
Super market or farmer's market

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Super market or farmer's market

Where do you prefered to buy your groceries, in super market or in wet market (sometimes called farmer's market by region)? And why?

Wet market is very popular in southeast asia including my country, Philippines. How ever super market is poping up anywhere even in province area.
When we go visit our relatives in province, my family use to buy in wet market to support our local farmers. But when we come back to Manila we buy in super market because its more convenient.


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I do my shopping in supermarkets only because I get everything I need easily from one place and in many cases even for cheaper. Also helps to have them near, so I can easily do my groceries for the week in an hour, whereas if I wanted to go to an outdoor market the trip would easily take over 3 hours because of how far I would have to go.

I also don't think that there is any difference in the quality of the goods, so cheaper is the way to go for me!

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What? Of course, the quality is way better at farmer's market. The people there personally grow those vegetables or fruit - they have farms and plantations at home. It's fresh and many of them even sell eco products. The grocery shops eco products are often wrongly labeled. Also, in my country, getting the things from the supermarket is way more expensive. The prices there are absolutely insane.

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I have to agree with you because in farmers market the red meat and poultry are so fresh and just recently butchered straight from the slaughter houses to the market. The produce is guaranteed fresh and new.

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It's more fresh and the mere fact all of the good meat really coming from the farmer's market. Usually at the supermarket I buy dry goods and toiletries

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I agree that farmer's market are better than super markets. Farmer's market in terms of fresh, quality, quantity and price is better that super market. Also in some farmer's market they have this promo like whole sale where it is much cheaper but the quality is better. You can also ask for a low price meanwhile in super market it is fixed nothing will change.

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Hi Gamergurl.

It is ingratiating that you have observed the notion that only due to its closeness to where we live are supermarkets a popular choice. Farmers nicely, it seems, have the option to buy either to wholesalers or directly to the general public. Also, it is very pleasing that you pointed out that the quality of the food is acceptable from either one we choose to buy from. A great perspective on the matter, indeed.

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Very well said but for me, I must prepare to buy my needs in a farmers market because just like in the supermarkets all I need is also in the farmers market and the only difference is that prices are much cheaper in the farmers market rather than in supermarkets.

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I got for farmer's market since i can buy fresh vegetables, fruits, poultry, etc. I only go to the supermarket if its not available in the farmer's market. Since our city has everything near the farmer's market i have access to all i need in just one place.

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For me,I prefer to buy in farmer's market than in super market. Besides of the reason that it is more cheap and fresh, its destination from our place is easy to travel because it is not far. While in super markets we will have to ride a jeepney to achieved its destination. For my opinion maybe it is based on how far your place between the two markets. Because if you are living in a City, it is not necessary for you to go to wet markets which is in the province. You will just go to super market because it is not far from your place. Same with people who live in provinces. They will prefer to buy in wet markets because of its destination.

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Have to buy from both places. Supermarkets offer a wide range of prices and you can find very good sales, they are usually close to any area you live in, so you will safe some time. The bad thing is that everything is very processed or plastic. On farmer's market everything looks really fresh and healthy, but is not like you have one on the corner, so in my case I have to drive some miles. But based on healthy issues, farmer's market is the preferred choice.

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i would prefer supermarket since i was so busy and always arrived home late, i have no time going in the
farmer's market anymore. Buying in the farmer's market is more cheap than the supermarket but you have to bring
all goods by your hand since they don't have a cart, you can never walk fast since the market is full of shoppers also.

For me, it is more convenient in the super market since it also have a fast lane and with many counters incase you are rushing.

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Depends on the goods I'm looking for. Usually buying straight from the farmer ensures better prices and also more natural and fresh products. Still, those are hard to find around here and If I had to drive a long distance I'd chose to go to a big supermarket instead because the options of food would compensate the driving and the higher prices.

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Farmer's market is hardly seen in my area. Though the supermarket is just a block away from my house so I prefer supermarket most of the time. It's always a one stop shop for me and I get to choose from different varieties although I do not guarantee its freshness at times unlike the farmer's market.

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For groceries I go for supermarket. For meats, fish, fruits and veggetables, I am for farmer's market. I set different schedules in buying groceries and fresh products. In supermarket, you can find almost everything that you need. However, fresh products in supermarket set a fixed price unlike on farmer's market, you can even ask for discount and they even offer a free taste for fruits which supermarket does not offer.

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I always prefer farmer's market to supemarket. I always used to buy my veggies and fruits from the local market. Because they are way too cheaper than buying from a three storey auper market.

Local market vegetables are not only cheaper but they also contain less chemicals and preservatives.

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For me personally, farmer's market is always the better option because it's cheaper and it's actually FRESH, homegrown vegetable and fruit. When you go to our local supermarket you always get food imported from all over the world so you have no idea how clean or safe it truly is. Sadly, we only have farmer's market opened during the weekend - Saturday and Sundays. I wish we had it open every single day because I would definitely make the effort and drive there just to get the best possible vegetables/fruit. It's worth it.

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This is the first time that I read that farmer's market is open only during saturdays and sundays. Here in our place, farmer's market is always open, even on holidays ( except holy friday) you can find some stall in it that sells fresh goods. Definitely you are right, you can find the best fruits and veggies on farmer's market that is cheaper than supermarket.

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I actually buy both from the supermarket and the wet market. I usually compare the price and quality before buying my fruits and vegetables. If the deal seems to be better at the supermarket then I buy the fruits and vegetables from there itself. Otherwise I buy from the wet market. I actually grow quite a lot of vegetables on my field and so I don't really need to spend that much on vegetables.

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I rarely visit a farmer's market. Supermarkets are very convenient and you can find almost everything there but often their vegetables and fruits aren't the best. To get fresher ones I go to a small grocery store that sells fresh vegetables and fruits. They look and taste better than the ones from the supermarket even though they are a bit more expensive.

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That's the same as me to be fair. We have two supermarkets that we go to regularly. One is a large one where we buy most of our things like meat and other stuff. It's just so convenient because you can get almost everything there and the prices are great as well. The other supermarket that I visit I go to get fresh vegetables and fruit that I don't buy from the main supermarket. It is a bit more expensive but it's better sometimes to get fresh fruit and veg.

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I prefer the supermarket because it's just a lot closer to me (just around a 5 minutes walk actually). I'm not sure where the closest farmers market is actually. I have seen some farmers markets when I have gone to other areas but it's just too far away to go regularly. The supermarket near me has a lot of things and has a lot of fresh things so there really isn't a need to go to a farmers market.

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I definitely love the farmer's market over the supermarket; however, where I currently live, the farmer's market only sets up about once a week at a fairgrounds area, so most of the items that I need on a daily basis have to be purchased at the supermarket. We grow a lot of our own vegetables too, so that helps, but obviously the quality of produce and other items is much better at the farmer's market. Still, we are creatures of circumstance, budget, time management, and convenience, so the local Kroger gets most of our business when it comes to food and grocery shopping.

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I would always choose the wet market! I say this because not only is the food fresh, but it is good to support your local farmers and communities. I feel as though it is a way to strengthen the community while having the freshest fruits, vegetables, and meats possible.

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I prefer buying in the farmers market. because in farmers market you catch fresh goods and its also cheap price than the supermarket. And farmers market can be seen near in my house so I like shopping there. One good thing about the farmers market is you can ask for a discount from the seller and you can see that the goods are really fresh. It's fine to do your shopping at the supermarket but you can't really make sure if the goods are fresh and if it's still in good condition.

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Farmers market is always the best choice of course due to the products' freshness and affordability. It is a little inconvenient though because it is a little chaotic, smelly and noisy.
Supermarket on the other hand gives you a more comfortable place to shop for your food at the same time shop for other things like condiments, snacks and all the good things you can buy from there.
But for me since I don't care about the chaos and the noise, I would always prefer going to Farmer's market as I know I can get the best deal and products there.

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yes you are right framer's market is the best choice still no chemicals than in supermarkets. You can find freshly picked foods and you will feel safer than buying in supermarkets but sad to say most of people chooses supermarket.

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Grocery stores now, well most of the bigger ones? They traffic in organic or healthy food now. I've seen this in a lot of supermarkets where I live. Organic carrots, health drinks and such. So you can get some stuff that's maybe not super healthy for you and balance that out with healthy stuff depending on what your store carries.

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I prefer going to a farmers market over supermarket, because most of the products in farmers market are fresh and directly comes from the producers(farmers) themselves. Not like in supermarkets, the products are frozen specially raw meat and poultry. I'd go to a supermarket to buy groceries and then for the meats, fruits, and vegetable I'd go to the farmers market.

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Well, it depends on what I want to buy, and how i need it to be. in most cases I prefer the farmers market, because you will get it cheaper and it's always first hand, undiluted and fresh, directly from the producers themselves, so it's the best option. And most supermarket owners come to the farmers market to buy their stuffs and sell in their supermarkets. But sometimes you will be in need of something and the nearest will be the supermarkets. So you opt for it.

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In an urban setting, you find out that it is more convenient to be doing your groceries shopping in a supermarket. I love the farmers market a lot, but getting the time to visit them it is the problem. However, once in a month on a given weekend you will find time to visit the farmers market.

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Situations always make me purchase from both places, though I always do more of my shopping in supermarkets since they offer wide range of products with prices that reflect how much they are worth. The supermarket can also be found in places close to our homes making it simple for anyone to take a walk to those supermarkets to buy whatever he/she wants to buy.

I prefer the farmers' stores when there is harvest which pushes the prices of goods down. I make a bargain in those farmers' market to get the best deals I could afford.

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I prefer shopping at farmer's markets because local produce tastes better to me and tends to be much cheaper than produce from a supermarket. Unfortunately, since I don't drive, a lot of farmer's market locations are inaccessible to me in Canada, so I have no choice but to shop at supermarkets. For meat, though, I don't know of any farmer's markets that sell meat where I live so I only buy meat from supermarkets.

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I buy my food from grocery stores and the like as opposed to farmer's markets because the only large-scale farmer's market in my area is not within walking distance of where I live and they don't sell all of the things I need. Farmer's markets where I live tend to sell only fruits and vegetables and not meat or processed foods, and I need processed foods on account of the fact that they can be heated up in any microwave and don't require cooking skills to prepare. Perhaps in some other time, some other place, some other plane of existence where I would be in a position to be able to cook, I'd go to farmer's markets and get ingredients more often, but I just can't afford it right now.

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I shop on both venues for convenience and economical aspects. While I do most of my groceries in the supermarkets, I usually buy my fresh produces in the Farmer's market. But when I am in a hurry and I don't need to buy a lot of fresh produce, then sometimes I pick them all up in the supermarket. I am glad to say that both the farmer's market and the grocery store is both close to where I live. But the problem with it sometimes is the time you may need to go to buy your products. Our farmer's market sells the best fresh produce from meat, poultry and fresh vegetables but you can only buy there in the morning. When you decide to go there in the afternoon, there are only several stores open and the products are limited already. The reason for this is they usually open as early as 2 in the morning and a lot of wholesale buyers are already picking up their stuffs there. That's the reason they are mostly done selling by the end of the morning. With the grocery store, the time they operate is convenient to most people especially if they are still open by the time you went out from work.

I cannot vouch that it is cheaper in the farmer's market than the grocery store or vice versa but I think the key to smart shopping is to have a list of the things you need if you buy for a week of supplies or for a day. and then knowing the market value of each, you can maximize your shopping experience and be done with it in a short time.

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My family and I always buy in supermarkets but, when we travel to a town or city that is small and they plant vegetables, fruits, or any other groceries we buy at the farmers market. The reason why is because sometimes it is cheaper, less expensive and the groceries are in better conditions rather than the groceries that are in the supermarkets.

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I always go to farmers market, If you want a fresh vegetables and fruits you can buy at farmers market. Shopping at local farmers market can be a lot of fun and a great way to try a new foods. You can also bargain or have a discount in farmers market unlike in super market all there goods is in fixed price.

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I'll go for supermarket since my top priority is accessibility. Long trips can decrease the foods freshness since it will be expose to harmful elements. I do believe that you can still get fresh foods in the supermarket if you're early. As the old saying goes "Early bird catches the worm."

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I agree, I would also go for supermarket due to being busy and not having enough time.And i believe there's a chance of fresh foods in the supermarket.

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I do my groceries at farmer's market It's crowded but It saves you a great deal.It's much cheaper compared to a lot of supermarkets .It has a lot of product and they have way more products so you can always find something new or a product you were looking for.Interactions with people is great too some sales lady gives you discounts and freebies which is awesome.

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I prefer farmer's market, if only you're near into it. In super market, they tend to cover it more in plastic rather than, displaying it naturally. I tried it to buy on farmers market, when I had the chance to find one. The product of the farmers are more genuine, and healthy to eat, because I believed when they harvested their fruits and vegetable, they were more careful to sell their product.

Today, I found it more interesting to buy in farmers market. Because, they have new products to offer in harvesting time. Also, it will help them to generate more revenue, when we buy something to them.

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Farmer markets definitely. Supermarkets are overrated and overpriced. Who knows where most of their products even come from. While farmer markets offer limited options at least your mind would be more at peace as it is easier to determine where the products came from and how they were grown or processed. In addition to that, you are directly helping the farmers out rather than some greedy profiteering corporations or businessmen.

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I think it all depends on where you live or the availability of your time. As much as possible i want to buy in wet market cause we all know that buying in public market is cheaper than supermarket. There's variety of supplies you can find in wet market too. And the meat, fish and vegetables are fresher. But there are times i can't go to wet market because it's off hours, wet markets here have the time that only few stalls are open, it's good to go there in the morning. But during lunch time till 3:30pm only few stalls are open. And they usually came back at 3:30pm to 6pm. So if i need to buy during those off time i prefer to go to supermarket cause it's open from morning till late at night.

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When buying groceries like shampoo, detergent, toothpaste, canned foods, instant noodles, coffee, sugar and other kitchen necessities I prefer shopping at large supermarkets. Large supermarkets offers Perks Card or Loyalty Card to their loyal and valued customers. I can earn points, avail of special discount, freebies and promos which can save me money.When it comes to fresh vegetables, fruits, poultry products, fresh seafoods like fish, crab, prawns, squids, clams and meat my choice is farmer's market. I have a regular seller who give me the freshest meat I need. Actually, I am not scared of might getting a contaminated meat because I know the seller very well.

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I prefer to buy in farmer's market. Not only cheap but also, you will help the community by purchasing their product. Yes, it's more convenient to purchase at the supermarket but you're helping the rich people get richer. That's my 2 cents.

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For processed products like soap, toothpaste, facial wash, instant noodles, etc., I prefer buying them in the supermarket. The price is a bit lower and you can see the cleanliness of the products and you can choose wisely for what brand you will buy unlike in farmer's market where the supply of this products are limited. On the other hand, when buying natural occurring products like fruits, vegetables, meats, etc., it's better to buy them in a farmer's market since they are fresher without a doubt that in the supermarkets.

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I prefer farmer's market. Why? It's simply because farmer's market products are more safe and fresh. And it it more cheaper on farmer's market than supermarket. Buying meats, fish, fruits and vegetables are best on farmer's market, they are more safe and fresh rather than on supermarket, some are frozen and not even fresh.

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If you are really looking for organic and fresh meats, you should go to the farmer's market instead of going to supermarket. Although supermarkets are convenient, farmer's market will surely satisfy you on what they offers. They offer meats, fruits and vegetable more fresh and safer.

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It depends on your need, basically they offer different products and quality, they have a few similarities but they are still different. If you are looking for fresh good, then I suggest you go to farmer's market at the right time, because there's a shipping time for goods and usually the early ones get the better quality, also take note that you get better prices for the same items compared to a supermarket. When you are looking to store food and get commercial products, I'd go to the super market because most of the products being sold there are packed to last long also most of the providers directly deliver their goods to supermarkets.

So if it's just daily needs, I'd go to supermarket for the convenience.

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for me i go for super market because its much safer to buy food and other things they have a quality standards set not like wet super market where in no quality control its more prone on dead meat or other bad negative things. and super market is much secure to buy the needs no bad guys around to steal things that you shop.

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The wet market is very popular here as well and I think is preferred by the most people against the supermarket. Fruits or vegetables are looking good in the supermarkets, but in the wet market are fresh and cheaper, and there the sellers are usually the peasants who planted and took care of these groceries. This is the reason why I buy my groceries from the wet market and not the supermarket.

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Awe. :/ I just want to ask, is it normal for people like you to call those farmers 'peasants'? I mean, yes they are living a low class life but I find it insulting and heartbreaking if someone calls them such word. No offense. I don't want anyone to be called a peasant even if they are the lowest class because I am sure they don't want to be in that situation. :'( </3

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I like both and it depends on what I need or what we need too. For instance, if we are lacking fresh fruits and vegetables, we don't mind going to the other town just to buy some fresh ones since in the current place that we live in, we don't have nearby farms. On the other hand, if we need it so bad like an ingredient or something, super market is the way to go. Mind you, there are also fruits and vegetables on the supermarket that are fresh. You'll just have to ask some person inside that works on the supermarket specially in the fruits and veges section if when they usually have fresh ones.

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It all depends on the nature of the products one intends to buy and how the person desire them. Personally, if it's vegetables I intend on buying, farmers market is the right choice for me since they have more fresh produce when compared to the ones supermarket would offer.

Also, cost is another thing I look at when deciding which place to shop, if am looking forward to saving a little more from my shopping, farmers market is the best choice since even those supermarkets do buy from them and repackage and sell same products at a higher price.

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I go to those places for different reasons. I go to the supermarket to find branded products such as Heinz Ketsup, Jufran Hotsauce etc. While in the farmer's market I buy fruits and vegetables. Generally, if you are trying to conserve money, just find essentials at the farmer's market, but if you are in search for branded and trusted products, the supermarket is the place for you.

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I prefer to go farmer's market when I want to buy my daily needs and I want fresh foods . It is more cheaper there and sometimes you can ask for some discount also. In farmer's market you can find almost every thing you need in one place, items that you cannot find in Supermarket. Although in shopping for groceries , it is better to go in Supermarket. It is more convenient and hassle free.

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I agree farmer's market have cheaper, better and fresh products than super market's products. Farmers also sometimes gives you a discount if you're always buying to them or if you're going to buy a lot of their products. Also you don't need to be on a long line in farmer's market you just pay when you get the goods unlike in our super market that it always has long line of people in the cashier.

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I am more of favor in the farmers market. The reason being the prices are good. And also the amount of prices that you can get with them on mall are higher. So to manage that process you can see that prices are not something you'd be focused on. I think for each one of us we need to find a way to support local economy. And if you can do that then I am sure that by purchasing the vegetables from the local store over mall, you'd help the local economy.

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I still prefer buying from the farmer's market. Because in the farmer's market, if you regularly buy from the same sellers, you can become close to them and sometimes you may ask a discount from them, or reserve the most fresh product they have. You cannot do this in the supermarket since the people selling are not the owners themselves. Products in the supermarket are usually of high quality, but if you are used to buying in a farmer's market, you can also get products of the same quality as the ones in the supermarket in a cheaper price.

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I prefer to go all the time to a public, farmers market as most of the ingredients and products you can buy will going to be fresh. More so if you had a good eye on quality and freshness of a certain goods like fruits and vegetables, meats and fish, and other crops you need for a recipe. I'm really lucky to have a girlfriend whose really keen on choosing which particular ingredients to buy, she's very good at selecting the freshest vegetables, slices of meat and the most delicious fish you can get on the market. I think the reason is she's from a family of farmers on the province and most of their foods come from their farm which is very near on the mountains.

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THat's the same for me, too. When we moved here in Manila, the most closest place to buy goods is in supermarket. And since, everything you want to find is also there. When buying in a farmer's market, it is more good to go early in the morning. We only buy in farmer's market when we are in need of fish. It has more fresh goods in there than the supermarket.

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We have more of supermarkets in my country and I love to buy my groceries from there.Supermarkets items are way cheaper and of good quality.It has self-service that you could just move around and pick whatever you want.It has a lot of space to accommodate more customers at a time.

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I like the part of the self service too. I have seen the packaging and the amount we get for the weight and the pricing adjustment in the mall is better. I think farmers market is yet to catch up in many places. And that's something people have to understand as well. I personally think that super markets are harder to compete with price. But farmers market if adjusted on that part, I am guessing they would be choice of our purchase over mall and supermarket.

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I only go to the supermarket when I'm on a tight schedule and as a result I can't have the time to go to the farmers market. Remember, it's always more cheaper when you buy from the farmers market than when you buy from the supermarket. With packaging and everything else, a product that would have been sold at $40 would get to $65. This is one of the reasons I don't fancy buying from supermarket.

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I prefer to buy in farmer's market than supermarket, it's more fresh than what they sell int the supermarket, You will get what you paid for, and its more cheaper to buy on the farmers market than in supermarket.

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Agree with you. In the past, I used to drive my dad's old car while my mom sat beside me to ensure that I reached the wet market. There, mom always bargain with the veggie vendors, get a good discount and sometimes free chillies or lemongrass . Those were the good old days, where we could bargain and interact with old ladies and uncles .

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I prefer farmer's market because it is cheaper and fresh unlike in supermarket, all the meat their are frozen but in farmer's market, you can check the meat itself if it's still fresh or not and the good thing in farmer's market is that you can ask for discount if you always buy at a certain stall or if you are suki

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If I were you, I'll buy vegetables and fruits including spices in the wet market because it's cheaper as compared with the supermarket value; their quality there is not compromised.

However, I'll buy lean meat and white meat in the supermarket. I observed that the cold chain (very important parameter of quality) is not maintained in the wet market. Supermarket is very strict on this. Cold chain is important to prevent growth of bacteria in the meat.

I hope this helps.

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It all depends on the nature of the products one intends to buy and how the person desire them. Personally, if it's vegetables I intend on buying, farmers market is the right choice for me since they have more fresh produce when compared to the ones supermarket would offer.

Also, cost is another thing I look at when deciding which place to shop, if am looking forward to saving a little more from my shopping, farmers market is the best choice since even those supermarkets do buy from them and repackage and sell same products at a higher price.

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Definitely I will choose farmer's market over supermarket. Vegetables and fruits in the supermarket is quite expensive and the price difference to the farmer's market is almost 20% to 30%. If I am in the City and stay there for a couple of weeks, I usually go to supermarket not because I like it there but I don't have any choice because it's a walking distance from the house of my sister.

Another reason why I love Farmer's Market, is that I do really enjoy the freebies when you buy their products which you cannot have in supermarket.

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Most definitely farmers market. In my country it is much cheaper and economical plus its extra freshness.
There are lots of household items we use around the house that we can't just walk into the supermarket and get like tomatoes,vegetables and all.
At the farmers market, we can bargain prices and come to an agreement while at the supermarket the prices are fixed.

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When you desire the products you want to purchase to be fresh, then it's most certainly going to be farmers market for your buying. Personally, I don't cook anything that isn't fresh especially when it comes to vegetables. I normally go to the farm and buy directly from the farmer even before the vegetables get to the market.

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It depends on which one would be most convenient for you for the time being. But personally, I prefer shopping at the farmer's market. They say that produce at the supermarket has already been sitting in transport for like a day or two but produce in the farmer's market has just been harvested the day before it's been displayed. Another reason is that you'll have more access to organic products at the farmer's market rather than in the supermarket. One thing more is that you could personally ask the sellers in the wet market on how they harvested their products, how their crops were raised and where and etc. In short, you will be "up-close personal" with the fruits, vegetables, and meat at the farmer's market. There are more reasons, I just have named a few of them. Wink!

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I do agree, it's a question of convenience. Here there's a lot of both Supermarkets and Farmers Market and normally I buy veggies and fruits in the Farmers Market because it's fresher and there's a lot of organic produce being sold there. But when it comes to meats, I prefer buying in the supermarket because it's more sanitary and safe from contamination.

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Depends bro, whichever is closer to your home and whichever is convenient. We have puregold here and we have wet market just above it but I prefer to shop inside Puregold because it has airconditioning. Haha. Prices aren't that expensive in puregold compared to our palengke actually. I go to the wet market only to buy meat and fruits in early in the morning since puregold opens at 9am and I have no other choice.

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As for fresh foods I buy them at Farmers Market because they come really fresh and cheaper but in supermarkets I've noticed that their fish and other marine products are so expensive and most of it are frozen from yesterday or the other day. As for products such as canned goods, instant noodles etc. I usually buy them from supermarkets.

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Same here i personally prefer to buy fresh foods, fruits and vegetables at farmer's market. I love to buy products at farmer's market early in the morning to make sure i'll be able to pick fresh delivered goods. It's really cheaper to buy at farmer's market compare to super markets.

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Yes but usually the farmer's markets around here are very few and far in between and some goods are of doubtful precedence and hygiene standards

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