
Poetry and Fiction Blogs: Dead Or Still Kicking?

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Poetry and Fiction Blogs: Dead Or Still Kicking?

Do you think that poetry blogs as online journals are losing popularity? DO you frequent poetry or fiction blogs regularly? If so, do you think these blogs can be sufficiently monetized and will they get enough traffic to make a profit?


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Wow, you are really seeing it from your own perspective. Different strokes for different people, those blogs you think they are dying because they write fictions or poetry,maybe because you don't like fictions or poetry, but trust me they are people who can't stay a day without checking out on those blogs.
Like me, i don't sleep without checking out a particular blog, that writes fictions, that's probably the only the only blog i check on 24/7, when am having a bad day, and i remember i will check on that blog, to read the fictions, and art of poetry, i will feel a glimpse of joy.
The blog won't even die in the next decade. because more people like me are out there. And the owner pulls massive traffic, to his blog.

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Actually, I run two poetry blogs, so I may just be speaking from my own paranoia. I publish poets and am a published poet myself, but I was just curious what people in this forum thought about that genre of blog. My post may have been a bit vague, but I do appreciate your passionate response. I think it is funny that I came across to you as someone who does not like fiction and poetry. I am also a part-time literature professor, so I am love with writing. It is my life.

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Thanks for posting this, all kind of tastes should be appreciated. I do like poetry, writing and reading. You say you have poetry blogs, may you be so kind to give me the links of those? More than writing I'm more into reading, I enjoy reading every kind of genres since I was a kid.

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This is just my personal opinion, but I think blogs /forums/websites, in general, are losing popularity due to social media. These days almost everyone I know lives on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And I am old fashioned, so I don't see the reason why they are so popular. I prefer a good old-fashioned blog/forum/website.

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I don't think so. Blogs whatever the genre might be will stay. Population is really big and each of us have our own preference. We find comfort and happiness and satisfaction in reading blogs. So i think it will never die.

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Excellent point here. We all have our own varying tastes, and there is room out there for all of us to find what we appreciate consuming and reading.

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I totally agree with you, blogs are blogs and people will definitely like them or not like them but it really depends on peoples taste depending on genres. There are so many people in the world and all the people doesn't actually have the same taste on which blog they would read so it's probably not possible that the Poetry and Fiction blogs are gonna die.

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Poetry is still alive. Schools continue to tolerate this form of art. As of today poetry is not that popular only minimal amount of people are continuing to support it. But maybe for the next generations it will vanished because of the modern technologies that tend the people to not care about it anymore.

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Poetry and Fictional enthusiasts have their faithful following and as a result, they will not be disappearing in the sands of time any time soon. Remember also that great works like even the recent Game Of Thrones and Harry Potter fictional stories still maintain key interest in the world of entertainment. Nowadays in particular these enthusiasts are deeply connected with various frontiers. As a result if they are not thriving in one area they will definitely be thriving in the next. Also remember that the original works of art and creativity came from a place where the wildest imaginations are set to run wild and free allowing others to explore such an experience living that life of fantasy through someone else's dream world come to life! This is more valuable than anyone can imagine, in fact such works of creativity is priceless and thus will always withstand the test of time.

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Sure poetry and fictional blogs are still on and working.I logged in a lot to read them.Maybe because you are no longer into them.But my fellow mates in this genre are moving with them.So it still very viable I must say for any one intending to start one.

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I think poetry and the fiction blogs have their own place. And you can't really quantify them these days. The reason being you have to see how the changes are being happening in publishing industry. As you can see there is Kindle publishing program. Which is taking most of the writers in.

And this means you get more people coming into the platform. And this has increased the way things work with the publishers. So you may not find much of the free stuff from them. You can instead find out how the fiction blogs and the content being published under the book title instead.

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I think many people still love poetry. There are thousands of people i think are looking for some poetry blogs and fiction blogs. There are millions of internet users, you just have to capture audiences in social media platforms.

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I agree with you. Most of my friends and colleagues adore poetry, and it is a big part of their lives. I am in academia, and so I know a lot of professors who are also poets, but I find that a lot of them look down at online poetry blogs and journals as being inferior to the print journals which have been around for a lot longer. I, however, tend to disagree with this idea. I think social media platforms are the perfect place to share our poems and writing.

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I think that almost any niche can be monetized if you put your heart into it. I have always taken a liking to poetry and I am sure that many other do too. While it isn't something so popular as games or movies nowadays I am sure that there are hardcore poetry fans out there who would appreciate such blog. Maybe you'll take a little longer to see any actual profit but it's worth a try.

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I think you are right, and I think that poetry is such a valuable resource and form of expression that it is definitely worth monetizing, or paying for. I am reaching a pretty good audience with one of the blogs, and it is an international one, but, of course, I would like to see even more success with this, even though I should count my blessings and not complain.

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This is like asking the question "Does newspaper still exist?" Poetry and other forms of literature is still very active to these days. It's just that the media today is evolving in different forms.

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Touche'. Good point. When I posted this forum, I was coming from the point of view that literary blogs were not as popular as blogs about other subjects, but after reading all of the comments here, I think I was being a bit insecure and shortsighted. I really appreciate the feedback here, and it has rejuvenated my resolve, to an extent, to keep blogging about certain subjects.

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Well there might be few readers for poetry and fiction blogs, but I don't think poetry and fiction blogs are dead.Poetry and fiction bloggers have their own subscribers and readers who regularly visit the blogs, read poetry and fiction and leave feedback. There was a time when I used to follow number of poetry and fiction blogs, I read and left feedback, but then I began to give more focus on reading facts and figures, I wanted information, which left me no choice but to abandon poetry and fiction blogs.

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I also agree with you here. I know you are a writer, and writers tend to gravitate towards other writers, so we are all always reading each other, and in that way, in a way, we are supporting each other. It is important to have an audience as a writer. Do you think that you will eventually return to your love of poetry and fiction blogs? I frequent them quite often, and I actually run a poetry journal/blog online that gets submissions from all over the world. Poetry is a great love of mine. Thanks for your post here.

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Well, you make not get too many views from search engines for your poetry and fiction blogs, however, you can draw social media traffic, especially from the sites where you are active. Having said that there is also a trick to gain search engine traffic. It may not be possible to use keywords in the title or the body, but you can use keywords in the description as well as meta tags. I have a poem published on hubpages. It gets huge Google traffic during the Mother's day. I have described the poem as " a poem about mother" mother's love poem" poetry mother's love"

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Oh--that's a cool idea--using hubpages for poetry traffic? I never thought of that before. Using a holiday as a subject is also very smart, I think, and I am not surprised that this has brought you a lot of google traffic. I would need to change my subject matter and my approach to the content to do things like this, but that idea has opened my mind a bit to a few other possibilities in my blog writing and poetry writing which might generated more traffic!

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I don't usually read poetry or fiction blogs but maybe I will try it later. I think it will never fade away or be dead in the online world as I do believed that there are still a lot of people who are fascinate in poetry and fiction. Sometimes school teachers ask student to research poetry as their assignment. so imagine how many student will do a research and I'm pretty sure few of them will be hooked into it.

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Poetry is very much alive! i love to read poetry books and also write some poems. We may think that it's not a fad anymore because of the technology but really. Poetry is very much there.

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As long as there are people who loves reading their content, regardless of their number, their blog isn't gonna die. Fiction and Poetry fans are still there, maybe their platforms have changed, but they are definitely here to stay.

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It's still kicking. Nowadays it is more conducive to speak it out than to write. The very common here is the SPOKEN WORDS. While in writing, I still reading poems and stories, I also make some poem on my own. But now the people wants to hear and see your masterpiece.

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Spoken words for me is like a modern version of poetry. I love listening to spoken words because you can feel so much emotion as the poet speaks every words. I think this is a better way than just writing the poems. This even require the poet to be more creative as they speak their piece. Their facial expression, the tone of their voice should match the emotion for evey words they utter.

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I guess it would depend on how well the particular blog was advertised. Oftentimes people just post their work on Fictionpress or other aggregate fiction sites because those sites already have a lot of traffic and it's a good way to get exposure for your work, negating the need for a blog, but if one just posted a few of their works on such sites, perhaps the first few chapters, and then put in a link to their blog where the rest was exclusively hosted, one could get a lot of traffic. Sometimes people just host their writing blogs on large-scale social media sites like Tumblr.

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I personally think that poetry and fiction blogs are still in the trend. They never lose their popularity and charm. Many people, including me still love reading these kind of fiction.

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Many people loves poetry. They are also some people do poetry readings and it's very cool. IT'S like a Sunday or Thursday club thing they gather and share poems that they like, recite it and discuss it.

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There are still people who love poetry whether writing or merely reading. Besides, poetry can still be found on social medias which people actually love. Sometimes they get the poetry from blogs made by other authors and gives them full credit for it. So I guess poetry blogs are still alive.

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I don't think so really, because it's a niche thing to begin with, so the amount of traffic will be low in the first place. Also take into consideration that any type of content will see swings in the amounts of visits over the year, because of e.g., holidays, events and popular interest via an influencer. I'm not trying to put you down from starting out such blogs, all I'm saying is that you have to understand that things are constantly changing, so there is no need to freak out over some days being (much) slower than some others. It's just how this all works.

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Poetry and Fiction Dead? No way...Far from it. I personally love reading poetry and fiction especially biographies and memoir. I love to learn the lives of the most successful people in the world. My friends and my family share the same interests.

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In terms of the industry of selling poetry and fiction online, I think it always boils down to how you advertise it. If you will just post it in a blog wherein only small circle of people are your only followers then, this is not a good thing for creating traffic to earn. Personally, I read fiction posted online by unknown or aspiring writers. I find happiness in reading fiction stories more than the poems out there. But it is just me, there are a lot of different types of people who likes different types of things. So when you ask if poetry and fiction are dead, the answer is no. It is just how you advertise it.

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You are totally right about this, in my experience. Learning to market your original writings and poetry is tough, and it is hard to show people that you stand out in a crowd or that what you are doing is something unique and special. I also love writing unknown and aspiring writers and discovering how creative and how diverse they are in terms of themes, ideas, motifs, etc. I think I could have worded my question for this forum a lot better, but it really did generate a huge response, which I think is awesome. I was "sort of" playing the devil's advocate, and boy did it stir up a hornet's nest!

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I think you can't really say that blogs like this can be considered dead or no longer profitable, but blogs which contains marketing and business do make more than them. I guess the reason for this is that, despite many people being interested in reading these, it has to be kept in mind that websites and apps offering writers to post their works there such as Wattpad, garnered the attention of fiction and poetry enthusiasts that bloggers who posts their works in their own specific websites has been kind of forgotten.

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So long as people still love poetry and fiction there is still room for both. What I am not sure about is whether the blogs themselves still manage to attract as many people. Have they been overtaken by other more culturally relevant sex and the city type of blogs, that take the time to attract an audience? You run two blogs do you take the time to attract, and keep your audience or do you assume because many people still love poetry and fiction, they will come to your blog.

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I don't follow any poetry or fiction blogs but I am a part of a community on a website for writers where everyone can publish their work, poems or fictions. It's easier to access other people's work than following many blogs and checking them one by one. I think that's a better solution, to have everything on one website.

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I like sites like this as well. I know we can't always have everyone we want in one place, but having a lot of variety at a Creative Writing site is totally cool. I like jumping from genre to genre, and I really like hearing new and different voices. Actually, being able to do this helps me when I have come down with a bad case of writer's block myself.

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I think Fiction blogs are still alive in this era and it is still the favorite even by the millennials but I don't think it's still the same for poetry. Even the new generation are still fond of fiction and it interest them.They still find it amusing and they're interested with it. On the other hand, poetry somewhat loses its fame and is now unpopular.

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That is what I am working is a bit of a nonfiction/biographical blog plus samples of my fiction. I am also going to start featuring works of fiction from writer friends of mine there as well. I have noticed that people tend to appreciate the fiction blog I am working on more than the poetry one, in terms of content and traffic. I think those who DO love poetry are really devoted to it, though, and they tend to be fewer, yet more devoted, repeat visitors.

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I think most bloggers are not quite interested in running a fiction and poetry blogs considering the fact that blogs on relationships, business and sports news are taking over. However, it would be nice to see passionate poets think of starting a blog on poetry for it would be such a great move from what we have now.

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It's obvious that poetry blogs are really out of phase today. For millennials, this type of literature is not their kind so it's really going down. On the other hand, fiction blogs are still on since there are many people, young and old that still likes it.

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I think it depends on your fiction story blog that who will be targeted people online. For me I prefer to target traffics from teenager because they are the one who is very curious when it comes to fiction stories in that way you can make a high profit.

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I love poetries and I dont think they will be dead soon. Honesly, I am seeing a lot of poetries on facebook now than before. Even here in our country, poetry book sales are still doing good. If poetries will be put on blog, I still believe it can get many traffic with proper promotion. Try to look on social media sites, and use it to get traffic will be effective.

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I can't see fiction blogs dying anytime soon. People love to read stories. The writer just has to put out good content and material. Stuff that keeps visitors coming back for more, and brings in new visitors. Who knows, your story could get seen by the right person and end up in a big career break. As for poetry, I'm not a poetry person but I imagine poetry blogs can attract a strong loyal follower base if again, the right penners are involved. Your poetry just needs to strike the right tone.

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I agree, Judas2018. I love reading fiction blogs and finding new and interesting voices out there in this genre. Just when you think every idea for a story has already been done, you can find authors with cool and original ideas, especially in the fantasy and science fiction genres. It would be a dream of mine to have my writing discovered because of my blogs and to be able to collect the blogs into a book or to find a way to write as my sole career. I do think that there are a lot of popular poetry blogs out there, from what I can tell.

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I think is true that poetry blogs as online journals are losing popularity, there are fewer people these days who read such blogs and there are fewer chances to get traffic on these blogs. The new generation is interested in reading (the fact is that they are not reading anymore) about games and technology more than poetry.

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I hear what you are saying, but I do think that this predicament is a step-back, culturally, and good poetry blogs and threads of quality could really make an impact in this arena. There are tons of people out there who love poetry--I get a lot of traffic on my one poetry blog every month, and I am astonished at this! I publish underground and famous poets there, and so there is a bit of a community vibe going which attracts new people all of the time.

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Poetry dieth not s natural death,
It has always blown away my breath.
Poetry doth entertain as it springs forth
Poetry and fictionfiction both surviveth .

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Truth be told not many people visit blogs nowadays to read stories because there are so many free ebooks on the net that one can hardly exhaust them. However one can still make money from their fiction blog if there is a huge audience that loves their stories. What will determine what you'll earn is how you monetize your blog. Selling ebooks on a fiction blog that gets lots of traffic could be very profitable.

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