
Human teeth manufactured jewelry is now a thing

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Human teeth manufactured jewelry is now a thing

Apparently, it is now a thing to create jewelry made from human teeth. First of all, the whole sounds pretty grotesque, doesn't it?

Well maybe, but giving the fact this can be an alternative to using animal based ivory the idea itself somehow starts being logical.

The final product looks and resembles pearls:
Human teeth manufactured jewelry is now a thing

If I would be to guess, I would never have said they were made from human teeth.
Where are all these teeth coming from? Well apparently from the dentist, especially wisdom teeth who are generally in good shape when being removed and have no real role in the actual chewing process.

So there you have it, you can now transform your own teeth into jewelry, would you do it?


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oh my gosh! that is so weird! and i probably would never do this.

exactly where do these teeth come from, its totally crazy to think that she is most likely wearing someone elses teeth on her ears. so weird...hahaha thanks for sharing though!

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Yes! Some of the teeth are hers probably but then again she has so many that it can't possibly be all from her.
I bet there are enough weird people out there and some of then would really dig having such jewelry and even more scary, where some death relative's teeth.

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I would have to say no. This is probably the most nasty thing i have seen in awhile. Actually probably since Mike posted the poop mail carrier service. These are the dirtiest pearls i have ever seen lol! Why would anyone want some ones teeth hanging from your ears or rubbing against your face. People say the mouth is the dirtiest place in a human body i don't think teeth are an exception to this. I noticed that you didn't really discuss what you would do Cristian. What would you do would you pay for and wear human teeth? I think people will do anything now a days to make a quick buck. Whats the price on a teeth necklace anyway? I may get fakes and extract all my teeth and sell them for top dollar on eBay.

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That is interesting, what I want to know is do the patients that the wisdom teeth came from know that their teeth are being used as jewelery? Because if I had a tooth pulled and the dentist gave my tooth to someone or sold it then I would feel a little violated. I'm not sure why but it just feels a little creepy that someone would be using my body part to decorate themselves without my knowledge or consent.

That said I it is a much better option than ivory jewelery, so why not?

If someone asked me for my teeth if I have them taken out I guess I don't need them so I would probably say fine.

There was a discussion a while back about selling your hair to make money. Or even selling other people's hair, being the "middle man" for dealing in hair.

I wonder if the market is big enough to make money doing this? You know let people know that you will buy their teeth for a certain amount and then you sell it on to someone that makes jewelry from teeth?

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I don't think the market is big enough for manufacturers to actually buy teeth for making jewelry, but maybe you can get a discount at the dentist, haha, I would totally give away my removed teeth for a discount!

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Wow! I have to admit that I would never have imagined such a thing, nor would I have guessed from the photo that those pearl-like beads were actually made from jewelry. While I can't imagine myself ever choosing to wear such a thing, I acknowledge that everyone is different and there very well could be people out there who wouldn't mind or might even enjoy wearing such unique jewelry. I do rather believe in reusing whatever we can and repurposing things rather than adding more waste to our planet. So, this is a rather ingenious repurpose of something that I suppose wouldn't otherwise be used for anything.

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i definitely never do that human teeth its kinda weird at all. i will never eve try that thing it would be so akward or kinda goosebumps wearing all those teeth even thou its already circle. i would rather wear a ivory jewelry than human teeth.

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Even though I am not in the jewelry business, I will never consider creating jewelry items from human teeth. When I know a certain jewelry is actually made from human teeth, I will never buy it. I am against using human parts. If you are allowing human teeth as a jewelry item, someday people will start using human bones to create jewelry, and this is grotesque. Why don't you use animal bones and teeth instead? In my home country, jewelry made from animal bones (generally from domesticated animals) are very popular.

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LOL. Now I am thinking of the things we did to the animals. They would, too, have the same reaction if those elephants made an earring made of their own tusks. Or maybe it would be better for them to wear something not their own but rather made in human skeletons. LOL. Weird things we do

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There are some lifestyle that seem too crazy for me that I can't really imagine myself getting involved in such but it's very obvious that most people are now taking such route. Their reason for such unwarranted lifestyle seems to useless in most cases. Some would say it's just to fit in well in their society, some just to follow the new trend while some happens to do so because it's clearly associated with their line of work.

For crying out loud, why would I wish to turn my teeth into jewelry? Does it mean I no longer have any plans of eating again? If you look at these my question, you would clearly conceive that engaging in teeth jewelry is never going to happen me. I prefer my natural teeth as they grew themselves and I am not willing to part with them anytime soon.

Although it is mostly musicians that I see taking to converting all their teeth into jewelry and I sometimes don't really blame because the amount of money that they make in a record label, they seem not to know what to do with such money which thereby makes them lead all sorts of stupid life.

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Bad idea. Especially if the teeth come from a deceased person. I can imagine what kind of bad spirit energy that would stir up. It's also quite gross to think you're wearing trinkets made of human teeth. This sounds like something some twisted warlord from the old medieval days would do to brag about conquering his enemies.

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I don't think this would sell well if those customers found out that it's been made of human teeth. Of course, no one would want to wear it as a jewelry. Jewelry is an accessory that you can show off to other people with confidence. Imagine if someone asks you where it's been made of? I'm sure that you're not confident to tell them the truth. Human teeth manufactured jewelry is now a thing

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This is the first time that I am hearing about this. I can't imagine myself wearing jewelry made out of human teeth. The next time that I go to the dentist I will take my tooth back home. I don't like this idea. It is disgusting actually. There are no dearth of resources on this planet. So why choose human teeth!

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This is also my first time hearing this kind of thing that you can make and wear it as a jewelry. And for me it's kinda cool and weird at the same time, like people would be probably shocked when they found out that this thing is made out of a human teeth. Not gonna lie this is actually a great prank gift for my mom. haha

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This is super gross! Why would you wear human teeth around your neck?on your ears?around your wrist?Whose teeth are these anyways? They may belong to a serial killer for all you know. What's wrong with getting fake pearls? I don't mind fake pearls especially because I can use them, throw them and get new ones. This is a good excuse to always go shopping. I'm sure those human teeth are expensive. I hope they get them from dead people, with their consent!

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Well, that's sounds harsh to me a little bit. But I think jewelries made from human teeth is a creative way to make new kinds of jewelry trends. I don't know if a lot of people will like it but this idea is amazing. Human teeth is hard and not easy to destroy. So jewelries made from it are hard as the other stones like gold.

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I am not surprised, people tend to create things for anything just to make a profit. I could never wear or make a gift something made from human teeth or any part of the human body.

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I agree @wallet. How do you wear someone else's teeth. That's just horrible horrible. I can't describe how disgusted I am by this topic. Where do they get the teeth? do they get them from dead people? I'll just bet they do. why can't they just come up with fake teeth. So many people have veneers so there is no excuse.

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I think that is gross actually!!! Look, I can accept that thing in two distinct scenarios. First one is medicine related. I am talking about implants and stuff like this. A technic master is making teeth in order to make people happy with an implant. The second scenario, more unpleasant but acceptable is about grills. Those brilliant, gold, platinum, Travis, Asap, Lil Pump thing. In both cases, to get them, or in order to get them, you need a good dentist. I can recommend you because for a pretty small price you will get a very good quality and you will not even notice that you are at a dentist. Atmosphere there is very, very nice!

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I think that is gross actually!!! Look, I can accept that thing in two
distinct scenarios. First one is medicine related. I am talking about
implants and stuff like this. A technic master is making teeth in order
to make people happy with an implant. The second scenario, more
unpleasant but acceptable is about grills. Those brilliant, gold,
platinum, Travis, Asap, Lil Pump thing. In both cases, to get them, or
in order to get them, you need a good dentist. I can recommend you because for a pretty small price you will get a very good quality and
you will not even notice that you are at a dentist. Atmosphere there is
very, very nice!=

Could you tell me some more information about it? Let’s talk in PM

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