
Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea!!

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Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea!!

Green tea is mostly found in China and India and it is known for its health benefits. Green tea is made from un-oxidized leaves and is one of the less processed types of tea and therefore contains one of the most antioxidants. The ancient Chinese and Indian cultures used green tea for medical purposes like controlling bleeding, healing wounds, aids in digestion, helps improves heart and mental health, and also helps regulate body temperature. Most recent studies have shown that green tea could potentially have positive effects on things from weight loss to liver disorders, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease! Here are a few benefits from putting green tea into your diet.

1. Helps you loss belly fat. consuming green tea increases the rate of fat burned in the body. 3 cups is the recommended servings to have per day to help increase your metabolic rate. during a study it was proven that green tea can increase the metabolism by up to 4%.

2. Prevents diabetes. the green tea help your body metabolize sugar better. the polyphenols in the green tea helps decrease blood pressure, regulate glucose in the body and reduce cholesterol levels!

3. Helps depression. depression is often from a hormonal or biochemical imbalance. the L-Theanine in green tea helps produce good brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine in your body.

4. Lowers your risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. some studies have shown that cognitive functions improve and slows down the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The high amount of antioxidents may also help to reduce the risk of dementia. most of the compounds of green tea contribute to keeping the brain running smoothly on stable glucose levels!!

I love green tea but never realized that it can do all of this and more! I hope you all enjoyed this informative discussion on green tea and its benefits! Thank you for reading!


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My father use to drink green tea and ginseng liquid. China is the source of the type of tea and the Chinese people live to be 100 on average lol! Im sure that is a high estimate but the point is they drink this tea and eat rice and they seem to be for the most part average weight and healthier than Americans. Americans are obese so many of us are overweight because of the junk we eat. I didn't know that this prevented diabetes though that for me is new. My dad thought it was like a fountain of youth or something lmao. I think its awesome that green tea does so many positive things for our body. I especially like #4 because those diseases are serious and if something so simple can prevent or help prevent them than thats just awesome. I love this discussion that you made its very beneficial on so many levels.

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thanks, jkeyz! my grandmother used to drink alot of green tea too. im not sure she knew all this about it though, i think it was more for the taste. i love the taste of green tea too and now that i know all these beneficial things, i probably will drink it more often!

although green tea doesnt make you younger and isnt the fountain of youth, it definitely is the fountain of health and can help your body in so many ways!! i agree, who thought something so accessible could help with those very sad and very declining diseases. thank you for responding jkeyz!

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I sometimes drink green tea; but I much prefer darker tea, and my favorite would be Oolong tea. The taste of green tea is fine, but the green tea has almost no color, and no matter how long I brew it, it just never looks like it is anything except weak tea. Because i know how beneficial green tea is supposed to be, I drink it anyway, although I sometimes add just a bit of regular tea to give it deeper color and added flavor. Sometimes I drink tea plain; but often I will add either lemon, or sometimes canned milk and sweetener to my tea, and I prefer the canned milk at bed time when I will have a relaxing cup of tea before bed. it seems like green tea also has less caffeine in it, and it never keeps me awake. I also like to add warm almond milk into the tea because that is such a healthy substitute for dairy milk.

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Opposite of you, I can't stand green tea, but because I know it has so many health benefits, I try now and then to get myself in the habit of drinking it. I don't particularly like tea in general, and green tea is definitely one of my least favorites. It does have so many varied health benefits though, that it is hard to ignore. I find also that drinking a ginger green tea increases benefits even further because ginger also has a lot of natural health benefits. During the school year is when I try extra hard to drink the tea because it helps take care of my throat (teachers use their voice a lot) and helps keep my immunity up (kids are always coming to school sick).

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Well, my cousin did loose weight drinking green tea, seriously she got rid of around 20 pounds. She used to cook a bunch of green tea, put it all in a jar, keep in the fridge, and drink it as regular water. Of course she was doing some cardio too, and she was taking care of a proper diet, but not like she was starving or killing herself at the gym. So far, the only thing extra was the green tea, and it worked great.

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well, i love green tea, because it helps prevent memory loss, because back in 2004, scientists at the University of Newcastle studied the effects of black and green tea on Alzheimer’s disease. In laboratory studies, both teas prevented the breakdown of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter strongly linked with memory. The teas also inhibited enzymes known as BuChE and beta-secretase. These enzymes are found in protein deposits found in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients.

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I never thought that green tea can prevent diabetes, great to hear.

I just bought a pack a green tea, two days back. I'm sure to make use of them and reap all its goodness. Hereafter, I think my views about green tea will change.

Thank you for your post.

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Green tea are the best! everytime i feel my stomach is upset I drink it to alleviate problems.
And it can flush out toxins in your body and anti stress. Plus full of anti oxidants. You can also reuse the tea bags for acne inflammation problems, I have tried it.

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Thanks for sharing,I take green tea all the time especially to lose weight because it helps to curb my appetite but since it also does other good of this magnitude,then I wouldn't stop taking it for a long while.

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Yes, drinking green tea can help you wash away the toxins inside in your body and also green tea can help you digest food faster. i remember when i have a problem on pooping my mother is a have Chinese then she told me that son drink green tea it will help you discharge. and when i started to drink it i can say on the next morning i already poop alot.

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Green tea has amazing benefits. I drink green tea twice everyday and will list out the advantages of green tea.
1) Green tea has more ACE-inhibiting properties than many other plant foods that are commonly consumed, which helps increase the amount of blood your heart pumps and lowers blood pressure.
2) Green tea prevents Alzheimer's or memory loss.
3) Green tea prevent diabetes or insulin resistence.
4) Green tea prevents eye disease and protects vision.

So knowing these benefits, I drink green tea more than coffee or regular tea.

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I have to start drinking green tea again. I love the taste but I know many people don't and the solution to that is buying one that has a different flavor, like strawberry green tea. It is also worth remembering tea doesn't have any calories so you can replace your fizzy drinks with it to consume less calories.

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Thank you for this informative post! I have been trying to loose my belly fat for quite some time now. Since then I haven't drunk anything aside from water. It's a good thing that I know that I have another option now that may even help me in my goal. Any recommendations on the brand of green tea that I should try? Or they all just taste the same?

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You look the complete list of health benefits of green tea. But as personal experience, I drink green to when stessed. It has this soothing effect in the way I think. During exams, I take it morning and night. I also drink green tea when I feel heavy due to consumptions of fatty foods and sweets. It helps me physically feel good and able to do intense activities.

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I so much love green tea because of its health benefits. I used to have stomach upset and it's not a funny experience. Most times, my stomach would grumble all day, making it virtually impossible for me to have a good day until I got introduced to green tea.

Green tea played a huge role in bringing my stomach problems to an end and ever since then, I have never taken drinking green tea lightly as I see it as a life saver to me.

During my stomach grumbling days, I find it very difficult and embarrassing to be in public and have my stomach making some crazy and stupid noise. It practically turn me into an indoor freak but green tea saved my ass.

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I like to drink green tea because I am prediabetic person. I can't allow myself to indulge more in sugary drinks. Green tea is my alternative and it taste good and refreshing.

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Thank you for this wonderful information although I've already read some information about it, still it's a useful information for some people. I'm not a fan of tea but I did drink this so me many times, I remember drinking it when I did ate a lot of food and my stomach hurts so bad that I can't even digest the food then what I did is I drink a warm tea which help me digest the food that needs to be digested.

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Green Tea or any kind of Tea is not that common here in the Philippines but if I'm gonna choose between tea and coffee, I'll definitely choose Tea. I believe that Green tea is good for your health, especially in the stomach. Since I do have a sensitive stomach, I'd prefer to drink this every day, but again, this is not a common thing here in the Philippines. You need to go to the supermarket just to get one. Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea!!

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Im not a fan drinking tea's but I know that tea has many benefits for your body,one is it will help you to boost your immune system that it will cleanse your intestine which can prevent some kind of illnesses.

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Tea is also a big deal in Africa, I drunk tea all my life, mostly with mint and other herbs only mom would know the name of. but I drink it with sugar, a substance that null all the benefit you have mentioned above.

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Thanks for posting all of this information about drinking green tea. Green tea, I believe, is the healthiest drink that i can think of. Sadly, It's just not a common thing here in the Philippines.

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Green Tea has lots of health benefits and that's the reason why I have a cup of green tea on a daily basis. I usually drink my green tea after lunch. I first started drinking green tea with the intention to lose weight. I am now addicted to it. I also drink other kinds of herbal teas like rooibos and chamomile.

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Green tea has a lot of natural benefits for your health. It works in different ways and can help you burn lots of cholesterols in the body. Those who have excessive fats in the body can easily get it wiped off with the aid of green tea. Green tea is a kind of natural tea made with herbs and other natural products to permanently cure diseases like obesity, malaria, back pain and lots more.

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Green tea truly has amazing benefits for our health, but this is hidden from so many people. Those who know these benefits cannot do without taking it on a daily basis. Green tea is a mixture of special herbs that can help boost immune system, reduce weight, and improve overall health. Green tea has tremendous benefits for anyone that takes it regularly. It mustn't be taken only once, but regularly.

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I don't know that green tea is a great tea. Most of my relatives want to give green tea as a gift for me. But it all stock in my house. I hope that this green teas are okay so I can drink it. I want to lose belly fat and to reduce the risk of having some disease. It is perfect for me and I hope my relatives continue to give me more green teas.

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I have really enjoyed reading this informative post. Green tea has so many health benefits that I never knew about. I will now start consuming it. We have some green tea bags which my parents use every day and I never paid attention to start consuming.

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I find green tea to be such a comforting hot drink and also very refreshing as a cold drink. I didn’t know that it can prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Now I have another reason to drink it!

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I myself love green tea as well, but sometimes I find it hard to get in the recommended amount of cups per day. I believe I read that in order for the compounds in green tea to start benefiting your body, you need to drink about four cups a day. Somehow I just can't find the time to fit in four mugs of tea. I'm sure I could if I really wanted to, but it might feel a bit forced. Two cups is usually my sweet spot. Anything more than that and it makes me go to the bathroom way too many times in one day.

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I have used green tea to lose weight, in some cases, I used the green tea as a therapeutic for easy affection on my body.

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My parents drink green tea sometimes. There are many variants and flavors. I used to drink some too back in those days when I wanted to loose a little weight. They say that pure green tea is good for loosing weight as it helps your bowel movement better than the usual. Green tea is a good antioxidant and it is also good for the skin too. I'm not really a fan of drinking teas as of the moment. But I usually find myself enjoying milk teas. I always pick green tea for my base. But would really love to try drinkinh pure teas sometimes soon.

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Thanks for interesting facts, I would like to drink it now) I have been practicing detox for a lot of years and really like to try something new. I have tried a lot of types of water, diets and etc, but the best variant for me became detox pills, because it is very easy to use and I can order anywhere. However, it is very important to read the instructions before using and to pay attention on vendor's reputation. I recommend you to research, because here there are all necessary information. Think that your water is also very helpful)

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This is great, because good habits make us so much stronger. If before I experienced discomfort, and I had health complaints, then after adding calcium tablets with vitamin d3 to the diet, I felt significant improvements

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