
Do you use a harness or a collar for your dog?

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Do you use a harness or a collar for your dog?

Some of us have dogs and i am sure we all walk them on a daily basis or let them run around in the yard. Our dogs are very important in fact they are members of our family. Its important to know which product is safest for your dog.Today im going to be explaining the difference of a collar and a harness, and which you should use and why.

The collar is very traditional and many people still use this today. It is very cheap and for the most part comfortable on your dog, that is until you walk him or her. You ever notice people walking their dog and then pulling them back choking them by the collar? Have you ever seen a dog easily get a collar off? I have in fact some dogs are great at getting them of. Collar choke, and could possibly damage a dogs throat over time. I never recommend this for your pet no matter the age.

The Harness is the ideal choice and im going to explain why. When you walk your dog and you pull on the leash you will not be choking the dog rather lifting him or her by the chest avoiding the choke movement. Dogs will often pull less when in a harness because they know their front legs will be lifted off of the ground if they do so. Unlike a collar a harness will not cause any damage to the throat. They are a little more expensive but healthier for your companion.

As always thank you for reading please don't forget to follow me.


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Absolutely no problem Ermini2. if you have any questions please let me know. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Have a Nice Day

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Our neighbors have a really nice sized pitbull female dog on a dog collar (i guess it's a choke collar) and a long chain and this poor thing runs at her chain a lot of times yelping and barking at passing people and cars. And, when she hits the end of the chain it just jerks her back and she cries so pitifully. I worry what will happen to this dog if animal control comes out to take her as Georgia has kill shelters. Very little humanity in that. I think the dog is loved, or at least I see the family out there around the dog on occasion. I just wish they would find a more humane way to restrain her. Anyway, I don't think the chain/collar works too well for her as the dog owner/neighbor is always on the street looking for his missing dog. So I guess that kind of restraint is not so effective. Maybe as you said a harness would work better for such a big dog. And, less painful on her too.

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aww ,that poor dog! i agree she would probably be alot happier with a harness.

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Wow this is very sad to here. Unfortunately this kind of collar is very popular amongst people who fight dogs or train their dogs to protect the house. They are suppose to be used only when walking the dog and its suppose to be used as a anti pulling kind of thing. Im not saying i like this collar or condoning its use but having one on a dog thats on a run tied up is just messed up. They are misusing this collar and im sure if the animal control came they would be fined and the dog would be removed. Harness's lift the dog my the chest which keeps all the weight off of the neck she should really be on that especially if she is running to the end of the run and getting pulled back. Thanks for sharing Beverly, i appreciate your time.

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Yes, she runs full speed at it and is pulled back very hard. I guess she is the house protection/guard dog. And very vocal most times at anyone passing by.

If I'm not mistaken, the neighbors who lived at that same house before had animal control called on them. The animal control officer came walking around the side of the house holding a puppy in her arms (and inspecting his mouth and neck) and said it was on a choke chain - she was very upset and understandably so. I did not mean to pry but she was talking so loud that I could hear her into my livingroom and so I peeked out and she was upset the puppy didn't have a shelter and was kept on the back porch (full on sun shade, no covering, no patio) and she was talking about how would it survive in those conditions. I guess she gave him a citation or something and said if they caught it again, jail time. They took the puppy away and I hope he got a good home. Those people moved about a week later. And, I bet they are doing the same thing at their new house. I think it's like you said, they were raising the puppy for fighting or home protection or something nefarious. :/ I find it very ironic and a little suspicious that two neighbors in a row would have the same dog issues.

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Yes that is pretty crazy. Maybe the house is making people crazy! They are lucky i am not an animal cop and it was not me who showed up. I would have asked him how would he like it if i chained him up to the collar. I get a little upset abut this my dogs are like kids to me and i would never doing anything like that to them. Thanks for sharing!

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Just bought a little puppy hone which we named already molly and she moved around on a collar but with this eye opening post,would get her a harness. I think it much note better than collar.

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jkeyz, thanks for this very informative topic on collars versus harnesses for dogs!

With a new puppy at home, this makes it alot easier to make a decision on what is better for the new pup! Thanks again for sharing!!

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No problem at all Ermini, im glad im able to help.

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I haven't had my own dog as an adult but we did have dogs all the time growing up.

I can certainly see why a harness might be better than a collar when you are walking your dog! We had a Labrador and they are very boisterous and energetic dogs. They were always pulling on their leads and yes this caused them to have like a choking effect with the collar.

I think when I get a dog one day I will get a harness for my dog.

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Lynne thank you for saying that it makes me feel good about writing this topic. The reason i took the tome to write this was because i wanted to help people make a decision based on what is best for the dog. Dogs cant talk so we have no idea what is going on. Sometimes its obvious people yanking the dog back but sometimes what you think is normal may be uncomfortable to our pets. Although our canine friends are very intelligent and express emotions and feelings the same way we do, it is impossible to know everything. We have to make the correct choice from the start and give our pets a long healthy life. Thanks for sharing Lynne.

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My dog has used both of them. The collar was used when he was a puppy and he was on training. His trainer said the collar give dogs a bad feeling when you pull it, so whenever the dog does something wrong, you use the collar to let him know he made a mistake, and when he is right, you give him a reward. Once he was completely trained, we moved forward with the harness, he already knows what to do, so you won't need to pull him with the collar. So far, he is going out for a walk with the harness, and when we go to a strange environment, or strangers come to our house, we use the collar, so he can learn what is right or wrong on the new situation.

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Yes. And it adds cuteness to my dog. she logs gorgeous and pretty with it. the harness also helps me when we are outside the house. But we should be careful not to pull it too hard because it may hurt them.

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yes, i used to have a collar for my dog for her protection also, her skin may get irritated by rubbing the chain while playing or might choke her. Collar also add fashion or cuteness factor, looking our dogs adorable.

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I always cringe whenever I see dogs straining against a collar. it's like they're suffocating themselves by straining against something noosed around their necks. For my dogs, I only use harnesses and will never put a collar on them because they love to run and strain against the lead. Not only do I feel that a harness secures my dogs better than a collar, it definitely looks more comfortable.

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I would really want all Dogs to be in a harness not a collar. My pet have died because of that. Nobody's home that time and my dog was left alone in the house. Unfortunately my mom forgot to release her in her collars. Then there was thunder and lightning. My dog wants to get away from the chain I believe and wants to hide somewhere but she accidentally fell of the stairs and was hanged. It was really a tragic accident that I can never forget for the rest of my life. If it would've been a harness, My dog would still be alive now.

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Collars are never advisable for dogs, be it shock collars or ordinary ones it's definitely harmful to the dog in one way or another. Some dogs can be so stubborn that they would drag and drag because they feel uncomfortable with the collar on and end up hurting itself.

Leash is best suited for me when it comes to taking my dog for a walk. It would even encourage it's movement and not endanger the dog in any possible unlike the use of collars would. It's always better to look out for the best interest of one's pets because having to lose one out of carelessness is very painful.

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Two years ago there was an accident, a man had a dog and took him out in the park without a lease or a harness, the dog bites a child of its face, it mutilated the kid face, The dog was killed in the end but the harm was already done. Since I saw that news on television, I always keep my dog in a lease when I am taking him out.
When we are at home I let him free in our yard!

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I never tried a collar or harness for my dog because it is a guard in our house so he must be able to run around the house in case their are thiefs but if i will try one of it i prefer to choose harness for the safety and comfortability of my dog. I do not want to hurt my dog in fact i built a mini house for him in case of bad climate condition. Most of pet owner here in the Philippines tie their dogs with collar for the safety of strangers and financial reasons but if you really do care of your dogs you buy everything that could make them healthy in living and avoid hurting our best friend.

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I never tried a collar or harness for my dog because it is a guard in our house so he must be able to run around the house in case their are thiefs but if i will try one of it i prefer to choose harness for the safety and comfortability of my dog. I do not want to hurt my dog in fact i built a mini house for him in case of bad climate condition. Most of pet owner here in the Philippines tie their dogs with collar for the safety of strangers and financial reasons but if you really do care of your dogs buy everything that could make them healthy in living and avoid hurting our best friend.

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Both have a pros and cons depending on the used on there dogs, like a harness can stop your dog from choking itself when he/she attacked someone and also these harness are not just for any other dogs but also very suitable for puppies. They wouldn't be lost or get away with their owner even if it's too crowded.

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