
A boss who is strictly but fun or kind but boring?

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A boss who is strictly but fun or kind but boring?

For me I prefer a boss who is strictly yet fun to have or fun to be with all the time. And people would say why not the kind but boring type?, the reason is people used to change right? but for me I would rather have a strict which I can be more serious and can do my work properly as possible and being fun is he's thing already he don't need to adjust or change for us because his fun already and he don't even need to fake his personality or what he truly feels.


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Well, both combinations are fine if you ask me. I wouldn't mind either as long as the boss is fair and respects his employees, pays on time and so on, I don't care about his general personality. He is after all my boss and not my friend. If he's boring, I wouldn't care because I am not going to hang out with him on the weekend so why would it matter?

But still, perhaps strict and fun is a tiny bit better. I just personally find it more motivating when I know that my boss is strict, has high standards and expects me to deliver good work. It pushes me to work harder.

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It would be nice if the boss could be friendly to his employees, but then, his job is to make sure that everyone does their job the right way and the company or department he handles performs the best way it possibly can, not to befriend everyone.

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Exactly. I can appreciate if my boss tries to find ways to relate to me enough to have conversation and we can get along, but I certainly don't need to be "friends" with them. Maintaining a professional relationship with my coworkers (for the most part) is pretty important to me, as I don't like to blur the lines too much.

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Well I dont see anything wrong if you will going to have a mutual relationship with your boss I mean how can prevent that if you learn how to have infatuation with your boss right??

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No problems besides the fact that most professional work environments have strict policy regarding "infatuation" or romantic relationships between people who have direct supervision or control over another, right?

My workplace does not tolerate relationships like that in the work place if one person is in a position over another (i.e., a boss in a relationship with someone in their department). You could lose your job if you develop a relationship like this in the workplace and are found out about it.

That sure seems like a potential problem to me!

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I agree with your perspective on why stricter would be better. If you want to grow and improve as both a person and worker, it's going to take someone that pushes you in that direction. If a boss is overly kind and boring, he might end up being overly lenient and you yourself might start slacking and failing to improve. If your boss is strict enough to demand the best out of you, yet isn't overbearing about it (it's all about balance) then that is someone who will motivate you to do your very best and raise the bar for yourself. Not to mention that if he treats everyone like that, it is just generally healthy for the company as well.

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Exactly my point! If one is not motivated or pushed to always perform at her best, then most likely the kind of job done would never rise above the level of mediocrity. Being lenient I guess might work for some fields, but on most industries, bosses have to be strict and on point so that employees would give their 100% on whatever task is given to them because there is fear of failing.

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You have a point in that statement and i respect that opinion. What is important of being a boss is having a respect and kind hearted personality. Remember the saying that if you want to be respected by others, respect yourself first. Being strict really motivates you to work harder. But i think it is better to have funny boss because it gives you a confidence and calmness. I once had that kind of bosses and so far no problem with our relationship as an employee and i can say that it will depend also on what is your purpose in that particular job, either to hangout or to earn or both.

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I completely agree with you. A boss who likes fun is easy to talk to and communication is essential in every job. It perfects the work atmosphere and creates better relationships. When an employer is strict as well, never mind as the character contributes to the services of high quality and high performance of their employees. Furthermore, when my boss was not severe with me I gradually lost the motivation to work properly and I did not go to work so willingly as I do now. Once I changed my job and the employer I noticed I laugh more every day.

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When the boss is a nice person, absolutely everything at work works in a simpler, easier and true... I think all this helps to get the job done with a level of effectiveness that another work atmosphere wouldn't offer to the employees.

There is still much to be changed in the point of view of great entrepreneurs as to the bosses that they hire.

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that is true indeed, when the boss is kind, listens to employees woes, everyone will work happily in the company

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It's a shame those bosses seem to be increasingly entering into the extinction list around the world and the behavior of large companies in this regard only makes things even more disheartening.

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I think having a great boss is good, for the company, and to the employee. I don't really mind to the boss, as long as I have salary to hardly working on it. So, people always thinking an ideal boss, it's not a problem to think like it, but we are facing reality here, only in a matter of chance that we could have a nice boss like you mention above. A boss with strict leadership is somehow could help the employee, and the company at the same time.

I never face a funny boss, They somehow hide their real personality, as I do to myself. I don't usually give time into it rather I focus seriously in job, that's why I never experienced those things. I am semi-boring type person at the same type funny. It is up to the person who I have dealing, I often times adapting to their attitude, if a person is a boring type, I will become a boring type.

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I think having ag a good boss that understands the feelings of the workers is a great additional virtue. I know what I'm saying from experiences that I've had.

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I agree with you. My old boss was a biased type. He doesn't listen to my problems, even laughed at me and call me childish. A good boss listens to his employees and try to solve problems in order everyone is happy working together

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I'm glad you understood the point I was trying to make. Just like in football, once you as the boss has emotional empathy towards your employees, they will do everything to deliver.

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Having a strict boss can actually push you to be motivated or be more dedicated to work. I am not saying that kind boss is not good to work with. But I think, being strict is a must when it comes to work so the employees will take seriously doing their jobs and not just relax all the time. As long as their rules are not below the belt, then it is fine with me.

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In my opinion, strict bosses usually push people to do the best job they possibly can, while kind higher ups usually make employees comfortable in slacking off and do work that is only of "okay" quality.

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Yes I agree with you. If the boss is strict, it will push the employees to always put their best on doing their works and avoid doing mistakes because they know that the rules are being implemented. Unlike when the boss is kind, some of the employess take advantage thinking that they will always be forgiven.

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That would obviously be the mindset of most employees and it is mine too. I would be too afraid to perform less than what's expected of me if my boss is strict and demands great quality of work, while the opposite is true for kind and lenient bosses. I'd most likely slack off on the job.

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If a boss is strict and doesn't understand that the workers are humans as well that can make mistakes, do you really think that such person is nice? The two combinations did not go down well with well. A kind and the funny boss is all I desire.

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"A boss who is strictly but fun." would be my choice. I already had a boss like that and it was one of my best Jobs. A boss who is strictly but fun or kind but boring?

I'd rather work with this kind of boss because the working climate would be relaxed / fun but the result of the final work would hardly go down on the quality issue. It's a pity that so many bosses around the world aren't and see things that way.

It would be great if they were like this.

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I don't care about the boss attitude, as long as I will get along with him, a competent one, and have a good leadership towards their subordinates. My ideal boss is the one who makes a lot of serious things regarding of projects will be give to his employee. I don't really pay attention towards high position people, so having boss is unpredictable, you don't have any control of what type of environment you might deal with.

In my opinion, the classical things having this kind of environment is the ideal of normal people who wanted to work on nice environment. But in reality, these kinds of things is out of our control. I always expect that life is tough, and bosses is part of it. I always expect about this in my life, there's no such things we can choose our own boss unless by a form of chance.

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Strick and fun in my opinion. Running a company is no easy task and sometimes skulls need to be cracked. I think that bosses should always be strict as long as they are fair and listen to their employees also

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True. They should be strict in a way that he can push his employees to work hard and be at their best. But then despite of being strict, he should also be open to the opinions and suggestions of his empoyees. It is important that he is not only working as a boss but a good leader too, always think for the team and not just for himself alone.

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Naturally. He needs to know when to crack heads but he must also be reasonable and not let his position influence his ideas. All in all a fair person would do this without problems but I am yet to find a fair boss to be honest

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Yes. Someone who will lead his empoyees but not to the point that he will take advantage of his position. Definitely not also the one who just pass all the work to his employees. Well, I was lucky to work with one before, he is strict but fair in all aspects. He also gives good Christmas bonus, lol. A boss who is strictly but fun or kind but boring?

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Yes. Someone who will lead his empoyees but not to the point that he will take advantage of his position. Definitely not also the one who just pass all the work to his employees. Well, I was lucky to work with one before, he is strict but fair in all aspects. He also gives good Christmas bonus, lol. A boss who is strictly but fun or kind but boring?

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Haha That's cool man. But you said before. Why did you quit working for him?

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The question is who wouldn't desire to have a boss that is fun to be with? It's definitely going to make your work enjoyable for you instead of being a hell for your stay. It's good to have elements of being strict, so that everything about the job wouldn't be a joke.

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As the first comment states, I think both combination of boss like personality is fine to me as long as their ethical.

I think a strict and sometimes funny boss might just be it for me. When his strict, we tend to work more, cautiously, and even be careful not to make any mistakes so as to avoid pissing the boss off. A fun boss is always appreciated by employees, it creates some sort of balance between being too serious and being friendly with employees. It's a good way to bond.

A boring boss will definitely not be a likeable boss for employees. I always say people should enjoy what they do, that might not happen if your boss is a boring one.

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I think the first version comes in handy during down periods on monotonous periods on the job. Strict also doesn't necessarily always mean obnoxious, evil or abusive. Strict means he/she is just doing their job. Making sure their employees produce. The kind but boring boss would be a great boss to have if an employee dies or is dealing with tragedy in their personal life or something. But I imagine the strict yet kind boss would be able to handle employee strife quite well also.

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I which the two combination can be exhibited by one person but people can't just be all of that so I go with the kind and boring boss. Strict Bosses are not my kind of people. Sometimes they tur.out wicked.

I prefer a kind person in all ramifications, even one is a bored I wouldn't mind.

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Haha, you are quite funny. Not all of them who are strict are wicked, some of them are very kind and caring, I can use my own boss as a typical example. Their being strict is just to ensure that workers take their jobs seriously and not play with it and still expect payment by months end.

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Well there are different kind of bosses. For me as long as he/she is fair to the employees and being an effective one. If that's her/his attitude then be it, as long as the employees are being handled fairly.

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I agree. A boss should really be fair to all of his employees regardless of what attitude he has. I hate it when bosses have favoritism at the office or tend to be strict only for some employees. This kind of boss are the one that can be really stressful.

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I have worked under both. And both can be troublesome. Both of these have their own limitations. And people have it a bit harder in terms of the actions. I have learned that it's not easy to work for either of them. Type 1 is harder in terms of working hours. And type 2 is something you can have bad experience with salaries and other business decisions. And on those points I can tell you that it's fun to have a good boss around. I have learned that we have to work around with whatever we have in due process.

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I prefer kind but boring. If someone would be too strict without any reasons I'd feel kind of uncomfortable and stressed. It is better to have a boss who is kind and underestanding with you. Who cares if your boss is boring, they are not your friend anyway.

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I see what you mean but it's great to have a boss that is fun. A boring boss will mean that your work environment is also boring and that is not good especially if you see yourself staying in that job for a long time. It's important to have fun from time to time and a fun boss will ensure that his/her employees are happy in the workplace as well.

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Well as for me I prefer a boss whos some kind of serious type when talking about work but can change his or her mood when it came to socializing to their employees. After all a work can be easy to operate if the employees and employer are dealing with each other without hatred.

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I totally agree with you. Sometimes it is better for a relationship that have challenges and exciting. I think we are different from each other and we have the right to choose our own liking. Some people can't take strict boss because they have soft skin. But it is your choice to choose and stay in a company to your desire.

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I would prefer boss that is strictly but funny. I personally worked with that kind of boss and honestly he is really cool to work with. He is strict in many ways but that attitude gave me more reason to work seriously in my job. The way he combined being strict and funny at the same time is something that can make work lighter and motivating.

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Those types of bosses work practically as a kind of reverse psychology, haha... Take a look: Strictly bosses tend to be boring (right?!), but when they're funny (mixing the two aspects) they end up inspiring us to be better professionals.

That's not cool? A boss who is strictly but fun or kind but boring?

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Yeah they are really cool to work with. Well, way back then I was so lucky to have a boss who is strict, funny and kind at the same time, it's like a jackpot LOL. It is just sad that I had to leave work that time because I need to be with my mother. I still see him sometimes but he stopped doing his business now and chose to do different work. I owe him a lot, I will never forget everything that I have learned from him. A boss who is strictly but fun or kind but boring?

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I've had the opportunity to work with bosses like that and it was the best professional experiences I've ever had in my life. Nowadays, although I no longer work in the companies where they are still working, they have become my friends.

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If I have to have a boss I rather have him kind and boring, cause I expect form a boss to be indulgent with my late appearances and constant mistakes.

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If a boss allows constant late appearances and mistakes, then how can we be responsible? I would rather be scolded for my late appearances and mistakes cause it only means that my boss is trying to teach me to be more responsible employee. Unless you really have a valid heavy reason for being late, then that should be considered.

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I have said that because I don't take somebody else business seriously, I have done that in the past, but only to educate myself, and I preform better when there are no rules and restrictions, since bosses only believe in results, they have accepted that willingly.

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If I am given a chance to choose my boss it'll be a boss who is strict but fun rather than a boss who is kind but boring. Having a boss who is strict and fun at the same time will make your day interesting, enjoyable and at the same time productive. Because when you have a boss who is strict, these definitely make the employees more keen and careful to their work because one mistake would lead them to lose their job. Despite the boss being strict as long as he/ she is fun, these will definitely make him/ her employee feel comfortable to him/ her.

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Yes, I totally agree with you. A strict boss will push you to be more responsible at work. If a boss is so kind that he/she even tolerates employees mistakes, some employees might take advantage of him and on his rules. As a boss, he should be a good example for his employees for not tolerating any wrong deed. A strict but funny boss can cool pressuring situation sometimes by just cracking jokes but then he will make sure that aside from having fun, all works should be well done.

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I would have to take a boss that is a good person. Whether he/she is kind or strict will be an extra bonus considering that what we lack in the world today is the inability of people to show love and care to people that they have power over. Let my boss be fun and kind to me.

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Yeah I agree. We recently had an unfortunate incident here in NY where an ex construction worker returned to his work site and gunned down his boss. Then killed himself. While I don't condone such behavior at all, not having a decent human being as your boss can trigger terrible reactions within some people. Not all bosses want to be or mean to be bad people, but many are stressed out and pass that down to their employees. Thus relationships are severely strained and some people just can't deal with it the right way.

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I wouldn't mind any of the combinations. To be honest though I would prefer a boss who isn't too funny and friendly but just respects employees because after all, he is boss and it would make me feel really uncomfortable when he tries to joke around. Well may be once in a while, that would be fine.

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I agree with you! Bosses that joke all the time with their employees can be a bit awkward and uncomfortable to be around at times since you can start mixing up the business and friendly side of things and that is never good. For me, I never saw a boss as my friend because he/she simply isn't. A boss is an authority in the business and that's the way it should stay - a professional relationship.

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That's just the thing there, I won't really like a clown as a boss, who goes around throwing jokes about, when I'm at work, I maintain my lane. And nothing itches my balls more than a strict person. It is a no no for me. So the boss needs to be kind and not so funny.

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For me i like the strict and fun Boss in that way i can be more seriously passionate with my job with his strict command i will do my best to have a great outcome product of work and also for a Fun Boss to make our working area lively and not so boring. in for that two combination it will make work happy and some competition in work but all of this at the end we still have the fun and joy bond between the Boss and the worker.

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I prefer a strictly but fun boss because I need always someone pushing myself to do a perfect job so, I can improve myself everyday. Also, a boss has to be fun because, sometimes, the workplace becomes boring and a funny boss is perfect for those days, he/she can make the job comfortable and enjoyable.

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Yeah. You're right.

The two aspects (strictly and fun) works as two very important counterpoints because they put the ideal weight in the scale of the workplace. It's a shame that many companies have not yet realized this and still choose to hire bosses with retrograde mind. After all, the future has arrived and things have to be seen from a different perspective.

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Having a strict but funny boss is better in my opinion. I had worked with someone who was so lazy and this attitude of his was really impacting negatively on our department. He lacked people management skills and it seemed like he had no experience in managing a team. He was never helpful and used to take things very lightly. This attitude of his made us feel demotivated.

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I've had "fun" bosses. It is great to spend your day laughing, and I often found myself looking forward to being at work. This boss was also very unorganized, and whenever there was a problem he would get very stressed out. This made everyone else in the store very tense, and work could go from being a fun place to an uncomfortable place very quickly. I think a boss that is organized and professional may be less fun, but they usually keep a more consistently positive atmosphere in the workplace.

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I prefer a strict and frank boss than a boring one. They can be funny at times but when it comes to work we have to be in focus and serious about it. I would like to have a strict boss but funny at the same time.

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I think that's a good balance to have in a boss. Someone who is strict and knows what needs to get done, but isn't so uptight that they can't laugh at things or have just a little bit of fun conversation. As someone who doesn't work around their boss all the time, I appreciate that what little time I'm around her, it's generally enjoyable (and she keeps on top of making sure I get my work done throughout the week still).

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A strict but fun boss is probably the better option here. I understand that most people don't like getting shouted at but I think it is better to have a strict boss that will ensure that you are focused and working seriously without wasting too much time. It's important that everyone in the workplace works well otherwise the business won't do well and you might end up losing your job if they have to close down. It's also good to have a fun boss that can motivate everyone and make sure everyone is happy

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I take the boss as a leader. A modern-day leader has as his main task motivation. He needs to lead his team by motivating them and not by micromanaging them. Your idea of a boss who is strict yet fun speaks to me. Especially with the millennials who at work value more the experience and what they learn from their work environment rather than the perks like allowances and salary.

A boss that is strict draws the boundaries between him and his employees that define the reason they are at work. The employee is clear that they need to perform. A boss that is fun, makes the employee want to perform. Remember you spend most of your time at work. It is easier to be motivated and productive if you like working there. This is normally determined by the character of your boss.

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I will rather have a strict boss who is fun than a kind boss who is boring. I cannot tolerate a boring person. I can sustain strictness. However, in order to tolerate the strict boss, his strictness must have a reason. I cannot stand strictness without any valid reason. If the boss interrupts the staff members during the work hours by overlooking their working desk, I cannot stand this. However, if the boss wants the work to be strictly delivered in time, I appreciate this strictness.

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I believe that a boss who is both strict when it comes to implementation of the policies and regulations in the office to ensure that everything is going well in the business and also knows how to listen and mingle with his employees is worthy of my respect. A balance employee and employer relationship will contribute a lot to a healthy working environment and a healthy working environment will motivate everyone to be productive to be true to the company's mission and vision. Because of this, I believe that work can also be fun.

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I think that in general I would prefer to have a boss that is in the "strict but fun" category that you've wrote about. As much as most of us would like to be paid to just slack off and do nothing at work, that is a guaranteed way to have your business go down the drain. In just about any field in life, a degree of strictness and discipline is absolutely necessary in order to achieve success. We also know that, sadly, kindness isn't always a helpful characteristic in today's dog-eat-dog business world. A combination of strictness and fun is the best way to establish a healthy business.

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Being strict boss means that he really wants you to take the job seriously. You'll learn well how to deal every obstacle that you're gonna face. You're like a stone that needs to be polished and shine to become a Diamond. It's for your own good. Being fun is a bonus point if your boss is like that.

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I prefer the strict boss because at least then you'd know he or she is giving you an honest opinion. Not that kind bosses won't always be honest too, but for me, having to be kind all the time might carry some risk of sugar coating some things and therefore the message won't always be as straight forward as it can be. I am very straightforward myself so I prefer it when others are the same with me. I think both can be useful in their specific circumstances but I prefer a strict boss.

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I agree that a strict boss has to be strict for the sake of getting the job done. It's also true that he has to be strict but reasonable. I think the word we are all looking for is that he has to still respect his employees. They are many bosses that act like school prefects and like to make people's life's miserable. The rules are not there to necessarily make people productive but for the boss to make people jump through hoops.

Also, I think we are all using kind in the wrong context. A kind boss can also be strict. I think we should look for another word for kind. The opposite of strict is lenient.

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I totally agree with you. Even I also prefer a boss, who is very strict at work and very fun in personal life. Because, these kind of people are easily approachable.

We can share our personal problems with him and hope he understand and help us. At the same time, we can learn our work properly without any excuse.

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A capable boss with a sense of humor is more preferable for me. I have had all sorts of bosses before. There were nice and kind ones but they lacked in impact and motivational factor. There were also overly strict ones who got the job done but no one under them felt happy and left not long after.

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I would rather have a boring boss that doesn't care what I am doing. A strict boss but fun requires a lot of attention to get into his phase. That would be stressful.

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I wouldprefer kind boss but boring if your boss is strict you will suffer a lot of stress.
Most of the time you will see yourself nervous when your see your boss or you
did something wrong in your work that is so stressful to me and I can’t concentrate
that kind of boss. I rather choose kind because if I did something wrong at
least we can communicate calmly I can approach my boss without hesitation.

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Probably a boss whose strict, fair, respectable, generous, understanding, fun to be with, and a boss who accepts reasons and suggestions from his/her employees is what I prefer as my boss. Well what we really want is what we'll probably never have so I just stick and prefer to work with my boss now rather than looking for other jobs and find a new employer.

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I prefer a boss who is strictly but fun, in this way he will stimulate me to make things better and faster, and at the same time he is fun and will make a nice ambiance at work, this really makes us work in better conditions regarding psychical environment!

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Yeah in theory that works out. But the thing is that I worked with some of such business owners. They work and act in terms of zero sum game. And one mistake could get you fired. So another thing is that it can be fun and boring. And if you do manage things properly then it does works out. So we just have to see things depending on case by case basis.

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That is the perfect combination really. The perfect boss would be someone who is strict when he needs to be but fun at other times as well. It's quite rare to actually find such a boss but if you do find one like this then you are extremely lucky. It's important that a boss can be strict when the work that needs to be done is serious.

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I prefer a boss who is strict but fun because it'll make me want to work harder to impress him/her. I think that kind of boss will make someone get the best out of him/her.

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I prefer to choose a strict and fun boss. Being strict is a must and normal because all he wants is a success of the company. In this way of behaving, this will avoid employers to commit some mistakes and will give not anyone abuse. If the boss is boring of course the whole group will be boring. It is good working with fun because this gives you good vibes and help you to smile everytime which employers must behave like.

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I choose the boss who is strict but funny. In work, we need something that will motivated us. So it would be better to have a fun boss. But a kind boss but boring, maybe it would affect greatly the work of the employee. Maybe they will become so lazy at work.

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I guess I will go for a strict but fun boss, even though I'm not yet working I can still incorporate or compare this to my professor in college. Professor who are strict but fun are the ones where you can really learn a lot for they conduct professionalism while at the same time reach out to the students by means of sense of humor, they are the persons that which is not usually often a go to for some students who wants "sure pass" but they can relate and teach much efficiently and effectively than kind but boring professors. Some students most often will go to these profs but honestly I don't by them as much from strict but fun one. Sometimes boring can kill your brain hahaha because you can't understand anything and you will just surprised how low your score at test to clearly determined that you did not understand the lessons. How bad is that, right? Well, God bless and thank you everyone.

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They both works for me I guess. A strict boss is easy to follow. Just work the job you are intended and expected to do and you both will be working harmoniously. However, if a boss is strict but nasty on all levels, then it is another thing. Working for a strict boss is beneficial for an employee's growth because you are able to work professionally at all times and you don't become lenient on your job. A kind boss is also good to work with because it harbors positive energy in the workplace too. Being boring or fun is not really a work requirement but a bonus to the overall atmosphere in the workplace.

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I rather the serious professional type of boss. I had the extra fun boss in the past and it can be pretty annoying because you can't actually tell him "you are not being funny" and if you do you come up as a rude person. So plain serious for me. You keep thing professional and easy going.

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Who gives a damn about being funny though, that's clearly not me. I really don't care how boring or funny your jokes or personality is,, what I care about is your attitude towards me, and I hate strict people, they piss the hell out of me. So I would take a boss who is kind and boring. If I need fun, I know where comedy shows are located.

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Let's face it. To be a good boss you have to be strict, otherwise some of your employees can see you like a soft person, and will try to get advantage of your kindness. And also, you have to be just, if you make a favor for one, you have to do it for all of your employees, or you will have an inner war in your company. A boss can be strict and funny at the same time, as long as the boss make his work and demands same effort from all the employees as equals.

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Well I prefer to a boss which is kindly and boring. Because for me, in order to make work continuously and have great outputs without any hard feelings is you must have a boss which can also understand the need of its employees. I have experienced to work on a water station. My boss was fun but he was so strict that he does not care about how his employees would feel about what he said or act. Because for him money is more important than human. That's why no worker would be able to work longer for him. He always find new worker because his worker only works for 2 months long because of his attitudes. That's why I prefer on a boss which is kind and boring. Cause I work to earn money not to make fun.

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We must choose people who are compatible with our nature so we can get along well. Since I am a perky one, a passive or rather boring boss can make my daily work life challenging.

Opposite attracts, they say. I am a free-spirited artist who can't work like a robot in a box with strict rules. I will not last. I'd rather be working with a leader who shares the same sentiments.

Being boring is a temporary state of the event. There are lots of ways to be "UNBORING" and I can help. :=)

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I would like a boss who is strict but fun because let us not forget that we should be serious about our work and in order for us to create a more efficient and productive work, we have to have an efficient authority who will be able to maintain the quality of work everyone does, but is different outside of work where they're down with fun things.

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I would rather choose a boss that is strict but fun. Because he can manage his team with fun and humor and also let them work the best that they can. A kind but boring boss is good too but I think that his team is not that productive because of the way he manages his team. However, just choose a boss who can do both.

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I had to think about this question for a minute, and I agree with a lot of the comments here. However, what I mainly need from a boss is leadership and dependability. Being fun when it is appropriate, like at an employee party or whatever, is one thing; however, I cannot take a boss who is constantly joking around seriously in the workplace. He or she needs to be spending that energy on the business at hand, not on trying to be popular or to make me laugh. A good boss has to walk that fine line between accessible and respectable, and this can be tough. There are plenty of movies out there which parody what happens when you have a boss who is a "joker" or a "funny guy". Also, I do not like getting too personable with my supervisors, and if we share too much of a sense of humor, sometimes that can be a detriment.

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I don't see strict as a negative attribute. Strict doesn't equal to someone treating you badly, but someone making sure that you achieve what you are required to, and what you have promised to deliver. And I see this as a good thing, because work done well requires discipline, and if you cannot provide that, someone has to try to make it happen.

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I have always liked a boss who was both strict, serious, and straightforward. In the office, I don't like games, internal politics, or any other nonsense.

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I also prefer a strict boss who is fun. So everyone can know time for business and time for jokes. A kind boss is also okay but I feel lazy employees might take advantage of this kindness. When I become a boss, I will be the strict type and a fun one too.

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I would go for a strict boss but fun. Strict boss usually makes the working environment so productive yet positive with a fun outlook. This drive more the team or the employees to work harder but have fun a little. Unlike, having a kind boss, some employees tend to underestimate the work or task at hand and take advantage of their boss being kind. Though as what I have notice, most of the kind boss are the funny ones.

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I would rather choose a boss who is strictly but fun. Being fun will help you to change your perspective about your boss so it will balance the personality of your boss. A strict boss doesn't necessarily mean that they're not kind they're just doing their jobs just to make sure that you also do your job. Being a professional at work is not a crime and employees must not misjudge their bosses if sometimes they got stricter it's also for your own good and eventually, you will thank your bosses because you will excel at your job.

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I would choose a boss who is very strict but fun to be with. I can say that his character is a well-balance for me, I have that kind of boss before. He is very strict during work time and very serious about work and deadlines. But He is our friend after work, he always ready to join us if we have a plan to eat in a particular restaurants or on weekends if our group planning to have a swimming or hiking. He is always fun to be with and he is a good boss.

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Well, I don't think that bosses can ever be your good friends in most cases. For any employee, a boss who pays well and appreciates the good work done and incentivizing the employees for further progress in their job will be the ideal boss. A boss does not need to be very friendly or always be seen mixing up with his employees. It is more likely that such a boss who is very friendly would not be taken very seriously by his employees and he won't be able to ensure discipline in the organization which is very necessary for its smooth functioning.

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I've had bosses who were so strict that they made the job much harder than it should have been in the first place. While strictness is desired to ensure all employees do their job well, go overboard you'll alienate your employees (or juniors) and few will stick around.

As for "boring" I think if someone doesn't have the same interests as you, you'd probably think they are boring. If someone is kind, even if we don't have much in common, I'd like to have someone like this as my boss.

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As for me, I am ok with either of these two. A boss that is kind but boring is fine, but a boss that is strict but fun is preferable. Having a boss that knows the difference between work and social affairs would be nice. Aside from the fact that the workers will enjoy working for the company, they will also do their best at work and obey rules.

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Truthfully, it won't mater to me if my boss is boring. As long as he is capable and knowledgeable, and I can rely on whenever I have questions or issues about the job, he can be the most boring person in the world. That other fun boss, yeah, fun at work, cool, but strict, no thanks.

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I have had only 2 bosses in my whole life. They both were horrible and strict, but still didn't get the paperwork done properly.

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Fun but serious. That's the best combination!

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I think a boss no matter what should remain professional. One can make a joke or something, but they need to show superiority. Why? Because otherwise the company will fall into pieces. Being charming is also important. I'm not talking about looking good like a model. I mean being well-dressed, knowing every member of the staff and always keen to work. I had a very nice director, but our board decided he was "too friendly". Luckily my co-workers and I found so we could save his career. He did nothing wrong, he was an incredible man. Unfortunately for our corporation, he left to travel the world and spend time with his family. I'm happy for him. A boss who is strictly but fun or kind but boring?

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