
Decision made on my eBook - stories from my active addiction daye

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Decision made on my eBook - stories from my active addiction daye

Wow, thank you for the amazing support from everyone here when I posted about wanting to write eBooks about addiction.

I was struggling to come up with an idea of where to start and what to share in my first eBook and after reading through all the responses to that discussion I have decided to start with sharing stories from my using days.

Then people can get quite an accurate picture of how serious, dangerous and scary addiction can be.

I have started writing already so I am really excited. The truth is that I have been wanting to start this eBook for a few years but I never knew where to start and I didn't know where to sell it... everything has just come together so beautifully now!

Thank you!


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yay! im happy that all of our suggestions and feedback have helped you to figure out exactly what you want to include in your ebook! addiction is so scarey and too popular. i have not suffered from addiction but knowway too many people that suffer every day.

i think an ebook about you and your struggles is such a great idea and will help so many people, not just addicts but their families!
Way to go Lynne and i wish you nothing but the best on your new endeavor!

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Thank you! I have already written the first section now so I am quite excited and I have asked a few people for feedback before I carry on. I want to make sure I am heading in the right direction first before I continue.

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you're welcome! and thats so exciting that you have started already. i cant wait to hear all about it

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Thanks! It is flying along. I can't believe it, I have written 7000 words already! Ok rough draft only but it is getting there.

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I'm glad you made your decision Lynne. This is the first stepping stone. I just replied in the other topic but it seems like you decided to do things differently than what I suggested in my reply. However, it's your life and your decisions to make so I won't blame you or anything like that, but I would still suggest that you wrote your biography like I stated in my other reply. The reason I would prefer that, is so I got to know you better. And I would probably also find out the real reason you started to use drugs in the first place. And that's what I would look for before I would want to hear a story about the actual addiction.

When I, as a reader, felt like I knew you in person, then I would want to hear your story, as long as you would be comfortable sharing it. - Why did all of this happen? - Why did you do all of this and that?

I would personally just prefer to hear the background story before anything else, as these sort of things are indeed dangerous and scary.

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Oh my gosh Andre the real reason I started using drugs? That is a simple answer actually. It is who I am. I was born an addict and that is what I believe.

What triggered it is another story, one that is quite sad and dark. I have already written a blog post about that and done a Youtube video!

I have never shared any of my stories from active addiction though so I wanted to do something new and exciting that my blog readers would be interested in buying.

Thanks for sharing your suggestion though, I will make a note of that and maybe I can incorporate it somehow into my eBook. There is really just two major events that happened that were very traumatic that sparked me off into addiction.

I actually started off with cutting.

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Then, that's the story I would want to read. For me it's all about the why and how. That's the things that keep me interested. I want to be part of a journey when I'm reading something personal. I'm that kind of person who put myself into the situation, so I want to be "there" so to speak. I want to feel the things the author feels or at least feel like I'm there. - That's what would keep me interested and that's the reason I'd follow and read every single piece of information presented to me.

And you mentioned cutting. How about an ebook about that too? From this to that.

Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck!

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Andre, the cutting has all been done on my website too... I have taken what you have said into consideration and added some introduction bits in the beginning and given links to my website for more information on those topics.

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I think this is awesome. Addiction is one of the biggest problems society faces today. When putting together an ebook it is recommended that you write about something that will give people information and solve their problems. If you have been through it yourself, you are the best person to write this ebook. Also come up with a marketing plan or get affiliates to make sure that your ebook sells. Good Luck!

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