
Do you still read your kids the physical book or an e-book?

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Do you still read your kids the physical book or an e-book?

Do you still read your kids bed time stories at night? I have a 9 year old kid now but we still do have a bedtime story every night. Sometimes it doesn't have to be a book, sometimes we read an ebook, or watch a short film that we will be discussing shortly before sleeping. But on average ,we usually read ebooks now.

How about you? Do you still purchase children's books or not? I would like to hear your thoughts on this.


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I don't have kids at the moment, but I figure I could answer the question based on how I would do things if I did. Personally, I'm a fan of the traditional, physical book. In my opinion you just can't replace the feeling of a heavy book in your hands, turning the pages, and that old papery scent that some books give off. I would let my child hold one end of the book while I hold the other and bond over the shared experience, which is harder to do with a small e-reader or tablet. I would probably settle for an e-reader only if I wanted a particular book for my child that I wasn't able to acquire physically.

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Being a bookworm myself, I can relate to that scent you are referring to. It gives a feeling of happiness that you are reading something. And yes, it's still more fun to read the physical book by yourself or with your kid. It still is best to read the old book. I remember myself learning from these books. You know that children's books are full of colorful illustrations and when I was a little, this is where my love of drawing starts. I would try to make something like that of the book and draw and draw.

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Thanks to your remark about drawing, I've actually remembered a piece of my own childhood as well! I was always a big fan of comic books and I would be amazed at the illustrations in them. It is partially what sparked my love of drawing.

Naturally, as a child I wasn't exactly the most skilled artist, so in order to make nicer looking drawings I would put a blank paper over the comic book art and trace over it, and then color that in. A kid with a tablet or e-reader wouldn't be able to do that without risking damaging the screen.

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I used to do that too. And then later on paint with water color. My summer afternoons way back in the early 90s is filled with tracing and painting. But now those apps that allow you to color? Ha! Not the same as we used to right?

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Exactly. There is a different feels, or happiness on the touch and the smell of real book which ebooks cannot replace. And when you read this to your kind you can actually have some feeling of nostalgia remembering the days when your mom used to read you stories. Ebooks may be the modern way but still I would choose the old way of reading books.

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Definitely true. Nothing can compare to the old ways when it come to reading book. If I am still a kid, I would also prefer my mom or
my dad to read me bedtime stories using real book instead of ebook. The scent, the touch, and the look of the book is something that ebook cant replace.

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Are you sure the old method of reading stories to kids will continue even today? I have my doubts as much water has flowed under the bridge changing what would interest kids these days. They are independent now with facilities at their disposal

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I think that it is going to depend on a number of factors.

For one thing, tablets and e-readers are a luxury item. The fact is that not every family is going to be able to afford one of these. And on top of that, if you barely have the money to afford such an item, I doubt that the first person you're going to be giving it to is a child.

But besides the financial aspect, there are a lot of parents out there who still see the value in traditional media. I know a few of my friends who have children prefer their kids to not use tablets and cellphones for reading, because they don't want them to develop possible problems with their eyes or attention deficit disorders.

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Yes. It will continue. But it will depend of course to their parents if they will let their child use gadgets instead of physical book. I know nowadays, most of the kids prefered playing or reading with their gadgets. So it is up to their parents if they will continue doing the old ways or just let their child embrace the change because of technology.

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Well it still is up to the parents on how they will control their kids. Kids will always be same like when we were kids. We always push the old folks til they draw the line. Same is still true with kids these days. My son can use his gadget on average of 3 hours a day on weekends. And no gadgets on school days. He follows the rules because we are firm on it. But if I bend with his whims, then he will take over and like you said, do things at their disposal.

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I agree. There is just something about having a physical book that you just cannot get with an ebook. And I guess that is why ebooks just haven't overtaken physical books just yet. People still prefer holding the book and that fresh smell that you get when you purchase a brand new book and start reading it. It's just such a good feeling that you do not want to miss out.

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I do agree with you, too. I don't have yet kids but it would be helpful for me and my future kids to have physical books in hand. The feeling is nothing compared to e-books. I would love them to have it experience it.

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Yes and in fact it is more good to do reading a physical books because it has no effect in radiation when reading it unlike in ebook which you need to read through your ipad or laptop.

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I still dont have the kids so maybe I am not capable of participating in this forums but I want my opinion heard so maybe if the time comes that I will gonna have my own kids I would prepare to read them a physical books because it is a natural way and kids would love that.

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It is nice to know that young generations still love to read the physical book. Do you still read your kids the physical book or an e-book?

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I dont have kids yet, but I have a niece whom I read story book before. For me, I would love it more to read real books on kids that reading ebooks. It is not ideal to read ebooks on kids because we all know that radiations on phone has a bad effect on our health. Plus being expose to blue
light on gadgets can cause unhealthy sleep at night, so it would me much better to read real books for kids especially at night Do you still read your kids the physical book or an e-book?

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That is also true. However I think a little time during reading time won't hurt right? I mean kids shouldn't be introduced to gadgets at all. But I guess as a mother, I can say that sometimes letting them watch tv or play gadget for a short time keeps my sanity in check for a moment.

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Yup, I agree. It wont hurt as long as they use it with limitations. But during night time, it is not really ideal to let them be exposed or use it. So instead of letting them play with these gadgets at night, I think reading some bedtime stories using a real book is a lot better. Do you still read your kids the physical book or an e-book?

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Ebooks are not flattery enough for kids, you know kids love to see all the pictures, diagrams, illustration and all that which some Ebooks doesn't have,so for that I get them the usual physical books and again I don't want them handling my devices all the time in the name of trying to read their books on it.

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That is true at some point when you compare it to some ebooks. But I do remember one app that I downloaded and it was such a good book/app. The stories are in a series form and the illustrations are also good. Every night you can finish one story and it is continued on the next day. My favorite ebook is about the story of a boy who lives in a farm and at night he says goodnight to all the animals there. Allowing you to switch off the lights for each animal and it is such a good ebook. Also my son loves the ebook versions of Little Critter by Mercer Mayer. I guess it still depends on the parents on the limitations of when they can play with your gadgets. But with parental supervision this can also be rewarding.

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The owner of the article stated reading physical books as well. It's true that diagrams and all those pictures can help the reading to be an exciting one and that is the reason some e-book writers now use pictures in kids e-books.

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Exactly, the physical books will be the best bet for the kids, since they love to play and scrap their fingers around the images, so it's really the best option, rather than an iPad or a tablet. The physical books will do a better job at that.

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I don't have nor intend to have kids anytime soon. But I am assuming that when (And If ) I do have any kids of my own they will be using digital ebooks and applications only. It's only natural that with all the technology improvements that we are seeing the digital replaces the physical

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Really? You won't be introducing them to the old school books? Why is that?

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For me i do both for my kids using eBooks sometimes physical books, it is also important that they will get hook up with books so that when they enter grade school they will love reading books. and also for eBooks this is a modern way of telling story for your children but just make sure that your kids will not get so hook up in eBook since it can destroy there eyes because of the screen lights.

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Yes. With the flow of technology, we should let the kids know the things we do before and the things that are coming. Expose them to both sides of the world. In that way, they are opening up to new ideas and learning back as well.

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In my opinion, it is good if you still read your kids the physical book. There are many benefits if you read this book. If you read a physical book, there is a small possibility that your eyes will get blur. Reading an ebook can cause you a blur vision. Also let our kids experienced how we study before. They must know that before ebook comes, here our books that are always there.

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It's just time that I lack at the moment in doing all those bedtime story readings with my siblings. Since I began working as a freelancer to augment my offline salary earning, things have really changed as regards my time management.

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Such a hardworking man. Your hard work will pay off eventually. Cheers to hardworking people here.

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I'm not a father yet, but my suggestion on this would be, both would be good and would probably be awesome but it really depends on what your status are. If you're that rich then probably your kid would normally have a tablet on him/her, and because of that having an e-book on your tablets son/daughter would be the best choice. And if you're not that rich but can probably afford tablet but your son/daughter isn't happy using any tablets or device, then probably buying him/her a physical book to read with be the best option.

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I still do not have a child but soon ill be a father. If time will come, i will not let my child read an e-book instead i will always advice and teach him with Physical book. Physical book is better because you will learn a lot from it and it is advisable in school premises. E-book is bad for your child because it has a lot of distraction and it is bad for your child's eye health. Reading books is more exciting than that e-book.

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Don't have kids of my own, but I do have a bunch of cousins and God-siblings. All the times that I'm reading something to them, is through a real book, nothing virtual at all. I've loved to read since I was a kid, my mother says that I started reading when I was 3 years old, and that has given me a lot of orthographic and grammar tools to work with. I have nothing against technology, but I just can't stop getting and reading physical books, they are my passion.

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Looks like 'Ive spotted another bookworm here. What sort of book so you like reading?

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I live in Michigan and there are some schools here that require you to have a laptop for your kids to take to school because there are no books. I think as time goes on there are going to be fewer and fewer new books around and everything is going to be a ebook and paperback is going to be a specialty item. There has even been talks of some libraries closing down and making all of the books available as ebooks on a online library.

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I heard about this and some schools here in the Philippines are also like that these days. Personally, I love to embrace the changes in technology but this one for me is a little bit too much. In terms of fully depending on it. How about EMF emissions? The dangers of constantly being exposed to one? And are we already phasing out the knowledge of how to catalog books in the library? That is sad. But I guess this is where we're heading now.

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I think i'd still pick the physical one over the digital ones. It brings back a lot of memories when my mom reads those stories from her favorite books. I'd still a hard solid book in any day since it doesn't irritate my eyes over long time of reading.

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Nope I never read a bed time story to my kids. Instead I made up fable stories from Goldilocks, Red Riding Hood to Alibaba with my own imagination. They love crazy made up stories and they could create their own too. Creativity counts.

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Well good for you. It must be the best part of the day for your kids all the time. I sometimes do it when I wanted my son to see himself through a story and later on realize that I am referring to him and not some other story.

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Physical color and picture books seems to be the norm. And the adopting of the digital books is not much among kids. So the image based books is still in the list. So one has to be really careful of how the physical books are handled. Kids love the experience of real book where they can touch and see things. You can see that kids like the tablet experience go. That's how I look at the digital books too.

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I liked your approach on the subject, but I'm still on the team who thinks that physical books - especially those involving coloring activities - are the best for children's development because they promote various types of interactions that are important to them.

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Yes physical books are good for that reason. You have to get them to do the coloring activities. I personally think coloring book apps are not worth it. Because they don't get you the real feeling. And that's another reason i'd say books are better for that. And digital books won't be able to give that feeling to the people. Real stuff is real for a reason.

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I totally agree with you... For real experiences, physical materials (especially for children).

Unfortunately, the parents are doing with the children to stop living experiences that are essential for their development. They shouldn't be deprived of these kinds of interactions.

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That's something we have to speculate while doing the parenting. We learn through experience. And that's something kids need to learn as well. I have realized that ebooks are something that may be part of the future. And people have to come up with the ways to offer such physical experience through touch. But technology may change this slowly.

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I agree with you wiseagent, physical books is still the best and good for development of your child's intelligence or knowledge. It is the most advisable by experts instead of e-book. This e-book is only for those who have in ages or adult ones. Reading physical books is obviously very different in terms of your child's coping up with new ideas. I will never put my trust on digital learning for my kids i probably use the old style of learning new things.

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I think digital devices (at least those that have the most importante function in children's lives) should be avoided by parents until children are fully aware of what they are doing and not use them as a simple hobby or as a mean of calming them.

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My child is too small to be read a book. He is just 5 months old. However, when he grows old, I will surely buy a physical book to read aloud to him. In my opinion ebook will be a better option than physical book because children are attracted towards bright color and reading device emits bright color and light. I will also let my child watch videos.

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I think that's a good choice. Just combining everything together sounds a smart idea because it still keeps the old traditional way alive but you don't completely take away the new gadgets from the kid so he gets used to that as well.

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I don't have any kids but some relatives and friends of mine, who have kids, read them the physical books because those books were their parents used to read them when they were kids. It's like a familiar tradition but I think, in a few years more, physical books are going to be extinct because of the technology advances.

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I'm not a parent just yet but when I will have a few children of my own I will definitely try to keep using the physical books. Why? Because I think that's the better way especially considering that if we don't use those, they will vanish and be completely replaced by the e-books. Every night when I went to bed, my parents used to read me a story or two from the physical book and I really want to keep that tradition alive for as long as possible. It's more personal compared to an e-book.

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I was never read a book by my parents when I was little because they were too busy with work and providing for us. But my grandmother did read me stories. And those were the moments that put a smile on me everytime I recall them. Thats what I want for me and my son too.

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I don't have any kids yet but whenever my nephew comes to stay at my place we read the eBooks more often. I don't really have paperback story books at my place and so I have to actually look for the book online and read it to him. The benefit of using eBooks are that they are much cheaper and are easy to carry around.

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I don't have any kids yet but I always encourage my little brother and his friends to read hard copies. I feel the child learns and develops faster that way. E-books are nice and interesting to read but I don't think it should replace the conventional books. The e-books could be adopted alongside hard copies so the kids can have great experience both ways. What better spice than to infuse old and new?
personally I read both ways depending on my mood and I find both ways convenient.

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I don't have kids yet so I haven't had to go through this decision. But I think most people still read kids a physical book or the ones that I know do. I just can't even imagine someone reading an ebook to a child to get them to sleep lol. It just seems weird because of the fact that I grew up thinking about how people and my own parents read me physical books to help me get to sleep. The fact that I could look at the book to see the images as well was just nice.

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We still purchase books for it is required to have for my grade 8 son. But for me I, it is more convenient if books in school will be converted to e-book. Because it is more convenient and easy to flip between pages and you could have lots of e-books to read anytime and anywhere you want without the hassle of bringing all of you favorite book.

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The question of the practicality of taking the story "from one side to the other" is a determining factor for choosing an e-book (especially if the book is for children).

Besides being lighter, is simpler to carry.

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Honestly, where I'm going to read the story doesn't interest me too much. I mean, it can be in a physical book, it can be in an e-book, it can be on a simple piece of paper... Conclusion: if the story is really good, it will hold my intention and make me read the story to the end.

I spoke in the first person because if't is something that works for me, it will work for any children. Do you still read your kids the physical book or an e-book?

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Well, I don't have kids, but when I have, I don't think I will stick with reading them the physical books, although it depends on the dispensation at that time and the one available though. But this is 2017 at that that time, the world would have enhanced and become more advanced, who needs a physical book though, when there is an ebook.

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I do not have occasion to do that but I can see the lack of interest today's kids would be having for someone to read stories for them. Even a two year old today knows how to work on computers and mobiles and enjoy watching their own kind of stuff. Sad but true.

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Unfortunately this is a very sad truth because books should never be forgotten (especially by children). But I think it's the fault of parents who don't take control of the situation.

I mean, I'm not talking about forcing the child to read, but rather to encourage them to turn their eyes to it.

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I really doubt if I have time to do such now, reading them books whether ebooks or physical books, I'm really not cut out for it now.

The truth of the matter is that most of these kids are now too smart to get whatever kind of book they want to read, so trying to do it for them would appear as if am trying to encroach on their privacy.

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Personally, I read my children ebooks. It's more convenient in my opinion.It's a matter of picking the book you want, buying it or downloading it for free.

Physical books in my country are not that easy to find. You need to go to a mall or a big bookshop which sometimes with the traffic is not convenient to do.

Sometimes what I like to do is look on second-hand websites for old children's books, But even those are becoming harder and harder to get.

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Really? From what country are you from if you don't mind me asking. It's sad to know that books are hard to find in your area. Do you have those second hand shops that sell old books?

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I definitely read physical books rather that e-books to my kids. I remember, I use to read the whole Harry Potter series to my 7-year old daughter until she became 10 years old. Reading to her before she go to bed is an ionic bonding between the both of us.

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Reading the physical book is really a wonderful way to bond with your kid. I remember my son loves reading all the thomas and friends book we purchased from a MV international bookshop that visits and docks in our seaports every now and then.

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Ebooks can be fun, especially for longer books like the Harry Potter series. I still buy real books, though. There is something so nostalgic about the smell of a new book, and the smooth, crispness of the pages. On the other hand, there is something so inviting about an old, worn copy of a favorite. Either way, nothing beats the real thing!

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I don't have a kid yet but I can say that it's old school to use physical books anymore nowadays since we do have a technology where you can get any books to read for your kids online and it's more convenient to use instead of stacking up lots of books on the shelves. I know its good to be an old-fashioned but you will eventually realize that it's more convenient and less space to use an E-book thank the regular one.

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Valid point ColdFlameChris. If you will really point out the convenience part, reading ebook will always win. however there are, for me, some small disadvantages to fully depending on gadgets. One is healthwise, the other is less creative thinking on the part of the kid. I think it is always good to be in the middle. when you enjoy both sides of things and be able to adjust to as many types of phase one can use.

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I had to admit it we use the e-book more often already than the old physical book that we used to know. Besides having a lot of stored books to choose from it is more convenient than any other casual books. You can bring the entire collection every where you go with a just a click there you have a variety of choices already. I am not discounting the use of physical books but when it comes to convenience and affordability I would go for the e books and it has been the convenient book of my eldest and youngest kids. I don't want to see the days when kids barely open physical books anymore. I still wish to promote them but e-books just gives more convenience they are at an edge when we talk about books.

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My own children are already all grown up. However, I still teach small children. My teaching tool of choice is the tablet. I love paper and ink books but I have to accept the realities of the current situation. Paper and ink books are not cheap. Plus they don't have sound and animation. Reading an e-book on a tablet beats reading a paper and ink book anytime, hands down.

Does that mean I don't teach the children to use paper and ink anymore?

No, I still make sure that they do their homework using paper and ink. I am quite old-fashioned in this way. I make sure that the children learn how to write by hand. And write properly, too.

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I've also enjoyed reading an ebook and a physical book. I think, even though the technology gears us towards the future of electronic dependency, it still pays to let the new generation learn the joys of using the library and the old fashioned book. The bottom line here is to connect to the future and the the past in terms of learning in order to have a wide ranges of learning.

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I know I am a bit old-fashioned, but I think we should all still have a physical library of books in our homes, and that we should show our children the value of collecting physical texts and tomes. Books can be some really great friends to us over the years, and we may not always be somewhere or have the means to access them electronically; therefore, having hard copy which you can carry on your person or access easily by hand is a great thing. I think that turning the pages and reading the book with its art and covers in front of your kids shows them the value of the craftsmanship of the book and the beauty of its publication.

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I love reading. Through the years I have enjoyed reading from my phone too. But like you, I am more inclined in reading the physical book. One of the reasons is that I don't have to worry of breaking the book if the book will accidentally fall from a table or something unlike with gadgets. And I always try to read in a comfortable place where there is proper lighting. Long before the popularity of ebooks and the gadgets, whenever I try to read long information from the internet, I always print them and read from the paper. I know it sounds insane but that's how I do it before, and later on, with too much information and so much wasted paper and ink, I tried to embrace the new ways of learning, reading and I suppose making money online.

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I beg to differ. Much as I love paper and ink books, since I grew up with them, I think ebooks are very much more convenient. For a start, a smartphone or tablet is quite a bit lighter than a hardback book. Then I can hold the smartphone or tablet in any position I wish, which is something a bit difficult to do with a paper and ink book. The best part is that when I read an ebook I don't have to worry about losing my place. All ebook readers come equipped with bookmark utilities.

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I think we find ways differently. I don't mind folding the pages of the book, and improvising a book holder while reading. But I find that whenever I read too much from my gadgets, it's strenuous for my eyes. I have come to terms with accepting the new ways of technology, but it's quite hard for me to shake of the traditional ones.

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i don't have kids at the moment but when I do someday, I will still read him stories from a physical book. Children's bodies are on development stage so I don't want to put too much strain on my child's eyes at a young age using e-books. The kid can also read it over and over without putting strain on the eyes. Another reason why I prefer physical books is because they are very visual and attractive. Children love big pictures which I think can be very memorable for them.

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We are still into the physical books and that is what we used to read for my little siblings. I also still purchase books and read since the old fashion way of reading just feels right.

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I myself still don't have kids, however if I'd read stories to them, I wouldn't mind doing it both ways, however having a physical copy is always better, because it can provide a better atmosphere that the child can dive into, looking into a screen and just reading something can be boring as weird as it may sound and it may not allow the kid to use his imagination as much, otherwise if he is not looking at the screen or book, it doesn't really make too much of a difference, apart from probably the comfortableness of a book's positioning.

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I am more traditional on things so if I would have a baby or child, I would prefer to read him/her stories in physical books. I really like the idea of me reading books to my children on bedtime. I would like them to remember me with a book. In that way, at a young age, my child would be familiar with books and may pave a way for them to like books. Maybe not as much as internet, or gadgets but at least I can say that my children would not be allergic to it. Hehe Do you still read your kids the physical book or an e-book?

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I still read from traditional books, because of the feeling that you get when you hold a book in tour hands. The turning page habit, the smell of a book, these things are unique and magical, and they are a part of the experience of reading. I want my kids to experience traditional reading, because we live in an over technologycal world, but we still need to appreciatd and enjoy the traditional things.

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My son enjoys the best of both words. He has a tablet to work on but he also has his physical books. He uses the physical books to read stories from and the tablet for educational apps. He never really enjoyed listening to stories. He was the type who can learn better if he explores things by himself. When he was younger, he enjoyed physical books for children because they contain colorful standing figures. I don't see the trend changing for him as it is still more comfortable to read physical books.

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My kids enjoys physical books for I haven't introduced them to ebooks yet but they do use gadgets to play educational apps. We read together every night, even if we only got 14 children's book at home, they certainly enjoys it and looks forward in reading even if it's repetitive. They love the colorful images and stuffs and get engaging with pop-up questions I throw at them.

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I don't have a kid yet but I would rather purchase a physical book to read it to them. I know that technology is different now but I want to see them what a real book looks like. I still want them to value of reading physical books than reading an e-book. Though there's nothing wrong reading an e-book once in a while. I was not used to reading books when I was a kid due to lack of money so I'm kind of lazy reading books so I don't want them to commit the same mistake that I did because I realized how important it is to read books.

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Ebooks are easier since you can access a lot of kids' stories online without having to buy actual books for kids (which can be limited depending on your budget and the kid will just outgrow it eventually). I still encourage kids to read from physical books, but when reading to them, I use e-books.

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The e-books are more accessible now than books, as they are cheaper and I don't have to worry of pages getting ripped. But I still go with books sometimes. I just want him to have a feel of what it's like before the digital age. Besides I don't want to risk his eyes getting blurry on earlier age if he hung too much on the tablet.

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I agree with you, I also want my future kids to be like that. I want then to experience oufline books, physical books.

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In our house we still own physical children's book, I don't have a kid but I read physical books to my nieces. I also download ebook sometimes, but it turns out that they like physical book better.

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I've noticed too that kids tend to like physical books more. I don't know why exactly but though an ebook might have the same content as a physical book, there is something it lacks that makes the kids like them less.

I experimented with Alice in Wonderland and the kids always clamored for the physical book. However I prefer to read ebooks to kids because there are lots of them that can be downloaded free. Saves me a lot of money.

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We always get stroybooks as gifts from friends (because that's what our wishlist said everytime) so it's noce to have moments with your ids reading story books. But I find the storymaking better than storytelling. Especially me, I ten to get lazy and not pcik up a book anymore, I'd just tell my kids. Want to hear a story I know? Then I'd invent a story, they always liked it. Now that they're a little older, we kind of take turns making up a story. These girls, they can weave a nice tall tale if they put their minds into it. Not good news for me when they become teenagers though!

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