
Could you survive a night in Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie in this Haunted Forest?

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Could you survive a night in Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie in this Haunted Forest?

So if you liked my previous two recommended real scary places to visit for a fright and a bump for Halloween, or for any time of the year that it's available; and you're someone that wants to be really, really scared, then let's carry on with the scary attraction recommendations! Could you survive a night in Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie in this Haunted Forest?

If that sounds like you, then you'll want to think about visiting and checking out the Haunted Hoochie at Dead Acres in Pataskala, Ohio.

3. Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie in Pataskala, Ohio

Okay this one is a bit more spoofified as well but the strange thing about Haunted Hoochie is that it has a real review on Yelp that gives a warning sign saying there is a risk of physical and emotional injury and that "You will be touched, shoved, and probably have a chainsaw come in contact with your legs as well." Probably!??? Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie is reported as being the worlds most extreme and fun haunted attraction you can visit. It's a self claimed haunted house in very real claimed haunted forest in Patatskala, Ohio that is a full sensory assault that takes you by the throat and drags you down the rabbit hole and into the realm of evil heart pounding in your face horror show..

Haunted Hoochie in Dead Acres is quite a famous well known about place now as they've been going for many years. It's been said they put on an extremely gory and fright filled event that will truly sicken and scare even the most thick skinned and hardened of people. From the moment you step out your car to when you're leaving, you're constantly bombarded by sickening scenes of death, murder and debaucheries and weirdness that wont leave much to the imagination. It's a full on sensory deprivation and one hell of a scary trip.

If you check out the Haunted Hoochie Yelp reviews, you'll see a mixed bag of feedback. From some people saying it was pretty average to some saying it was the worst or the most scariest or even most fun thing they've ever done and experienced before. And something else quite often said is that Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie is very "hands on". Literally hands on in that you'll be groped and shoved around. And like most scary places to visit like this, you'll have to sign a waiver form and there is a safe word you can use if it all just gets too much for you and you want out! Could you survive a night in Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie in this Haunted Forest?

Does this look like fun to you?

Would you like to attend and try to survive for a night here?

Or would you call out the safe word and be out before it's all over?


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I think Youtube is having problems rite now with DNS. Could they be under attack? I have no idea all i know is that when it comes to haunted houses i am not the one to go. I don't think paying upwards to $50 to get into a place to be scared out of my mind is a good idea. I suffer from PTSD and anything that is loud or scary is not a good idea for me. I don't like the idea that you have to sign a waiver and that they can touch you in this one. I remember hearing about these growing up but i always remember them saying that they couldn't touch you. Maybe im wrong? Are these types of events something you attend every year Mike? You are brave if you do my heart cant handle all of this stuff anymore. My crazy and drama filled scary life is over.

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no way! i used to love these kind of things but now im a huge baby and no longer like those kind of things....even horror movies, i have strayed away from them for a long time now. i dont know why, it just gives me like panic attacks. lol

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Haunted Hoochies? I don't know. I could definitely survive it but this particular one doesn't sound like my cup of tea. I have never done one of these real life haunted house things as I live in the city, and most are located in rural areas or counties. But I would like the chance to do so one day.

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Damn, hunted means it's dreadful as well and I'm kind of thrilling by frightful surroundings. As much as it creeps me out, it also gives me pleasure. I don't know if you have heard about the the term " pleasurable pain", it's what fear does to me and I definitely believe that such hunted place would offer me the same satisfaction or even more.

I have actually learnt how to master my fears, so I probably would survive quite alright in the hunted hoochies and all it comes bearing fruits with. With some tools and props to fight and survive, I would definitely come out on top.

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Yes i would like to try this haunted event for one night going through all the scary thing but i found out that there woman who scare people are sexy and that makes me less scared because of there attire it sounds weird right but yeah it's true. and also i would like to experience the intense trilling moment inside the Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie.

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Actually, the sexuality part is really just a foil. A seduction if you will. A tool to get close to you or have you let your guard down. Makes for easier prey. In a haunted house sure it's cool, but running into a woman like that in real life on a deserted road somewhere... not good.

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I will never visit such a place. I am chicken-hearted and I can't even watch horror movies. When I was still a teenager, I was bolder and not afraid of anything. Unfortunately, I am no longer the same. Whenever I watch horror movies I can't sleep at night and the slightest noise just scares me. That's the reason I prefer to stay away from anything fearful.

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I wouldn't or can't actually go to a place like this, it gives a phobia and I can't sleep for a days if I did go to one of this place. I have this phobia of Haunted house or anything that a funfair would have or produce, that whenever I would go into a place like this, I can't literally move even though I'm only at the entrance, I don't know, it's just scared the sh*t out of me. I hate this kind place, period. Could you survive a night in Dead Acres Haunted Hoochie in this Haunted Forest?

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