
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

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Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

Some of us live very hand-to-mouth-lives. You know what I mean where you satisfy only your immediate needs over your future plans and investments and live hand to mouth. Where money comes in and you pay the bills with one hand and eat with the other lol. Overall, there is around 40 million American families that live very hand-to-mouth lives or about one-third of all U.S. households in the U.S.A.

And they might not be able to buy everyone in their family lots of expensive presents like some people can. They might have to be quite frugal and work from a shoe-string budget to try and find all the people they want or need to get at least one present for at Xmas!

But it doesn't mean that you can't find one something that is just right for someone and that is within your budget or price range and affordability without it being something that still looked like you put a lot of thought into it and found it's funny side and will make them laugh and find it funny and that is something people appreciate more over anything else.

The great thing is, with so many small funny Christmas gift ideas. From funny Christmas stocking filler ideas to joke presents and main gifts galore. All you really need to do is just browse through lists of these and you'll instantly start finding loads of funny xmas present gift ideas for all of your friends, families and colleagues.

To prove that, here's a few funny joke Christmas present ideas I found on Pinterest that I'm thinking of getting for people this Christmas. Just for kicks! Lol Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

By the way, most of these I found exploring Pinterest as it's probably one of the best places to find funny Christmas gift ideass but I'll tell you about some other places to use to find more after too.

So there's this jar of Chill Pills I saw that I thought would be good for people who are always getting too hyper and forever getting told to shut up,calm down and chill out! And or for anyone that gets wound up and aggravated easily and has a short temper lol Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

This one just for people who get crap at Christmas. Or who crap at Christmas! This embroidered toilet paper lol
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

You can get really creative with these embroidered toilet paper rolls. Maybe not as a main present lol. But as a stocking filler at least!
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

Like this Poop Santa Emoji on Etsy.
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

This little gift idea would be great for that little cousin, nephew or nieces that you have or your own kids. I like how it includes Rudolph's red nose! lol Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

Everyone gets some electrical new gadget at Christmas and if you live in a big family with older brothers and sisters you're likely to get what little batteries there are taken from your toys and used in theirs! LOL and anyway most times those toys and things say "Batteries Not Included". Well this gift idea reverses that by giving the gift of batteries instead of something else they might just well need batteries for! Basically, if you need them for something, then batteries can make a fun and useful gift!

But only if you put a label on them that says "Gift Not Included".
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

I think this melted snowman inside a Christmas bauble one would make a lovely present for someone like your girlfriend perhaps or young sister or your mother or auntie perhaps? I don't know I just thought it was funny and cute.
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

Or just give them a bottle of water with melted snowman written on it lol
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

And that's the thing about using your imagination to come up with these things. You can get really creative. Like this ICE (In Case of Emergency) case made up in a small wooden box with a Perspex window and some old scrabble tiles.
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

I wish I would have thought about this when I was a kid. All I can say is this girl is a genius and what loving Father wouldn't like a gift like it? Although this one is for Fathers's Day, you could make one for Christmas as well.
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

And this Picture Frame Lamp isn't too hard to make as well and would be really appreciated by anyone. And they're not that hard to make either just need the frames, the pictures, a printer, some glue and some floral Vellum paper or something and you can turn an old photo into something which will be cherished and used for years.
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

Okay this one is for the older boys and girls out there now but it's a very simple way of turning a mini shot bottle into a gift by including it with a can of pop in a glass, with a straw and a nice bit of ribbon string tied round it.
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

And you can take a simple thing like a crate of beers and make them look like much more of a gift that you've put some thought into and been creative with by what you have round you like you're Macgyver like these Reindeer Bottles! Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives
Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

Well that's some funny Christmas present gift ideas for you for now. There's literally hundreds of these and many more out there and they're great to know about so I'll try and post some more coming up to Christmas so you got loads of ideas. Funny Christmas Present Ideas for People who live hand to mouth lives

Thanks enjoy and Merry Christmas!


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hahaha these are great for people who dont have alot to spend on people but dont want to leave them out! LOL these are perfect for that type of situation. i know i would appreciate a gift that was given a lot of thought put into it. it makes the gift more special to that person because im assuming time and effort had to go into making the gift!

those toilet paper gag gifts are hilarious!! i also really like the poster board message with candy bars!!! i think that is too cute. my aunt actually made one of these for her husband from their twins! it was so cute and of course she changed up some of the message but it was really cool! i actually think i want to make these for the kids and possibly my husband! LOL thanks for posting this one Mike, as always appreciate the tips!

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If you don't have enough to spend on gifts, you probably going to make do with what you can offer. It's very obvious that things are hard to quite a good number of families out there but that shouldn't stop them from enjoying the things that they can enjoy.

So therefore, in regards to this financial predicaments facing them, I believe hand made gift is the best option for them, as it would cost them eventually almost nothing to make the gifts but in return it would have a great significance on their lives.

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These gift ideas are hilarious! I don't think they should be limited to just people that live from hand to mouth. I think a gift is more meaningful if , you know the person put time and effort into it. I think gifts that are made at home are better appreciated. With todays society and their consumerism tendency's, I would prefer one of the gifts listed. This is especially good for children ,as we teach them to be creative and thoughtful.

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Nice ideas there, Hand-made crafts or items has always been a delight be it little or big.The most important thing is the heart behind the gift In fact I fancy them more because if you need to buy them it will definitely cost more than mass-produced items or store bought.I was shocked at a dress in a shop that was beautifully made though but it was surprising to know how expensive it was, the reason was simply that it was handmade from start to finish.So yea, though it coming from the one that is living from hand to mouth it worth better than mass production because it will be more solid and durable.

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All these souvenirs are very beautiful.

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Sorry, but I have recently sold them. I didn't know that someone would be so interested in those toys and simply sold them to a boy who lived near me. Why do you want to buy them? There are a lot of sites that can make custom bobbleheads then why you won't simply order one from there. I have recently bought one for my friend, it cost me 30 dollars to make a bobblehead with his face. If you want to buy one of these then you can make it and order, it won't cost you more than 20 dollars.

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Haha, I like funny presents actually! Or those related to me or to a memory of mine. Did you hear about a moon lamp? That is something I've been wanting for some time now...

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Yeah, I know what you are talking about! I know it and it seems to be an interesting lamp from the design point of view... I think it would be very comfortable and easy to use and would look different, not how people are used to seeing a lamp. Have you heard of a moon lamp? It is also one of a kind, very uncommon and yet so fascinating. I have recently purchased one from even with a picture on it, can you imagine? I like it so much, it looks very cool in my apartment. Now I have my eyes on a lamp like this.

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