
The Healthy Benefits to Eating Honey - Natures sweetest and most health of foods

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The Healthy Benefits to Eating Honey - Natures sweetest and most health of foods

The Healthy Benefits to Eating Honey - Natures sweetest and most health of foods
So, if you're like me you LOVE honey! I eat quite a lot of it. I usually have at least one or two tablespoons of it a day and then wash it down with some cold milk. I don't know what it's so satisfying to drink milk after but it just is! I buy those squeezy bottles of it so I can just squeeze and squirt it into my mouth. And I always used to wonder just what happens when you eat honey, like, just how good it is for you and what happens when you eat the stuff. Here's what I've learned about eating honey!

Honey is a food source that people have been eating long before even the first civilisations started up! Honey has many great healthy benefits both in and on the body when eaten and used topically. But a lot of people don't eat honey that much, probably because they don't know about its special healing properties. Here you'll learn about some of those healthy benefits.

  • Honey can reduce the amount of mucus in the lungs which makes it one of natures best and finest natural medicines for dealing with colds, fevers and coughs.
  • Honey is antibacterial, antiviral, anticidal and antifungal. It can remove all toxins in your body and actually prevent and remove parasites that can take up residence in the human digestive system.
  • Honey is really useful for people with bronchitis. It can improve the strength of the immune system and ease colds and flue like symptoms.
  • Honey is very good for people wanting to lose weight. Although after a few days of eating it, you may notice an increase in your waistline size. This is simply because the fecal sediments soften and swell up. But this process only lasts for a short time and then you will notice a decrease in your waistline size.
  • People who suffer from uncontrolled and unwanted urination at night time will notice that after eating honey regularly, they need less trips to the toilet! That's because honey can absorb water from the kidneys so they don't have to work as much.
  • Honey is also very good for your skin making it appear shinier and silkier than before. And it was used quite a lot to heal wounds quicker. While mostly replaced with antibiotics these days, they are returning to look at honey again instead.
Honey Water Recipe

Here's a great honey water recipe you can try that if you drink regularly, you can see all of these benefits from honey in and on your own body!

  • Place a small amount of honey (about 5 tablespoons) in a glass tumbler and mix it with water to about a 1/3 mixture.
  • You can add in one small amount of cinnamon also just for taste but this makes it even more healthy for you.
  • You should have a density that is very similar to plasma but the body will be able to process this mixture quickly.
  • Consume and drink a glass of the honey and water mix about an hour before you go to bed at night.
  • Make sure to drink all of it in one go quickly and remember to drink it on an empty stomach.

You must drink this on an empty stomach either in the morning or last thing at night for the best affect it can have.

Keep this up for a week or two and you'll not only feel better within yourself, but you'll be looking better for it too! The Healthy Benefits to Eating Honey - Natures sweetest and most health of foods

What about you? Do you like the taste of honey? Do you eat enough of it in your diet?

What other ways are there that honey is good for you?


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You have written a great post highlighting the benefits of honey. We have always had honey in our daily diet.
I normally have honey in hot milk in the night. I have great faith in this great natural product. It can easily replace sugar in our tea and coffee.
I also understand honey had in hot water with lime juice helps one reduce weight.

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You just reminded me of the good old days in school when I take honey with pap and bread. I really benefited from taking honey then, for it helped to boost my retentive memory.

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You know, I've been cutting sweets out of my diet as a means of keeping out unwanted calories. But after I read posts like this that prove just what a super food honey is, it's hard to stay away from it. How can you just glance by so many awesome benefits? And not to mention the wonderful, natural flavor.

Living in a small town like I am is wonderful for lovers of honey as well. This is because many people keep bees and sell honey at the local market, so you have homegrown honey that comes in dozens of variations depending on what fields the keepers take their bees to.

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Sugar is also essential to our body but don't overdo it! The Healthy Benefits to Eating Honey - Natures sweetest and most health of foods I love to live in small towns because of the fresh availability of natural plants and products and the likes specially the honey. You could get one before it even reaches to the market. Plus it's benefits are off the roof! Lol

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Honey is good for you, but many people are allergic to it. There are also situations in which the human body needs to mobilise all the body's defences, including the immune system. In such cases, the immunity needs to be much higher than in normal situations. My son was sick and no pills helped. We switched to honey and milk but he is allergic to honey. We decided to replace it with vitamins and add to his diet get probiotic-a carefully selected blend that has goat's milk in it-and this was the only solution that helped. That is, there was protein in the body and the benefits of milk, but it only went in as vitamins.

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True. I am now tempten to try this recommendation of him. But nowadays its harder to find raw honey. I would only buy honey in convenient stores since I am not really good to what difference do they have. I wish I could know. But I'll definitely try this method and maybe it would help me.

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Honey is one of the amazing foods of the world ! Because of honey's anti-bacterial properties, it lasts forever. They have found honey that was placed in Egyptian burial pyramids centuries ago, and it is still as fresh and good as the day it was placed in there.
The best honey is NOT the kind that comes in those little bottles that look like a bear...... you know the kind I mean. Most of the honey that is sold in grocery stores is processed honey, and some even has sugar-syrup and food coloring added to the honey as well. To get the kind of honey that actually has all of the health benefits listed in the opening post, you need to buy fresh raw honey, preferably unfiltered, and some that comes from local bees. This honey has the natural bee pollen in it, and nothing has been cooked out or added to the honey, it has just been spun out of the honeycomb.
When it comes from plants that grow in your area, then it also helps with pollen allergies from those plants.
When I use honey as a restorative drink, I mix it with equal amounts of ACV (apple cider vinegar), because this is also one of the healthiest foods we can put into our bodies.

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I personally do not take honey regularly. However, I have found Manuka honey to be greatly beneficial. Manuka honey has a considerably higher level of enzymes than regular honey. Manuka stops the growth of sore throat-causing Strep bacteria. I find that I recover from sore throats fast after taking this variant of honey. It's also great at reducing reflux and balancing your digestive system to heal stomach and intestinal imbalances.

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I love honey, yet I often forget about what amazing health benefits it has! In our house, whenever we have a cold, we try to add extra honey into our tea. We also like to use honey with certain foods like drizzling it over pancakes instead of maple syrup or drizzling it over sliced apples or berries as a snack. My husband also occasionally makes a super delicious honey and walnut chicken. However, I never thought of simply mixing honey with water and drinking it. I drink lots of water all day, in fact it's pretty much the only thing I drink, so why not make just one of those water glasses with honey and get some extra health benefits. Thanks for the information!

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Honey and walnut chicken sounds pretty amazing. I have never tried it before. As for drinking honey, I agree that it does bring plenty of health benefits. In fact, it has helped me to cure sore throats frequently.

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well, the importance of raw honey in our body and state of health can not be over emphasized, i can remember back in the days when i was a kid, i hated talking honey, but mom will force me to take it, it's now i understand the importance of it. and i discovered that the Antioxidants in it Can Help Lower Blood Pressure. This is because it contains antioxidant compounds
that have been linked to blood pressure lowering effects (13). researchers also found that honey led to mild reductions in body weight and body fat, and a greater reduction in cholesterol. The study concluded that consuming natural honey can help reduce cardiovascular risk factors, which may contribute to heart attack.

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It's good to know that honey can help reduce cases of heart attacks that has been evident in our society. I hope the number of people that take honey will increase in no distant time.

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I didn't know that honey helps with constant peeing, I'll have to try it out since I do feel like I get up to use the bathroom way too many times at night and would like to lessen it naturally. I read somewhere in the past that raw honey could potentially be hazardous, though, but I'm not too sure if I just misunderstood the article or am just not remembering it correctly. I'll have to look it up again, but if it does help with the peeing then I definitely should give it a shot, I think.

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I always love honey, the sweetest food ever existed. Whenever I wanted sweet, honey would always be part of the list. I also prefer honey as a sugar substitute rather than real sugar, it has benefits that sugars don't have.

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Honey is amazing. It has some great health benefits like you stated but unlike some other healthy food, it also tastes great and a lot of young children like it as well. I personally like it on my pancakes although I know that some people prefer to have golden syrup instead of honey on their pancakes. I've always made a drink with warm water and honey to help sooth my throat when I had a sore throat. Didn't even take an hour before my throat got better. There is nothing better than natural remedies sometimes.

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I love honey. Nowadys, I'm replacing white sugar with honey in my diet. Actually, we went for a family trip 2 weeks ago, and we bought a big jar of honey from local honey seller.
I think the honey we bought is original without any additives, because it tastes little bittery!! I heard honey will taste bittery in som season.
Coming to benefits, I literally use honey everyday. I used to apply a thick layer of it on my face. It helps me to reduce my acne!

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Honey has a natural sugar essential to our bodies. It is not just simply a form of sugar, other nutrient present into the honey. The consume of such things should be different, it depends of age. In ancient times, people commonly used the honey as to make sweetening in cakes. Sometimes, they even put honey in goat milks in the past, maybe in the region of Ireland, it was commonly used.

One person should not consume honey too much, its more sweet than normal sugar, but I never heard getting high sugar because of honey.

Now, we use the honey to;
alternative sugar for the coffe
banana cake
banana pie
small cakes

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Honey have many health benefits it can prevent heart disease and cancer because it has a flavonoid anti oxidant that reduce risk of it

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Wow that was a great post. I've tasted honey at least two times already, because of the price and the availability of it here in my area. Its really hard to find purely extracted honey in the market that doesn't cost really that much and what I only found on the streets are those cheap ones and I'm sure its not a 100% honey already as most of those vendors on the streets tend to lower the expenses they need to produce to make their product more cheaper. The consequences is you got a honey of poor quality and for sure will not taste good.

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thank you for that info. I do believed that honey have a lot of benefits in our body, that is why me and my husband used honey as substitute in sugar to our coffee everyday. Sometimes I also used honey in our dish or when i'm cooking. Honey contain vitamins and minerals, commonly found in honey is vitamin c, calcium and iron. It is also a antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it is often used as a natural antiseptic in traditional medicines.

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I love honey! I always see to it that our pantry does not run out of honey. As for me, I have been using honey as a sugar substitute. Basically, I have looked up in the internet on usage of honey and all articles are overwhelming so I have tried one myself. I used honey for multiple purposes at home. I used it to sweeten my Lemon water to loose weight. I also used honey to prevent myself and my family from cough and even a beauty regimen. I am really happy with the functionality of Honey.

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Honey has a lot of benefits. It contains antioxidants that help to prevent some types of cancer, heart diseases and it can help lower blood pressure. It is an anti-bacterial and also helps to cure burns and wounds. It is important to mention that honey helps to improve Cholesterol.

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It contains antioxidants that help to prevent some types of cancer, heart diseases and it can help lower blood pressure. It is an anti-bacterial and also helps to cure burns and wounds. It is important to mention that honey helps to improve Cholesterol.

These are the real benefits of honey. Moreover, honey is a great anti-bacterial, and it improves the immunity of an individual.

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Who would ever thought honey would be such a fantastic nutrition enriched food! Honey can act as a natural cough medicine as it reduces the amount of mucus secretions and coughs. In fact studies have shown that honey was just as effective as over the counter cough medicines such as diphenhydramine and dextromethorphan. Raw honey actually promotes sleep according to some studies. Based on a concept called 'immunotheraphy' honey provides natural allergy relief and promotes overall immunity. What do you know, a sweet deal of a super food existing right under our noses and it's definitely something to buzz about!

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We have a local recipe here for the weight loss. Here you have to take 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp lemon juice and half glass warm water. And you have to drink it every morning empty stomach. And for next 1 hour you are not supposed to eat anything. Doing this helps your body. And you can get yourself to reduce a lot of calories every now and then.

That being said, you can see that there are many other benefits of the honey and turmeric too. It's just that you may not prefer to make use of the honey in some of the health condition. So that's where you have to watch out.

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I consider honey to be one of those liquids that give too many benefits to the body which is the reason for its expensive nature in Nigeria, where I come from. I enjoy taking honey either alone, using it on my pap or tea and I never knew about this many benefits that come with it!

While still young, my parents always buy bottle of honey for us as part of the provisions we take in the home and if possible, I could have drunk everything at once, but because mum warned that it should be taken at moderate level to avoid discomfort to the stomach was the reason I mind how I took it. I just got a bottle yesterday at home too and seems I will be buying an extra bottle of honey while at work today because of the benefits you just outlined.

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This is great! Thanks for the shared information. I only know some uses of honey. Just like adding honey in a warm water with lemon in it. Drinking it early in the morning. Additionally, it also helps reduces inflammation, itches and acne. As a victim in acne I used this cheap and nature-loving remedy. The downside in it is to those people who are lazy to make those healthy remedies. LOL. Everything must be worked.

I'll try what you have shared. Thanks! Hoping for more posts from you.

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I remember before, my Mom always gave us one table spoon of Honey every night before going to bed. She said that honey makes us strong and healthy that is why we need to take it everyday as our vitamins.

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The benefits of honey cannot be over-emphasized.Honey is one substance that should be taken at least once a month because it quite good for the body.Thanks for sharing more benefits will add it to my knowledge bank.

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It is very interesting to know that honey, despite it's sweet taste will be effective to lose weight. I am now thinking of recipes that I can do to add honey as a sweetener instead of sugar. Even if it's quite expensive, at the very least, losing weight will not deprive me of my sweet cravings. Good thing that we have somebody on the neighborhood who sells fresh and pure honey. I am hyped to experiment on it.

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Oh yes, honey is one of the best (And most tasty also) foods we could ever eat. It's full of vitamins and nutrients and also since it's a natural food it doesn't add up the chemicals and industrial food products we find on other sweets. All in all, it's a healthy and tasty source of energy and goes well with many dishes.

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Honey is very popular here and one guy that lives in my neighborhood has bees so he sells the honey. I use it when I'm sick because it hydrates your sore throat and makes it easier to go through a cold. It's a healthy sweetener and can be added to many cakes or eaten just on a bread.

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It is truly amazing to see all of the benefits that honey can provide for you. I love to sing and honey, lemon, and tea were a great combination to get your throat feeling better. There are so many different ways that I saw to use honey from all of the postings. There are certainly a few that i really want to try and see how good they work. I love the honey water recipe, it looks great. So that will be the first one that I try.

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Honey is one of the source of Vitamins C and actually it was used by my ancestors as medicine to some illness. If anyone here can't take honey alone well, try to adulterate it like add to your coffee as substitute to sugar or you can also used it as flavors or spices when you cook. You can also used it as a beauty regimen just add oat and rub to your face then let it stay for 30 minutes then wash it with warm water.

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Thanks for the tips, honey is my favorite desserts when i was a kid.We drink a honey with lemon every morning and for linch somtimes i put it on my rice.My mother said that honey can cure many disease and i believe in that.That why everytime i go grocery honey is always on my list, its natural and there is no way to worry if its harmful.I believe that natural is better.

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There is something undeniably enchanting about honey; the product of flower nectar transformed by bees, as if by alchemy – but in fact through the far less-poetic act of regurgitation – into a sweet, golden elixir. Honey has held sway over humans since ancient times.But aside from honey’s seductive color and flavor, it has some scientific superpowers that add to its appeal. Honey has an unusual chemical composition, one which makes it keep indefinitely without spoiling; as is seen whenever ancient pots of honey.

Honey has various medicinal features as it soothes coughs, boosts memory, treats wounds, provides nutrients, relieves seasonal allergies, kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria and resolves scalp problems and dandruff.

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Wow, I never knew honey is this important, I hardly eat it because of its sugary taste. I don't like sugary things, I don't even drink tea with sugar but this post just hilighted the benefits of honey to me.

It never occurred to me to google the benefits and medicinal values of honey, I am glad you brought this to this platform as it will definitely be helpful to most people, myself included.

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Honey has a super sweet taste that I love. It's got healing properties such as clearing up mucous from the lungs hence suitable for cough. It also contains lots of vitamins and calcium
Applying honey externally in the body also soothes the skin and clears it up, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. I love honey.

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I find all the health benefits of raw honey definitely good for your overall health and skin. It's been a wonder how bees produce their own honey. However, it's been a greater wonder how this sweet product created naturally offers plenty of benefits.

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Nice to know. I love honey too. I always have it for breakfast - rolls top with butter and honey. That is delicious. Some may think it's weird but that is the best treat I could ever have in the morning. I also love it with my favorite milk tea for sweetener.

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Honey indeed have lots of benefits. The problem nowadays is that it is difficult to find pure honey. I have been asking myself whether the honey that is sold in supermarkets is indeed pure. I normally have a glass of warm lemon water in the morning with a teaspoon of honey. I have been taking this for quite a long time and this mixture has been helping me to lose weight. I equally use honey in face scrubs and masks that I prepare at home. It works wonders. The best thing thing above all is that it is so soothing to drink a good lemon tea when you are sick.

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I personally drink honey several times a day and it is really good to our health. Your post is very informative giving the facts about the benefits of honey. Thank you sharing!

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Very informative article. Honey here in my country is so expensive. So I don't drink but instead I used it to my sandwich fillings. Knowing this informative gives me idea of making it possible for me use it, because it has a lot of benefits.

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You just posted a very helpful and health friendly thread. Thank you to you my friend i know how much vitamins and nutrients honey contains. I used to drink honey for my body cleansing. Some people do not know what are the good effects of drinking honey that is why they are not having an interest. I want to share you something the best benefits of honey to our body.

Honey naturally contains nutrients and enzymes that have a variety of health benefits and medical uses. Perhaps that’s why it has been used as a folk remedy throughout history. Today, honey is still a popular food and is even used in some hospitals as a medical treatment for wounds. However, these health benefits are specific to unpasteurized honey.
Manufacturers process most of the honey you find in grocery stores. Heating the honey helps improve the color and texture, and removes any unwanted crystallization. Many of the beneficial antioxidants and bacteria are also removed or destroyed in the process.
If you’re interested in trying raw honey, buy it from a trusted local producer. In the meantime, check out some of the health benefits raw honey has to offer.

1. A Good Source of Antioxidants
Raw honey contains antioxidants called phenolic compounds. Some types of honey have as many antioxidants as fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help to protect your body from cell damage due to free radicals.
Free radicals contribute to the aging process and may also contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Studies show that polyphenols in honey may play a role in preventing heart disease.
2. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties
Raw honey can kill unwanted bacteria and fungus. It naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic. Several hospitals in Europe have used Manuka honey to fight methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a type of staph bacterial infection that’s become resistant to antibiotics. The effectiveness of honey as an antibacterial or antifungal depends on the type of honey.
3. Heal Wounds
Manuka honey is also used in medical settings to treat wounds because it’s an effective germ killer. Researchers believe this is because it has additional antibacterial properties besides the natural hydrogen peroxide.
Studies show that Manuka honey can boost healing time and reduce infections in wounds. However, the honey used in hospital settings is medical grade, meaning it’s safe and sterile. You shouldn’t expect to treat injuries with the honey you buy from a grocery store.
4. Filled with Phytonutrients
Phytonutrients are compounds found in plants that help protect the plant from harm. For example, some may keep insects away or shield the plant from harsh UV radiation.
Phytonutrients provide both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, which help you maintain good health. Because honey is made from plants, it also has phytonutrients. These valuable nutrients are unique to raw honey and disappear when honey is heavily processed.
bee5. Help for Digestive Issues
Honey is sometimes used to treat digestive issues such as diarrhea, though there isn’t much research to show that it works. However, it’s proven to be effective as a treatment for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a common cause of peptic ulcers. (Peptic ulcers occur in the stomach or digestive system.) Taking 1-2 teaspoons on an empty stomach is said to soothe pain and help with the healing process.
6. Soothe a Sore Throat
Have a cold? Try a spoonful of honey. Honey is an old sore throat remedy. Try adding it to hot tea with lemon. It also works as a cough suppressant.
Research shows that honey is as effective as dextromethorphan, a common over-the-counter cough medicine ingredient, in treating a cough. Just eat one or two teaspoons straight.
In addition to beneficial bacteria and nutrients, raw honey can also carry harmful bacteria such as botulism. This is particularly dangerous for babies, so you should never feed raw honey to babies less than a year old.
Botulism causes symptoms similar to food poisoning (e.g. nausea, vomiting, fever) in adults. See your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms after eating raw honey.

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Wow thank you for sharing! I will try your this recipe. Now there's more reason why we should take honey at least once in a while. Maybe a better replacement to sugar. I love the taste of pure honey it is really sweet but is smooth to the throat, plus there are lots of benefits that you can get.

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Honey is the best nature's sweetener. It can be used in many ways and can be eaten in many forms. Honey is written in the Bible as a widely used sweetener back in the days of the apostles. It also has the vitamins and healthy benefits the body needs. Thank you for this post.

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Yes, honey has hundreds of properties. One of my granny's favorite is that is perfect against the flu. So, I remember my granny's recipe for flu nights, she used to take a cup of milk, boiled it, add some strong aromatic herb, and add a teaspoon of honey. You would have to drink it before going to bed. i still don't know if it was just the honey or my grandma's care, but for sure I used to feel better instantly.

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We have honey at my home everyday but I never bothered to consume it. I felt it must have too much sugar which is not healthy.

I am now glad to have learned the health benefits thanks to your post. I will now start consuming honey as frequently as possible.

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Great share as always!, I've already have read some of this benefits about honey from the internet as well, but some are from my friends. Like the losing of weight benefit, some my friends had already tried this and guess what, it actually worked and now they want me to try this as well and hope I could lose all the Holiday weight that I've gained. XD

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Honey can be used as a substitute for sugar in many foods and drinks. My mom would always add honey to our grocery lists whenever we buy something for the kitchen. It's a must. According to studies, it helps for weight loss, boost energy, Improves athletic performance, and rich in vitamins & minerals.

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Honey is a healthy natural sweetener it also has a variety of health benefits like it helps you sleep at night; it heals ulcers and helps promotes weight-loss; it's a natural cough syrup and it's also proven to help aid in diabetes.

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To be honest with you, even though I'm well aware of the health benefits of eating natural honey, I still find it very difficult to eat it or consume anything prepared using honey.

The only time I have actually sought to make use of natural honey was when I had a severe cough and I was told to mix natural honey with ginger and lick it often. I tried it and it worked wonders in soothing my coughing.

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I ran out of honey a week ago when we made pancakes. My whole family loves honey on our pancakes. The problem with honey is, it's very hard to find real organic ones. Most honey found in supermarkets have additives and some are even fake honey. I only buy honey in a province located in the south of Metro Manila, which I visit about twice a year, I usually buy a dozen bottles to last a whole year.

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I love honey but I think it has just as many calories as sugar if not. I definitely would not recommend this as a way to loose weight. However I agree that it has anti-bacterial qualities. I use honey as a facebook. I think that it does really well. It makes your skin really soft and after the face mask, you like like a newborn baby. I also agree that honey is good to clear secretions from your throat. I like it especially when I have a cough, it clears my throat and heals a cough quite fast.

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I like Honey a lot and I have it every day along with water, first thing in the morning. Honey is known to have medicinal properties according to the ancient Indian method of healing called ayurveda. In fact, it is a tradition in most of the Indian households to feed a little bit of honey to infants for there better health. Honey is known to be very effective in weight loss.

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Honey has a lot of health benefits. Among the most important benefits are boosting the immunity, as well as lowering the blood pressure.

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I totally agree with you, honey is one of the most healthier ingredients I know. I like it so much, every morning I eat a spoon of honey and I feel great. For more than 3 years I've given up the sugar consumption and now I replace the sugar with honey. I am adept at naturalistic treatment methods and besides honey, there are many other natural ingredients that are very useful for our body. Recently, I've read The lost book of herbal remedies and I was surprised how many diseases the herbs can treat. Moreover, due to the use of plants instead of medicines we can maintain healthily. You can find out more about this book on I recommend to everyone to try the natural remedies instead of drugs prescriptions.

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Well, honey really is very useful. But not for the people who have diabetes, I guess. My grandpa has. And he can't eat honey anymore. That's a sad story, TBH.

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Too bad that it can't help with eyes problem. My aunt Doris is almost blind right now. We tried different stuff and nothing helped. On the other hand, not so long ago one of our relatives sent us this article about Divine Vision 12 medicine. It looks convincing enough. And we asked our doctor if it's ok, he told us to try it. I think we will buy it next month. BTW, maybe someone here tried it before? Does it really work?

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For sure the honey has a great effect on our health and our body. i love consuming it

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I am from Australia and I had some troubles with my health because of the climate and my doctor also suggested me to buy medicine that is based on honey and other plants. These are really helpful and have a great effect. I found this doctor from and he didn’t let me down when I finished the treatment, but also offered me support after that. He was still interested in my health. I didn’t expected a doctor to be this kind.

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I believe all of us know about the benefits of the honey. I usually consume it when I am sick. I also tried to make some smoothies in the morning and very often the honey is one of the principal products. I would like to add that I also started to eat vinegar gummies that have a lot of positive effects on my health. My doctor said they are great for solving some health problems I got half a year ago.

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Honey is a strong allergen, it must be used very carefully. In addition, there are many cool supplements now that will definitely not harm you. I have found many benefits for my health in Therastore

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