
How often do you read books?

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How often do you read books?

When I was a kid I used to read every night without fail, I would head to bed, clean my teeth, climb into bed and read one of my favourite books. I remember my favourite author back then was Enid Blyton. Nowadays though I will admit that I do not read as much as I used to, especially not at bed time. Sometimes I will read before I sleep but other times I am too tired to do so and just end up climbing onto bed and falling straight to sleep.

How often you do read and when you do what time of day does it tend to be? Does it vary or do you have a routine?


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In my case, I rarely read books. I'm really not a fan of reading books but I read sometimes, depending on my mood. I don't quite like reading, but whenever I encounter a book which intrigues me and my mood is good, that's the time I read.

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I'm a book eater since I can remember, my mom says I learned to read almost by myself, so I was reading every book my mom had at home since I was a toddler. Right now, I work a lot, so I don't have the time to read all I want to. Basically I leave it for weekends or anytime I have some time for myself. Reading before going to bed used to be a must, I still try to keep it that way, the only difference is that I can't stay up until midnight or so, or I will be zombie mode next day.

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I am actually a part time English instructor, so I have to read books constantly in order to keep up with my classroom prep and to be fresh on the topics with my students and their questions. That being said, I am a book lover, so I would say I probably go through about two books a week depending upon their genre and style.

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I try to read as often as I can, but with my busy schedule I can only really find time to read my textbook for class, but not much time to read for pleasure. I'm currently in the middle of a David Sedaris book as well as a couple graphic novels that I would really like to finish, but I just can't find time to work through them very fast.

I'm hoping once things slow down at work and school I can find time to wrap up the books I've been reading for a while so I can get some fresh reading material in my hands.

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I read books 3 times a week and also this is my past time and my hobby. Reading books for me is a kind of relaxation and the time I want to read one is at night time. Reading books have brought me many benefits. It improves my vocabulary and also my imagination on what it looks like when it will become a movie. Before I got a job, I almost read 4 to 5 times a week and after reading it, I realized something. Now, I can apply some of the things I learned in reading books.

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Honestly i really don't like reading books but sometimes if i find something interesting to read i do read it and try to analyze the book content and the message inside it. even during high school i rarely read books but i need to. to pass the exams but when i reach college books became options for me we have google so much content inside it.

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Reading is important in our life. It is the gate way to information without reading your idea, information, and data will be limited.
I don't like reading novel because of its content. I always read news, reports, and current events for me to know what was happening in my society and in the world.

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I am not reading much these days. But I do try to read through mobile if possible. I am starting to like the stories. And some of the books which are into horror, scifi are good too. But most of the stories are very short. And that is often something I'd prefer because I don't have much patience for reading something long. And in that case I would say I am going to stick with audio books and short ebooks. That's my current interest as of now.

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I read a lot. I read like 4 to 6 books and makes me realize a lot of things in life. It makes me forget some of my problems and escape from harsh of reality.

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I hope the bible is also included as a book,because one book I read daily without missing it, is my bible.I don't do anything else without reading my bible,

But for other books I read when I find the kind of book I love to read but these days I read more online than books.

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I loved books, but because of technology nowadays,It is so rare to see people reading books. Even students in this generation , you rarely see bringing books in their bags, if not cellphone , they uses laptop. I can't blame them though since through internet & computers the books, article, news, any means of research can be done in just one click.

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Now that the internet provides all electronic copies of almost everything, I seldom read real books. with my work load, I cannot even one chapter of book I prefer to read blog articles. Although I have been collecting classical books from older authors I just can't find the right time of reading the whole of it.

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I can read everyday! its my hobby and making sure I can read a book or two. But mostly I can finish 4 to 6 books a day.

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I like to read books. But i have this attitude that if i started one, i get hooked and don't want to do anything but read. So i just try to read one or two books a month. I'm the type of person that there's a season for me, that i want to watched the past tv series and spend my time watching it from beginning to end. While there's time i want to watch different movies. And time for reading english books and time for tagalog novels. So i think it's just one or two a month for reading books.

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I don't read as often as used to, now I have become more selective and nit picky about my choice of books, back in the days, I would read at least one book a week, now I could hard read a book in six months.

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I'm really inconsistent when it comes to books, and I wish I wasn't. Last year I read around 4 or 5, but this year I'm slacking and still haven't finished my first book. I usually like to go to a park to read, it just feels so much better while breathing some fresh air. I hope I can pull myself together and get back into reading.

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Reading books is not really my stuff and interest. I tried before to read and finish a book but I failed. It really gets me bored and sleepy. Reading books is really not my hobby.

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I read books everyday. My college Professor told me that in order to sharpen your mind you must read books everyday. I also enjoy reading books everyday it serves as a time killer when boredom strikes me.

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I read books everyday. I love reading books. It gives you a sense of fulfillment. Also, it widens your understanding about things and people in this world. I love reading biographies of successful and influential people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Donald Trump, Richard Branson and a lot more. These guys will make you change the way you think!

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Hi, as you, when I was a kid I was reading very much but now my time is limited. My job takes too much time, my family asks for time as well, and my spare time is very little. In my spare time, I play games on the Internet, I am traveling with my family and I play football with my friends. I rarely have time to read a book these days, I even don't remember when I have read a book last time!

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I often read books on my free time and before going to sleep. Reading your favorite books before going to sleep makes you more relaxed and you might have good dream. I once remember when I was lying on the bed reading some of my favorite books and suddenly it just puts me up to sleep, then walking up the next morning all that I remember is the book that’s on my chest.

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During my childhood times my mother always telling me to read books to learn new things so i did. I am always busy reading books day and night most of the time but when puberty hits me sad to say my interest in reading books gone and i'm used to play on gadgets and reading on social media posts and instead of learning worthy things i learn some unusable things and this really affects my hobby.

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I have always loved reading books. I read books on a daily basis. I always try to find some time to read a book. Nowadays I am reading more eBooks as I can easily get them online at discounted prices and some are available for free. I also like to read old books as this helps me learn about the past. Reading books have definitely helped me to improve my vocabulary.

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To be honest, recently I have lost a great deal of interest in books reading, maybe it's work and stress that made it so for me because ever since I started my job, I hardly have time for myself not to talk more about having the pleasure of reading books.

But say five years ago, reading books is one of my favorite hobbies as I could almost read up to 3 different copies in a month. Some of the books I was opportune to read those days were 48 Laws of power, Think and Grow Rich, The History of West Africa, The Black pearl etc.

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Well, back in my elementary days I love reading books every night and in school on my free time. I stopped reading books in high school since my focus was not there anymore. It was all diverted on playing basketball, hanging out with friends, etc. How I wish I could turn back time. I know it's not too late. Juat got to have some time for it.

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I used to read a lot as a child too! I had a lot of free time then and the times were different, no internet connection in my house and no satellite tv so it was my only entertainment. I read books and comic books and I used to go to my local library often. Now I try to read one book per week but it's difficult, I don't have that much time for it. Sometimes I can go a few weeks without reading a book.

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Honestly, I only read books when studying. You know, acquiring some knowledge for a test and stuffs. But it is quite often since my exams also comes often. And when I read a book, I pour all of my concentration init in order to understand the book completely.

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Honestly i am not a book reader lover since kid i read books little and with pictures to not get bored. but when i hit college i have a friend who is a book lover then she share a book to me the book of Dear john i tried to read it and i got hook up i like the story and i watch the movie it made me cry. i read books during at night so that i get sleepy then go to bed.

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There was a time when I use to read books almost every day, I would read at least one book in a week. However, these days I am not reading books. I cannot remember what I read a book last time. I of course read, but I read online when I am doing research on a topic. I read online articles more than printed books.

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I often read books every other day. I have an e-book app and I've downloaded books like Harry Potter, Maze runner, Game of thrones by George Martin, and many more. I can't read in one sitting but I can continue reading anytime I want.

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I like reading books since I learn how to read. When I was young while waiting my teacher to have classes in the afternoon I to gether with my classmates we wait for our classes to commence while we are under the three and reading the famous "The Old Man and the Sea" by Earnest Hemingway.

Until now that book is my favorite book of my childhood, ever since I was a fun of reading I spent time during brake inside the library. My favorite books are science, religion, politics and laws.

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Before, I read a lot, like 2-3 books a day. That depends on how excited I am on what I am reading. But nowadays, I don't do that anymore maybe because most of my books are borrowed and I can't have time for that anymore. I love reading books that are sci-fi or romcom. But I would love to read those nonfiction books, it would really be cool to try another genre of books.

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To be honest, I'm not reading anymore any books because maybe I'm just lazy to read some or I'm too busy in doing some stuffs in my college. Sometimes when I'm reading some books is not usually a physical one but a online counterpart but during my high school days, I'm fond of reading some books not just because it is required in my English subject but I just find it interesting collecting books and it somewhat an accomplishment to finish reading some books you have and then you will stock them up in the bookshelf as one of your read books in your life. How amazing that is, right? Well God bless everyone and thanks

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Before, I am reading books all of my free time since its the only thing that I can do. I can read a Harry Potter book in one day, even it is a school day and there's some school requirements to be done. But, nowadays, since new gadgets come in my way, I spend a lesser time on it because my interest is going down. I guess, I can only read for a few hours a week now, see the difference? I really hope for the time that I got bored of reading books won't come.

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When I was young I used to read a lot too. Whenever my grandmother visits, she always have a book for me to read. Now that I'm older, I don't read as much as I did when I was young. But when I'm bored or just want to relax, I just read a book.

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Reading is my thing. I absolutely love to read. I will admit because of work and my social life, it's getting harder and harder to read.

Reading is essential as it improves your grammar, writing and the way you think. Billionaires like Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey recommend reading as one way of mentorship to success.

My goal is to read at least one book a week and 50 in one year. I must admit guys I'm not even meeting that goal by a quarter. I manage to read for barely half an hour before I go to bed. Lol.

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Reading was not my hobby since grade school and until I finished college. I did not even finish reading a single book when I was still schooling. I just became fascinated in reading books when I started to read blogs and aspire to become one. I found it really
essential. Reading is what I do now every day and every free time I have. I read not only books, but any material that could improve my skill in writing. If I was just fond of reading since when I was a kid, then maybe writing would be just easy for me. I regretted it though.

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I am going, to be honest, I am sad to say that I never read books anymore. Because if I want to know something I can just look it up on the internet in a few seconds. And skip all of the filler writing and get the information that I need. I think the last time I bought a book was in 2003.

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I read anytime I get the chance and can simply do that anywhere I find myself. I am delighted to read and I feel so excited whenever I am reading. Sometimes, I go to the national library to study. Reading has become my best hobby and books have become a part and parcel of me. Books are found everywhere in my room and have become objects of design and decorations in my room. I am a researcher and I study many books for research purpose. Most times, I spend a lot of hours gathering facts from books.

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I read everyday. Reading is important to me because I gain much knowledge on a certain topic. It helps to stimulate my brain and helps the growth of my intellect. I write stories and sometimes I wouldn't know what to write about so I'll read to get a few ideas. When I read, the books give me ideas on what I should write about. I read because it helps expand my diction as well.

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I read a lot of books in my younger years and when I reached highschool, my average is about 5 books a week, either fiction novel, science, astronomy and instructional not counting the daily graphic novels and comic books I was reading.
But when I reached my 30's i stopped reading books and started reading magazines and online articles. Right now, I only read graphic novels, comic books and some manga books. Presently my average would be a book per week.

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I used to read a lot of books when I was younger. I started with adventure books, because the subject was interesting and it kept me focused. As I started to grow I got into romantic and love books, and now I like to read psychological books, researches, find out more about our bodies and our personality and why are we so different, why do we have certain reactions in certain moments. Reading never gets old, unfortunately the time we have left to spend on reading gets smaller and smaller, but it's important to read a bit from time to time, it's a good way to relax and ease your mind, and also to find out new things or get a better vocabulary skill.

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Whenever there is a book available to be read I read.
I went to visit my mum last February and she has this cabinet full of novels where I stashed away some for me to read. When I got home, my husband would rant about me reading in the depths of the night and not being able to put down the book for I am so enticed with the flow of the story, and when I'm done with one, will definite open-up a new one. Weeks later, my husband be like: thank Goodness you've finished reading all the books!

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I read at night, before going to sleep. This is why I have some books that are slow-paced and a little on the boring side. I don't want to get stuck in a page-turner of a novel and realize later that it's already 2 am. Some novels' pacing is easy to trun down and set aside for tomorrow. Those are the kinds that I read before sleeping.

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I try to read both morning and evening. I just don't always have time
because of my work. It's easier for me to come home and watch TV. I used
to be able to read all day, and now I'm pretty lazy. Especially
recently, I have noticed that books have become expensive. Despite
this, I found a way out. I decided to try reading books in pdf format.
My friend advised me to do this using a pdf textbook. I even managed to download a few novels. It remains to overcome my laziness and sit down
to read.

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I have a similar situation. Could you tell me some more information about it? Let’s talk in PM

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I love readiing books, and I sed to read at least one book a week.
A few years ago, it wuld be a problem,a s the books were always expensive, but now, I know a site where to downlad cheap PDF textbooks.
For example, during the college years, I had only E-books.
First, E-books are far cheaper, but also, I was always against cutting trees.
I always believed that if you want to change the world, start with yourself.
By the way, the site I used to download PDF textbooks is this one, so if you want, you may also check it.

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