
How often do you bring your pet to the vet?

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How often do you bring your pet to the vet?

Who doesn't even love to have pets? These gorgeous creatures are one of the best thing that could ever happen to our entire human race! Doesn't matter if you own a pet ant, a crocodile or a cow, as long as you take good care of them, feed them and love them like your own, they will also love you back! (I don't know about crocs but some say there are friendly ones)

Sometimes, we can't tell if our meowy or doge is feeling sick inside unless you taught them how to send a text message or do sign languages. Although most of the owners would always know if something is bothering their beloved pets, there are also cases wherein it just happens instantly and that's the time that we begin to panic.

With that being said, are you the type of pet owner who would wait for symptoms to occur or you are the type that would visit the vet regularly. If so, how often?
How often do you bring your pet to the vet?


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I have two dogs, when they are still puppies we regularly visit the vet for their shots. But after that we just visit ones or twice a year for the yearly vaccines. As long as their vaccines are updated there's a lesser chance for your pet to get sick. But if i notice something different in my dog i always take them to vet to have them check if they are sick. You can easily notice if your pet is sick cause theres a big difference in the way they move or eat. Or you can see changes in their body. So if you notice something different you can just take them to vet so they will be treated fast.

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That is probably the norm when it comes to visiting the vets. Regular vaccines are also very necessary specially for your dogs. That is why I love dogs. You can easily tell by how they look or move specially when they are feeling something bad or probably have a sickness or something. I don't think that applies to cats though. I think cats are always ruthless regardless if they have a bad tummy or not. >.>

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Yes, puppies are just more prone to sickness than adult dogs. Once your dog is an established dog, they just need vaccines once a year. Visiting a vet is not that required for an adult than for puppies.

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I get our dog his regular shots, but I never take my cats to the vet unless something is obviously wrong with their health. I give them their flea medicine, and they are well-fed and healthy. Cats seem to me to be more resilient than dogs, and they hardly ever need much maintenance, unless they are stricken with something terrible, like feline leukemia or something of that nature. So, I guess the answer to this question is that I go about once a year for the good old rabies shot.

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Ah those cats are evil! They have special powers and inner abilities that are waiting to be awaken! I'm telling you! I haven't a pet cat who got sick! Even stray cats are stronger than those who are fed and cared! And that is good that you are giving them rabies shot but I'm telling you, I can sense that once a year shots aren't doing anything it just tickles their killer liquids inside them! Our cat ravaged our curtains and I was sooo furious!

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I have a puppy, i go to his vet every month for his vaccine.My vet said that every month he needs a vacvine to prevent parvo or a disease.After that when he is a one year old dog i,i think annually is his vaccine.Thats the vet. schedule for vaccine.I didn't go there for any reason, i just go there fo his vaccine only.

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Me too, I go to the his vet for a just a vaccination and sometimes I also go there two times in a week just to check him, that's how I love my pet. I do this more often, not just because they're my pet, they're also now part of our family so whatever happens to them, is the saddest thing that will happen in our life.

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My dog is just getting past the puppy stage, so I'm to the point where I only take him in for yearly vaccines and shots. My cat has always been in pretty good health, so she doesn't have to go unless it's for her yearly checkup or if I notice something is wrong with her, which doesn't happen often at all.

I left my cat with my parents one time while I traveled for a week, and when I got her home, she seemed sickly and lethargic and didn't want to do anything which was odd for her personality. My parents mentioned that they caught her drinking out of their toilet, which I thought was odd at the time because she never does that at home. I came to realize that the dogs and cats at my parent's house share a water bowl, where my cat was used to having her own water dish (the spoiled princess). I'm pretty sure she refused to drink water out of the shared water dish the entire week and was determined to find her water in any other way possible (including drinking out of the toilet).

I figured she might be dehydrated, so I took her to the vet immediately. They gave her some medication and told me to just make sure she had fresh water all the time and she'd be fine.

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Another cat who isn't showing any sickness. Haven't you still thought of it? That your cat probably is a resurrection of something that is born to tear everything they find in your house? Lol. Cats are impressive. They are very resilient and agile. Gotta love cats. <3

Hmm. I probably have a clue why your cat was acting weird and stupid. Your cat is a girl! How often do you bring your pet to the vet?

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Luckily, all of my pets have generally been quite healthy except one kitten had some eye problems when she was smaller. When that occurred we took her right away to get the meds and the cream. Until the vet said that it's taken care of, we went there every single week. But other than that, we only really take them to the vet when we see that something is wrong. Why? Because the vets here are horribly expensive and I couldn't afford to take each of them just for regular checkups and also, they hate it. After I take them they always look at me like I've done something terrible, haha How often do you bring your pet to the vet?

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Yeah. They are like humans too who hate going to the hospitals for check ups and such. Well, not all of course. Mostly kids. How often do you bring your pet to the vet? I guess we can call them kids too since their ages are that of kid. Why can't they live longer like humans? You have any idea?

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I don't have any pets so luckily I have never had to go to the vet. It's one of the things that I would hate to do as a pet owner because you just don't want to have to hear any bad news and you really don't want your pet to be suffering from anything either. We are actually planning to get a dog in a few months so I guess it's one of the things we have to prepare for. The other problem of course is the expense especially if you don't have any pet insurance

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This was my dilemma before when I had my first pet and I was skeptical if I should give my pet or not. I don't want it to suffer and get hurt because of me. Not that I am doing harmful things to it lol. I mean, natural occurrence such us if it gets sick naturally and I can't do anything even if I take it to the vet. Unexpected things that happen which are inevitable are so hard to accept sometimes.

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I really love my pets and I look after them really well. I can't imagine my life without them. They are my best friends indeed. They are always there for me. I normally take them to the vet only two times per year. The good thing is that they don't normally fall sick and if they do I can easily notice it. I am sure that most pet owners will notice if something is not right with their pets. We must take care of our pets as this is our responsibility.

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That is true. Some people would just want to get a pet because their neighbors has pets too and they don't want to feel left out. The reality is, they won't even care for the pet and won't even bother taking it to the vet for check ups or medicines if it begins to show some signs of being sick. I hate those kinds of people.

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Well,all healthy dogs should visit the vet at least once a year, and twice a year is advisable. Older dogs may need to see a vet every six months or
more frequently. This gives the vet the opportunity to examine your dog
and ensure that the dog is healthy. The vet will complete a physical
examination, take your dog’s temperature, listen to his heart and look
at his teeth, among other things. Your vet may also take tests such as
heartworm tests before prescribing preventive medicines. If you dog
needs any booster shots, such as rabies or distemper, your vet will give
them during the annual visit.

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Animals are very instinctive and there is a fairly easy way to see how well off they are. All we gotta do is watch their behavior. If anything is off it's a red flag. That said our kitty has a visit to the doctor scheduled every couple months. Better safe than sorry when it comes to important parts of our lives.

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I haven't done that. My pets have been fairly healthy. I'm glad that they're not experiencing any sickness. They also rarely get sick.

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Actually I have a dog before who died because of unknown illness and I reckon that it is the result of not bringing him to vet regularly and I admit it was painful and it really drives me crazy. So when my friend gave me a 2 months old Japanese Spitz, I take it into a consideration to bring her to vet for vaccine shots and deworming and like us, they also need to take vitamins too. I see to it that she has to see her vet once a month even though she seems healthy because I'm afraid of losing her. I treat my dog like my own child. We walk together in the park, she's my guard dog, she sleep in my room, and playing with my dog is really a stress releasing. So I would like to encourage everyone to let their pet have a regular check-up in the vet clinic because losing a dog is like losing a family member.

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I bring my pets to the vet only once or twice a year. I honestly believe that prevention is better that cure so I invest in doog food that will keep my pets in great shape. It's also quite expension to always bring your pet to the vet so I would rather make sure that I'm doing the right thiings to keep my pets healthy. Whenever they do show symptoms of being sick, I don't hesitate to bring them to the vet. It doesn't hurt to do some research on Google on how to properly take care of your pet so you wouldn't need to always bring them to the vet.

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We have two cows in our garden. Although, we have been growing up them for milking purpose, we never failed to give them ample care.

we always used to bring veterinerian doctor to our place every 6 months, to make sure our cows are healthy.

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I have two dogs. I always want them to be healthy and strong to avoid illness and injuries. To ensure that they are healthy, I go to their veterinarian twice a year. As a dog lover, I recommend to go to veterinarian twice a year or every 6 months, to make sure of our dog's/pet's health. To know what's the condition of their health, if they are sick or not. I also buy the best dog food for them and make sure that the water they are drinking is clean. It would also helps to search some tips on the internet on how to keep your pets healthy.

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We have just one dog in the house, we have him when he was already two years old. Because we don't know anything about his health, we brought him immediately to the veterinarian's clinic and fortunately, we found out that he's healthy. Still, the Vet recommends to us to continue consulting them. It's the first time we have a pet in the house, so we really don't have any idea on how to raise a pet properly. So, we really come to consult the Vet on everything about our dog and we're thankful to him because now Negroy is more than 5 years old and stays healthy. We are still visiting the Vet's clinic sometimes for his anti-rabies and other vaccines. This helps us a lot because we can ensure that our dog is safe and protected from diseases.

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Usually my baby doggie goes for his grooming monthly, we give him a weekly bath at home, because he gets very stressed when he has to go for grooming. Every time he goes there he gets a monthly check out, and if he needs a vaccine shot, or dental attention, he gets it too. Besides that, I take him to the doc when he changes his attitude, or notice something wrong, specially if he stops eating, or is too sleepy. My baby doggie is not a puppy anymore, but I get really worried whenever he behave different.

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I am really proud of pet owners like you who really cares and love their babies specially the dogees while they are still young. <3 Even though it is not a puppy anymore, we sometimes would treat it as our baby boy or girl lol.

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I usually go for the monthly visit. And that works out. Some months we may skip. But mostly the monthly visits work out just fine. You can see that people who want to bring the vet to the routine checkup. I think that's a good habit to check them every now and then. You can also see that some of the time it's best to check if they have any infection or stuff. Because that does usually happens as well.

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It depends. When I have new born dogs, every week I bring them to the vet for their vaccines and sometimes it depends on the schedule that was gave by the doctor. Well, for my adult dogs, I only bring them to vet if something is wrong with them especially if there are bloods in their stool and urine. But most of the time, the reason why I bring my dogs to vet is to check if they are on "heat" or they are ready to be stud.

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I don't wait until my dog is sick. We pay for a year visit and get the visit routine from the vet.We make sure we show up for all the routine for both. vaccine and other treatment, that way we have a very healthy dog.

I believe a healthy dog is also the good health of the family devoid of sickness.

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for me i only bring my pet on vet when they feel sick or needed a vaccine for anti rabbis. i usually take my dog pet to salon for pets where they will wash your pets and make them clean put some style to make them even more beautiful.

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Unless my dog is sick or hurt, I seldom have to take them to the vet clinic. I always do the bathing and grooming at home, and I am the only person that Chipper has ever had to bathe and groom him. One time, I took him in t have a professional groomer groom and clip him, and she called me to come back and get him a half hour later. She said he was so terrified of having a stranger grooming him that she did not want to traumatize him by forcing him to let her groom and clip him.
She was a great groomer, and I had taken another dog to her that she did a great job; so I knew that it was not something that she did, and it was just that Chipper was scared.
That was the last time that I took him to a groomer. Even though I can’t give him the professional looking clips that a groomer can, he is used to me bathing him, and does not get scared as long a it is me that is taking care of him.

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I have a Siberian Husky, he only has 7 months. I bring him to the vet whenever he needs a vaccine or if he doesn't feel very well. When he was just a puppy he didn't die thank god it was a miracle. He had a bacteria on his tummy so he was hospitalized.
Now, I bring him to the vet just for control or when needs a good wash He loves to get dirty. After he gets a good wash he looks more handsome than he is.

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7 months of what? o.O I bet he is so cuteeee. <3 Huskies are so cute and fluffy too. I always wanted to have one like the golden retriever. But they are just too expensive here in our country. >.> Love the husky's shape too. They look like a wolf. Awoo!

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I have a police dog, I call him Bill. I take him from time to time to the vet for check up purposes and also to get him vaccinated. I don't like him getting ill because he is my best pal once I am home.

If he get ill, the house would be boring and too quite for me to stay in but once he is up healthy and active, the house is so fun and we enjoy our playing around a lot.

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I have a dog and a cat in the house. My pet cat is very healthy however he has this attitude of biting us. I brought him to the Veterinarian's clinic and had a shot of anti rabies vaccine. I asked the vet if I should be worried of my cat's behavior. The vet explained that my pet cat's behavior is a sign of Love Biting. I must admit that at first, I thought it was a sign of agression but the vet explained that it's very common to kittens and even to young cats to engage in rough, active play because they are really playful by nature. I should understand the difference between Love Bite and Real Bite. Love bites typically do not break the skin while Real Bite has a more violent undertone and usually occur suddenly. It would be helpful if I will give my pet a toy so he has something to play with. Overall the vet assured me me that I have nothing to worry about because Love Biting is just a manifestation of how much my cat loves me. It is also good that I brought my pet to the Veterinarian's clinic so I could prevent my self from getting infected by rabies.

Working the cat, understanding the cat ---goes along way toward producing desirable behaviors. It is my duty to keep my pet cat and my pet dog, secured and loved because they are part of the family.

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Hmm. That isn't unusual for cats though. Good thing he only bites and doesn't ravage you lol. I also have a cat and she just ruptures everything she sees from time to time. We used to have our curtains touch the floor. Now, they are 5 feet above the ground. @_@

But cats are adorable specially when they want to cuddle. <3 It's like you are having no problems during that time and they are there whenever you need them; but sometimes they do malfunction too. >.>

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I think that depends how old your pet is. First, you have to bring them to get vaccines, and for follow-up check ups. I have a kitten and my vet told me that I have to bring him every 3 to 4 weeks until he's 16 weeks old. He's 5 weeks now. How often do you bring your pet to the vet?

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I think it depend on your pet, how old and how healthy is you pet.Monthly consultation is advice when your pet is a month old.A yearly consultation when he is a year old pet.

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We are pet lovers but not so pet lovers. We have one dog (shih tzu), and we really love this dog. My parents treat her like she is one of their child haha! We really maintain her regular visit to her vet, and his regular vaccine also. She never had lice, or any bug that may appear in pet.

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We have two cute dogs at home that we truly love so much, and thus, we try to bring them to the vet every month for regular check ups. Sometimes, when something seems weird about them, either with their skin or eating patterns, we bring them there immediately just to make sure things are okay with them. We also bring them for shots or the occasional grooming.

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I've never brought my pets to the vet because they never get sick. I've had tortoises and parrots and they are strong animals. I don't know if they've got sick before because they never show bad symptom. Also, my family taught me a really bad habit that we only go to a doctor when we are extremely bad that we feel we are going to die. One of my tortoises died because she ate a poisonous bug and when I realized she was really bad it was too late. Also, one of my tortoises is 3 years old but she doesn't grow, she has the same size that 2 years ago so, I'm going to bring her to the vet because that's not normal and I'm worried.

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In our home, we got 7 lovely dogs and we just take them to the vet whenever we are suspicious that they might have some disease or if we suspect that something is unusual. We also just take them to the vet in their scheduled immunizations and deworming. We go to the pet salon more for their grooming. I'm very glad that we have very sweet and healthy dogs. I won't know what to do if I ever I lose even one of them. They're also part of our family.

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Hello. I have an Alaskan Malamute puppy. When he was newly born he was always seen by his vet once a month to keep them current on their vaccinations. The vet also discussed dietary issues and do a panel of blood tests to rule out detrimental illness like parvovirus and distemper. When he got matured at the age of 6 months I stopped taking him to the vet. Some of my puppy owner friends told me I should take him to the vet twice a year, depends on my puppy's physical condition. He is now 1 year and 6 months old and it's time to take him to the vet for his vaccinations.

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Well, I think that depends on what pet do you have. Actually, vets determine how often pets should be seen by their age, breed. lifestyle and health history. At least annually for dogs and cats under 10 years of age and every six months for those ten years and older. The more serious and compelling reason to see your vet at once is when your pet is ill.

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I actually don't have a pet right now which is so sad because my previous cat just got lost and we don't know where he is now or whether he died or not. But honestly we never visit the vet to check our cat it is just maybe it was not our priority that time since we were all busy doing our stuff that all we can do was just fed our cat which I think the wrong thing that we have done. My grandfather also used to slapped our cat really hard when he do something bad which is somehow I feel bad about. I learned a lot and I look forward to have another cat someday and I will take him to bet maybe once or twice a month depending on the situation. God bless and thank you everyone.

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we have a dog and we regularly bring our pet to vet to prevent any health problems. we love him so much that's why we don't let him get sick. our dog is very healthy because of that and we give him a proper grooming and proper food.

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At least twice a month, i brought my dog on vet, this is to ensure that my dog is doing well, I wouldn't like to see my pet having a illness, that's why I regularly go to vet, every two weeks.

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I have an aquarium with fish, two tortoises, a pair of pigeons and a dog. Since my dog felt really good this year, it was not necessary to take him to a vet. Last year I had to take him to a vet twice in a row because he refuses to eat anymore, and the doctor said that he got a cold....It gave him a treatment for two days and he recovered fast.

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I always take them to the vet once a month. They have vaccination schedule and sometimes for grooming. I used to buy some medicines and administer it at home, like dewormer and vitamins.

When they got sick, it took them 3-5 days before checking out. Having a dog pet is very expensive, but it's worth having them at home.The unconditional love and loyalty you get from them is worth more than a money.

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If the dogs presents symptoms of a sickness or there is any change in their behaviour it is better to take them to the vet as soon as possible to know what's going on. If this doesn't happen, it is good to take them at least twice every year for regular check up, this is what I do with my dog, to know that everything is alright and that she doesn't need anything. We all love our pets and we want them to live as long as possible and for this we have to keep them healthy.

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Is this the same when a pet has an early stage cancer? I mean, would they still be active and you wouldn't know if they are feeling anything, yet? This is probably one of the main concerns of pet owners when they will know in the long run that their pet has a sickness because it won't be showing signs or symptoms at the early stages. It's really terrifying.

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I am not someone that likes pets that much because at an early stage in life, I was pursued by a dog at a place mum sent me for an errand and since then, I do not have anything to do with pets be it cats, dogs or any other pet. however, when I went on a holiday at my grandmom's place, she got a dog and she always calls the vet once in two weeks to come and take a good look at our dog to ensure that it is in good health condition. That is needed considering the fact that she is into selling the puppies of the dog which is another way she makes an extra income of taking care of the dog.

So, that was where I noticed that inviting/taking your pet to the vet at least once in two weeks is an ideal way to take good care of the pet to avoid health issues coming up later.

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I bring my dog one time when he was a puppy for anti rabies vaccination. Just once.

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I don't currently have a pet, but in the past I've had couple of dogs. At different times though, but two in total. Luckily both were healthy throughout their lives, so I didn't have to go to the vet in an emergency, but I did take them both for a check up every year. I mean, I do that myself, so why not my dogs as well? Probably also helped them stay healthy because anything which might have happened got caught early enough to treat.

I think that check up on pets at least annually should be mandatory, because when we take a pet we're committing on taking the best possible care of it.

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Here in my place veterinary clinic doesn't available. Because our home is located in dense forest, also considered a rural area. I always wanted to express my feelings regarding the matter. It is the availability of such clinics are more demand in the province. I always wanted to send my pets into service of clinics, but not available.

I had once a cat that had been badly beaten by my brother's pit-bull. I can't do anything, but cry to the condition, until my cat died in painful way. That's why I have always hated breed dogs, especially aggressive type of dogs.

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We used to have a pet cat back when I was 12 but I don't remember visiting Vet, until our cat was missing. Then we found out that our cat was dead. You know the feeling like pets don't want you to see them dying. that cat lived with us for like 10 years before he died. but now we Have a new pet and its a fish a gold fish. Its not that much but its fun taking care of pets. ^_^

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I own a cat but never did I was able to bring my cat to a vet. I find it quite expensive and I can't afford such things like this, I never had a problem with my cat though and I find him gentle. So to prevent anything worse I always keep my cat eat healthy food to do not let him get sick, and my cat doesn't bite too so I think it's okay not to let my cat be check by a vet.

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I don't own a pet and it is safe to say that I have never visited a Veterinary clinic. I would love to get one In future though, maybe a bunny because they are so cute.

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I wish I really have one I particularly want to have a Siberian husky as my pet dog although I think I can't afford to have one for at least 3 years as I don't have budget that can support him. My boss though do have lots of dog in our compound, a Belgian malenois, jack russel, a dog they called hot-dog I think its a dachshund and mostly shih tzu lurking around the house and our workplace. I rarely see them though taken to a veterinary clinic, but I think at least once a year, a public veterinary doctor from the government went from house to house to offer anti-rabies shots and other vaccines for the dog.

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My dog is my bestfriend and i grew up with him. I really take care of him and i bring him thrice a month in vet and sometimes depends in the situation of his health. As an owner i take responsibilities in taking care of him just like my son. I am a dog lover and everytime i see street dogs it really makes me feel sad and it motivates and inspires me to give the most of care to my lovely dog. Now his old enough to fight against sickness.

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I have a pet his name is"OREO" his turning 6 months now I bought it to my
cousin I love taking care of dog for the past 5 months we visited
vet twice a month or every 2 weeks for his vaccination update. I see
to it that my pet will not miss any vaccination, so he will stay healthy. Now
my pet weight 6 kilos, a very adorable pet. When I cuddle him it releases my stress.

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We have had many pets and the last one is 10 years old. We have never taken our pets to the Vet but our vet always came home whenever we wanted him to check on our pets. In fact our latest pet is very fond of her Vet The other day a bone got stuck in her mouth and she would never let me help her. We called in the Vet and he nicely puts his hand inside her mouth to take out the bone. She allowed him, wagging her tail.

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Our dog rarely gets sick, like once in a blue moon. But we bring him to the vet every quarter for his grooming. Our dog is a shih tzu, obviously a hairy dog. He needs a regular haircut because his fur always gets tangled and it covers his eyes every 3 months so we bring him to the vet. He also gets his flea removed and enjoy nail cutting services as part of his grooming. He smells like a baby after all the grooming services done to him.

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I have a stray old female cat. The only time I sent her to the vet was to spay her when she gave birth to a litter of kittens. After that, she never visit the vet. She grooms herself, treats herself when she is sick and she is 17 years old, human years: 84 years old. Still lazy and fat as usual.

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I wish my dog could be this healthy, and he could groom himself. Are you sure she doesn't need to visit the vet for some vaccines or a general check out? I know, if she is doing good there's no need to go to the vet, but is just with my dog being so depending I get a little concerned. Hope that she keeps herself that good, but still think an eventual visit to the vet would be better.

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I have a cat and we only bring her to the vet when it's time for shots or if she gets sick. I think excessive visits to a vet is bad for your animals health, because a vet will always try and sell you things. My local vet killed my best friend! His name was Wrath and they gave him way too much flea medicine and it killed his liver and then they milked me for another $600 when I tried to save him and they knew that he couldn't be saved. They just wanted the money and took me for a ride by playing my heart strings.

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I take my pet to the vet regularly, usually once a month, because his health is very important, we need to keep him under control. And because he is a beagle, we confronted with ears problems, and since then we need to do regularly check-ups so he doesn't get infected again.

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Just every time he's not feeling well. I'm not often to bring my pet in vet. But I always make it sure that he's alright. I always check him everyday and I know he's healthy. Other thing is, is very expensive to bring your pet to the Vet, can't afford sometimes.

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Whenever my dog is ill we always go to vet and check his health. I think its more that 3 times when we went to vet for checkup. The first time we went to vet was when he indeed not well and can't really eat and drink water. When we checked him up to vet, we found out that he was positive in parvo virus. Parvo virus is really particular illness in dogs most especially young puppies. The second one was he was so weak and found out that he was anemic and has low immune system. This year, he was again went to vet because the last time he pooped has flesh blood so we were so worried and we went fast to vet for him to check him again. He was positive in Ehrlichiosis. It's a tick-borne disease of the white blood cells caused by infection of bacterium.

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There shouldn't be any specific time a pet should be taken to see the vet, a pet owner should always be observant with his pet. Anytime a change is noticed, it's best to take the pet to the vet and have it well checked out very carefully.

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I love my pet so I have a schedule for it like I have my children. First I make sure that he has all his shots. So whenever these are scheduled I take him to see the vet. On average I take him in to see the vet twice a year. However if I realize that he is sick maybe he has diarrhea or looks down or weak i take him in to see the vet. With a dog because they absolutely don't talk or rarely cry, you need to be extra careful.

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I think you should bring your pet at least once a month. Depending on the situation of your dog. Always have a checkup to make sure your pet is in the okay condition. We don't want our pet to be sick.

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People who only take the animal when it is sick are making a mistake because vaccinations and preventatives are what stops your pet from getting sick a lot of the time, but wow you are going too far the other way. No need to throw down 50-100 dollars ever month just for the vet to look at the animal and say "yep, your pet still exists".

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Well, it is sad to say that we don't have much money to regularly have our pet check up to vet, so we just usually let our pet go to vet only if she needs to. But we make sure that he lives a healthy life style for a dog. Once I settled my financial stability then I want to have him to vet every 3-4 weeks.

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I have dog named Bruce. He is half chow chow and half husky. He is 6 months old now and he is super active dog. We used to visit his vet everytime that he needs to. We don not miss his schedule because his health is our main concern.

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I rarely bring my pets to the vet, they are healthy and I don't want to like overtreat them because what I've noticed is that pets that are overly taken care of are pets that are more easily getting sick, because for me they need to get used to having bacterias in their body so that they will be immune to bacteria, so overlytreated pets are easily getting sick, so that's why I probably never take my pets to vet, unless they have unusual allergies.

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I have a dog that is 13 years old. The breed is a miniature Schnauzer, named Francesca. And I can say that we rarely visit the veterinarian, only if it is necessary. But my friend has 4 cats and she goes to the vet as clockwork. Her cats are not so sick that they need these constant appointments, and I don't understand why she does it. She constantly asks him a lot of questions about her cats such as: can cat eat pecans or cinnamon. And I don't understand why she does it, because she's already studied all the blogs and encyclopedias about cats. Either she likes the vet, or she doesn't have anything else to do. I'm worried about her. I think that she pays too much attention to her pets and it's time to consult a good psychologist, otherwise she risks being left without a fiance.

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as for me I love my dog and I even bought a tick collar for my dog

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I found information that organic coconut oil works to repel fleas. Fleas don't like it because they get stuck in it and die, so they try to avoid it. Sometimes it needs to be used in combination with something else to kill them. Tea tree oil can be useful for this. But it didn't seem very effective to me as my puppy kept scratching. On the Internet I found natural and safe for dogs. I decided to trust the reviews and did not regret it.

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I also faced such a problem because my dog, a German Shepherd was really sick. I looked everywhere where I could cure him but unfortunately no one could help him. After his death I was very disappointed and I didn't want to have other dogs or animals, but after a while I missed them and decided to take some courses that I saw on a website about dog grooming and what I need to do to become a real dog groomer. This decision was the best in my life, because now I can help all the animals in need and I always remember Charlie when I help any dog with different tips for grooming.

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