
Are people becoming too sensitive?

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Are people becoming too sensitive?

Going through Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter, I've noticed that people are complaining about the smallest things now. Not sure if everyone knows about the Mayweather vs McGregor fight, there was something that McGregor said to Mayweather about how he wanted him to dance "with" him. But people started claiming that he said dance "for" me and said that it was absolutely racist! Mayweather himself had to come out and say that McGregor didn't say anything racist towards him. Why are people so sensitive that they find offence with the slightest thing nowadays?


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Well, it is something that happens everyday, and we have little or nothing to do about it. People are becoming too sensitive for their own
reasons. Social media has become a place where many people live their
private lives. Some are ready to know what you do, say, write or post.

Not just about the Mayweather vs McGregor fight, it happens everywhere.
Funny enough, there are people that will tell you what your post or
comment mean even if that wasn't what you had in mind. However, it is
pertinent for people to be mindful of what they post online and how they
go about it
So, to answer the question, YES! People are becoming too sensitive.

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It's like the norm now for people and it sometimes becomes a habit to some. I have friends on social medias who post personal stuffs which are really private and I feel like it's not necessary at all. It's your own problem and you should fix it not get sympathy from other people online - specially relationship problems. Just because it is a "social" site doesn't mean you have to post all your private events in life.

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i cannot say that it was not there earlier but we now get to read, and see - thanks to the media. Here in India a lot of lynching is seen over trivial matters even to the extent of killing. I will not be surprised that these kind of happenings were there even before. They were not reported the way reporting is done these days.

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I can't blame people for being sensitive because maybe they just experience the same way why they react like that. People tend to react in a way they want because they see something is wrong. I myself is sensitive when it comes to words spit on person's mouth. Everyone has the right to be sensitive especially when friends and family are on the line. In over all, I believe people nowadays are totally sensitive and there's nothing wrong about it. They are sensitive because they care.

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Yes, they see something is wrong. They are not always right. Sometimes there is nothing wrong, then they are TOO sensitive.

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You are right in that it's difficult to gauge sometimes where people are coming from, and maybe they do have bad experiences, but I don't think that gives them the right to silence others on their opinion just because they had a bad experience. I don't agree that there is nothing wrong with people being sensitive. Yes, they do have a right to feel what they want to feel or how they need to feel, but when those feelings start to impede open discussion then there is definitely something wrong there.

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I have no idea about that, why would it be racist? It's good to be sensitive, they asked TOO sensitive. I agree, it's not good to be too sensitive when there is nothing wrong with what someone said, if there was nothing racist or offensive with what they said, get over it. I don't care for the words chick, broad, tits etc because I know what guys think. It's very disrespectful. Maybe I'm too sensitive and shouldn't care. I have respect for myself and my gender. I'm not worthless because of my gender. Nobody is worthless. I'm very sensitive, I don't care for teasing or bullying, especially if it's teasing or bullying me. Otherwise I don't care as much, I can take a joke. Though it's not really a joke. So yeah if there is nothing offensive but they just wanna get mad and find offensive somehow, too sensitive is not good. Now stereotypes and other things are wrong, but it's gonna happen. Don't get so worked up over it if you are not like that in anyway, the "dance for me." Whatever that means to the person.

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I think that people are definitely becoming more sensitive but I believe that it is mainly due to how our society changed. We are far more pampered and spoilt in everyday life. Compare how we currently live versus how they did 50+ years ago. I admit that I am often scared of taking part in debates that can be seen as controversial because I just know that somebody will be overly sensitive, get offended by a comment and begin fighting like there is no tomorrow.

So, yeah. I do agree with you and the source of this over sensitivity can be found in the society and the way we were raised. I think that you just simply have to accept it because there isn't much that you can do to change it.

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I don't think that people as a whole are growing more sensitive, but it certainly has become a trend to be offended by absolutely everything. People are rapidly losing unimportant things to complain about, and need to get their fix. Because of this, they'll scrape up what little controversy they can so they can go on about how offended they are. I'd say is a mixture of boredom and too much social media exposure. It's either just going to go away or become a part of the culture of this era.

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This is true, and the reason for this is the usual cycle of too easy life making people soft. It will eventually be followed by the part of the cycle which makes people hard again after facing massive hardships, but that will not happen before the fall of the Western culture we currently know. People simply do not appreciate it, so without going too much into politics here they just leave it be until it crumbles and forces them to actually act on it.

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I think it's not that people are becoming too sensitive. There's a trend for people to be involved in anything. They feel that they have a right to participate in judging people over the posts or even on the content itself. Social media participation is pretty much free so there's a lot of people chipping in to give their opinions even though they may not be experts. Nowadays, society is using social media as a platform to express themselves. There are also Internet trolls who go into social media to make nonsensical comments or nitpick on errors or mistakes by others.

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I think that people are becoming more self-oriented, which is actually the opposite of being sensitive to other people. Instead of being careful not to offend someone else; people are only busy announcing how they themself has been offended.
I think that we (as a whole) have actually lost our natural sensitivity. Consider the recent story about teenagers seeing a person drowning, and instead of caring about this person and trying to rescue him, they watched him drown and filmed the whole thing with their phone camera so that they could post it on social media. These boys had no sensitivity for the drowning person at all.
What is happening now is that so many people have started being offended (or proclaiming to be offended) by every little thing, and even our national historical monuments have been removed in some cases. Tearing down historical monuments because someone says they are offensive is a ridiculous thing to do .

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I have to agree with this statement. We have seen trivial issues being hyped and shared. Things which are actually more important are left unattended. We try to judge others all the time on social media platforms. I guess there is a tendency for us to find negative things in everything. We need to change our mindset.

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Too sensitive! We are living in a time where Identity Politics rules the day. On the one hand, it is good that we have become more sensitive to diversity. However, it feels like people are going out of their way to feel insulted by anything and everything. Perhaps there is an expectation of perfection and enlightenment, that society is going to intuit what is offensive and what is not offensive and how you as a person, would feel about a host of things. To expect to go through life without feeling insulted is ridiculous. We are flawed humans and we will also see life through our world view. This is not to endorse out and out racism or misogny. However, people tend to get bent out of shape these days. I mean, "safe spaces"? "Trigger warnings"? C'mon, grow up.

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I guess we really can't do anything about it. I just hope that it wouldn't end in personal attacks because of beliefs like what we are already seeing these days on social media. Some people, whenever they read or see anything on the Internet or on their local neighbourhood, they would eventually react to the point where it would end up in an argument without even knowing what is what etc. I guess, we all aren't the same.

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people commenting in social media sites, forum sites and blogging sites are quite sensitive to certain words. I try to avoid those people who comments that turned out rude or slightly in anger. I think people are obsessed in negative thoughts or misunderstood others easily. Look at the forum sites. lately, I had read a few members bombarding each other over trivial words used. Better not put fuel to the fire or else get burnt instead.

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I would say, that has multiple causes. More than being sensitive I may dare to say people are paranoid. Is like we are always expecting the worst opinion from others. Also, that makes me think it is a perception issue, is not what people say, but what we want to understand about it. As you said, with the Mayweather-McGregor event, he said one thing and people understood something completely different. So, before we react, let's take a moment to make an inner opinion, and then give it back in a proper civilized way.

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I think so, but I do think it is a natural reaction, considering the previous age was one where we were not allowed to question anything, so I really can't blame people for taking advantage of suddenly finding a voice and using it to the furthest extent. I agree that it is a bit too extreme at times, though, and it really does look ugly the way that people focus too much on the technicalities instead of looking at the bigger picture, but hopefully someday we all can find a balance once the novelty of this new technology and culture wears off.

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You're right on not blaming people for saying their opinions on matters like that. For goodness sake, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion and trying to question them is not just the way to go.

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Some people may be overly sensitive as they spend more and more time online while others may have ulterior motives. With social media popularity having a probable price on it's head awarding the most skillful and noteworthy person some means of monetary contribution for highlighting a presumable trend or issue, this sensitivity sensation will have many influences to rally around this cause. This is sadly the world we live in, people are trading modesty for sighting social mutiny as the human stampede that virtually ignites evolves a wave amidst the super information highway that some clever silver surfer consider they can ride to fame and fortune.

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We have become sensitive cause we experience almost everything second hand now, we build our opinions based on the news and social media, while we never know the truth if we're not in the heart of the event, if a Syrian for instance, said something rude in an interview or a Facebook comment, we feel offended right away, but we forget that we're watching this from the comfort of our home, while he's being threatened with a bomb falling on his head any time.

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Well, I guess everything has a downside. While social media brings the world right to our doorsteps, there are the side effects.
People now make it a point of duty to have a say in the life of others. They follow up on the life of their colleagues and neighbors like three blind mice. The effect is appalling.

People now take to the Internet to spew their religious sentiments, racial bias and they do so with reckless abandon. Seriously, this world needs saving. I think world over, governments should begin to regulate these channels.

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No, I don't think people are too sensitive. It's more of the fact that due to availability of social media and us being connected, everyone has to state their opinion on a matter. The duality of echo chambers and people who just argue for argument's sake (trolls, I guess) is just too contrasting. There seems to be no middle ground between the two where a conversation (with respect) can be held for a period of time. People are complex creatures but they're often being labeled as x, y or z because of a particular belief that they hold.

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I think gender studies across the world has resulted into the sensitive people. Feminism has turned the world into sensitive minority and majority type mentality. So it's kind of harder these days to convince people. And they can get offended at everything these days. You can see that it's better to consider people who are too sensitive to be more or less. I think people should be more realistic than idealistic. But the way these things are being going on in this world. Things are sure to be changed and damaged this way too.

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Yes i agree with you because people care about everything right now and this will damage they're confidence for sure.

I don't know why people are so sensitive to anything to be honest, but it's not a good thing.

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It might depend of how you deal to a person, like saying; it's okay to die because everybody all die while his mother currently dead. Maybe, some people are too sensitive, even small things get mad. I
don't know what's the term, for a person who easily got mad, sometimes
they yell to the person unaware. I have once deal such person, we even fight physically because, he intended to make reason to do so.
i don't like persons with that kind of behavior. I usually avoid those people, because they are not good to be in a circle of friends, sometimes, it's up to you. Maybe, in their psychology, they don't want to be hurt somebody, even into a slightest single word.

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I think some people have always been oversensitive but with the internet you see how many of them are there. Before there was internet those people were just complaining to their friends but with social media you see strangers complaining in the comments so you may think there are too many of them. Some people just like to create problems and complain about everything.

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The thing is most of those people certainly want a little fame on the net so they can't stop trolling, flaming or spamming those kind of abusive comments without thinking of the consequences they might face supposedly things get bad. Its useless to argue with those kind of people as they have little understanding and maybe none of the feelings of other people they bullying on the net.

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This attitude are long been there. We just notice it now because we already have internet, and by the use of social media people can easily say what they want to say. Even the things that should not be a big deal are being talked about. Maybe because we are so into our gadget that it became our outlet to find someone to talk to. So even with the smallest details some people post it and ask for someones opinion or someone to be their ally. It kills their boredom and some just want to be notice.

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Maybe some people are really sensitive from the start but are in the right mind to keep their unnecessary feelings to themselves, but alas the internet came and everything else is history. From my opinion, I think this has something to do with the people's transition to the digital world. When people move to the digital world, they get limitless access without rules that stop them from being at one place to another. They sometimes (well, most of the times for some) forget their real world standing and act how they want to act. Since no one is stopping them, why wouldn't they, right?

Sadly we can't blame the internet either, so let's just embrace it and have fun meeting different kinds of people. Who knows, the next critic might be around the corner?

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Before the internet, before the social media, before we able to comment on everything, were we all this sensitive?
I really think the internet has made us more sensitive to, Everything is upsetting and needs to be called out. Nothing can be let go, nothing can be shaken off. People on the internet love to rage against the machine even when that machine is doing nothing personal to them.

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Definitely yes ! It is true that you commonly see this people in social medias. They tend to make the small thing into big things and I feel sad about it. Because they can use their time to be productive rather than spending time complaining about the small things that they reacting. But we can't blame them I guess that it's their own way to be appreciated.

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Yes it is definitely true. Most people nowadays are becoming too sensitive. Maybe it is because of our growing technology that gives us more knowledge about new and old things in our world. We are exposing too much in our modern world today that teaches us not just to learn everyday but also to define between what is right and what is really wrong. We are giving more opinions and sayings to a certain people or object according to what we know in our world and what we have experienced.

As I observe between our grandparents they are not so sensitive than we are.

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YES! people are becoming too sensitive these days. I just dont know why. Maybe because of our generation today, teenagers today our grew up with technology. Even kids already have facebook accounts. They read posts that are not suitable for their age. I think we should lessen our time using social media sites because sometimes it worsen the situation or problem in our life. And I think parents should be responsible for kids who already have facebook or any social media account.

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People are more sensitive these days and for the coming years because of social media. People now a days like to trigger people by saying racist words to other people, in fact you can find these people on social media like twitter facebook and even in youtube. You see very rare people that are racist on personal because they are afraid of consequences if they will do that to other people in person because maybe 70% of people around the world are cowards some of us/them might not. So I can say that people only brave in social media that's why they don't think twice to say racist things to other people of what kind of race they are, peopls can say everything in social media because it's just social media nothing to worry about. So I suggest to not take it seriously everything in social media world or you will be a victim.

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Yup, it's the evils of the current generation. Nowadays we have soft men and strong and dominating women. Who can blame them really? If the men aren't doing their dominant role then it's a natural instinct of the women to step up and ensure the continuation of our kind. I wonder where will this lead and what awaits us in the future

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I wouldn't say people are becoming more sensitive. I think people overall are becoming more tribal due to demographic shifts, especially here in the states. People of color are on track to become the majority of Americans in 18 or so years according to census records. Women now outnumber men for the first time in American history, and younger Americans (age 45 and down) now outnumber older Americans (age 55 and up) for the first time in U.S. history. These changes are making some people uncomfortable or angry.

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I don't think so. I actually think people is not sensitive enough... Racism exists, hate exists and people should be able to adress it by it's name. It's their right and their duty. We are able to say our opinion now and we should say it with respect and moral toward our human pairs...

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It depends on the situation I guess. For matters that concern or relate to them, I think people do tend to get sensitive. For things outside of their interests however, they don't really give a damn about them. Rather they are actually more noncholant and apathetic.

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I think that is what they want to do now, they want to disclose everything, even their feelings in every little things known to man. I'm wondering if they just want to be noticed or they want to be famous? Haha. Whatever the case is, many people now in social media is over-sensitive.

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Well honestly people could try and ruin the reputation of someone famous. I think people who just voice out in social medias are called keyboard warriors. Because thats all they do.
They see someone on the spotlight and they judge everything they see. People find that entertaining.

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Yup people nowadays are extra sensitive where likes and comments sinks inside their heads making them think about it over and over lol.

I think I was made more sensitive because of social media where everyone has something to say about you. feels like you're being judge at any post or comment you made. also seeing post/comments of others can make a person anxious.

I wouldn't put the blame all on social media though , but it made a huge impact on people's sensitivity.

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Well it's the situation we find ourselves in the world today and I will liken it to people actually being lazy and not having anything serious doing with their time other than being chronic attention seekers.

Today, people would do or say anything to generate traffic on their Facebook or Twitter page in search of attention. I am not surprised at this since I already know it's one of the things that comes with so much expose through social media.

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I am a black male in the United States of America that loves Boxing and the UFC. But I really must correct you on the whole McGregor, Mayweather issue. Conor McGregor did in fact tell Mayweather dance for me boy! Those were his exact words and he also called Mayweathers big body guards monkeys, yet the was he spoke to were not black. I watched all of the press leading up to this fight and Mayweather never said that he felt McGregor was racist, Mayweather left the issue alone. But Mayweather did state that he disrespected him in front of his daughter when he said dance for me boy. Now I will not say that people are sensitive, but racisim isa sensitive issue. I will say that Conor McGregor's Walk out song is a mix of Sinead O'Connor and Biggie Smalls. No racist man will walk out to or listen to hip hop. So with that being said some people are too damn sensitive and as for me I love Conor McGregor.

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People are becoming increasingly sensitive especially now that they are more and more aware of themselves,roots and origin. The oppressed are trying to seize their freedom and everyone is trying to be woke. I think it's natural for these things to happen. We just need to have mutual respect and understanding for one another

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I don't think people are becoming more sensitive.I think this 'sensitivity' has been brought about by the internet, and by the fact that more people globally, can view what was said in several seconds. People are different and receive certain comments differently. I think anyone who says anything in public , is responsible for checking themselves. You shouldn't make comments that can be misconstrued by certain groups of people. And if you don't know what you're doing , please leave it to the professionals.

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Yes I do believe that most of the people nowadays are too sensitive and opinionated as well. There is onetime on youtube I was just stating what I feel in this particular video and I was bashed by some netizen. They throw profane language at me I decided not to reply to their comment because I don't want to make it a big issue. At some point I was glad that there are some netizen too agreed to what I have said.

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Yeah, people are becoming too sensitive nowadays but I don't presume all but most of the people are. I find them too dramatic of reacting thing that supposes to be a joke only. Like for example the politics here in our country, it is undeniable that there are people who don't like our president. Because of this reason, some of his words during an interview or jokes is being exaggerated by people and they are becoming too sensitive about the issue that they're being too personal.

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I think it depends on the people way of thinking and understanding in a particular scenario maybe many are just sensitive because they don't like Mc Gregor that's why they are reacting so badly, but for me they need to check it clearly before they react because reacting in a wrong way is not good.

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That's how words affect all of us. The media exaggerated too much that they fail to see what will be the outcome aside from becoming it on the national news. I think we are all sensitive in our own ways. It's just that we could see literally everything on the internet. This will become our downfall if anything worse will happen.

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I actually agree for what you have said that people nowadays are becoming more sensitive than ever and I don't know why. Every words you post in the internet will have a lot of meanings from a lot of people even though that is not what you meant that's why nowadays we need to be careful what we post online, we need to think twice or even more than thrice to make sure what we will post is something that nobody will misinterpret because it will be taken against you.Some people also today are just to negative or haters in someone's achievement even though this certain person has nothing to do with him, they are so mean that I don't know if they know what they are doing or not. I hope someday people realized not to judge but to understand. Well God bless everyone and thank you.

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Yes I think that people are becoming more sensitive nowadays. Maybe because of many factors, they are more sensitive now, example is people are now living their life in social media. Everyday of their life they post it in facebook and other social media. Even when they are eating, exercising, and all things in their private life. Then when they are critisized by netizens online, they are sensitive and feel offended if someone bashed them by their posting.

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People all over the world had suddenly morphed into the 'brave opinionated' individuals. But I think people had this long before. That is why there are fights all over. It just so happens that now we have a medium in which we can speak our minds without ever really facing the person we are talking to or giving comments. Most people do not realize that when we comment hateful things and disrespectful things to others, most of us cannot even tell it to their faces. We mostly felt that we have this RIGHT to give our unsolicited opinion to every thing that is happening around us. Some are helpful, but mostly they are not. I applaud people who are still courteous to others even though they have differing opinions than others.

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I don't think that people are becoming more sensitive, in fact, I think people are becoming mean and insensitive to the other people needs and feelings. I look around and I see that people are interested only bt their needs and thoughts.
We are becoming as robots and follow the routine and we o not observe the other people and what surrounds us!

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From your explanation,I doubt if that is sensitivity. People will always talk. Fans will need to make up stories so they can enjoy a fight, beef or just to get attention.

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That's also my view. In most cases, celebrities are creating attention by creating stories. To propagate their narratives, they are hiring bloggers who will misguide their followers and the public at large.

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Well, I think that the extremist views are gaining ground all over the World. The level of intolerance and disrespect for others has increased exponentially in the last few years. People have lost the art of respecting the other side of the spectrum even if it goes against your own views. Adding fuel to the fire are the irresponsible Politicians who don't spare even a single opportunity of widening this divide for there selfish political gains.

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You could say that we have become softer over time as a species as technology has allowed physical life to be easier we have also prioritized the welfare of people as well. It has become our aim for society to allow people to become happier but that also means that we keep developing an aversion to that which once caused us pain. Over time as we have dealt with social issues and changed our perspectives on what’s acceptable and what not we continue to build a larger and larger list of whats not acceptable and naturally that means we are more sensitive.

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Well, as much as people are becoming more sensitive, it is good to remember that social media has changed people. There is a new generation of bloggers who will rejoice in every negative occurrence.

Actually, people are not becoming sensitive, but bloggers are creating sensitivity even when it is not required.

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I ran across your article in a Google search and see it was posted three years ago, but your topic is even MORE on point today. People are truly, truly, truly OVERLY sensitive. And a lot of times it isn't even the original author of the post on social media, it's some troll who decides to "pick a fight" over the slightest comment that THEY deem "negative" or "cruel." Case in point, I removed myself from a Facebook group on a popular sci-fi TV show because after I only replied with the "vomit emoji" that is among all the other generalized emojis, the admin of the page sent me a notice and said, "don't vomit on so-and-so's post." The admin then muted me (temporarily) and killed my reply to that post. Well, I decided if I can't even post an emoji that's too DICTATORIAL for me. By the way, the emoji was my response to the technique that the film and TV industry use - they use "soft filters" to make women's faces have that "soft" glow about it. It's ridiculous how pronounced the sensitivity level has become. Another ridiculous example? I belong to a few candle groups on FB and someone posted a pic of their homemade candle and wrote: "..what do you think of my candle, it's perfect isn't it? Thoughts?" Soooo I added my thought that the flame was too high meaning she might need to use a smaller wick. Right away, I got jumped with several people saying "..she doesn't need to read your negativity, there is no room for your hate in this group." What%$#@! I almost passed out with disbelief. About a week ago I read an article that was originally written a year ago on a list of popular celebrities who are NOT on social media and their reasons were fascinating. No, perhaps we're not becoming too sensitive, perhaps we're just becoming instigators to promote a series of hateful comments. Maybe I'll be like Brad Pitt and kill my social media presence because sometimes.. it gives me a headache.

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