
Crazy Facts About the Earth That Sound Like BS But are 100% Real

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Crazy Facts About the Earth That Sound Like BS But are 100% Real

Crazy Facts About the Earth That Sound Like BS But are 100% Real
Life and all that's within it really is a true wonder of creation. And some facts about life are truly mind blowing to come to learn and know about. And when you do come to know about them, it helps you just that little bit more to come to appreciate the world that you live and have a life in! Plus, these planet facts on Earth are great conversation starters and ice breakers to know and use sometimes! Crazy Facts About the Earth That Sound Like BS But are 100% Real

And what's more, these fun crazy planet facts make for great life hacks to know about. So here's some planet facts I know of, remember and bust out and ask or say whenever any of those moments come!

Did you know?

  • Mt. Everest might be the biggest mountain in the world but it doesn't seems it wants to be bigger. It's actually growing and getting taller all the time at a rate of 4MM a year.
  • Canada might get some stick for being a little camp and infamous for angry moose. But it actually has more lakes than all of the lakes in all the world combined together. 
  • China is the only country to operate on a Beijing time zone and do so over 5 time zones.
  • Some countries have a lot of desert like Africa or North America, but Libya is a country where 99% of it is covered in desert. The rest is split between land and jungle.
  • The Swiss Army have artillery bunkers that are supposedly disguised as humble and quaint country homes and farms dotted around popular villages for fortification.
  • Would you believe me if I told you that Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotameteaturipukakapikimaungahoronukuopokaiwhenuakitanatahu is an actual name of a hill in Taumata in New Zealand? It's true and it's actually the longest name for a hill known to man.
  • There are currently roughly 61k people flying around the skies of America and US right in commercial airliners right now at this moment and at any given time of the day.
  • At the North Pole, there is no land online ice on top of a frozen sea!
  • What language do you speak? Whatever it is, only 4% of languages are spoken by 95% of all people on the planet anyway.
  • The US only owns Alaska because Russia sold it to them for $7.2 million dollars way back in 1867.
  • In Russia, there are 9 million more woman than there are men. Nobody knows why this is..
  • The Queen loves her animals and mammals and to protect them, she claims any whales, dolphins or sturgeons within 3 miles away from the UK coastline as hers!
  • If you combined all the counties in England, Wales, Scotland and N/Ireland together, they'd be just small enough to about fit into the state of Michigan!
  • Sweden is a very proficient country at recycling stuff that they run out of things to recycle and import trash from other countries to fuel their home energy programs.
  • Australia sells and exports camels to Saudi Arabia. A country famous for its camels. Ironic that right?
And that's some real fun crazy facts about our planet Earth that sound like a load of BS but are absolutely 100% real and true. That's what makes them as mind blowing as the facts themselves. But great to read and know about at least once in life! Crazy Facts About the Earth That Sound Like BS But are 100% Real

Did you know about any of these planet facts?

What other planet facts are there you know about about?


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I liked so much about all interesting information!

I´d like to bring up a real fact about the our earth: It´s flat!

If we open the Bible and making a deep research we´ll find truths that confirm it.

The sun and the moon are into the atmosphere and not outside. If we stare to them we´ll see clouds behind them how it is possible if they are outside of the earth.

We´ve been living into a big lie.
It´s time to wake up from this evil matrix and discover the hidden truths which show the God´s creation.

Ask yourself now: Why have the authorities been hiding about the flat earth?Crazy Facts About the Earth That Sound Like BS But are 100% Real

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You know I'm never quite sure if I can believe facts like the Mount Everest one. I mean, I'm sure there is some sort of technique they use to measure it but how exactly does one go about calculating the growth of a mountain down to the millimeter? Is it just the number you get after adding up years of recorded growth and dividing?

Also, this is just a hunch, but couldn't it be that there are more women than men in Russia because of the millions of men that died during World War II?

I bet I sound pretty ignorant in this post but I'm not, I'm just super tired.

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Haha, I actually tried to pronounce the longest name of the hill that you've listed and it's impossible. I'd love a native to say it so I could hear it... it has to take like 30 seconds to even fully pronounce it!

I'll add two more Earth facts to your lovely list. I've read them once in a magazine and just remembered them;
- Did you know that roughly 71% of Earth is covered by water?
- Did you know that so far, we've only explored around 5% of the Earth's oceans?

Those two, especially the last one simply blow my mind.. just imagine how much is left unexplored and that we have no idea about.

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Flat Earth is actually one of the biggest coverups that has ever existed, and it just part of an even vaster plan of world control. Because people are taught that we live on a globe right from the time we are small, most people will not even consider this enough to actually research it. When I first read about it on a youtube channel, I also throught it was beyond crazy, and only watched the video to see how anyone could believe such a thing when we have all of the evidence it is round.
However, if a person will actually LOOK at the evidence, you will probably come away with a very different outlook and at least consider that we have been lied to, not only about this; but about a lot of other things, too.
One great place to start is a website called testing the which is owned by Rob Skiba, one of the best speakers about the firmament, the Old Testament, and the theory of creation.
If you do not have a completely closed mind, it is well worth the time spent to look at this and at least be able to understand why so many people are now talking about what the true shape of the earth is.

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These are some information which I would never think to find on Google. Thanks for the sharing.
Here are some facts which I know :
The hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth's surface was 57.8 degrees C in El Azizia, Libya recorded in 1922.
Gravity is not distributed equally.Places like Hudson Bay in Canada actually have less gravity than areas in the world.

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Those were some really great and fascinating facts! I love learning new things and I just learned several new things. I think the only one I knew already was about Mt. Everest. One of my college classes was suppose to be something managing a classroom, but our professor was obsessed with Mt. Everest so it was the only thing we ever learned about. When I say the only thing, I truly mean THE ONLY THING. All of our books were about Mt. Everest, all of our online journals about it, all of our class discussions were about it. I learned more about Mt. Everest than I ever thought possible to know! Anyhow, of the facts you mentioned one of my favorites is about Australia selling their camels to Saudi Arabia. I also like the one about the name of the hill in New Zealand. I don't even know how to go about saying that name. Here I thought that Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (from Disney's "Mary Poppins") was tricky enough!

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Interesting facts! Although I've known some of them but still a good read. About the Mt. Everest growing every year, do you think it's significant at all - the 4mm per year increase of height? Isn't it due to the snow layers added? 4mm is kind of small but come to think of it, after a few decades it would really be significant after all! ;D

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Cool facts , i know must of them already but i was really hoping to see “the earth is flat“ so i can reverse my navigation and bounce out of the thread, nice info you got up there.
But no no no the mountain Everest fact is not true, there is a way a lie will be told for so long and it will seem to be true, but trust me mountain Everest does not grow every year, come on.

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Never mind, network hitches, admin should add a delete button for duplicate posts, for those without stable connection

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Thanks for these facts--I must admit, when I saw the title of this forum, I was expecting to read more about planetary facts--like the Mt. Everest one. If you ask me, many of the cool facts you have presented are not about Earth inasmuch as they are about the inhabitants of Earth and its people and countries. Either way, these are some pretty cool facts and some stimulating trivia. There is so much to know about this world, and I realize that I will pass away one day without ever really coming close to fully understanding the celestial sphere that I lived my life upon.

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I actually knew the fact about the Queen before but I didn't realise that any other animals were also included in it. I think quite a lot of people in the United Kingdom already knew a version of this fact to be fair. I knew that Swans were protected by law because the Queen actually "owns" all the Swans that are in any water that is not privately owned by a person or company. It's weird but I guess it's a good law because it means people will think twice before killing a Swan for no reason.

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Wow. This was worth reading. I only knew a few stuff about our planet. I was surprised about your trivia that Saudi Arabia get its camels from Australia. And as far my curiosity had went, only in Japan where a festival about penis is being held. Need to see more of contents like this here. Thankyou very much.

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Wow these are really good facts haha.

I never thought of the Mt Everst one and at first I wasn't sure if you're lying or saying the truth.

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Wow these are great! There are just things that we don't question and accept information unintentionally. I don't know if these are really facts but it heightens our curious minds to even dig deep. I know that there are a lot of things that are hidden and must be discovered but we are unfortunate to do so. Diving deep is somehow great but we'll never know what's beneath it.

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Those facts are so fascinating and interesting and I even didn't know about. I would never have imagined that Libya is a country where 99% of it is covered in desert the rest is split between land and jungle, and the fact Australia sells and exports camels to Saudi Arabia is so ironic. I know some few facts too, Did you know that there is an area in Canada known as Hudson Bay with uneven mass and where there’s uneven mass, there’s uneven gravity? It is minimum but it is real. Also, About 95 per cent of the ocean hasn’t been explored, with about 99 per cent of the ocean floor remaining a mystery to us.

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I knew about Mount Everest. I am from Mout Everest country. I also k ew that Russia sold Alaska to the United States, however, I did not how much the US paid. The gender gap in the US really took me by surprise, can you imagine 9 million women will never find men for themselves. The recycling facts in Sweden also surprised me. Maybe I could make millions by selling trash to Sweden. LOL

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I search that in Paraguay duel is legal if both parties is an active blood donor... what the?! Its some crazy and bizarre facts. To think that you are both legally be granted a duel if and only if youre a blood donor.
maybe because if any of them loss a lot of blood during dueling it is not a problem they are blood donors so there are readily available if needed. Ha! Ha!

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These facts are interestingly amazing. But I was shocked about the name of the hill in New Zealand where I didn't thought of scrolling to the right to see its full name as I was using mobile phone. And I didn't know Camels in Saudi Arabia are from Australia. Lol Crazy Facts About the Earth That Sound Like BS But are 100% Real

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Some of the crazy facts that you share is quite impossible like I can't believed that Mt. Everest is getting taller every year how could it be possible?. And why should Australia sell their camels to Saudi Arabia? that was crazy. But I know in Russia that the population of woman is much higher than man infact here in my country the number of women are much higher than the number of men too.

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It's true what you just said about some facts discussed in the article of being beyond reasoning because they sound very inappropriate and funny as well.

But still there are some that are quite true without one needing to argue over it. Take for instance on the point of women population, I think it's not only in Russia but all over the world, women are more in population.

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Wow! Nice amazing and mind-blowing facts you got there. Sometimes we knew something which is somehow different for what is real. I hope I can potentially acquire what the Mt. Everest can do such as getting taller and taller because I'm really a small guy and needs a lot of cm or even inches just to be tall hahaha but I guess just is really how life works. The name of the hill in New Zealand is really long and pronouncing it made it even worse hahaha just kidding and why Saudi Arabia import camel from Australia, interesting. Well thank you for these facts and God bless everyone.

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Well, I have an opposite contender for that longest name, that is A in Norway. While these are great facts about the Earth and the inhabitants and its geography, I am still in awe that some people still believe that the Earth is flat. I can't run my head around this belief. There are people who seriously believe the earth is flat. I mean, really. Why? Does NASA and others from around the world tricked us all that the satellite images of our planet is a hoax? Anyway, Great information here.

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Very informative. This is an interesting article. A mind blowing truths that will amaze you by certain facts in it. Thanks

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Wow. I never knew these great facts. I knew some of your statements but more of those are new to me. This is great post. Thank you for sharing this one!

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A nice read I love history and everything that has to do with knowing the world and its intricacies.It always fascinating to know both facts and myths about the world.Mount Everest still growing.Good to know.

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When I answered the first time, I seemed to have forgotten the most obvious. The earth is the only planet that is not named after the god. That's interesting. However, in Hinduism, the word for earth is Prithvi, which happens to be a Goddess. Interestingly. the word prithvi is feminine gender.
I went through these interesting facts and the last one caught my attention. How ironic it is that Saudi Arabia, the country famous for camels, imports camel from Australia.

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Wow, amazing facts friend, especially the one about Alaska and Russia. Now I kind of understand Donald Trump's, fascination with Russia. Hope he is not planning to sell other parts of America as well. I have a crazy fact of my own, about Russia as well. Did you know in the 60s the CIA, tried to spy on Russian Embassies by placing microphones inside cats? And putting the cats inside those embassies. Crazy Huh? And what a way to use animals. I'll bet there was no PeTA then.

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Hahaha yes, I remember this story. And the cats are so smart and sly. They are the perfect nature spies. Such crazy ideas but I bet it must have made sense at the height of cold war with the ghost of nuclear winter roaming everyone

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The first one seems like I've known for a while but the fact that it doesn't want to grow is awesome. And these are all planet facts, the one with Russia that the population on their has more women than men, which for me is awesome because I'm a man and even if I don't have a girlfriend I feel like there is a chance that I will get one.

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Wow! last one about camels, Australia, and Arabia is like crazy! Seriously, I may sound ignorant, but honestly I didn't even know that Australia had enough camels to export.
And what about Everest growing up? for sure I've heard about mountains getting smaller, due to erosion, high leveling seas, but growing up? that's new to me.

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Interesting post and I would like to add another crazy earth fact.

Did you know that Antarctica is considered as a desert?Inner regions gets only 2 inches of precipitation a year.

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Here's another interesting Earth fact.

The largest stalagmite in the world can be found in Cuba, in the Cuevo Sam Martin Infierno it is 67.2 meters long.

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Wow, I had no idea about most of the facts explained and discussed in this article. This is purely an eye opener for me, as I find the Intel on this write up very important, informative and interesting. Thanks for sharing mate.

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I knew few from your points but some of them are amazing, for example, I did not know that the North Pole, there is no land online ice on top of a frozen sea. Thanks for share, your topic is very interesting!

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