
Are any of you into eating hot food?

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Are any of you into eating hot food?

Over the years I have eaten so much hot food that jalapenos are like eating m&ms they do not burn my mouth at all and they are more like a candy to me. When ever my ex~wife and I would go to mexican restaurants I would use habanero hot sauce on my tacos like some one would use mild sauce at taco bell.

But it has since taken its toll on my stomach. For years I  had gutrot and I would have to use tums anytime I had anything spicey and hot sauce would kill me.  But my stomach has healed since then and now I don't eat anything more that jalapenos because I don't want to ruin my stomach again. 


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I also like eating hot food in restaurants or even in the house. It gives me adrelanine in eating the food. But I don't like super hot foods. I am contented in mild hot foods. My mother always tell me that I must not eat hot food everyday. Because maybe someday I will have a problem in my stomach. So I am glad I followed my mom that time because I saw my cousin who also loves eating hot food have a problem in his stomach. So an advice is maybe we must have a control in eating hot foods.

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That's an interesting statement about adrenaline--I wonder if these foods really do make our bodies release this chemical? I think I will look that up, but, either way, it is obvious that hot and spicy foods kick us into a certain kind of simulated place. I have heard that hot and spicy foods are good for us and for our health, but this could just be folklore and tradition passed down.

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Your mom is right it will burn out your stomach after awhile. And when it happen to me it wasn't a gradual thing. It was a "Oh I am eating my favorite hot food and OMG MY STOMACH HURTS!" And trust me the pain was almost unbearable. It brought me to my knees and ever since then I respect my stomach and I don't throw fire hot food down down there lol.

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I love eating hot and spicy food but I only eat them in the house because I get too sweaty when I eat them and I get embarrassed in public having to ask for a lot of tissues and water just to enjoy the meal. Of course, moderation is key and if your stomach hurts, it's best to stop first and reduce your food intake for a while.

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For me it depends on the degree of hotness. SOme hot foods I like whereas others are not good. I just think that it really depends on the food itself. I like some heat with food but not a lot of it.

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Yes, hot foods made you feel like to eat more. You can eat more with hot foods. I don't know if it just for me or it is for humans in general.

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Me too. I love eating hot food not only in restaurant but also in the house. Even if the dish is cold as long as rice is hot, it's okay with me. I don't know but I just love it when rice is hot. It feels like a new cook that's why I love hot food.

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Yes, I used to cope with eating hot food anytime of the day. I even prefer eating very hot diets to cold ones. No matter how hungry I may feel, I wouldn't ever want to eat cold food. I can still manage with fairly warm diets to some extent. It really helps to clear the throat and may assist in getting healed sometimes because it causes one to sweat a bit.

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Wow really??well maybe your right because I have read about this and some of spicy foods can help you clean your stomach which helps you to burn some fats.

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I don't eat hot food maybe warm but definitely not hot.I think this should be more of my brother because he eats food even with the steam and I wonder how they enjoy the food that way.

I thought has much that it will have an effect on the stomach, well, it a lesson for those that like eating hot food.

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I don't like spicy foods as well.

I sometimes eat something like it occasionally, but I only ever get mild spice. Nothing extra spicy or else it would burn my mouth. This is why I always have milk handy in the fridge in case I never need something to get rid of it.

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I practically hate eating hot meals, it's so bad with me that I don't take hot tea. This would show you exactly how much my body don't accept hot meals. I normally dilute my tea with cold water and then add more beverages to get it tasty in my mouth. I prefer my meal cold or just slightly warm, once it's hot I would rather put it into the freezer to chill a little bit.

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Yeah, eating spicy foods also help reduce incidence of heart attack or stroke due to their effects on the bad cholesterol, which is another incentive of eating hot food.

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Yes..sometimes especially when Im craving for a spicy foods I love to eat anything that was hot. But sometimes, if I have a stomach cramps, I ignore to eat hot or spicy foods because it makes me sick.

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No matter how sweet the meal is or how much I crave to eat a particular meal, I would never dare to eat it when it's still hot. It would burn out my tongue thereby making it absolutely impossible for me to taste what I'm going to eat for days. This is not a great feeling for me, so I wouldn't dare putting myself in such situations.

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I like hot food. And I prefer the asian food most of the time. I guess there are some of the type of the food that may be different in every culture. I like the food with hot spices and herbs. Because that is more into how I am grown up with. And as time goes on this type of the food is what makes the most sense to me. Another thing is that adjusting with the cold food is not something I'd be growing up as well. There seems to be though some hot food dishes which are famous across the continent.

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I agree with you because it really depends on where you grew up and where you come from. Certain countries just eat very spicy food every single day and they don't taste it as much anymore but if a stranger would try it... he/she might think differently. In my country, spicy food isn't too well known and we never had any when I was growing up.

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Yes some countries have the raw food. And they don't make use of the spices and herbs. And they have developed some sort of routine to their stomach. And even using 1 tbsp of spices can get them into problem. And on that basis it'd be reasonable to say that it can be harder to make use of the hot food there. So not all cultures are used to such type of the food.

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I'm not that into hot food but when it comes to that I do prefer Asian dishes more because those at least still have flavor even when they are hot. I find most hot dishes from other countries are just hot and have no other flavor aside from that and at that point I don't really enjoy the food anymore and instead I just feel like I'm torturing myself.

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Yes asian dishes are properly cooked. Also the spices and herbs makes asian dishes lot better. Less cooked food hot or not. It may not taste well. So having spices and herbs is lot better option. I think I prefer any countries dish as long as it is tasty not some half baked and boiled stuff.

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I like hot foods just as you do. In my culture, where I come from, most people prefer their foods to be hot, which means they must be prepared fresh. Any food that is served cold, is not eaten unless it is heated in a stove or microwave oven.

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Asians are able to accept hot spicy foods without any heart burn or tummy problems. We are used to eating hot spicy curries, spicy paste BBQ seas foods without much problem. However with a weak tummy that runs to the loo after a meal, it is better to reduce the intake because of the indigestion.

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I do love eating hot foods especially the ones on a chicken like you can finish a whole spicy one piece chicken with a one full rice cooker. Eating hot foods gave me this feeling and energy that I need for a day. And also, eating spicy food makes me more fat, I don't actually know if it's a bad or good thing but I just love eating it with a lot of rice.

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Wow! no wonder you love rice since you can go and eat full rice cooker haha. Talking about health, no it is not healthy to eat a lot of rice but eating spicy foods are healthy , it can help us to release toxins in our body through sweat and it can even relieve colds. But of course, too much of anything is bad so just eat the right amount because it can harm your stomach too.

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I do only eat hot food for as long as it's tolerable for me to eat. I've never tried and don't want to try eating foods with intense spice on it because I don't think that I can do it. But I've been admiring those people who can eat and do the Samyang x2 challenge where they say that it's the spiciest noodles that you will ever taste. If you've tried this, please share your experiences and how intense when it comes to spiciness this Samyang x2 really is.

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This is what I'm trying to say. Eating food that can cause some upset for my throat is not what I fancy. I would prefer to eat a normal meal that is not all that hot, but talk of eating hot food is not good for my body.

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Maybe I'm indifferent on this matter. I can enjoy warm/mild hot but not too hot food. I've really grown to enjoy food that are warm and not too cold, but talking about taking food that is quite hot is a no for me. I don't feel comfortable doing so.

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You are not the only person with a different opinion on this , I am with the same notion too, hot food and cold food depends on the type of food and how best it is being eaten.

There are some meals that don't go well when is eaten cold examples are noodles, spaghetti's and Macoroni's they are best eaten while hot, because when you eat them when they are cold they become soggy and unappealing to eat. Examples of food best eating when they are cold are mostly junks and cereals, we have Corn Flakes and Sponge Cakes they are best eaten when they are cold, but some people prefer them hot. Preferences and choices matters too, when it deals with this type of questions.

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I like hot and spicy food. My parents and siblings always scolded me whenever I added peppers on my food. When I married, everyone was surprised to find out that my wife also liked hot food. Recently, we introduced solid food to our baby. Wife accidentally fed hot food and the baby really liked, he even wanted to have more. Looks like the love for hot food is in our veins.

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My mother grew up in Texas where they had a lot of spicy hot food, so she liked eating foods that have the intense hot flavor. My dad grew up in a family where they never ate any spicy hot food; so he would not touch them at all, even if they were just a little bit spicy.
My mom used to get spicy foods, and she and I ate them; so I learned to like hot foods at an early age, and I still enjoy them now. Thankfully, my husband feels the same way; so we have tacos or other spicy foods quite often.

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That's interesting. I read this somewhere that the painful burning associated with chili pepper is due to the compounds called capsaicinoids. The heat from chili pepper is not is not a taste but just a sensation. In our mouth, there are no taste buds related to capsaicinoids. When the tongue sends signals to the brain, it releases endorphins and dopamine. These neurotransmitters are associated with killing pain and triggering pleasure.

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Happyflowerlady, my story is the total opposite of your story. It was my stepdad that got me eating hot spicy food and my mom is the one who can't handle the hot food. And the funny part about all of this is when I was a kid I thought banana peppers were hot LOL. And these days Jahapino peppers are like me eating candy LOL.

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"My parents and siblings always scolded me whenever I added peppers on my food."

Brother, I totally feel you on this. I'm 26 years old and whenever I eat with my family, they still scold me for how hot I make my food. Most of my family members are super sensitive to spicy food, so when they see the type of peppers I eat or how much hot sauce I put on my food, they think I'm going to hurt myself somehow. I keep getting the whole "You'll give yourself a stomach ulcer!" lecture even though it has been proven to be a false myth. Some people just can't take the heat.

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As far as my research is concerned, hot food actually makes the eater happy. Th heat in the chilly and peppers release some kind of compounds and these compounds trigger certain types of hormones that prompt pleasure feeling.
I don't know how I came to eating hot foods. However, my earliest memory of eating chili dates back to the time when I was a third grader. I used to enjoy eating chili dipped in vinegar and salt.

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I don't feel like looking up the exact details at the moment, but if I remember correctly, eating very spicy food makes you feel good because your body releases endorphins and dopamine. Endorphins are your body's natural painkillers, and dopamine triggers the pleasure receptors in your brain. So basically when you eat hot food it's like a natural, healthy way of getting a little bit high. You have some people who ate peppers hot enough to make them hallucinate! I wouldn't go that crazy, but some fairly hot peppers like habaneros are really enjoyable for me.

Also I like the idea of hot peppers dipped in salt and vinegar! I'm gonna have to try that once the chili peppers in my garden get ripe.

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I love to eat spicy food but unfortunately I can't. I suffer from gastritis and eating hot foods flare up my condition. I avoid eating hot foods and haven't had them for some years. My health is more important. When I prepare meals for my family, I cook my food separately with fewer spices. Unfortunately, hot foods are not for everyone.

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Yes. I agree, health is more important. I have a friend with the sam case as yours. She loves to eat spicy food, but every time she does, it is hurting her stomach. So she avoids eating it even of she is a big lover of spicy food. With this , once must be very careful coz it can lead to serious condition if not taken care of.

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Thatswhat happened to me I didn't listen to my body and I suffered for years with stomach pain. It took over 3 years to feel halfway human and probably another 3 years before I could eat spicy food again and not suffer. So this time I am going to respect my body because there is no way I can go through that again.

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I like eating hot food but I'm not one of those people that can not feel the effects of it. I will struggle eating it but in a way that I still enjoy eating it of course. Luckily, I don't really suffer from anything and I don't eat extremely hot food so I doubt I would have any problems in the future either.

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Oh yeah, I love to eat hot food.

However, of course this doesn't apply to all types of seasons. For example, I hate eating hot food in the summer. During the other three seasons (autumn, spring and especially in winter) I love just it.

Soup is one of my favorite hot dishes. It's absolutely delicious! Are any of you into eating hot food?

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I think you might have misunderstood what the post is about. I think the original poster means hot food as in spicy food, not hot food as in when the temperature of it is quite hot lol. Although soup is pretty good and pretty delicious like you said ;)

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I may have misunderstood because here in Brazil hot food is something spicy (haha), but anyway ... I think my comment was valid, right? Because the soup fits in both situations.

Am I right? Are any of you into eating hot food?

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I eat spicy food but not to the point of those too spicy food, I cannot stand it. I only spicy food whenever I feel like it. Sometime, i put chili in a sauce when Inam eating fried fish, fried chicken or anything where it is good to partner. But I am not one of those who cannot live without spicy foods. I am okay to eating it occationally but I dont it much because aside from the fact that I have low tolerance on spicy foods, it also hurt my stomach sometimes.

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I enjoy eating food when its hot. I prefer eating food when it's hot rather than cold. For me you can taste the real flavor of the food when it's served immediately. Sometimes it hurt my mouth but I don't mind it anymore. I just want to eat my food warm. By the way, when you drink cold water after you eat a hot food is not a good idea you will regret it right away.

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Interesting topic. I had no idea eating extremely hot or spicy food can cause you to develop gut rot? Anyways, in terms of hot food I don't like it. I remember I tried buffalo wings from dominoes years ago. They were the EXTRA HOT ones. As hot as they come from that establishment. My mouth was on fire for hours. NEVER AGAIN.

In terms of temperature, I think the only foods that need to be eaten when smoldering hot is soup. Because, that's the point - it's soup. Everything else can be allowed to cool off to a certain degree before being eaten.

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Hot food? Oh, you mean spicy food!

It's all a matter of getting used to it. There was a time in my life when I couldn't enjoy my food if I don't chew on a chilli first. Sort of like priming my taste buds. Now, I eat rather bland food. It's less traumatic on my stomach.

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I can't last eating spicy foods and i do not want to eat those. I have a relative who is fund of eating spicy foods, even chili peppers can't survive to him. He is a legend for me lol. I do not need to give a twist to my food. Instead of challenging my self, i will rather eat normal foods. I just remembered when i accidentally ate a hot chicken full of chili and it burns me out to the point i stop eating and stumbled.

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I usually go for a middle ground. I don't like my food too spicy, I don't want to suffer because I ate something that wasn't meant for me. I don't mind if the food is spicy and stings a bit because it makes the flavor strong but when it is a problem to swallow it then it's too spicy.

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Me too. I understand the slight preference for mild and spicy food. But I can't eat anything too spicy either. It just ruins my dining experience and makes me feel like I have an upset stomach.

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No! I have tried some hot dishes before... and different kind of the pepperoni (the small ones are the deadliest) and I don't really enjoy eating too hot or spicy food. I don't mind just a bit to add that special flavor but anything more than that is a big no. I get an upset stomach quite easily and I just feel terrible afterward. That's why I very rarely anything spicy and I do try to avoid it.

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I love spicy food, not only because it has a certain nice flavor to it, but it's also quite healthy, especially if you have a cold it can definitely help you defeat it. Spicy food can also be fun, if you play some games with your friends and overly spicy ingredients and peppers too. Such food isn't for everyone, because people have different kinds of stomachs, however I do enjoy eating it.

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Actually it depends on the food that i eat. Mostly i put hot sauce on my pizza, taco's and some beef, i don't know if that's weird but i still put it on beef meals. I did grow up with a family that loves spicy food so basically i love them too.

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I don't like hot food because I like to actually taste the flavor of my food. Don't you find hot sauce destroys the other flavors? I know hot food is supposed to curb your appetite and increase your metabolism. Despite these advantages, it just doesn't sit right with me.

The effects of hot sauce on your stomach also as at@Soulwatcher has mentioned are not pretty. I've never heard of gutrot before but it doesn't sound pretty. What I've heard of is hot food causing heartburn and stomach ulcers. Hot food is also said to affect your breathing. Rumour is if you eat alot of hot food you can't ran fast.

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I have never been into eating hot food. I have burned my tongue and throat a few times as a kid due to consuming hot food. I prefer warm or cold food but it all depends with the type of food and if it is your favorite or not.

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On the subject of this topic, have you guys heard about the reaper chip challenge that's going around? It's called the Paqui Carolina Reaper Chip. It's supposed to be scorching hot, and the hottest food item (literally) currently on the market. People have tried it on television segments and what not. They've all survived but some... barely. What it does to the body though, seems to be worse than the after effects of some illegal narcotics!
Are any of you into eating hot food?

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I heard this! After searching about the hit noodles "Samyang" I found this one. It cost 5 dollars per box right? But for just one chip that's expensive. And well, I'm not really into spicy foods. That's only available in United States and shipping would much cost higher. LOL. I won't risk trying that. Just by the name of it....

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I might really like hot food but I'm not crazy. Hot food like that can literally cause you to stop breathing and die. And I bet any money there is a warning that this product may kill you. Something like that is nothing to play around with and do not pull a prank on a friend with it. Because if they die you could get charged for their death.

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I don't like spicy food. I can only tolerate a certain hotness to it but not that spicy that it'll burn my stomach walls. Geez, that is too much spice in there. But I do know what you're saying that when you're so accustomed into eating too much spice, you are always looking for it on your next meal. Like you're missing a big part of it. It's because your taste buds are used to the elevated spiciness. But i have to ask though, have you noticed that when you like too much spicy food, your sweat is a little bit tangy than the usual?

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I still eat a lot of hot food. Especially korean noodles which is famous in our country now a days. It does not only deliver hot and tasty noodles it offers super hot. I often hear a lot of negative feedbacks in eating hot and spicy food but I just can't get it out of my system. In fact all of us in the family eat hot food and that is what we eat when watching movies and just simply bonding.

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I was skeptical of Korean noodles at first because they looked weird to me compared to the usual noodles that I eat, but they actually taste really good with the perfect amount of spiciness for me that I can tolerate. It's now my go-to comfort food at home.

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I love to eat hot food, unfortunately, cannot eat it because I have problems with my stomach since I was a small child. Maybe that is the reason I like it so much because the hot food is forbidden to me. I only eat in small quantities on holidays as Christmas, pr easter when all my family is around.

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I love eating hot and spicy foods, especially when it comes to Thai food. I have had some pretty uncomfortable moments, however, in the ol' bathroom after over-indulging in the spice, but I won't go into detail. I guess this question is a personal one for all of us, and we all have personal preferences. Many of us were raised on eating spicy foods. There was never a moment where there was not a jar of preserved or pickled peppers on our table when we ate when I was growing up. That being said, though, we all have to experiment to learn our limits when it comes to the spice! I thought this video, below, was pretty interesting in terms of spicy foods--

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The simple fact is that I absolutely adore hot and spicy food. I actually like most of my food to be so spicy it's just barely tolerable. Although I do like to keep a balance of spice and flavor, I usually end up tipping the scales more towards spice simply because it's such an enjoyable feeling.

That being said, I still have a very hard time with it. I have what would be considered the whitest of white genetics when it comes to handling spicy food. I can take the heat in terms of what is going on in my mouth, but once that stuff starts going through my gut, it becomes a gastrointestinal nightmare.

None the less, I'll tolerate the pain to enjoy the heat.

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I like to eat hot foods but I don't do it very often. I've read an article before that eating hot foods has health benefits especially for those who have asthma. But eating too much hot foods has also bad effects on your body.

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I eating hot foods but not all and not to much hot. Like Spicy Noddles im so scared to eat that. My tongue is burned and my tears came out to my eyes when i eating to much hot also my face turning to red.I love eating pizza with my friends also a burger that i put some hot sauce but after eating, I drink 4-5 glass of water to take out the heat on my mouth..

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I used to hate spicy and hot food but nowadays I'm more welcoming of it. I still don't like the ones that are extremely hot which are so hot that you aren't able to taste anything else, but ones that are just mild enough to appreciate the flavors, I could see now why they are appreciated by people. From time to time I even find myself craving some spicy food, but I'm still not that big of a fan so that still doesn't happen all that often.

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Yeah, same here. Before I really don't like spicy hot types of food but when I tasted one that is really tasty and spicy at the same time that is when I started to appreciate hot and spicy foods depending on the level of spiciness. I still don't like too hot or too spicy maybe just a little every now and then at least I get to savor other foods while eating spicy ones at the same time. Sweet and spicy works best for me.

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Once, I did some reading up on Vitamin C and, lo, surprise, the chilli apparently has the highest concentration of Vitamin C by weight. It's kind of unfortunate that chillis are so spicy. Maybe it's the spiciness which is related to the concentration of Vitamin C.

I wonder if there is any way to make chillies less spicy without losing its Vitamin C value. Does anyone know?

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Really? Good to know. But I'm not really into spicy foods. And for your question I don't think that would be possible since chillies are innately spicy and if making it less spicy that would be not healthy anymore.

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I have been through the same deal. Always love peppers and spicy food. Add coffee and lots of alcohol and tobacco to that and you got an angry stomach combination. Then I have cut down on the pepper every since and it has made me that much more comfortable.

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I have always enjoyed hot spicy food, but I do not eat those really hot peppers like some people enjoy. I like having a hot, spicy taste to the food; but I also like to be able to taste the food that I am eating as well as the spicy flavor of the food.
It also depends on what food that I am eating, whether I enjoy having hot jalapeños along with it. As an example, a Subway sandwich is something that I never have jalapeños on, because then I lose the flavor of the lettuce, tomatoes, meat and cheese on the sub sandwich.
On the other hand, if it is something like nachos or enchiladas, or even kimchi, then I enjoy the hot spicy flavor.

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I also love to eat spicy food more so on rainy and cold days. Like you I really don't eat stand alone red hot chillies, rather I would crush or chop some and put it in dipping sauces like soy and fish sauce.

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Mild hot food is my type. I mean, doesn't have any sense to me, to eat a food you can't enjoy tasting it, because it is way too hot or spicy. So, I rather go for a mild one where spicy or hot touch, helps to increase the flavor the food already has. Also, i have a very delicate stomach, who refuses to process anything super spicy or hot, so that's why I don't eat a lot of it. My dad is a specialist cooking a very hot sauce, based on milk and a terrible spicy herb, that can make anyone cry hahaha. Seriously, the smell is delicious, but once you taste it, you will need to call the firemen and 10 tons of water haha.

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When I was a kid, I used to watch my dad eating small red peppers. We call them "Sili Labuyo", one of the hottest red peppers on the planet Earth. It seemed like nothing to him while he was eating those red peppers. We also have those growing in front of our house.

In my province, people love to eat "Halal" or spicy foods since it's part of their culture. That influenced me up to this date to eating spicy foods from time to time. It tends to boosts my appetite. I get to eat more than the usual.

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I've tried eating in a Halal restaurant and there was this free soup that they gave me. It really smells good and I know that it tastes good but when I had my first sip my tonsils went on fire. HAHA I'm not really into spicy foods but the spiciness was really good for the throat. But I was not able to consume all of it since I can't stand it anymore. LOL But overall their food was worth my visit.

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We have those small red peppers either, but I've seen them also in green. We call them "diablitos" which mean little devils haha. In my country, people use them to make a mix, they chop them, mix them with onions, garlic, parsley, oil, and milk. We keep that in a small bottle, put it in the fridge, and every time you want to add it to a meal you just use it. That's super hot, and people even cry because of it.

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I specially like my food spicy hot during Christmas season, when the weather is cold. From noodles to fried food I always have a bottle of home made chili flakes in oil, I usually cook a big batch of this every 2 to 3 months.

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