
What would you do with one million dollars?

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What would you do with one million dollars?

If I win a million dollars from the lottery, I would buy a house for my parents, and of course for my husband and my little girl. I would use the money to put up my own business to let my money grow more. I would look for things that I could invest in and sign up for insurance plans for my family. I want to travel abroad with my loved ones. Lastly, I want to donate some amount of money to my parish church and save whatever what's going to be left for my daughter's future. What about you, what would you do? 


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I would help my parents with whatever expenses or debts they may currently have, and then probably get some more competitive camera equipment for myself so that I could start building a production company with my filmmaking friends.

I'd want to either invest or save as much of the money as I could until I really needed for a house, car, education for my kids, or whatever. I definitely wouldn't spend too much of it at once on unnecessary things.

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Wow! That's good dude! Like you, I will help my parents with their expenses if I will have a lot of money because it's my way of gratitude to them and I will invest it so that I will not lose money.

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Hello, if you are looking to invest one million dollars, I can recommend you to invest in stocks. With this pandemic threat, there are companies that took some good
position on the market. If while investing you are using a long term trading
strategy, Tesla, Apple and Amazon are doing their job properly. You should look
through each company strategy to understand if it’s worth it.

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I am not sure about my expertise in that question, but I recently had no problems with my fit data

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I'd obviously invest them in something that I'll research before thoroughly, because a million dollars is a lot of money, but it can also be wasted quite easily. Humans are greedy creatures by default and everyone'll think of buying a new house,car or whatever, however investing it in something is a way better idea. Of course there's no safe investment, but it's better to try than just waste your money away.

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I will agree to you that million dollar can be wasted easily because humans greedy creatures. So we should spend it wisely. We should invest or build our own business to have a chance to grow our money more.

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This is a very defficult question to answer. I would love to invest in franchising of fastfood restaurant and i will buyba piece of land

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If I win a million dollars, I would secure the money first by making a business. I will help those people who aren't employed yet and those people who cant be in any Job. In that way I'd be hitting two birds with one stone. I'll renovate my parents house and build my own and travel the world with my lovedones. How I wish its true. Lol What would you do with one million dollars?

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We have almost same idea. I don't want to be just a one day millionaire. If I win one million dollars from a lottery, 10% of the money will go to my tithes. Tithing means allocating 10% of your earnings to institutions that help you grow spiritually or bless people. I will give this to charities and church. The next thing I will do is allocate 20% for my family and friends. I will give them a nice treat or anything that can help them. The remaining 70% goes to my income generating assets like business, stocks, and mutual funds. This will allow money to consistently grow exponentially so I can afford to fully pay my pending major purchases in the future, grow my savings, and beat inflation as I pursue my dreams.

Delayed gratification is the best practice when you win in a lottery. This is the chance for you to develop the attitude of using money to make more money. Once money is put to an income generating asset, more regular income is produced, which can cover needs, wants, and even dreams later on. It's a lot better to be a millionaire for the rest of your life than to be a one day millionaire.

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Recently, I spoke to one of my friends that works in the real estate industry. He advised me to invest my money into a nice property. This is one of the safest ways to keep your money. Anyway, the process is very hard and long, because you have to study a lot this subject. After a long time of studying a lot of companies, and reading their companies, I made the right decision. I bought a nice apartment in Tulum from https://www.playarealestategroup.c...age_2515901.html. It's near the ocean, and this zone is very solicited during the Holidays. I earned this summer 5k only from rent.

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Honestly, I would do the same. If I win a million, I would like to open my own business that will deal with event management. I would organize various events, such as weddings, birthdays, and more. I want to bring joy and see how happy people are on one of the happiest days of their lives. I would also like my company to be on the list of the best meeting planners in NYC, but you have to work hard for that. Also, with the remaining money, I would buy a house in California for my parents and invest in something to ensure a good life for my children.

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The thing is that one million dollars is actually not that much over here in the United Kingdom. Once converted, it is about £800,000. Over here in London, you can probably buy an average house with that. I mean, we could always move to a cheaper area but London is so nice and once you grow up around the area, you just cannot live anywhere else. So I probably just buy a nice car, a few nice things like a watch etc. and then put the rest in the bank.

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well, it depends on the state of things, when the $1m will arrive, but on a normal day, I would still try to keep my spending down to $20,000 or 30,000 a year. I certainly would not spend it all at once. I might even buy investment property, that makes money.
I know of a couple guys who owned a farm, and they used to throw summer weekend parties where 2,000 people would show up at $20.00 a head. And they would make $60,000.00 in a weekend. I would probably do something like that. If you are wondering, they stopped doing the parties, and sold the farm to developers for a couple million. And, never have to work again.

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That's a good strategy. However, for me I will not sell that instead have it for rent. You know land properties can accumulate its cost every year. And maybe I'll have over some investors who'd like to have their businesses built in that area. I don't want to just give it away. I can still make something from that and have it a legacy to the next generation of my family.

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Yeah, you're right, it's a good idea, but I wouldn't really mind selling it off, for the right money. But it actually depends on some factors, which will be taken into consideration.

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The main thing I would love to do is to help homeless animals. Build shelters for them so they can have a place where they can be safe and being taken care of and have food to eat. We need more of these shelters in the world to make a change and give a better life to all those strays animals that we see everyday.

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That's great to know. Having a more futuristic dream that does not only benefit us but also to the new generations that will benefitting what will be left. I do believe the saying "what goes around comes around". Little did we know that the little things we do would have a great impact on us and to the future.

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If I would have one million I will divide it into three parts. 10%, 20, and 70%. The 10% I give to the church to help those needy. The 20% I will give to my family, my mom and my brother. The remaining 70% I will invest to stock, bonds and real estate so that it will grow. Those interest will be divided again into 10, 20, and 70.

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That would be a nice plan if ever you will get those million dollar and surely i will do the same thing like what you have planned. My main goal would be helping poor people, Giving it to my family and lastly will save the remaining money or invest it for business to keep the money in my hand and instead of loosing it, i will earn more than a million dollar. Nowadays we should be nice and wise to our plans and no chance to think about bad deeds of having that amount of money.

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First, I would have to pay off my student loans. Then I would pay off my car, and get myself a nice little place in the city so I could bike to work. I'd make sure to put away an emergency fund of six months salary, and then invest 50% of what's left over. I would also need to set aside money for the taxes I would be paying on this hypothetical gift. Assuming that leaves me with around $400,000 to play with, I'd take a much needed vacation and donate the rest to local organizations/fundraisers.

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Bank it instantly! Maybe first buy some necessities that I've been needing for a while, but the vast majority of I would have to stick in the bank right away. Maybe I'd do some stock trading etc. to ensure I make decent interest on it. Then try my best to not use the interest money and let it grow. In 20 years I'll retire!

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If i win that amount i will definitely invest it to a known institution so i know i won't get broke easily. Then put up my own business together with my family so i can also help them to have a work that can sustain their living. Then i would buy a house. and a car to use in my business and daily activity. Then all what's left will be put in a bank for safe keeping. Then i will donate a part of my earning every month to an honest charity.

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Even after settling my my debts and setting some aside for investments, I think I would still have a lot left so I'll pack my bags and tour around the world while most of it is still intact and not ruined by greedy companies, terrorists, politicians and climate change. Other than that, I should upgrade my crib too. Maybe I'll dig out a pool, open a small fitness room, and set up my own art and music studio up. Man, it sure would be nice.

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If I would be privileged to win 1 Million Dollars from the Lottery, I will definitely buy my parents and youngest sister a house and lot. I will put up a plantation as one of my investments and create sustainable jobs for local farmers in my area. I will go back to College to earn my Degree. I will put a nice amount of the money to the bank for the future. I will donate money to an institution that helps Children who were sexually abused. I will take a vacation to Prague Czech Republic and visit my friend who works and lives in that beautiful country. Lastly and most importantly, I will help my fiance with the expenses he will be needing for his medical treatment. He is my source of joy and strength, and I will use the money to give him a longer and healthier life.

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I would save it. Part of it I will give to my parents, part of it I will use it to travel . So I can enjoy life. I would go to Spain, Italy , Australia, Canada and Singapore.

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My dream has always been to travel and visit as many countries as possible. This 1 million dollars will definitely help me achieve this dream of mine. However, I will also invest some of the money as I may need it in the future. I will also give some of this money to charity.

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When I have a million dollars, I would spend it in the Philippines because $1M is already 50M pesos. I could buy a vacation house by the beach, buy a luxury car and travel to beautiful places that I want to explore. I might do some business that I could be able to help people especially my relatives who are unemployed by giving them jobs. I can donate some of it to cancer patients, home for the aged and I would create a foundation for under privileged children by giving them free education.

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What will I do to 1 million dollars? I will buy new house, help other people, buy the things I never had, secure my family's future, I will run a business and bring my family into a vacation. Ever since I wanted to bring my family on a vacation. I want to see them happy and enjoy few days of their life.

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If I we're given a 1 million dollars, I would rather spend it on building my own house and start businesses. In that case, my money I invested will grow and at the right time, it will exceed the one million dollar. I will open a bank account and I will put any money left in my one million dollars and only use it in times of emergency.

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I will invest half of it for small businesses, stock sharing, and insurance for all my family members. Half will be spent for my parents' new house and car at a conducive environment and for travel expenses with them.

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That's a lot to do with just a million dollars. Where do you live if you don't mind me asking? I would love to move over there so that I can do all of that with a tiny bit of money. Your idea to invest half of it in stock sharing and small businesses is a great idea. Although, I would be careful when investing in small businesses because you just don't know whether it will return a good amount or not.

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Hi! I'm from the Philippines. A million dollar is equivalent to 50 million in our currency. Half of it for a livable house and lot is just enough. Common cars here would amount a single million in our currency. Well, small business or startups should be well thought before putting it up and it should involve some products or services of your interest.

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I always dream of winning a million dollars. If I have a million dollars, then first thing I would do is share 25% of it with my family and close relatives. I will buy a decent house and a nice car. Some portion of the money I will invest in stocks and mutual funds. A little part of the money I will invest in cryptocurrencies as it is the hot trend right now. I will take a nice vacation and visit all my favorite places. I will donate some part of the money to charity and keep the remaining portion in my bank account.

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If I had that money. I will travel the world but first I will invest it into business then if it succeed I will buy a house for my parents and buy my dad a car. I will save some for future purpose and help my relatives financially.

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If I were to be given one million dollars I will first help my parent by giving them a money for a small business and I will buy a house for them.If there still a lot left for me I would probably invest it and make a small business for myself.

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If i have a million dollars i would spend it wisely. Aside from running a business wherein i can earn enough for myself, I would also lend a hand to those who are in need and donate to charities. This is my way of showing my gratitude to God and making me feel good about myself. I would help my relatives so I can set an example for others to give to someone in need. Helping each other brightens up our social life.

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I would definitely not spend it. I'd probably invest in a business, put in the bank or invest in a cryptocurrency, like bitcoin. Spending that money right away is a waste, and will only satisfy your needs in the short term, while thinking ahead will probably increase that amount considerably!

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1 million dollars is a great deal of money, and even though I love my parents I would not spend it solely on them. I would pay for put 250 thousand each into an account for my son and daughter that gains interest and they can only utilize it when they turn 21. This is a way for me to invest into my family even when i am no longer here. The rest of the money I would just use to take one trip to get all of my family together and then I would live like I am now. Never beyond my means!

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The first thing I would do is pay for all my friends to a trip to the Bahamas so we can gamble and party for a week, and maybe even a cruise after. Then I would spend the money to get rid of debts and make sure I can live comfortably. Thirdly I would purchase some things that I like such as a nice 4k tv and cool gaming set up. Then I would totally turn a room into an indoor skate park and add some water park stuff like one of those flo riders cause I really want one. Then the rest would be put in the bank for later while some of it I chose to invest in stocks and such to make more money.

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If I win one million dollars, the first thing I will do is to calm my self down because too much emotion can lead into a series of a bad decision. I often ask my self about this question and made quite of plans on how to spend this huge amount of money. Since I am a father of two adorable kids, I have computed how much money I need for their education until college. That will be my first priority and will make a 10-year maturity low-risk investment of $40,000 (interest earnings will be his allowance for the whole college years) for my 10-year-old son. and 20 years maturity low-risk investment of $30,000 for my 1-year-old son. 20 years maturity low-risk investment of $30,000 for my retirement.Now that I have secured my priority, I will now spend 25% of the remaining money for Insurance as protection to my self, family, health, and properties. 50% will be allocated to high-risk investments in stocks. 10% for charity and the remaining 15% will be for regular daily expenses.I just wish this day would come though...cheers mate!

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If I have million dollars I will buy my own house and lot just the small one because I don't like the idea of maintaining bungalow houses. I will buy a beach resort since I love the beach. I will buy three cars, one is Jimny if I travel alone, second 4x4 pick-up truck if i will go to hilly places and or provinces with lots of baggage and third, coaster van when I travel with my family, relatives and friends. I will invest business like hotel and apartment an the rest of my money I will save it into the bank as time deposit and I will only spent the interest out of it.

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If I win a million dollars, I will donate first to church because I want to thank God for that blessing. Second I will buy my own house, since my parents have their own house. Then, I will put up a business that will make my money to grow more. I will support my younger brother's studies. I will pay his tuition fee's using the business I build. If there is money is money left, I will buy a car to be my service wherever I go.

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I will save the money for my children's future. For their studies and their needs. I won't quit my job so I can still earn and support our everyday lives. But on the other hand, maybe I will research a good investment so the million dollar would grow. Maybe stock exchange or forex. I will make this research thoroughly so I wont lose the million dollars.

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If I have a million dollars now, first of all, I will build my dream house so that we don't have problems in paying rent every month. Second is I will make any business that will help me earn more money and also to be my hobby. I will also invest some money in the bank so that I will earn more. I will give the other money to church and will build a foundation to help others. After all of it, I will grant my own wish. To have my own car and resort. I guess this is all I want when I have a million dollars.

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I agree with you here. The first thing I would do is buy, or even build, a house on a plot of land which I would also buy. Not having the weight of rent hanging over my head every month would be such a huge and amazing relief. Investing would be a must, because, like you, I would want to see some of this money grow over time. You took it to the next level when you said you would like to own your own resort--that's awesome. I never even thought of that.

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I agree that having a one million dollars will give you the life you ever wanted. Having a house, car, and a better life. It is once in a life time chance to make your live your life the way you wanted so for me I would not going to do things that it will ruin it. It is also great to share it to other people just like the old saying share your blessings so I would build a charity for children who want to have a better lives. May people change for good not bad if they have been given a chance to have a million dollars.

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To be honest, I probably wouldn't do very much with it. I'd invest a portion of it so that I have a guaranteed source of future income, and the rest I would just put in the bank and slowly spend it on my daily needs. I actually live fairly frugally, and I live in a country where the cost of living is actually incredibly low. Given both these conditions, with that sort of money I could probably continue living the way I do for the rest of my life without even having to work. I'm not one for the lifestyle of the rich and famous, I just want to pay my bills, eat healthy, and enjoy my hobbies.

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Well if I will be given a million dollars what will I do to it? Basically I will use this money to help myself to pursue my career as an aspiring businessman, I will help my sister to graduate up to college and will going to support my family members such as my father, mother and grandparents. Since I'm money conscious I will invest a more than half of it so that I can ensure that it will still grow. I will also build my own and family house because I want them to experience a house which is really beautiful and elegant for our house now is more likely need lot of fixing to do. I will use this money also to travel the world because I want to explore and go out from my comfort zone so that I will know what is going outside my country. I want to taste different cuisine, interact with other people and feel various culture. I will also give money and help to different charitable institute and maybe I will build my own so that I can help and inspire others to be giving with people who are in need. I will also apply for insurances so that we can be ready what ever happened. it's better to be ready than never. God bless and thank you.

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Like a lot of us responding to this query, and I think it is a totally logical and smart thing to do, you state that you would finance your business with this money. I have many dream businesses that I have fantasized about over the years, and I think I would do the same as well if I could. I have a great deal of student loan debt to pay off as well, and that stresses me out to no end. Travel is also appealing to me as well, and I am an amateur foodie, so like you, I would love to travel and taste different dishes from all over the world, especially in Southeast Asia.

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A million dollars? Well, most might say to go to vacation, spend some on clothes, gadgets, etc, buy a house and all those sort of things that will empty your pocket.
For me, I will invest it. Try to read the book "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George Clason. It teaches you how to grow your money. We have to learn how to delay our gratification so we can prosper in the future and have a better way of living.

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What would I do with one million dollars? first and foremost one million dollars is definitely a bunch of money and it might ran out. But what would I do with it first is I would give half of it to my parents then the half of it, I would start my own business because you need something to make your money flow and you just don’t sit there and wait for your money to disappear, “Make
your money flow not go”. And last but not the least is I would donate it to the people who are in needs.

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Well if I would have a 1 million dollars I would definitely go to a car shop and buy my own car. Ever since I was a kid I was dreaming to have and drive my own car that's why if I would have a million dollars all I just want to do is to achieve my dreams by having car. I would love to buy a house also, a very spacious house which my family and I can live and have a comfortable life.

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I'd buy a house for my family not really a big house just a regular size enough for us, buy midrange car or a sports car and then maybe establish a business thats near our residence to be able to manage it easier. I'll then invest in stocks or mutual funds for passive income and try my best to not change how the way I live because a lot of money can really change a person.

I'd then establish a charity that can run a business to generate profit to continue financing the charity for years to come. charity which helps people rise up to poverty to give them a job and income not just a charity that gives feeding program. If all is well then the charity could grow and continue to help people in years to come.

so thats my two sides of what I'm going to do if I had 1 million dollars..

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I would also like to donate to some charities. Like home for the aged and for kids who doesn't have parents. That would be my priorities for chosen charitable institutions.

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A million dollars. Number one, give back. I have found that to be the secret to never lacking. Secondly, I would invest in a good home for mummy dearest and then for me and family.A good solid home to lay one's head at the end of a long day is stress relieving and soothing. From that, I would invest the rest and keep some as security. It's always good to save and invest for the future.

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If do get a chance to have a million dollar. Probably I would half the million where the other one went to investment while the other half is for creating a business. I want to secure the money intellectually by hiring professionals and having their opinions on this matter for they are the expert on this field.

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Winning a one million dollar is a one in a lifetime chance that will change my life, not only my life but also the life of people I love. I would not do any unnecessary things that may ruin that chance. First I will study and do researches things about businesses then if the time I am ready I will start a business that will expand my money. And if that business is a success which means my money grows day by day I will give all the things that and my love ones wanted to have. I will try to give my parents all the things they wanted to have but didn't because they put their child first. I will buy a house in Japan since it is the place I admire the most like their cultures, places, and people. I will also help organizations by giving charities and helping people with disabilities. Finally I'll watch KYRIE IRVING games in VIP seat. Life is easy if you have money. What would you do with one million dollars?

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Of course I will buy the things for my parents first. A house, a business and a good car for them to use in their daily lives. Making their life easy as they grow old instead of working at a high age. Buying all the things they want for their entertainment of course. Then next for my future I will also make a business in order for my money to grow and prevent being wasted for my games and beers.

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I'll build a house at the top of a mountain and invest some of the money in business, I'll make sure that that investment will make a good profit and finally settle down in the house that I built. Man, that was some legit goal right there.

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Dollars has actually a high exchange rate here in our country so I would probably do a lot of things with it. Of course, the first thing would be to invest in something that would last long term. We all know that business is really a win or lose career but sometimes we have to take the risk so maybe after doing a lot of research and analysis about something that might be successful maybe I'll use some of my money for a business.

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for me i if i have that big amount as 1 million dollars i will buy a house buy a car with affordable price, save some money for children's future use in education, try to engage in business to grow the money and help people those in need we need to help them because the money that we have is a blessing from God learn to share so that more blessings to come. What would you do with one million dollars?

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For me, I would like to donate some to the charities, Because I want to also share what Gods give blessing to me. We are all siblings here. we are all family,By sharing I think and I Believe, It helps to Prevent or lesser the crime facing of the world today. Just having a care to each other, It has a BIG BIG impact into to one another. Anyway going back into the topic, I use some of my money creating a House or it safe to say a Home for my parents. I just wanna give back the love, care, and hard work that they do to raise me.

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I would invest 500.000$ in something that i will think about when i will have that 1 milion and the half i would split...100.000 for my parents...100.000 for my grandparents...100.000 for me and 200.000 in the bank.

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I would invest it in heaven, because my life here is temporary but there everlasting. I will use it in the ministry of God and support more workers in the church then the remaining for my family.

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I have thought about this scenario like lots of time already, especially when I see storied featuring people who were once rich, then because of stupidity and recklessness, lost all their fortune because of mishandling of their funds or got duped by people they trusted. One example would be Muhammad Ali who lost $80 million because of failed business transactions and excessive spending. I can't help but think that if only I were them, I would invest 80% of my money in stock exchange and real estate, then the 10% for fun and games, and remaining 10% would be for charity. If I get to become a millionaire someday, that is definitely the way I'd allocate my monthly income.

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Definitely help my parents. Have a house and lot. Then invest in businesses. Businesses is a good way since it is long term. Next I would maybe put in some stocks, train a little and focus on earning. I can't just gamble away some money when just earning it. I will also provide a share of my my earning in charities and education. I would love to help kids when their family can't. I want to put hopes in their hearts that there are still chances in this world.

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If I would have one million dollars, half of it will go for my family and my dream house, and the remaining half will go for business ventures.It is very satisfying when you materialized your dreams. It will give you an inspiration and will drive you hard to work for more for another goal. Ten percent (10%) of my Net Business Income will goes to the church for tithing. As a Christian I have an obligation to share my blessings to God and it's people.

If I still have excess, I will donate it to an orphanage or in school, sponsoring scholarship programs.

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Money needs to be invested, so definitively I would invest some. My parents are needing a good help, they need a small place to leave, and lots of medicines, and medical attention. My sisters would love to have a better education, something we can afford. And a family business would open job places for members of my family, cousins, uncles, aunts. I would have a foundation, a place for helping out, maybe something for homeless people and pets. For me? call me crazy but I'm ok just helping others, my only wish is to meet another places and cultures, so a simple not very fancy trip around will make my life complete, also I've always wanted to meet Holy Land, and if that money ever comes to me, I have to thank the Lord for it.

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If I won a million dollars, I would invest it in to business so that it could expand. I want to secure also my family and buy them house and lot. I would give them some capital also to start their own business. I would donate some money also for a different charities and churches. I would buy my self a valuable items car, house or apartment. And, big part of that money will go to the bank for the future of my daughter. That's all I want.

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If I get a one million dollar money, I would use the money to build a house for my mom and the rest would be for business purposes. In this way, we'll have a source of income and be able to help people in needs. I've always wanted to build an orphanage, this can be a very good source.

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That's actually a really hard question because even though that we might initially think that we know what we would do with so much money, most of us haven't got a clue. You can't imagine how much a million dollars can buy you if you have never had it before. But regardless, I think that the majority of it, I'd save into a bank. It might sound dumb but it's better not to spend everything. Of course, some, I would give to my family and parents. They have been the ones that raised me and were always next to me when needed. After that, I'd probably go on a few month trip around the world with my partner and just enjoy life to the fullest.

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I would invest most part of the money, probably a safe investment, long-term. I'd use the remaining to build a nice house for my mother, afterall she deserves. I would buy some stuff that I always wanted, nothing too fancy. I guess a better guitar, a nice amp and thats all.

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A million dollars. Well. if won a million dollars I will allocate twenty percent of it to charity and my local church. Then I will buy a decent house for my family and help my extended family as well. Then I will buy a farm land and develop it into a creative farm where people can visit and see the creativity that I can put on such a vast land. I guess investing some money into a nice business on the side wouldn't hurt but I will definitely seek to fulfill what me and my husband's passions are. The I will allocate a good part of it to our son's education and development.

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I would use the money to build businesses and to fund the non-profits I want to build. And oh man, would I buy up many businesses -- everything from house flipping to cheap room renting to owning fast-food franchises to running cleaning services to anything you could imagine. With the profits from the businesses I would open, I would buy up abandoned skyscrapers and apartment buildings, fix them up, house homeless people in them, and through an ongoing donation program for upkeep, end homelessness in my city and perhaps several others.

The most I would keep is about a tenth of it to put into stocks and a Roth IRA and all that other nonsense so I myself would never have to be poor again. But oh man, with the horrors I've seen in this world, I'd use that kind of money to try to set things right...

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I would buy an apartment for my hubby and myself, one for my parents and one for my in-laws. Since both my and parents and in-laws live in Asia, I think whatever's left over after purchasing a house for myself would more than cover the costs of two additional properties in Asia. After that, I would invest half of the rest into some long-term blue chip stocks and donate the other half in some way or other (not sure if I would want just to donate the money, or use it to build something that will help the needy).

Honestly speaking, once I manage to own a house and no longer have to throw away such a large chunk of my salary on rent, I can live reasonably comfortably, especially without having to worry about mortgage!

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For me I think I am going to help my parents first. I am going to buy them a house and lot, enroll them to an insurance any type of insurance company will do. And i will invest probably half of the money. I will enroll my kids to an educational plan. I will buy my dream car, build my dream house. Go to a vacation with my family to the most popular vacation places in the world. I will donate some money to a foundation and donate money to our church. Feed street children our maybe give educational plans to the less fortunate or probably a housing project to the homeless people.

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If I had the chance to own a one million dollars, eventhough I know It's impossible, i will donate big part to our Church and the remaining is for our big house and lot, company business, house for my parents, and save the rest in a bank account.

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Winning a million dollars is the dream of every person on this earth. If I would win such a high sum, I would buy a new and bigger house, a powerful car, and all the small things that I saw and I never had money to buy.
Another important thing that I would do with my winning is to travel all over the world and see the wonders of the earth!

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First of all i will buy all my needs and wants in life i will buy some cars, private planes, mansion and etc. Some of my money i will invest for business and i will help all the people who are in poverty situation as long as my money can afford. I will build a business open for all people who is jobless in general i will help my fellowmen overcome poverty.

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If ever I would win a million dollars, I will really buy the things that will make my parents happy. Because now that I'm already working but can't still afford to buy my parents a house or their own car or the things that they want. I really feel hurt or down inside, because they did their best to give me things I needed. Got me to finish college without me ever needing to for my tuition or projects in school. So I'm very thankful to them that I really want them to have a good life and have a bit of taste of the luxurious life that they had dreamed of ever since. Because I think it's time for them to enjoy life the way they wanted it to be.

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Oh man, If I won/have a $1 million, I would definitely purchase a house and lot, brand new car, and start my own business and of course, save most of it. There are a lot of things that you can do in $1 million but we should take it slow in spending that money. It's also better to help any charity and share your blessings to those in need.

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If I would have a one million dollar I would buy my own house and build a business. because nowadays money is so easy to run out. and you don't know where did it go. so I'll make sure that my money will be worth it. I will use this to build a better life and help my parents and siblings. How I wish I could really have this amount of money.

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I will pay to fix my house, then I think I would buy my mother and father cars for each one and then I will travel de wold. That's an experience that no business can give you. After that I'll probably go back to my hometown and open a special clinic for the elderly ones.

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I write with a feeling that I have won the one million dollars in a lottery already because I've got big plans on how to spend the money if I get lucky to win such a huge amount of money which if you turn to our local currency which is the naira, you will have billions of naira in your account. I am going to celebrate winning such a huge amount of money for a whole week and such celebration should be one where I will invite friends and families to come and celebrate with me.

After my one week celebrations, I will try to invest the money on real estate buying lands and buildings because in Nigeria, investing in real estate is a sure way to secure wealth for your kids and generations unborn considering the population we have here. I will also invest in a business that I will try to run over a period of time to make it a bigger business that can feed my family for long. I won't forget to buy a better mansion for myself anyway where I can always relax and feel comfortable every day I am back from work.

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First, I will pay my taxes if there's any. Then, I will prepare a plan on how I will spend my money wisely. I think I will buy a house of my own and possibly, a cheap but a good condition car. I'm not really fond of money but I think it's necessary to survive so I will keep it for my expenses in the future. I will try to allocate my budget wisely and try to start a small business. In this country, Agriculture is the best and easiest business you can get, so probably I will start one. I think I will allocate half to the house, the land and the cheap car. The other half will be kept by me in order to deal with the incoming financial matters.

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First, I will buy a new house for my family. Second, I will give some of my money to my parents so they can start their own business if they want. Then, I'll invest an educational plan for my niece to secure her future, I will continue my studies and start my own business. $1000,000 dollar is too much so i will donate some to charities and help the needy. Then the rest of the money will go to my bank account. What would you do with one million dollars?

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One million dollars is a huge sum of money to talk about. Although I know I can have that kind of money in my bank account someday, I would use such a large sum of money to start an investment company so that the coming generations can benefit from it. By judiciously spending this huge sum, it is very certain that generations up to the 10th one will live on it and this will definitely continue to the future generations.

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Well, if I win 1 million dollars I think I will make a small business because I believe money can be disappear soon whether you have trillions of money, when you don't know how to handle money it will disappear like bubbles What would you do with one million dollars? so, that's why I will make a small business but not all the money instead I will save some money for maintenance for my business I can say this because I live in asia where 1 million dollar is so much money for us lol.

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I would probably start my own business, buy a house and a car. I will go to the church and thank god for it send some money to the charity. Help the poor as much as i can since i am very fortunate for having that kind of money. I would be happy if i see every people i helped to be happy.

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Not a whole lot, because ultimately a million dollars isn't that much money that one could just start taking it easy. Sure I would be able to afford an apartment and maybe work a bit less and focus on myself, but it wouldn't completely change my life around. I might sound a bit pessimistic, but where I live everything is so expensive that a million dollars would not get you all that far in life itself, but with wise investment plans I probably wouldn't have to worry about retirement anymore!

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Wow! if i have one million dollars half of it, i will keep for investment 10% will be for charity the remaining 40% will be for house and lot, cars and business. Here in the Philippines one million dollars is a huge amount of money. I can do so much with it.

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This is so true, you can have lots of things to do with a million dollars in the Philippines. You could already retire if you have this, but of course, you should keep money flowing back to you so that's why it's good to have some investments or businesses. It's good to see that most of us here on this thread has that kind of idea of keeping some parts for some venture. It's not only about spending it all on anything that we want. We give importance to making or money bigger. That's called wise spending!

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Of course, making my parents happy will be my number one priority after winning a million dollars. They were there for me when I was a child till the the time I grew to decide on my own. I will first of all buy them house and ask them what they require of me so I will provide them, after that, I will do whatever I want with the rest of the money.

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First thing I would do to a Million money is to spend it in my house re innovation and fix destroyed parts of my house. I would make another house to my areas. I will added more mini stock room, so that I will stack old things, inside of the stock room. I implement more projects in my city, so that I could help more people.

If their would be a slight glance of chance, I will make more necessity to the people, who were in grave help. I will set aside my wants, and I will prioritize the needs. If people ever wanted to ask money to me, I will only provide needs, for them not a necessarily a financial assistance.

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I will invest half of it to build a Company of my own for my Future family generations to benefit from. 1/4 of it will go to the Charity so I can help those in need and 1/4 of it I will hire the best HitMans in the world to kill all the Corrupt People and Drug Lords in this world. The last thing I mentioned is quite impossible I know, but it's something I wanna do so we can all live a peaceful life. Ha Ha

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I would first find a way to make money with it. I might start a business, or I could buy a rental property. Then I would put some away for my son. I would certainly give some to charity. I would also try to buy myself a house with plenty of room for my whole family. I would want it to have a complete living space for my mother on the same lot. I would like her to be close, but she would really need her own space.

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I will open a diversified company that invests in companies all over the world. My company will invest in profitable businesses by buying stocks and bonds. Some money will be used to open up new businesses directly.

I prefer doing this instead of spending all the money at once because I still want to have a constant flow of money in future that will make a luxurious life I want affordable. Some of the future income will also be directed to my family to lift everyone up.

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I would usually think of this whenever I watch stories featuring people who won the lottery then just after a years, lose all the money and get poorer than they were before. It makes me really sad that after being given that kind of opportunity to change their lives, they just waste it all for the usual stupid reasons. No matter how much money you have, it will eventually get depleted if there's no money coming in.

As for me, if I have that kind of money, I'll put 80% of it in the stock market and real estates, have the 10% for vacation and buy all stuff I want and need, then 10% for charity. I have already planned out the details in my head just in case I get lucky, so that I won't make the same mistakes others have done before.

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If you get a million dollar windfall at some earlier point in your life, when you still have many working years ahead of you, I would advise against viewing this as your ticket out of the workforce. As we saw above, this kind of money generates a nice income – but not necessarily enough to retire on, especially if you’re young and still need to raise kids. In addition, if you start using all the income that your nest egg generates at an early age rather than reinvest, your money will be gradually eroded by inflation.

And the rest?
So I repaid debt, gave some to family and some to charity, even splurged a little. Let’s assume I was left with half a million dollars. Now what? Now I invest, and I treat this as any other investment, creating a mix of stocks, bonds, cash, and commodities Whatever asset allocation m generally comfortable with. Now I sit back, watch the money grow, rebalance once a year and resist the urge to do anything else with that money, except for enjoying the extra security I now have.

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If i have a million dollars I will definitely invest to a reputed business and of course I will save a lot for my future family. Lastly, I will take my parents everywhere in the globe! I am very excited to pay them back for their sacrifices to me!

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10% of that money will be for charity and religion, 40% will be for the whole family's basic needs and wants. 10% for trust fund and savings.10% for emergency fund and 30% is for business. I would like to invest in to some business that will keep the money growing so that I could sustain that lifestyle for a lifetime and make my family contented and well provided.

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If I have the chance to have a one million dollars, I will spend it in the most important things in my family's welfare. I'll invest and save money for my wife and soon to be children. A million dollars is so small and easy to spend if we waste it in luxuries and other wordly pleasures but eventually it will be wasted without value. Use resources intelligently.

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Same as you I would also like to do that. I want to spend it for my family's sake. I will invest and make a business also out of that money. I will also donate in charity and in church. I will also spend it for myself, as a freelance artist I needed some materials and upgraded computers and tablets for me to work smoothly and it can also use it in my business plan What would you do with one million dollars?.

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If I have one million dollars, I'll do my best to make it more than one million dollars. I'll definitely upgrade my internet cafe and buy more units. I'll probably start a new branch and secure a portion of my money. I'll pay my car, house and life insurance in advance too.

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A million dollars is not a little money when converted to Nigerian Naira currency, in fact it would even be more than enough to buy our federal capital territory if it's up for sale. I simply don't think that there is anything one would desire to acquire with a million dollar bucks in his or her pocket that would prove to be any difficult.

Now, should I happen to find myself in possession and ownership of a million dollars, one thing is what could come to my crazy mind, and it's going into housing project all over the states of my country. Housing is my favorite investment, if I could have my way, I would have at least a minimum of 5 buildings in one state of the 36 States in my country Nigeria.

With a million dollars in care, achieving this fealty won't be any problem at all, as the issue would be can I get the manpower to execute the project within the time frame of my choice with all other things being considered. Also, I would take up the project of building a church for God probably in my village as a sign of appreciation to God for allowing me to have access to such amount of money.

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I am not sure about my expertise in that question, but I recently had no problems with my fit data. I am an active user of sports gear and get much pleasure using such devices. Because I often visit the gym, Vitality healthcare is essential for my progress. Along with this, I recommend using healthcare factoring since it may protect you from unexpected health problems. When I got an injury at the gym, it helped me find the money for my recovery. Try to think about it, because factoring is becoming more and more expensive.

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