
The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation - Are you at risk from not getting enough sleep?

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The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation - Are you at risk from not getting enough sleep?

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation - Are you at risk from not getting enough sleep?
Did you know that just one full week of not getting enough sleep can drastically have an adverse affect on your health? Just one full week of sleep deprivation is enough to actively change our genes which are what control the response we have to things like stress and immunity to diseases. Not to mention your health overall. And so you'll know, here are some of the health hazards that can come about through not getting enough sleep at night.

  • Increased Anxiety.
    Without enough sleep, your brains anticipatory reactions are reduced which causes your anxiety levels to increase.
  • Increased Chance of Depression.
    Not getting enough sleep can cause a decrease in neurotransmitters in your brain which are what control and regulate your moods.
  • Disrupted Circadian Rhythm.
    Without enough sleep, our circadian rhythms are disrupted which is what helps create healthy white blood cells and without them, it weakens our response to stress.
  • Increased Risk of Stroke.
    There is an decrease in cardiovascular health without enough sleep which can increase the risk of restricting blood flow to your brain which can cause things like stroke to happen.
  • Unhealthy Cravings.
    Without enough sleep, your body can't produce enough of the hormones that make you feel full (leptin). As well as those that make you feel hungry (ghrelin).
  • Impaired Cognition.
    Without enough sleep, you will have impaired cognition and that can negatively affect the brains memory and the ability to process information.
  • Increased Hypertension Risk.
    If you only keep getting 5-6 hours of sleep per night, you will increase the risk of getting high blood pressure.
  • Increased Chance of Heart Disease.
    Your blood pressure drops when you are sleeping. And if you don't have enough of this low pressure in your blood you increase the chance of getting a heart disease.
  • Increased Diabetes Risk.
    Not getting enough sleep per night can increase the chances of you contracting diabetes. This is because a lack of sleep causes your body to produce cortisol and norepinephrine which are connected to a resistance to insulin.

Sleeping in the day time.
Power naps are very good for you, but you shouldn't really be power napping until you are old enough to retire. But over 40% of adults take power naps and fall asleep during the day time without meaning too. This is mostly because they're not getting enough sleep at night time! What is more, over 60 million Americans are known to suffer from chronic sleep disorders like insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, periodic limb movement and restless leg syndrome. All because they aren't getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night!

What about you? How many hours of sleep per night do you get?

Are you getting the full 8 hours you should be getting?


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Ah, don't scare me Mike The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation - Are you at risk from not getting enough sleep? but I do agree. Sleeping is so, so important to function normally. There are quite many people that have mild cases of sleep deprivation and they don't even realize it. I remember as a teenager and when I was out and about partying, I hardly got 4-5 hours of sleep and had the university the next day. I couldn't focus in the classroom... even talking was hard sometimes. It was all due to lack of sleep. Luckily though, I am more mature now and I know that I need my beauty sleep, which is usually 7-8 hours per night. I make sure to always go to bed early enough.

I tend to avoid napping during the night or I can't fall asleep early enough and it ruins my sleeping cycle. I read somewhere that day naps should only be between thirty minutes and up to an hour max.

Do you also feel like you're far more productive with enough sleep? I work much better and my focus is clearer.

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I had 3-4 hours sleep during most of my weekdays when I was still in the university. It was unhealthy yes, but I guess you can relate that despite wanting to sleep more, your options are either to sleep more or fail. I guess this is what college really is for most of us. It' great though that you get to have more sleep now, but unlucky me, it's still the same. I also don't have regular working hours since I work in a hospital. I only get to sleep as much as I want during my off.

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"Good" Sleep is probably the most important part of my regimen but the hardest thing to achieve especially at my age.

To begin, I'm a late blooming, 67 years old bodybuilder. I train six days a week and I have been doing so for a couple of years now but with the advanced age factored in, it's a harder journey than it would be if I was even 20 years younger.

Over the age of around 45, our metabolic system starts some major changes such as estrogen versus testosterone ratios but the big one for me is the fact that our melatonin levels start to drop. The lack of Melatonin guarantees that the lack of a good rest is forthcoming and since muscle growth actually happens during a good resting period (not in the gym) the lack of muscle repair and growth is eminent.
I can manually handle all of the other hormonal shortages by using various training techniques but I have to add the sleep hormone using oral supplementation.

The old medical thought process was that shorter sleep periods come with older age and is absolutely normal. While being normal might be good for some folks, it's catastrophic to me in that my goals cannot be met by getting only 4-5 hours of a meaningful rest. My regimen calls for 8 hours with at least one third of that spent in R.E.M. or deeper in order to assure proper muscle development.

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I am a divorced single parent of two young children, so sleep has always been hard for me to come by. I get an average six hours of sleep every night. During extremely busy times of year it reduces to 4-5 hours. I notice increased anxiety and impaired cognition in my daily life, which negatively affects my ability to do my full-time job well during the day.

I drink coffee to stay awake, but this causes other health issues and affect me being able to get to sleep at night. It's vicious cycle that I am working with my doctor to get a handle on. I recently started developing routines for going to bed earlier to increase the number of hours of sleep I get. The problem with this is I have to sacrifice other things I get done around the house in order to make it happen. The bottom line is I spend my daily life in a perpetual mental fog without enough sleep. I am committed to making sleep a top priority. I'm sure everything else in my schedule with get better as a result.

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i have worked in a call center for three years working for the company in the other side of the world. We are on a shifting schedule wherein the shortest is, two weeks with regards to the metrics. Just imagine how your sleep pattern gets jammed. That's when I learned to drink coffee, that at times I felt the tremor in my muscles and my heart palpitates. information given above does not aim to scare us but somehow warn us before our body gets abused. Sometimes life puts us in a no-choice-situation. But i felt my health is in compromise so I quit the job.

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It is honestly pretty crazy how much our bodies depend on sleep, just to function properly. So many negative outcomes are a result of not getting enough sleep. What is even more fascinating is how the amount of sleep you need can be dictated by genetics. Doctors say that the optimal amount of sleep for the average adult is about seven to nine hours a night. However, that is just the average adult. There is a certain percentage of people who have a genetic abnormality which allows them to sleep only four hours a night with absolutely no side effects. Genetics, you so crazy.

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I agree, but how about when you get really tired and you hallucinate? I always stay up late, and then freak out because I’m afraid of hallucinating. Sometimes, it can look like shadowy figures in the
room with you. It’s some scary sh*t.

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When I was in college and would have to pull many all nighters in order to get my work done, I would stay up for 48 or even 72 hours at a time. It was a consequence of having a huge workload in my classes and working a fulltime job. After like two days I would start getting minor auditory hallucinations or even imagining seeing things out of the corners of my eyes. This was only made worse by all the sugary coffee I was drinking in order to keep myself awake. So unhealthy and spooky at the same time.

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Incredible! Everything is a domino and we all never thought of consequences about this one since we sometimes ignore this one simple thing in our daily routine.

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Sleep is such an important part of being healthy, yet I feel in our world today it is one the most overlooked aspects of staying healthy. So many of us are focused on keeping busy, how much do we need to accomplish, and how much can we push ourselves to do. I try to get eight hours of sleep a night, but often times I only get six or seven hours. I can really feel the difference in my body though when I do not get as much sleep as my body needs, I just feel slower both physically and mentally. Though it was many years ago, I can still recall the pure exhaust my body felt during military boot camp where as you can imagine, we certainly did not get eight hours of sleep. I was so worn out that somehow my body learned how to sleep while marching! I'd be marching while in formation and be one part of base and my eyes would "blink", except once they opened I'd be on a whole other part of base sometimes half a mile away! If it weren't for the fact that it happened to so many of us, I might have thought I made it up.

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Yes, I agree with you, no matter how hard your unfinished works are, how attracting the idea of watching another film late at night is, please remember to go to sleep on time and keep a long and quality sleep, that is the single most necessary thing for your health, both in body and in mind, you may be able to stay up all night one night seemingly without a problem, but a big number of your brain cells have already died and the time it took for your brain to recover is quite long, also your body will be hurted, it won't show but it will be damaged from that one sleepless night.

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But I thought it's only a myth? The 8-hours-of-sleep-needed-per-day thing? But yeah power naps are good if you are really exhausted and don't have the time to have the needed sleep during the day. I myself am a victim of sleep deprivation because I lack a few hours of sleep every day except for weekends I guess. What I do is I try to take a 30 minute to 1 hour of power naps if I can if I really get too tired.

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I am current sleeping around 6 to 7 hours a day. However, the quality of sleep does fluctuate. I will feel tired sometimes if I do not get good quality sleep. It is a problem if I have a dream since I will end up pretty much exhausted as I do move on my bed while dreaming.

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I don't buy all these sleep stuffs flying around, trust i only sleep up to 4hours everyday nothing more , and am not feeling any anxiety of any kind, and am very healthy, maybe my body construct is different.
And i work out every day.

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I sleep around 6-7 hours daily but I do take morning nap . You see, I sleep at 10-11pm at night because I had to wait for my son to finish his homework. We wake up at 5am for school. By 7am, I go back to sleep until 10am. That is my morning nap. I do not nap in the afternoon because I experienced headaches. However my son do take afternoon nap, after he comes back from school . So, plus and minus, we have around 9 hours of sleep daily.

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Sleeping regularly is one way also of maintaining oneself healthy. Sleep plays a major role in sustaining a quality of life. If you are deprived of sleep, how can you perform well? How can you be productive for the day? In the past, I usually get to sleep like 3 to 4 hours only because I was a college student at that time, a student-teacher and at the same time an officer in our school org. There are times when I need to sleep less to meet the deadline of my projects, to study for our upcoming exams, to do my lesson plan and everything. I was just like a zombie during my first year. And that's when I lose my scholarship. Because I was sleeping less, I usually get fever and sometimes I need to skip school because I'm feeling dizzy. That's when I realize that I was living unhealthy and can't meet ends. And so I decided I resigned to be an officer and sleep what is suggested for me to be able to perform well and the way I wanted. That's the reason sleep is important, because sleeping is like rejuvenating our body.

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I had no idea that a lack of sleep could be so harmful in so many different ways. I know that not sleeping can really crash one's immuno-deficiency system, but I never thought about blood pressure issues or the possibility of complications like diabetes. I will admit that I do not have a set sleep pattern--because of work and my personal life, my sleep schedule is always fluctuating. I know I could be healthier, but sometimes, life does get in the way of that. Sometimes I do get the full eight hours of sleep that is suggested; however, to be honest, this is a rare occurrence for me. I am sure I am not alone in this--I feel healthy overall, but, I guess if I had the time and discipline, I would sleep more and be even stronger.

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I would love to be able to sleep 8 hours in a row, unfortunately, I use to sleep about 6 hours every night. the good thing is that usually I feel good with those 6 hours, don't feel tired or sleepy. However, whenever I have the chance to take a power nap, I do take around 30 minutes to reload myself. I didn't know sleep deprivation can be this dangerous, so maybe I'm considering going to bed earlier to give myself the 8 hours my body deserves.

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Nothing good can come out of not sleeping properly. I have gone a whole 48 hours once without sleep because I had to wake up extremely early once to go do some shopping at a fish market that opened extremely early in the morning. But it was extremely late the previous day so I figured that there was no point going to sleep if I had to wake up in a few hours. So I stayed up the whole day and didn't go to sleep until late at night the next day. I was extremely moody, tired and just couldn't do anything properly because I was so tired.

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I was in college when an expert told me about different body time of every person. I asked him how was that possible? he then told me that, every person such staying awake, in 2:00am doing it within 25 days, your body adjust itself to adapt such phenomenon. Maybe, I don't agree at all because natural sleep cycle have its own positive effect rather making your own unhealthy life cycle. It still best optional to sleep early to have a healthy body.

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I was working as a customer service rep in a contact center and sleep deprivation really drags you down. Worse, it slows your thinking and you lose motivation at times at work. But there were ways I managed it and it had compelling effects. Here is what I can say on how you could manage it:

Set the exact time for your sleep.
Occasionally, drink alcoholic drinks before sleeping. A bottle or two is enough to send you to dreamland.
Eat healthy and drink a lot of water.

Hope it helps!

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Sometimes when im getting back to to our house from work at 10pm and i usually watch movie before i sleep at 2am in the morning i feel how bad it is for my health i feel so weak and so sleepy in work my body and my mind cant focus on work and i always stairing and thinking. So now i started to sleep on time so that it wont happen again.

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I just have to have my 6 to 7 hours sleep every day, no matter where or when and i sleep sound when I have worked hard. one thing I'm concerned about lately is, I have stopped to remember my dreams, I don't know where that may lead to.

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The average hours a person is supposed to sleep is 8 hours. Due to the many strains and stress in life to get that kind of sleep every day, you must be lucky. Demands are growing every day making the average person work more than two shifts or extra hours to make ends meet. This, in the end, you end up working long hours, thus leaving a few hours for relaxing and sleeping.

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Having too much workload deprives me of having a good night sleep. On normal work days my sleeping hours will just be 3-4 hours so in the morning I just felt like I was floating in the air. It basically looses my concentration and it hinders me to formulate better ideas. I felt really weak most of the time and my functionality decreases.

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I do understand that not getting enough sleep may have adverse effects on how our body responds to it, but what we fail to point out is that our bodies are different and responds to things in different ways. like for example, if I do not get enough sleep for a particular day, I don't feel it has negative influence n how I do things during the next day, in fact, I act normal and put the best in what I do.

The only downside is just that I will then try to catch up with sleep early evening when I am home instead of staying awake for another night. My body system is one that does not need sleep to excel.

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I usually wake up 7 in the morning and I tried sleeping as early as 9 pm during the times when I don't have a girlfriend though but now I'm been getting less than 8 hours of almost everyday cause we usually stay up late at night until 12. Yes I can't sleep knowing she's still working. She's really a worker and we're on a long distance relationship that's way I'm so proud of her even if most of the times I feel really sleepy I tend to wait for her to get to bed before sleeping.

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I know for a fact that the more we get older, the less sleep we do, maybe this is due to the fact that as adults we tend to stay more awake as a result of doing our daily obligations to our family. That we cannot sleep fully unless we know that all our children are home and resting too or maybe because we have some duties to perform that a quiet ambiance would suffice such as performing online writing, things like that or we simply can't sleep because of some hormonal changes. Whatever maybe the cause, depriving sleep is not a healthy habit and we must do something about it. A warm bath coupled with a glass of warm milk will do or try to take a low dose of OTC sleeping pill but don't get totally dependent on it. Reading books that you longed to read also can help as it tired our eyes and eventually you will fall asleep.

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I know deprivation of sleep is really bad for our health. I have experience it sometime. There's this time in my previous work that i got invited into a party that we got home at already 5am and i have to go to work at 8am so waking up at 7am means i only got 2 hours of sleep. And that day was worst. The wholeday at work, i feel like i'm floating. I know my mind is not processing well. So since then i promise myself not to do it again. Though i have a bad habit of sleeping cause i sleep late. I always see to it that i have enough sleep. I know at my age 6-8 hours is already enough sleep. And i sleep at 12-1am to 7-9am. And till now i don't have a problem with my health so i think i'm good.

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Most of the people now are deprived of sleep, a good example are the BPO workers. They are prone to this problem, they deprive their health just to earn money for family. Not knowing what their job is doing to their body. A good sleep shoud be one of our priority in making ourselves healthier.

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Wooahh! Thank you for posting this. I am now aware if I do not sleep too much. Honestly I do not sleep 8 hours a day. Most of the time I just sleep 5 or 6 hours per day because of doing some work on my laptop. I am an IT student and takes a a lot of time doing school works. Because of this I feel sleepy during our class discussion. Now that I am aware, I will try to manage my time to sleep more hours than I usually do.

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I have a toddler at home. I get between four and six hours of sleep a night. I got way more sleep before having a child, but it's worth it. I felt much better when I got more sleep. I do think we all need to slow down and make more time for ourselves. But our society just isn't set up that way. It seems impossible to do.

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I have the issue with the sleep. And I am guessing this could be because of the way it is affecting the health. I am taking around 4 hours of sleep every single day. And it seems to be affecting my health a lot. You can see that in such case it'd be harder to get over the sleep issues. It can cause anxiety and the anti social behavior. You may however want to spend the time with the right set of people in that case. So I think meditation and mindfulness can be helpful in this case though.

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Having a good night sleep is the way to go for a healthy body.Sleep deprivation leads to weakness,fatigue and dullness the following day.I noticed that when I don't get enough sleep the previous night I don't perform optimally the next day.These days I try to sleep at least 7-8 hours to improve my well-being.

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From my experience, human beings are extremely adaptable and as such adapting to a sleep schedule is also a natural part of this process. Still, every individual is unique and sleep patterns are unique too. Some people are completely satisfied with 4 or 5 hours of sleep per night. I can work with 6 hours during the night and a few naps in between but that isn't necessarily healthy. We got to adapt to our reality, unfortunately.

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Yes having lack of sleep can cause disease in the near future we should take enough sleep so that our body immune system is healthy too. we need to take this seriously to avoid further damage i know sometimes there are task that we stay late at night like studying home work , exams. but we as possible we should have enough sleep for our own good sake.

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If I were somehow given the chance to give my younger self some advice, One of them would be to cherish sleep more and not take it for granted. I wOuld be like "sleep as much as you can now kid because in the future, you would not have that many chances to get a good one no matter how much you crave for it". Sadly, I realized this truth to late. It took me a year of working the grave yard shift to come such realization. Instead of partying all night where I wasted my time, money, and health, I should have just slept at home. That would have probably made me more healthier and productive. I may not have had to work the grave yard shift if I did. I might have gotten better grades and better opportunities. Lol

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Wow! I never realised this but i've experienced the unhealthy cravings back when I was accompanying my girlfriend for a week on going home. I am only able to sleep 4-5 hours every night because going to her place from her office takes about 1.5 hours and back to my place for an hour which is very tedious due to traffic. I thought I'm just stress eating at the office just eating random stuff, I keep buying different kinds of food just to feed my apetite. Good thing I only had to endure that for a week. I wouldn't want to do that again, the effects scare me a little.

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My normal number of hours of sleep is 6 hrs. That would be enough. I notice that the more I sleep the more I feel so sleepy. It tends our body to numb at that case though. I work from 9pm to 6am so that's very hard.

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I don't get enough sleep everyday . but its not that I don't want to its just even at my days off I can sleep right away don't know why maybe coffee played a part or I'm just to anxious about my life thats why I'm having trouble sleeping.

its like a vicious cyclce, I can't sleep long enough which makes me anxious & depress. and I'm anxious & depress because I can't get enough sleep lol. I wish drug companies made fast effecting sleeping pills that had no bad side effect to humans, that could help a lot of people.

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I am taking this post more serious than any other updates I have come across in this forum because I think it's directly addressed to me personally. I hardly sleep well enough, most times during the day I feel dizzy and drowsy. It's getting serious as the day goes by.

The problem is that I find it very difficult to sleep even when I try so hard to do so. I would be in the bed for two hours struggling to sleep off but all to no avail. I don't know if it's health/medical problem but before I could feel sleepy it would be around 2:00am and I would only sleep for about 4 hours tops and I am up to get ready for work.

This is not a funny experience that I am passing through and I am not finding it easy. As at the moment, I am looking forward to seeing a doctor to know that root cause of this problem for me.

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I only sleep 4-6 hours a day because I work as customer service representative in a call center. My work schedule is from 11 pm to 7 am. When I get home it is difficult for me to sleep right away. So most of the time my co-worker and I go to a bar to drink a couple of beers before we heads home. But sometimes while we having fun we do not notice the time and sometimes we go home and it's already past 5pm and it will takes me 2 hours before I reach home.
My life style is not healthy and I am in risk of suffering of those listed above because I am not getting enough sleep for almost 5 years. That is why this coming March next year I will leave my work and try to start a business so that I can manage my time and one of my priority is to eat healthy food, exercise and get enough sleep.

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There was a certain point when I was sleeping very late at night. I gained some pounds due to this unhealthy habit. I used to snack a lot at night and was drinking soda too. Moreover, when I was waking up in the morning I used to feel groggy and was in a bad mood. I then decided that I need to change my lifestyle. I am now on diet. I watch carefully what I eat. I don't drink soda anymore. I also exercise everyday. I go to sleep at 10 pm now and wake up at 6.30 am most of the times. I feel better nowadays and I am happier too.

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Having a good sleep is very important. I must admit, I am one of those who are suffering from sleep deprivation. When I am not getting enough sleep, I notice my self having low energy and unproductive the whole day. Even if I take power nap, it does not satisfy my need for sleep. I've read an article saying that lacking of sleep can cause hallucinations , too. It will draw down your immune system that can lead to more serious desease.

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When I was a teenager I'd go 2 or 3 straight days without sleep. I'd get school done, then just game and watch movies when I come home and on weekends. As I got older I did the same stuff except school turned into work (adulting), without missing a beat. I think some people just have more energy than others. Sleep is important though if you're planning a long drive in the future. Don't want to be on the road and put yourself or others at risk.

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Unbelievable! I mean, I can go for 1 day straight without sleep but never 2 to 3 days straight. I can't take it! How do you manage to get energy without having sleep for a couple of days? Didn't it cross your mind to tell a doctor about this? Because I don't think this is normal.

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Thanks for sharing this, Mike! Very educational and eye-opening. When I was in college, I only sleep 5-6 hours per day. I then became sickly. Now, I enjoy 8 hours of sleep during night or below that, I use the compromised hours in power naps. One should not take proper sleep for granted.

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Sleep deprivation is like putting a gun to your head. You feel as hypnotized as a Zombie. From personal experience, when I don't get enough sleep, especially for more than one day, I feel hopeless, like life is not worth living. I also tend to consume upto 7 cups of coffee, which makes me overactive and anxious. My appetite also increases, and I can eat a house(not good for my weight loss efforts).So in full agreement.

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Personally, getting enough sleep is directly linked to my productivity the next day. If I don't get at least 8 hours, I would most definitely get an energy crash by lunchtime. If I sleep too much, I will wake up with a headache, so it's a struggle to find the perfect sleep duration for me. On the other hand, some of my family members can thrive on less than 6 hours of sleep every night. They're always full of energy and can stay up late into the night only to wake up at around 7 am in the morning. It's almost like they're the antithesis to every sleep study out there.

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Yes, I agree with you. Not enough sleep can cause low productivity the next day and you can't think straight. That is why I sleep whenever I feel sleepy, I used this as a signal for me to sleep and for my body to regenerate strenght.

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This information is so true. When I was in college studying civil engineering, I would sleep mostly two or three hours daily. Because I am young then, I don't mind doing it all over again so that I can study. Every year, when I am nearing my graduation, time seems to become less and less in engineering. When I was in my last two years studying, my weight dropped from 120 lbs to 98lbs having a height of 5 feet 4 inches, I can now qualify to modeling. I was so thin that I remembered one time my grandmother panicked because she knew I was sleeping and didn't leave the house, so when she checked my room, she didn't see me and thought I did not come home the night before. But when she checked again, she realized I am covered with my blanket and pillow that because I am so thin, just blended in my bedding. But the hardest part that I reaped with lack of sleep is an auto immune disease called Psoriasis. Even up to his time, I am suffering Psoriasis because it has been recurrent in my life since then and I am now 36 years old.

It is really hard to compromise your health, but at the time I don't see any solution to that and realization is too late for me. I am still thankful that my body recuperated eventually but as we age, it will never go back to where we were before. So at the end of the day the quote, "health is wealth" is the best mantra to take note of in life.

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I only sleep 4 hours a day your post scares me. Now I want to stop working online and get a long sleep. I know what you post here is true its just that I need to be awake until midnight for some online job. Maybe after reading your post I will adjust my time, Instead of working until dawn. I will sleep early about 9 in the evening and wake up 4 in the morning to resume to work. In that way I maybe still healthy.

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OMG! My life is at risk!! I like going to bed late and waking up early. I just couldn't make myself fall asleep so early like before 12. Well 11 p.m is the earliest time I turn in. And no matter what time I go to bed, I always still wake up same time in the morning.

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Some people really don't care about sleep but it is, besides eating and drinking, the most important thing in our daily schedule! I try to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep, if I get fewer than that I feel bad, I have headaches and feel weak. You should be very aware of how many hours you should sleep for. Younger people should sleep for even longer but sadly they have many things to do and they have to wake up early for school and they really should be sleeping more because they are still growing.

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I've never knew this one. I know lacking of sleep is not healthy but surprisingly, there's a lot of effects of sleep deprivation. Glad that I never had a sleep deprivation. Thank you for sharing this!

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I agree with you. I also know lack of sleep is a bad thing for our health but I don't know that it has many complications. Thanks also to this post!

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All the points you listed there are very true. Sleep deprivation causes the anxiety levels to increase, the stress to raise and our behavior to be uncertain. I have worked too much lately and I feel that I am very tired, I feel how my body needs rest and sleep but unfortunately, I cannot sleep more than 5 hours a night.
I hope this will not affect my health.

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When you have 4 kids, you rarely get a good night sleep. Yes, I am a father of 4 kids, 2 Step kids and 2 from my own blood which is a 4yr old and a 10 months old. I guess this explains why I always get into a fight with my wife. Sleeping now becomes a option for me because I have to work 8 hours in the office and 4 hours at home for extra income. My wife cannot find a work because no one's watching over our kids. She too has sleeping deprivation, so imagine how tiring it would be for the both of us. I just really need some help now.

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I salute you sir. But getting a help now seems not a practical decision because its hard to find a help whom you can trust nowadays. Maybe you should take part and exchange schedule with your wife when one of you get enough sleep. Or maybe you can sleep also when your kids sleep. So that you can recover from tiredness.

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Thank you for the inputs sir. I can see that you are a father too. I actually found a good strategy now and it seems to give me a bit of good rest. I take power nap on my Lunch break in the office then I take another nap again when I get home so I can start with my online jobs. I read in some articles that power naps are very effective to regain your strength and ease of thinking. You should try it too.

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I usually got a 4 hours sleep at night but I recover the 4 hours more in the afternoon so that I can complte a 8 hour sleep a day. This routine works for me because I have to wake up early to prepare for my family's need and in the afternoon I take power naps.

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Sleeping with not enough time is dangerous to our health as well as our body. Sleeping is the time were we relaxed all of our parts and it must be done with the right amount of time. There are basis in which one person must sleep. We must follow it for a healthy living.

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Wow this is really informative thread and very useful. I never thought this would affect our body though we sleep at day time to recover our missed sleep at night time. I always sleep at night very late just by playing computer games and freelancing. Everytime i woke up early to work in my office, i always get a sleepy feeling which lead me to lose my focus at my work. I really hate that but now i changed my lifestyle and sleep already at a proper time and number of hours. This thread is alarming for those people who used to sleep only in a few hours. I already felt all of the bad effects of lack of sleeping and we should stop this bad habit.

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Every day I only sleep 4 to 5 hours. I do household chores and some home job work and after that taking care of my child and her daily needs assisting her homework in school and end up sleeping at 12 o’clock midnight and will wake up always at 4 or 5 A.M that is my daily routine . Yes it is really hard not getting enough sleep and not healthy of having less sleep everyday but we can’t do anything but to embrace things that we do in everyday life we are busy people. But in the afternoon I try to nap or rest in bed for 2 hours to relax my body and mind and it helps a lot. I see to it that I take multi vitamins to prevent sickness.

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Trying hard to earn more money for my family, I spend lots of time reading, browsing the internet, watching training videos that could teach me additional source of income and have short sleeping habit. Sleep deprivation is really risky to our health. In my case, I suffered loss hair and my gums weakens. There are also times that I am easily irritated and could not work properly in the office.

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I firmly fall into this category that does not sleep well at all. I have some kind of insomnia. The irony is that I have only realised it recently when I've been trying to sleep early. I can't sleep before one in the morning. Come to think of it I've had this problem since I was in school . I ve always thought I'm just a night owl. I ve recently realised that's not the case.

Another discovery I ve made is that this is a sign of stress that you are not dealing with. I personally find it really hard to turn my mind off. I'm thinking of joining a yoga meditation class.

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I would say that I've known this before like all the effects of not getting enough sleep but I still do it. For me, it's not a bad thing to sleep late but at least get like 7-8 hours of sleep, I do sleep like around 5-6 in the morning and then wakes up 12 or 1 sometimes in the noon. I think my problem is I'm not used to getting at bed that early because the time that I tried to sleep early, I still can't sleep that early.

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I got used to it too when I woke up early to go to work. While it was definitely not healthy our body does tend to get used to the things we do most. Still, It's always best to make an effort to get our healthy 8 hours

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Sleep Deprivation is no joke, in kids die all the time in Korea where video games are really popular. They drink energy drinks and stay up 36+ hours and then they die from Sleep Deprivation. And then you have the people who get into car wrecks and kill people because they were sleeping behind the wheel.

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I can't imagine myself whenever I didn't get enough sleep. That feeling when going through the day feeling tired, cranky, and exhausted. They say that it can do a lot of harm to our health could actually explain some of the killer diseases that we know today.

-Heart disease, stroke, and diabetes
-Increased likelihood of cancer
-Diminished mental performance

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Rest and sleep are the two important things in one's life that should never be compromised for any reason because the once they are lacking, there is a rapid increase on the chances of one breaking down with stress and psychological problems.

I know some people who cannot actually sleep without taking pills, this is so wrong because such people sleeping habits are ragged which makes it impossible for them to sleep without aid of drugs.

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I think I'm getting a full night's sleep now. When I was in College, there were weeks or months where we couldn't really get any sleep because of the requirements. I hope I didn't get any bad long-term health effects for that. I hope I don't get myself in another situation where I will have to sacrifice sleep again.

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During my schooling days, I would says it's mostly during my exam periods that I have less sleeping time to rest because of the intense reading for the exams. I was in such a very competitive class that one would read a subject over and over again, just to make sure that not a single point is missed.

I think that I have less time to sleep now because of lots of engaging here and there, in order to meet up with so many of my responsibilities. But once I get the feeling that I'm about having a health symptoms, I would practically suspend anything that I'm doing and nap for a reasonable amount of hours.

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For me, it was our programming classes and IT projects. We barely had enough time for sleep and leisure because of how the deadlines are placed. They assigned us many projects that and almost all of them have the same deadline.

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I'm an insomniac and I really haven't had a good long sleep for years now. But I'm used to it and to me it's normal. I think that the body adjusts itself to ones sleep pattern.

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Being deprived of sleep due to work or other reasons except for medical ones like insomnia can have serious negative effects on the body. When a person is awake for more than 48 hours a lot of negative things happen to the body like impaired motor movement, higher blood pressure, hard to think and talk straight as well as memory recall problems, one tends to forget a lot of things when deprived of sleep.

I've experienced this and saw the different effects of sleep deprivation when I became a quarter final contestant of the Longest TV Binge Watching Guiness Book of World Records attempt at Historycon 2016 sponsored by History Channel and Panasonic. I came out 4th place having been awake for 78 hours straight binge watching Ancient Aliens. I really had fun doing it. I also got a chance to shake the hand and meet Giorgio Tsoukalos.

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Well, I used to have very healthy sleeping habits in the past. I used to sleep early at night and wake up very early in the mornings. However, I am not able to get a sound sleep of around 8 hours since I have started doing my job. Many times I have to do the night shift and I have no option but to sleep during the day. However, I try my best to catch at least 8 hours of sleep every day.

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This is a good article, thank you. And I don't know any adults who don't have trouble sleeping. Unless it's some unemployed bachelor who lives for his own pleasure.

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I didn't get enough sleep, so I was exhausted and aggressive. My friends noticed that my character had become monstrous. And to fix this, I turned to a specialist who helped me understand the reasons for my lack of sleep. After passing tests, it turned out that my body was missing some elements that were responsible for the ability of the brain to rest and recover after a hard day's work. I was prescribed a course of treatment that should fix all this. I also realized that I must create a comfortable environment for myself to sleep well and thanks to this blog (, I chose a king-size mattress and a memory foam pillow with which I sleep like a baby and have fabulous dreams. This is amazing, sometimes to cure a disease you just need a good and comfortable night's sleep.

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You know, I can't understand those who give up sleeping in order to succeed to do more stuff. I mean this is ineffective and useless. I've suffered from insomnia and even though I wanted to sleep, I just couldn't. As a result, I was tired all the time, I was overstressed and overwhelmed. Thankfully I found the solution, as one day, I remember, I was talking with an old man, and he asked me why do I look so tired. I told him what is the situation, and he recommended me to try kratom. I went home, opened the computer, and found a site where I bought kratom online. I took it and since then I do not suffer from insomnia and any other types of illness. Thanks, God, I met that old man.

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To tell you the truth I have noticed that many people have problems with sleep, even from my environment. Many of my acquaintances worry that they do not sleep well at night and wake up already tired. I think this is because of the discomfort that surrounds them during sleep. Sleeping is recovering energy and rest must be carried out like others, qualitatively. I recommended them to get some plaids made of cotton, braided, which are extremely soft and pleasant to the touch . I hope they will be well with this blankets, because they make you fall asleep instantly.

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