
How do you fall asleep fast and wake up early?

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How do you fall asleep fast and wake up early?

I have been so lazy lately and I know that it is because I wake up very late in the morning. I plan to do some life hacks to help me in this regard so please share any tip that you know on how to wake up early. 

I already know two causes of this: 
(1) I don't always have a prepared plan of action for the next day.
(2) I need a plan or routine on how to fall asleep fast.


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You can actually listen to some soothing sleep music available on YouTube which will help you to deal with any sleep troubles. Avoid taking caffeinated drinks before going to bed. Exercising can also help you to get a good night's sleep.

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I listen to ambient music on YouTube to fall asleep. I started doing it in college and it has worked ever since. I can’t fall asleep in silence.

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I use Spotify for music as they have ready-made playlists for every occasion, and there are some pretty nice "sleep" playlists available on the platform. In terms of exercise, I think it depends on the individual since me and my friends find it more difficult to sleep when we exercise at night.

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I usually watch Netflix before I go to bed. That seems to work for me. I mean there are lots of different ways to fall asleep. You have to pick the way that works for you. I think having a bedtime ritual is one of the ways that you can best fall asleep.

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I would not say I fall asleep fast but maybe within about 30 minutes of lying down. I usually read and watch Netflix on the kindle before I go to sleep. This helps me to relax and unwind. It is a good thing to do.

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"You can actually listen to some soothing sleep music available on YouTube which will help you to deal with any sleep troubles."

This is actually one of the methods that I've picked up on recently. I put on some really soft, atmospheric/ambient music right before bed. Once I feel really sleepy, I turn down the volume a bit but keep it running throughout the whole night. There is actually a website called (they have a mobile app as well) that is intended to help with meditation, but they have a lot of really soothing tracks you can listen to that help with sleep as well.

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This actually works for me and my kids, i have an app in my phone that plays rain types with background music. I have been using it specially on school days and it worked through out the school year.

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I don't sleep according to the watch. I go to sleep only when I feel like sleeping. That's why sometimes I work until 3 am in the morning, and sometimes I sleep at 7 and wake up at 1. You might consider this as an odd sleeping schedule. However, when I go to sleep when I actually want to sleep, falling asleep becomes easy. I use an alarm to wake up. Sometimes I just turn off the alarm and continue sleeping and sometimes I wake up with the alarm.

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I used to face the exact insomnia problem as you had mentioned. I could sleep in the morning and wake up in the afternoon. Weird timing and I tend to have headache after waking up. So change my routine as my son's schooling hours. I had to force myself to do it. It was hard at first. Gradually, it became better.

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Well, I might not have a sleeping disorder. I am based in Nepal and I work for the clients in the US, the time difference is around 13 hours. If I want to keep in touch with the US clients, I will have to wake up in the middle of the night (which will be the day time in the US). It has been more than 5 years since I started working online and experiencing the same sleeping pattern.

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oh dear, you must be very tired since the time zone are totally different. I doubt you could adjust your sleeping time now since you had been working for your client 5 years. However if you are earning good income, it is worth to stay put this way. Unless you are getting a real offline job in Nepal, then you really have to change your sleeping habits.

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I am some kind night owl. I work at night, however, I always make sure to get at least 6 hours sleep in 24 hours. I always manage time to have 6 hours sleep. When I do not have any assignments and I am free, I sleep around 8 hours. I always get enough rest. There has been no problem so far.
Thanks for showing concern. I wish I could get a decent job in the real work. However, this is not happening. I do get regular job offers, however, these jobs are not paying as much as my online work.

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Wow, that is good news. You have 6 hours of sleep and a good income for online jobs, might as well stick to the routine since offline job doesn't pay that much. You had successfully found a great job online. COngrats

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Well I do a lot of things, I write for newspapers, publish on my blogs and websites, and write for the client. I write articles and ebooks for clients. Apart from writing, I also design website. If I can find a good web designing contract, I do not have to work for the entire month. I live on a farm in Nepal, I grow my own food and thus living cost for me is very low.

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wow, you are saving a lot of money and with the current income, I am sure you can tour around the world soon.

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I already have a family (wife and a child) and it is very frustrating to manage expenses. My expenses always go on rising. I wish I could save money and travel.

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I will give this a try. I think it will work for me because I do feel sleepy during the daytime and at night I will just turn into a night owl

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The simple trick is to sleep early. This is the hardest thing to do especially when you don't start work early or go to school. You simply have to train and discipline yourself. If you have something to do it's better to wake up early and do instead of staying up late. The early bird really does catch the worm. I speak from experience. When you do things earlier in the day you are more productive and you feel better about yourself. You can even take an afternoon nap. Use coffee to keep you working through the day, but stop at around 1.00 pm, because too much of it can affect your sleep patterns.

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Yeah, sleeping early really helps since you also wake up early, which means you get tired and feel sleepy earlier when the night comes, hence you can sleep early again every day. If you have no existing medical condition but only a bad sleeping pattern, this will mostly work but you have to make sure not to sleep in the afternoon, or else you'll find it very difficult to sleep early in the evening.

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I feel you man, I usually don't or can't sleep even though I go to bed early , I always feel like something isn't right whenever I tend to sleep or lie down early. But I did remember one time I did tried lying on bed and making myself comfortable, like I would watch YouTube on my phone or on tablet, then next thing I know is I did sleep early and did wake up on time. My advice would be do what you need to do and be comfortable whenever you go to bed and probably don't drink anything that has caffeine on it.

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It depend what happen in my day. If I have some tired things I did with in that day then it's hard for to wake up early. And if there is no something appointments the I woke up early as a roster. How do you fall asleep fast and wake up early?

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Actually, I have sleep problems and I usually fall asleep very hard, and when this happens I leave the TV open and I fall asleep much faster and I rest better in this way and I succeed to wake up early.

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Having a good night sleep comes natural to me maybe because I work all day during the day so by 8 pm my eyes are already calling for my bed,so I don't really find it difficult to doze off but days I seem not to be able to catch it easily,I take a cool shower, take a drink depending on the weather whether hot or cold, read my myself to sleep.

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Working all day can always bring about some good sleep to lots of people that I know out there. The thing is that your body get real weak when the nigh is approaching and that is the reason it is that way. I think he should try eating early at night for it is what a pal used and it worked.

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I suffer from insomnia and anxiety a great deal, and this does affect my sleep, so I know exactly what you are struggling with. I also think that the winter weather where I live is making me a bit lazy too, and it is making me want to just stay in bed instead of working on what I should be doing! I have to set several alarms and fight my way to the desk to work. I work primarily from home, and I think that this is also a factor in my basic laziness. I also need a life hack to fix this, that's for sure.

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How about getting registered at the gym? There has been saying that keeping fit can help in a great way to adjust many things of life and this is possible if you can get the needed sleep by working out during the evening time.

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What is the time you normally work when you do? Like before this pattern ever happened to you, What is your best time to work? Sometimes people develop their own time. there are those who are very productive at night time til dawn and sleep the whole day the world is busy. Kinda like nocturnal animals. I was once like this when I was younger, in my late teens til my late 20s. but now, I changed my habit because I find it harder to sleep in the morning and I get easily woken up. So I decided to change my life pattern so that I can perform better.

When shifting from being nocturnal to the normal, the adjustment days will be worst. So when you sleep late tonight, the following morning rise up early. Use an alarm clock if you can't do it on your own. And move up and do your day as usual. If you don't have anything to do, clean something, do some physical work. During the day, you might feel like taking a nap, refuse to do it if possible. But if you get dizzy, try catching it for maximum of 30 minutes and don't do it later than 2pm in the afternoon. Eat your dinner early and don't consume anymore coffee or similar drinks that may make you wide awake because of caffeine. Try going to bed early and repeat the same routine til you catch the habit of the time you want to happen.

Of course this is not medically backed up, so if you suffer anything like insomnia or hypersomnia, consult your doctor.

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I am struggling with sleep a lot. So I am not the right person to even answer this. These days I am getting some sleep through the sleep exercises and the sleep sounds. This way I have managed to get some level of sleep. Though it's kind of hard and slow. But it is not that bad so far.

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You could try meditation as well. I do it and it's amazing. It helps relax your muscles and brain especially if you're the type of person that overthinks things. I often found myself laid in bed overthinking everything that happened during the day and not being able to fall asleep.

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I do meditation. But the thing is that I suffer from depression. And so the sleep patterns are pretty much damaged. And so for that reason meditation and medication both have limited effect on me. I have to find more peaceful and calm things for myself.

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If I want to fall asleep fast and wake up early, I usually shower before going to bed. Afterwards, I prepare and drink a warm green tea before and gently stretch before bedtime too.This will help relax your muscle and promotes better quality sleep. Hope this helps How do you fall asleep fast and wake up early?

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my sleeping time is fixed because I attached it to my son's schooling time, had to sleep at 10.30pm, wakes up at 5am, so forcing myself to follow the routine helps me to sleep at the appropriate time. Attach yourself to someone or something

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You're lucky. And that's another thing one can I can say from my experience. If you can get better sleep. It can get you much more comfortable. And another thing is that sleeping may not come that easy. And one has to do some physical work. And then maybe it's possible to manage the sleep in that case.

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I have struggled with falling asleep a lot through the years and one trick that I can share with you is very simple - prior to trying to fall asleep, at least 1 hour before, do not use your phone! In fact, nothing with a screen, except some calm television. Why? Because the brightness of the screen actually keeps your brain awake and makes it ten times harder to fall asleep after you've stopped using it. Try it.

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I struggled with insomnia a few years ago but I overcome it recently using this technique. Wake up at the same time every day, even though you haven't slept for 8 hours. Set an alarm for example 8 AM, and do it every day, it's like a miracle on how fast this technique works. As for how to fall asleep fast, I always exercise before I sleep, this will help my brain and body to get easily tired and that's a plus because I will not use my gadgets before I fall asleep.

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You should work out enough during the day. I don't mean only hitting the gym or something like that, but generally wasting enough energy so your body isn't ready for work. About waking up early, that's a habit that you have to set up for yourself otherwise it'd be very hard, you can try out with an alarm.

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The human body system is designed to work the way you put it to. If you happen to stress too much during the day, there is a higher possibility that you would fall asleep the moment it's nightfall. Stress is one of the things that gets one to sleep early but if you having partial amnesia, you are definitely going need extra help with falling asleep. Maybe pills would help or watching movies can equally help as well.

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I do meditation, it helps unclutter your mind and relaxes your body and soul. It's easier to sleep after doing meditation and if you try it just an hour or a couple of hours sleep will completely recharge you.

I'm an insomniac before and after a friend told me to try meditation, I bought a book and practiced it daily...well I've had no problems sleeping after that.

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I often fall asleep fast if I am tired and working overnight and wakes up early if I need to finish the job and report it the following day. These keeps me half asleep since unconsciously I am thinking of completing my work while I sleep soundly for being so tired. But for other reason I guess there is nothing that comprehends these two situations which totally applies for me.

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It's quite sad that you found yourself in such a difficult situation that needs you to plan your way the day you want it and I have to say that it is not always easy for anyone to do so. One good way to fall asleep early every day is by taking some heavy meals at evening and forcing your sleep to sleep. Yes, force yourself to sleep by always acting that you are sleeping and see how it is work better for you.

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I normally don't go to sleep until I am really tired. I sleep best when my eyes are really tired. Forcing sleep doesn't work, just results in hours of tossing and turning.

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And that's my case also, I can't sleep and don't have a proper time to sleep, even I have a work during that day, I can go to work even without sleep, It's really hard to do that. Sometimes I really need beer just to sleep.

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I have no idea actually. I am just not able to sleep that quickly unless I am extremely tired from being out and working hard that whole day. I really do struggle to fall asleep fast. What I tend to do when I go to bed is use my phone and watch various different TV shows that I love. After a few episodes, I tend to become quite tired and can fall asleep after that. Without actually watching the shows, I tend to struggle to fast asleep for some reason.

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That does it for me also sometimes. But I fall asleep to watching television sometimes instead of watching anything on my phone. Wouldn't want to fall asleep with it in my hand and risk dropping it or knocking it off the bed in the middle of the night.

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I never actually physically fall asleep whilst I have my phone and am using it. I tend to feel sleepy after a little while watching different TV shows on my phone. When I start to feel sleepy, I tend to just turn it off and put it aside and try to go to asleep. Like you said, I wouldn't want to risk dropping it or sleeping on it.

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I always listen to music at night because I can not listen to silence. A quiet house is sure to wake me up every hour on the hour. And whats weird is even though I am listening to music I can still wake up when the alarm goes off LOL. For whatever reason, my body still hears the alarm over the music.

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Okay now this is weird lol, am not going to doubt nor question the possibilities of this because everyone have it's own unique features, I don't listen to music at night because I get constant headaches I don't know why.

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on the subject of nighttime quiet, I live in the city so even at night, I get occasional noise from outside like a car horn honking, or a vehicle passing by. When I was a teenager, I used to have my radio playing all night while I slept.

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Your body might be used to certain sounds and it probably triggers some kind of reaction that wakes you up, the human body is impressive. It might be this, or you just get irritated by the alarm over the music and you wake up.

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Well, I'm not the best person to suggest how to fall asleep fast, because usually takes me quite some time to go to dream land. But, what I do can recommend you is to make a schedule, or at least try to accomplish a bed time (same time every night) and a wake up time (also every morning). By doing so, you will make a sleep habit, and that way you will somehow educate your sleeping human clock. You can at least give it a try out, it has worked for me and my family, and helps me get fully recovered every day.

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They say when you sleep early then you can be early in rising, as for me I sleep late due to a medical condition and I would say it is difficult to find sleep and most times I wake up with headaches because it's as if I never sleep.
Is there anyone here with this condition too?

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Have you ever talked about this with a physician? or do you have relatives that have the same issue? A proper and healthy sleep habit is vital, because that allows you to rest and recover from day activity. If you don't sleep well, you will be tired the whole next day, you won't be alert, and you can develop a chronic disease.

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I've actually just recently been getting back into a healthy sleeping rhythm after having completely obliterated my original sleep patterns as a result of being on holiday. I find that the first key to falling asleep easily is an incredibly simple yet potent one, and that is: be tired. Work, exercise, go out for long walks/hikes, do what you need to do. A good night's rest only comes after a hard day's work. If you're sitting around eating junk food and playing video games all day, you're not going to sleep well, guaranteed.

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Try to get a healthy lifestyle. Stress can sometimes dispute with sleeping habits, which means it contributes to insomnia. Try to forget all the problems in life a bit for quite a while and try to enjoy it for once. Try to exercise as well, it really helps loosen the blood and stretch the muscles, which... reduces stress. Try to use an alarm clock too, keep using it until you get so used to it that you wake up right even before the alarm clock sounds. Other techniques include, trying to sleep early. Humans need at least 8 hours of sleep a day, and usually when you get busy, it gets cut to 5 hours. So I recommend doing things early and sleep early so you wake up early you can just repeat the process. Good luck! How do you fall asleep fast and wake up early?

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I also experience troubles in falling asleep and find it very hard to wake up early. What I do is that I exhaust myself before going to sleep, I do exercises and then take a shower after. Sometimes I also take light snacks just before going to sleep and drinking milk. I also avoid doing activities that might keep me awake such as browsing social media sites or playing video games. I make sure to set my alarm early and avoid snoozing it. It was very hard at first but as I continue doing it, it becomes easier.

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Listen to your body. What I do is, prepare myself for the bed and clear my head with all thoughts. When this doesn't work for me, I'll resort to doing what I love the most, like reading a book, playing sudoku, etc that doesn't involve using gadgets because this will just prolong my minds' working activity. I find soothing comfort in doing those that's why when I'll feel my eyes getting heavy already, this will be my time to sleep.

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Personally, I listen to classical music first before going to sleep. I put pillows under my legs to lift my feet up. Through these ways, I end up sleeping in less than 10 minutes. The next day, I usually wake up early in the morning, about 5:00 am because my body is just used to it ever since I was in college, when I need to get out from bed at 4:30 am.

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For me to sleep fast, it's best for me not to use a gadget or any electronic devices before sleeping. Instead, I calm myself first by riding a bike and just do some rounds in my neighborhood. And I actually got this amazing talent that when I tell myself to wake up at a specific time, I actually wake up that around time. Like when I tell myself to wake up at 5:00 AM before sleeping, I usually wake up at around 4:45 to 5:15.

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I know someone who falls asleep by listening to funny videos. That is strange and funny at the same time but it worked for him. I guess it depends on one's preference.

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I always fall asleep when reading, so whenever I feel the need to sleep early, I pick up one of my books, or I open a website and read. I don't have a problem with falling asleep but I used to wake up late, I would set up five separate alarms with different alarm sounds just to wake up. The best way that I found to wake up early is to just sleep early as well. If I am staying up late at night, I usually ask my friend to wake me up, I don't trust myself anymore even with 5 alarms.

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I make sure my stomach is full then I will take a hot shower. I always make sure that the temperature of the room is good, not that hot nor that cold. I make sure that bed is soft comfortable. The lighting should be dimmed. I sometimes spray some aromatic scent inside the room. I make sure I set an alarm twice before I go to bed so I’ll be awake on time and won’t get late.

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In our country there're are some beliefs that sleeping with stomach's full will cause of nightmares and heart attack. I don't believe in that actually, I do the same, eat a lot before sleep.

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Personally, I can't do that. When I go to bed after eating a lot, I feel like the whole food is blocking my breathing. Also, I do have nightmares, and sleep really bad. I rather have dinner about 2 hours before going to sleep, and if I feel somehow hungry later, then I just drink some tea or hot beverage, but not any food. Those full stomach nightmares are terrible, make you feel like in a roller coaster the whole night.

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My only way to do that, is to drink beer. My mind keeps running every time I lay on my bed, and because of over thinking, sometimes I go to work without sleep. It's really hard for me to find sleep, and the only way is to drink beer, three to four 500ml of beers are enough for me for a good sleep.

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I think for me to fall asleep fast is that I am thinking positive views so that I will feel relax and calmed. We should avoid thinking negative since it will only trigger us to be worried which later would help to increase the chance of having the inability to sleep well. I would suggest also if possible to listen to some few love songs before you go to sleep so that you will have a peace of mind for the whole night. As much as possible sleep early so that you could also wake up early in the following day because if you sleep late at night then there would be a possibility that you would also wake up late in the morning. I hope I can help you in my simple ways or advice, have a nice day.

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Hi! Actually my normal sleeping time is 12 in the midnight. By that time, I will feel already sleepy after the whole tiring day. To be honest, I'm not doing any particular thing just for me to fall asleep. I'm just actually following my body clock. However, I have problem in waking up early because as I observed. my sleeping hour will be 6-7 hours so commonly, I am waking up 7 in the morning. This is not a problem if I have no classes for that day because waking up 7 am is not actually bad. So my problem is waking up before 7 am whenever I have classes for the following day. Unfortunately, I do not adjust the time when I will sleep, around 12mn is constant. So for me to wake up before 7am the next morning, I will set my alarm to wake me up by 5:30 am and also will set my mind for me to wake up by that time. It is just all about mind over matter.

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I honestly have no idea how to make this work. I mean I am reading all kinds of advices and I tried to apply them but it seems to have no result. I think I might have a kind of sleeping disorder, becauss I feel all energic and awake at night and during the day I am sleepy all the time, I take naps and I cannot concentrate at anything. It's not that I can't wake up it's that I feel tired I hate waking up early.

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For me I fall asleep fast because I am not thinking too much during night time, one thing that will help us to fall asleep fast is to relax our mind and body so that we will be having one direction. Avoiding too much stress as much as possible would also help us to have a peaceful and calm sleep. Many people are having a hard time in making a sleep because some of them are drinking too much coffee that could also lead to insomnia. While for me to wake up early in the morning is just to set your alarm clock so that our mind and body can adjust immediately and for us to wake up early whenever we want. Setting our goals and priority for the next day could also be a big help for us to wake up early in the following days.

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One could take some sleeping pills, it's an easy way to have some needed rest. But before taking some pills, get a big alarm clock and set the time and the alarm on loud. That'll do the trick.

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Taking sleeping pills regularly whenever you need to sleep isn't a good habit that you are forming for your body system. If you body adjust to the drugs, it's going to be extremely impossible for you to ever sleep again without taking the pills. It's going to turn into some sort of drug addiction and abuse.

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I caution people who need pills to go to sleep, as it's quite dangerous if you take too many or if they don't interact with your body in the proper fashion. Pills of any kind should be a last resort to dealing with ones inability to fall asleep.

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Few things can beat just actually being really tired, which means making sure you get some work in during the day. These days even mental work seems to do the trick but also some good exercise or a workout really does help when I know that the sleep is really important.

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If you want to sleep on a certain hour then go to sleep with 15 min before the hour you proposed to sleep. On your first day don't expect that to happen, you will be probably staring on the ceiling for maybe 3 h and the next night but in a week you will start to sleep earlier and earlier until you reach the proposed goal. You can test it and tell me how is going.

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I'm always struggling with balancing my work and other life activities on daily basis which leaves me hanging constantly because I'm always thorn between the time to sleep, work and wake up early in the morning and attend to my family before heading out for my office work. Sometimes, I do fall asleep at my work post but luckily for my post is somehow secluded that not even by boss can see me when I nap off and I can easily wake the moment anyone walks up close to my post.

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What I do is listen to instrumental music like classical music particularly piano. Sometimes I just browse fb and take some scroll on my newsfeed until few minutes later I feel sleepy. It'not hard for me to wake up since I am just a light sleeper especially when there is an alarm,so its easy for me to wake myself up.

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I'm actually a lazy person as well. If I know that there's nothing significant to do on the next day then I won't sleep early and that makes me wake up either on the afternoon or at night. However, if there's something significant that I need to do on the next day, then I'll sleep early and tell myself that I have to wake up early so that my mind can remember it. I also set my alarm clock as an assurance. However, if you don't want to feel laziness then I guess you should think of some significant goals that you want to do every day so that you'll be able to have a valid reason to wake up early. If you that, your body and brain will be used to waking up early and being energetic.

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I have no tricks for this, but I also don't have any problems either (in fact I think that I sleep a bit too much!) going to sleep around midnight and waking up around 8 AM without an alarm. It's just the rhythm I have grown to accept and see no reason to change. I think that everyone just has to find their own thing that works, so it's going to be a long road trying every single thing out.

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It is really hard to fall asleep fast especially if your brain is actively functioning and if you are not that tired from whatever you did in your entire day. What I did to fall asleep early is that I read some ebooks while listening to music (not the rock one), later on I find my self already wanted to sleep. And for waking up early, you should at least know what do you want to do in the next day. Find valuable things to do that might help you but I suggest if you don't have any responsibilities early in the morning yet then you can do some body exercise or you can go for biking. You know biking is really fun and enjoyable exercise early in the morning or if you don't have a bike you can do jogging.

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What i do is get busy in the day time and do almost everything i need to do, eventually ill get tired in the evening and go to sleep early. Although there are times that i want to do work during night, but what i do is just adjust my sleep by power napping.

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I don't know if you are familiar with this art called Taichi Chuan. This is like doing Yoga but this is like Yoga in motion because Yoga is stationary. This art reduces sleep problems and will also provide you energy to wake up early. But this benefits is only a part of its multiple health benefits in human body. I am practicing this art for almost ten years and it really helps me a lot in my daily performances, and it also prevent me from minor illness like fever, colds and cough. There is online tutorial about Taichi and you can also buy Taichi tutorial books in order to learn its basic principles in detailed.

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I read somewhere that if you want to wake up early, you should drink a glass of water before going to sleep. Maybe your body will alarm you and wake you earlier to go pee. I tried this and it works sometimes. Sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night to go pee in the toilet. How do you fall asleep fast and wake up early?

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It's been my problem before I couldn't sleep early and the result was waking up so late. My health has been compromised so I decided to change my sleeping habit. I've tried to waking up so early so in the evening it would be easy for me to be sleepy around 10 pm. I also drink a lot of water and milk just to help my body to be more relaxed.

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You can also try a massage before going to sleep, this helps the body to be calm and relieved. I tried it and it really helps because of the after result. The massage actually helps me fall asleep so fast, there are times that i tend to asleep during the massage. Although this might cost you but definitely it's worth it.

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I can fall asleep easily if I don't force it and just allow sleep to come naturally. It's easier to fall asleep if you're not stressed or thinking about other things. I don't have very good sleeping habits myself because I have to work during odd hours when every one else is in dreamland and I also sleep at odd hours most of the days. As long as I'm not missing out on the important things like attending meetings, reporting for work, paying bills, and doing other transactions, I don't have to push myself to wake up early unless it is actually necessary. That's one of the the benefits of working online. I don't feel unproductive at all because I derive most of my earnings by working at night up to the early morning hours.

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Back then I used to tire myself so when evening comes I actually feel the need to rest and normally I went to sleep quickly. But now music and relaxing an hour before going to bed gets me to sleep quickly and sound. It's always 7 or 8 hours of sleep before I wake up. Waking up is not a problem for me with regards to setting alarms. I learned that If you set an alarm you should be getting up on that time and you need to because if you go back just to take another minute or two the next thing you'll now you're late and lazy to get up. I make it a habit of waking up and not closing my eyes when the alarm rings.

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You can find your way to a good sleep by ensuring that yup go out during the day. Even visiting a close friend is a form of doing that and one thing is that you exercise your mind and body by walking to that place. Also, try as much as can to begin a fitness routine that can get it tired at night such as home training, if you don't have time money/time to register at a gym, and watch as your sleeping pattern will change for the better.

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Well, I can't sleep unless I'm REALLY REALLY tired, or if I listen to the sound of rain. It's one of the most relaxing sounds in existence. I sometimes also use ASMR videos for relaxation.
When I have to wake up early, I just keep repeating it in my mind, that I need to wake up early, and it works for me. I always wake up easily when I do that.
And the most important thing you can do if you want to wake up early is sleep early, that will help a lot. Those early hours of the night are crucial.

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It usually happen to me when I'm too tired. It makes me easy to fall asleep and wake up early, as in early like 4AM and it's just fine for me. When I'm not tired and I still have an energy I'm ending up awake until 2AM and it's getting hard for me to sleep.

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For you to be able to get to sleep easily, I suggest that you should read books because it could help you to feel sleepy. Also try setting up an alarm everyday on a specific time in the morning. Do that as a habit and your body will adjust and create its own body-alarm. I usually spend too much time in scrolling through social medias and that helps to get sleepy but eventhough I sleep late at night, I could still wake up as early as 6am in the morning without alarm. I believe it is because I usually set an alarm before at 5:30am because I have to go to school, so I trained my body to wake up early even without an alarm. Also, drink a glass of water before going to sleep, it could help you to go to sleep faster and also your body will wake you up because you need to pee. How do you fall asleep fast and wake up early?

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The best way for me is to tire myself to sleep, I would ride my mountain bike until I'm exhausted, after that I would eat a snack and lie down listening to some soothing music until I'm fast asleep. Problem is most of the time someone would wake me up.

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Well, I have never faced the problem of not been able to sleep early at night and wake up early the next morning. Most of the times I am so tired due to my work that I sleep instantly as soon as I lie down on the bed. I think if you have a problem of not being able to sleep early then you must make a very conscious effort to sleep early for a few weeks. Slowly but surely you will be able to change the habit pattern of your body and eventually you will be able to sleep early and wake up early next morning

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This year I have been through alot of stress. One of the results of this has been insomnia. I've had major problems falling asleep and thus getting up on time. In short when you don't sleep you become super unproductive. I've had to look for ways to fall asleep, that don't involve a sedative. I have found sounds on Youtube, that help you to fall asleep. I've found them in form of deep waves. The best sound that works for me is the sound of rain and thunder.

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The thing that keeps me awake at night is the thought that I should be doing something. And to make that something I always connect to the internet to plan and find ays how to make it. Sometimes it takes its toll. So to sleep when I need to, what I do is I disconnect from the net. We would always have to do something, but we need our bodies to make them. That i why it is very important to rest.

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I used to have a terribly hard time falling asleep until I realized I had an overactive brain. So I cut caffeine, started sleeping with earphones that played classical music, and also tried to read for a half hour just before going to bed. These little actions marked a before and after in my sleeping patterns. Also, very important, is to set a specific hour to sleep and stick to it. Your body will become accustomed to it and naturally get tired at that hour.

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What works for me are breathing exercises, Deep inhale and exhale for about 5 minutes and a nostril breathing afterwards will do, but first you need to of course prepare your bed, clean it and make it as comfortable as what you want it to be and also taking a bath will help too, it makes you feel more comfy and relax.

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