling them. To be honest it was very difficult for her to actually sell the products in the beginning. Advertising is what actually helped her to increase her sales. She even sells online now. This is her side business.

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It depends on what area you live in if you're going to sell offline. Some people don't appreciate or aren't into 'art' that much. If you sell online then you should do quite well. You just have to get your work out there and the customers will line up quite quickly. From all over the country or all over the world - depending on how far and wide you want to cast your net.

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