
Hamsters are fascinating creatures.

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Hamsters are fascinating creatures.

So today was supposed to be a usual day for us, we were heading out to do my weekly food shop and as we head to the store where we shop we have to go past a charity shop. As we were passing the charity shop my Mum spotted a hamster cage with all accessories. My kids had been pestering me for a hamster for the longest time but I always put it off because I was unable to get the right kind of cage I wanted. Today we found that cage and snapped it up like a shot and then after we had done our weekly shop we headed out to get the food and other things for the cage before getting the hamster and bringing it home. It was a little stressed at first due to being moved but spent a good hour at least running around the cage, pulling it's bedding into the little house it has before falling asleep and has slept ever since.

I remember when I was a kid me and my brothers had a hamster and it used to be so fascinating watching it eat storing all it's food in it's pouches and moving things around in it's cage. Watching it in it's hamster wheel was just as fasincating as well. So far our hamster hasn't been in it's wheel but we expect it to be a little more active tomorrow after sleeping much of today.

Do you find hamsters fascinating?


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Anything is better then a budgie lol I got this budgie mainly for the kids but it really does my head in late at night just keeps bloody chirping chirping chirping arggghhh. lol honest after a while it does your head in. I know they ment to chirp but not for a full 30 minutes non stop lol.

May trade it in and get an hamster but I have always wanted a chipmunk not sure why just do lol maybe want it to sing as well lol haha joke but hey that would be cool.

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I remember when I had a budgie I had the same problem as you with it chirping and being active at night and it was so annoying, it was like it would be quiet and asleep over night and then it would wake at night and just be completely annoying. I found that placing some kind of sheet over the bird cage at night helped to quieten the budgie and it would sleep and be more awake in the day so maybe you could try that?

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I have pet hamsters, 3 teddy bear and 10 dwarf hamsters. I really love watching them play around and eat like there's no tomorrow. They are most active during night, and asleep at day. But it's okay because I have my work. If you have a problem with noisy I like buying foods, toys and accessories for them and even built a playground using popsicle sticks. But that playground turned out to be their chewing toy, don't worry, I used a safe glue for the sticks. Having a pet hamster requires patience, I have to clean their cages twice a week in order for them to have a clean home. To avoid unnecessary noise at night, I bought a glass cage for them. What's good about the glass cage is that they have wide space to run around and play. I also separate the male from the female to avoid unexpected baby hamsters. If you're a mom and your kids want to have their hamster, I suggest to buy them a Teddy bear hamster or a Golden hamster (big ones), they are more child-friendly than those with the dwarf hamster (small breeds). But no matter what their sizes are, these fur babies are worth keeping for.

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I used to have a hamster and yes they are fascinating little creature. How they play and the way they eat is really intriguing. How they eat really fast but you can notice they are simply storing it in the side of their mouth. And they will soon spit it somewhere in their cage and hide it. They are fun to watch and can relieve stress.

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Teddy bear hamsters are the best! They all do is just eat and run around. I bought a cage ball and place them inside for a few minutes so that they will burn their fat when everyday. Well most of them now are already to fat to exercise anymore. They just stay in one side and eat their food all day long. Love watching them eat where they put literally everything inside it's mouth.

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I seriously don't like hamsters, I think they are ugly and gross all the time. I just don't like them. I prefer having a dog or even an aquarium rather than having a hamster. Also, this kind of animals need specials take care? I don't know anything about them but I would like to know a little bit more. It is always a good idea to know a little bit of everything than not knowing anything at all.
Are they expensive? What kind of food do they eat?

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Hamsters are truly amazing creatures. This is a fact about hamsters, a human year is equal to 25 hamster years. One year only past us but in hamster years they are 25. They are also color blind.

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A human year is equal to 25 hamster yeas - I never knew this one. Yes hamsters are very adorable creature! I used to have them but too busy now.

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I like hamsters and I have just today purchased a female 6 weeks old Roborovski hamster. I previously had a lovely Syrian but he has passed away from old age. This one i have gotten from a pet shop, because the few reputable places around don't have hamsters at the moment. When i saw her in the store, she was running along the side of the aquarium nonstop back and forth. She did the normal bout of exploring, took food and horded it, drank a bit, then started on her wheel. She has been running for eight hours, only stopping periodically to groom. What do you think guys, Is this normal?

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As much as I try to love them, It can't be erased in my head that they have the same family with rats. I really don't like them so much that I could scream and run whenever I see one. I don't find them cute even if they're fluffy and tiny. No offense but I often associate them with the rats.

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I would love to have a hamster as a pet. However, I am also concerned with its well-being. Don't they get the chance to at least see what's outside? LOL. I don't want to cage them, really, that's why I only have a dog as a pet. Maybe I could only watch their cuteness but not to the point of bringing them home.

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I had hamsters when I was a kid and I agree they are adorable pets. They require a lot of upkeep though. Their tanks need to be cleaned regularly, and you have to decide whether you want two males or two females as pets. Sometimes two male hamsters or two female hamsters in the same tank or cage don't jive too well together. A male and a female get along perfectly but if they end up having a litter of baby hamsters, you'll need to really do your homework in preparing for how to take care of them.

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I once had hamsters and they're adorable. I'm fascinated despite how little they are, they're more cute and adorable they can be. But for me, it feels like they're very delicate and if you don't take extra care, they easily die. I don't try to pet them anymore.

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Hamsters are so cute at all. They actions makes me look it more fascinating. I enjoy watching hamster when they are eating and running in a wheel. I always want to have one when I'm going to a pet shop. I should add hamster in the family.

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Having a hamster is definitely a cute thing, like you can pet him/her by just feeding him/her the food and also by just watching it go crazy and play around the cage. I would probably get one if I'm that too busy at work, so I can take care and play with them all the time.

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How excatly can they be a pet? I mean It's not that it isn't cute but I have always found they too delicate to be considered a pet. Unlike a dog or a cat that you can actually pet aren't hamsters a bit of a watch thing?

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I love hamster and i am very interested to have a pet like that so very cute and adorable animal but it is too expensive here in the Philippines. I never saw hamster personally only in internet. I hope i could able to own one of them. I will surely take care of it like taking care of myself. I do not care if that would be annoying whats important is having a unique pet like that and i will be very proud of having it.

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I really love hamsters. It is so much fun to watch them playing and running around. They also eat in a funny way. My dad gifted me a hamster last year and I am so used to him now. I love my Hammy. Lol

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I don't think I'll want a hamster for a pet. I usually get attached to my pet and mourn when they die. A hamster has a very short life span and I wouldn't want to cry that often. A hamster is a type of rodent and I don't find rodents cute. My sister bought a pair several years ago and she was shocked to see one killing the other. The survivor eventually died two months later.

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My cousin had a hamster pet for almost more than one year now, so basically her hamster is one year and 3 months old already. I agree that hamsters are fascinating pet but deeply emotionally-inclined rodents too. I remembered one time my cousin told me that originally she had a girl and a boy hamsters when she first bought those pet. The two hamsters eventually created some offspring, but the sad thing is that the mother hamster unexpectedly ate her babies because, according to my cousin, she is stress and mad during her pregnancy. My cousin told me that the hamster had a tendency to become a beast when it gets mad or stress on something. The mother hamster has died already and now her husband the one left from their supposed family. Now, Ham-ham (the boy hamster's name) sometimes became violent too when he gets mad or if you accidentally hit him or step on him.

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I like hamsters. They're cute and fun to have. I think this is why its featured in so many movies and cartoon shows. They're just so adorable to look at. I used to watch mine in its wheels whenever I feel bored.

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Hamsters are cute creatures. I wa supposed to get one when I was child. They are really nice to watch.
I love them. I hope I will get one soon.

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I ha a chinchilla that I've bought with my kids. I remember when we were in the supermarket, we wanted to buy some cloth for our family. So suddenly I got lost my kid in the big supermarket. I didn't know what to do. I did a lot of search for him however, I found him right in the front of the pet store. He stared at the chinchilla and said that he want to buy this particular chinchilla. I said yeah! And we bought a running wheel since I like it when chinchillas to be happy and healthy. The seller said that the lifespan is about 15-20 years, and yeah our chinchilla right now has a 10 y.o.

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