
Excessive barking; whats the best solution?

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Excessive barking; whats the best solution?

So my little 4 month old pup, likes to bark alot when she is on her run outside. Im assuming she doesnt want to be alone, but I mean I cant stay out there with her all the time! We have tried just ignoring her but it doesnt matter, she will still bark! LOL

My husband and I have looked into different training methods, our options for caging, and even shock collars.

As far as cages, i dont know, she is really big already and i feel like she would outgrow it so quick it would be a waste.

I think, we have tried everything as far as training besides sending her off to a training camp!

And shock collars are safe from what i have read, it is certainly enough to get your dog’s attention and deter certain behaviors, it won’t do any lasting physical harm. but im not sure im ok with this either.

such a hard decision to make! help us out!!


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I hate shock collars but sometimes just like a spanking with kids they are needed. Bailey barks alot but i don't think we will need to shock her. I have worn and tested these types of collars on my self. What did i find? Well first off when i got shocked it hurt like hell. The second thing was that i did not expect it to be so strong, when we purchased a shock collar for our other dog they told me its no more than a static shock feeling. That could not be further from the truth. Im 150 pounds and that collar shocked the crap out of me on the lowest setting. This was designed for a 10 pound dog, needless to say we didn't use it very long and Price still barks whenever he wants lol. Thanks for sharing!

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Good for you trying it out so you actually know for a fact what it does. Damn that is scary!

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You dog is still so young, just a baby! Yes I agree you can't sit outside with her all the time but she probably needs more attention than she is getting and I think the more you put in now while she is a baby the better.

We've had a few Labradors and they are highly energetic dogs that really love interaction, especially when they are young.

I don't believe shock collars are very humane and I am sure that it would cause lasting damage, maybe not physically as such but certainly mentally and emotionally.

I understand things are tough when you get a puppy, it's like having a baby in the house right? I would treat your puppy like a baby,with love and attention, and teaching in loving ways.

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it totally is like having another baby, especially when we first got her!

yea youre right about the shock collar, i didnt think of it in that way. thank you for pointing that out to me!

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It is a pleasure and yeah I know it is a pain in the ass... those dogs are so energetic and demanding. But before you know it you will have an obedient and loyal pet that adores the ground you walk on...

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Some dogs are just like that they bark unnecessarily and excessively,sometimes you become helpless.This is the exact problem with our dogs.will learn from this thread the bear solutions.

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hahaha he sure does. and i cant believe you tried that thing on yourself. you're crazy!

i agree, i dont think a shock collar is the right way to go. a light spank and some reinforcement should do the trick! thanks for your input jkeyz, much appreciated!

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We have to treat them like our kids!They want to sleep with us and eat our food.

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In my opinion you need to Teach the dog commands. Teach your dog to bark (and to stop barking) on command. Train dogs to “speak,” bark on command, and then train it to be “quiet,” to stop barking. Do not reward barking and reward when the dog is quiet.That is my problem too when i bought my first puppy.I trained her and always command to be quite.At the beginning that is a very hard to do because they always bark even they are happy.So that i trained her everyday and my attention is always in her.I buy her a chew toys so that his focus is in the toys.Many puppy's a afraid of many people so you need to trained her and walk in her into the place where so many people.I hope i give you a good solution

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In my opinion, shock collars aren't the best way to control your dog from excessive barking. I have read that most dogs bark out of anxiety and fear, especially being in an uncomfortable zone or with a stranger. But I think dogs are very sensitive and learn very quickly. They can understand your reasons for doing some certain things and in such regards, I believe it's best to bring them up like we do our kids.

Getting a cane for an excessive barking dog will definitely serve as a good deterrence to that stubborn dog. Once it barks at will without any cause for doing so, flog it. Believe, the dog would take some time before understanding the reason for doing so and once it master it, you would hardly hear a bark from such dog again but be ready as it would make it more of a mean dog, when it doesn't bark they tend to be more hostile and aggressive.

Personally, I don't like a dog that bark too much or even bark all. If it's possible to get mine not to bark at all, I would love it better. Lol.

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Find something that your dog likes, maybe an animal toy, a ball, or a bone....something to give to your dog and make him play a lot, in this way, I am sure it will forget about barking and it will forget about you.
All that your dog wants is attention and love, that is why he barks all the time!

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I have kind of the same issue with my sis's dog, he really barks a lot, sometimes I feel the sound gets on my head. We tried some lessons with a private trainer, but he told us it also depends on the breed, this one is a Yorkshire and apparently is their nature to be barking all day. We have try some tips we found online, like getting him distracted, or using collars and special wrapped jackets, but so far it hasn't work out well. Any suggestion will be appreciated, wish that I could make him bark a little bit less.

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It is normal that your puppy bark and he just show how lovely it is. He just want to be at your side and i know not all the time you can comfort your puppy. Maybe training can help them to teach something which may change them. There are dogs also that born with an attitude like that. They are born in that way so there is no need to change them. If they bark most of the time then we can't do anything but to accept their attitude.

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