
N64 VS Other Gaming Consoles

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N64 VS Other Gaming Consoles

OK, so some of you may know that i was a huge video gamer when i was younger and throughout some of my teenage years. When i was younger, i remember having a Nintendo 64 and at the time it was the newest, best thing to have! So of course, we got Mario Kart, Ken Griffy Jr Baseball, NBA Jam, and few others that my brother liked to play. The main games i liked to play was Mario Kart, (and i always kicked BUTT!) and the Ken Griffy Jr game. So being that this system was from like 1996 the graphics were amazing and way ahead of its time and everyone had to have one of these. Mario Kart was the number 1 game to buy and play with your friends!

Now the gaming consoles are so different and tend to have alot more malfunctions than the older consoles! Cd's are used now instead of little cartridges that stick out of the systems! And the graphics on all these newer systems and games are just so crazy! Its like actually being there in person, the graphics and visuals are soo impressive! But they can get a bit much though, especially when playing a really graphic game, like 007. They can make the graphics so realistic looking it can be disturbing sometimes!!

I like to have less violent and more educational or better time consuming games in the house. My kids like to play video games too, and when i took out my old N64, they couldn't stop playing Mario Kart! Classic!!, and that's how you know its a good one, when 20 years later the game is still popular and still liked to be played!!

What is your take on the N64 compared to other gaming consoles? Did anyone have N64? If you did, what was your favorite game to play? Hope you guys enjoyed this one and as always thank you for taking the time to read!


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I have owned so many game systems in my life and im probably one of the most perfect people to answer this question. I have been playing video games since i was 6 thats over 20 years! I started out with Nintendo but i had everything including Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Sega Dream Cast, Game Cube, Nintendo 64, Play Station 1-3, Xbox to Xbox One, and a PC game system. I didn't have all of these at once but as i grew up i purchased more and more. I would say that once Nintendo was knocked off of the hill by Sony the games started to get more intense and more violent. The graphics really took off and everything started to look more real when Playstation first came out. The games became alot more involved and not as simple and arcade themed as before.

The biggest difference that took the game industry that you already mentioned is CD's. The switch was made from cartridges to CD's with Sega Dream Cast but they soon flopped after the system didn't really take off. Mario Kart is a classic and no matter where the gaming industry goes we will always have Mario, Sonic, and a few others as pioneers and gaming icons. When i had N 64 i played Golden Eye 007 and although it was a shooting game it was not nearly as bloody as call of duty. Great topic really got me going as far as thinking of video games to play.

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i had a sega genesis too and i was the best in Sonic and paperboy! such classics! =] the games have definitely have become more involved and way more complicated if you ask me! LOL i have owned a few play stations as well and i played the Sims and GTA mostly, on those systems. Ive had xbox and wii too, i have had alot of different game systems over the years! if only i had them all but sadly i do not. LOL the only one i have left as far as older consoles is the Nintendo 64, which i am happy with!

I feel like the CDs though are so much easier to break or get scratched and then that's it, there goes your $50 game. those cartridges from the older consoles, from what i can remember, they could with hold alot! LOL that's just my opinion, although I'm sure there is a way now, where if your CD does gets scratched you probably have a backup on the hard drive of the console. Technology has come a long way especially in the gaming world with graphics and visual effects and stuff, it is absolutely shocking at the things they can do with a computer! thank you for responding jkeyz!

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I'm a gaming freak, the N64 is ruggedly built.

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I love playing on old consoles. But not a lot of them are here. I loved those old 32 bit graphics and even the older bit of graphics there. It was fun to play those games. And it was indeed one good experience too. I think for most of us such games were indeed fun too. Based on the amount of console games being ported. I can tell you that it's fun to find out some of the games out there. It's fun playing them but it also makes you think of warranty.

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N64 may be my favorite console. It’s definitely the one that I consistently played for the longest. There were some really great games, one of my favorites was an obscure one called Mischief Makers. Most people have never heard of it, but it was made beautifully.

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I liked the N64 because it has the cartridge as the main format, unlike other consoles.As a great gamer, I loved it more though console was also great.I loved the games that were also launched with it at that time.Games like super mario64,pilotwings64, and saikyo habu.great games there.

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