
How I got clean from drugs and alcohol - busy working on my next eBook

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How I got clean from drugs and alcohol - busy working on my next eBook

I am so pleasantly surprised with not only the sales of my first eBook which shares stories from my active addiction but also with the great feedback I was given.

It really is inspiring for me to keep on writing more! That said I am busy with planning out my next eBook which is going to share the next step in my journey.

I will be sharing stories from the year 2008, which is the year I got clean. I got clean on the 02 August 2008 but that whole year was part of the rocky journey breaking through my denial and lead me on the path to getting clean.

By 06 December 2008 I left secondary care treatment for drugs and alcohol and went into tertiary care, the first step of integrating back into normal society!

I hope I will to finish this eBook soon since I already have feedback from some of my readers that are wanting that eBook asap! WOW!


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Good luck Lynne, I wish you'll have tons of success with your second ebook, or should I say part 2 of your ebook too! - And I definitely hope that tons of people will buy all of them, you deserve it! - Keep up the great work!

By the way, you should totally do a "package deal" too, as soon as you're ready to publish it! - 1 for $15 and 2 for $27 or something like that. Well, you know what I mean. How I got clean from drugs and alcohol - busy working on my next eBook - And obviously a package that includes all three ebooks! (When you're finished with the third one.)

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OH yes, thanks for the tips. I was thinking there might be some way to do it but couldn't come up with any ideas. This will work absolutely perfectly! Nice one How I got clean from drugs and alcohol - busy working on my next eBook

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thats so great lynne!!! package deal sounds like a super good idea too Lynne! wish you the best of luck! .

i smoked cigarettes for 8 years before i finally quit after many failed attempts. when my family and i moved to NH, 4 years ago, was when i made my final decision to quit! my daughter was getting older and talking more and asking questions, and I just didnt want her to be subjected to that. so literally one day I just stopped, cold replacement, no nicotene patches or gum. i was definitely not an easy person to be around but eventually, i felt so much better, i wasnt getting bronchitis anymore....EVER and i could breath so much better! best decision i ever made.

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Well done on quitting the smoking Ermini2, nicotine addiction is hectic and really difficult to get over.

I was also not the happiest, nicest person to be around either but that goes with the process. My hubby quit smoking cigarettes at the same time as me, but he then got hooked on the nicotine gum for about 2 weeks. He was starting to pop like 3 gums in at a time and he was chewing in bed right by my ear (eewwww).

Then he started vaping and he is now hooked on the vape while I one year off of all nicotine. I truly believe that cold turkey is the way!

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oh wow! thats awesome, good for you Lynne!

and yes nicotine is so very hard to shake....i tried multiple times when i was younger to quit. it just never worked for me. the only time i was really able to stop was when i was pregnant with my first, i quit the whole 9 months and was doing good for the first couole of weeks after but then i started up again and was smoking like crazy. then like i said she started growing up and i was like yea i have to stop. and i havent touched one since then!

be careful with those vapes and electeonic cigarettes because they are known for blowing up and hurting people!

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Yes I think they are probably more dangerous than cigarettes. It is still packed with nicotine and you are still breathing all that rubbish into your lungs!

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Seems like you're doing something right! I was never successful in selling eBooks on any platform sadly, so I get just a tad bit jealous when others have success in things I wasn't able to have success in.. LOL. Perhaps the niche I picked wasn't right for me, or maybe the time was off.

It's very great that you are willing to share you addiction story, as many addicts try to hide it from others, and don't want people to know that they were once or are an addict. It must feel very great in knowing that others are either an addict or were once an addict but want to get or stay clean and read materials that are available to them.

I would probably be a recluse and not want others to know of my addictions, however the only addictions I have are nicotine and caffeine. However, the past 2 to 3 weeks I have been cutting back on my caffeine as it feels that my body doesn't want nor need the amount I was consuming before which was about 2 to 4 cups a day. This is very great in my own journey to cut off caffeine completely! The next giant leap will be to stop all nicotine products, cigarettes and electronic cigarettes. How I got clean from drugs and alcohol - busy working on my next eBook

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Everett I quit smoking last year 01 October and I can tell you right now that it is tough to do! I hope that you mange to quit, it is doable but very hard. I actually blogged about my entire experience on my website from the moment I decided to quit nicotine until it was 6 months after I had quit and I shared the steps I took to get there.

I still have a coffee problem and a coca cola problem. I will be getting to quitting those too at some stage. One thing at a time How I got clean from drugs and alcohol - busy working on my next eBook

I am enjoying writing the eBooks, it is quite liberating to just do it and share all these things!

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Yes, I have quit before for about 2 to 3 weeks, and just somehow managed to start again. I started mindlessly. You know you do actions that are related to the addiction, and your brain makes you do actions because it is used to it. So one day I was in the gas station buying some coffee, and you know what I asked for a pack of cigarettes. I stopped smoking! I considered myself to not even be a smoker any longer. I even had them give me some matches, why?! Before you know it, the cigarette was lit, and I was inhaling the toxic smoke.

It never occurred to me that I didn't want to smoke any longer, it was just repetition of my usual actions. However, as soon as I was finished smoking, it dawned on me that I was not suppose to be smoking that cigarette and that was supposed to be smoke free since I had quit. It was a confusing time, and a disappointing time all at once.

So, this is one tip I would say, switch things up after you knock a habit, don't fall into the same actions as you did whilst addicted to something or otherwise you'll start again. How I got clean from drugs and alcohol - busy working on my next eBook

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I know exactly what you mean! Every time I went shopping I would buy cigarettes, it was like second nature to ask for cigarettes at the counter of any and every shop I went to. I nearly bought cigarettes by accident on numerous occasions after quitting smoking LOL

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Nice to read that you were able to quit such addiction,It never an easy thing to abandon smoking and drinking because I have a friend that have indulge in this habit for over 20 years and have attempted to stop smoking for over 5 times but still goes back to it after a while.This will be very encouraging to others.

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Lynne word of mouth is the best marketing that you can have and im glad people are talking about your book. You are really creating a buzz around it and its exciting to see it unfold. I think to boost sales and to create a buzz on your second e-book you should offer a 10% discount for everyone who preorders it. What a great way to make money before the work is even done. I would also offer some sort of discount for the people who have purchased the first one. Im sure you have thought of all this because your a good business women. I use to smoke cigarettes for years since i was 15 until the age of 22. I quit cold turkey and i never looked back, they say most people cannot do that. Some even say that smoking is harder to kick than heroin. Either way im glad that you are impacting lives like i thought you would.

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Wow, I'm very happy for you, would like to read your eBook, even though am not a consumer of such, i just don't have a thing for alcohol or drugs, i rather smoke my fart than puff these substances down my body. am glad you stopped the addiction, because i know what it takes to stop such. looking forward to your eBook, to gather some knowledge.

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When it comes to writing a book, personal experience has more importance than your erudition. You may write about something you have experienced or something you have knowledge about, however, people will like your experience book more than your book illustrating your knowledge. When you write about your personal experience, people will identify you.
I am sure you will have a great success on this ebook.

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Hi Lynne consider it as a second chance of your life and i just want you to congratulate that you overcome those alcohol and drug addiction. I am very happy that the reason is writing Ebooks which is very interesting to hear. Converting your addiction to something which is helpful and influential to others. Keep up your good work and god will always guide you for all journey in your life. Do not make a mess with your life friend because this will only destroy your humanity. You are an inspiration to many people like me. God bless you as always friend.

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It is not always easy to share about your personal life but still you did it and that's a very good thing. I have not read your first book but I am sure that there is so much to learn from your story. This must have been a good book as you received many positive reviews. Good luck with your second book.

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This is good news and content. It's always terrific to hear stories of people who have beat addiction and come out clean on the other side. To have a positive and productive life and future. Especially two of the most powerful addictions of them all, drugs and alcohol. Not an east feat to beat one of them alone, much less both. But you did it, well done.

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A very big congratulations to you. Seems like your book can inspire everyone who is suffering for such kind of addiction so good luck to your career.

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I pay you all my respects for what you have done, a great book that I am sure will help someone in this world, congratulations and keep up the great work!

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Hey, OP! I have a question for you. As far as you have this kind of experience, I guess you can help me with that. My bro got clean not so long ago. He was a drug addict. Right now he has a lot of health problems and the doctor told us that CBD can help. But there is one problem: there is not too much CBD products without THC, and THC is a drug. The only CBD product free from THC I've found is Europe produced CBD gummies my uncle uses. But I still have concerns. I've heard that CBD is not a drug, but can consumption of CBD make my bro break down and start taking drugs again? What do you think about it?

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Can you tell me what remedies will help with the irritation and tension?

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Will someone answer me?

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I work in a life-threatening job and have to deal with a lot of stress every day, and on top of that, I'm giving up drinking, which is killing me ultimately. I get depressed a lot, and I don't want to live. But recently, a friend of mine advised me of full-spectrum CBD oil, with the help of which I was able to feel relief and restore my energy for the first time. Now I feel much better, and I am very grateful to my friend for this advice.

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This is a very remarkable story. I read it and was inspired by it...Now I have come across studies that have found that alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of cancer of the oral cavity, liver, colon, and rectum. The risk increases as your drinking experience increases. On the other hand, sever?l studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption reduces the likelihood of heart attacks. The risk of stroke, diabetes, and mortality may increase slightly if you give up alcohol - provided that you drank little before you quit. But even if you follow the advice of about how to be sober more often, you can notice a sharp improvement in health and avoid the occurrence of serious diseases.

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