
What is the true essence of life?

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What is the true essence of life?

They believe that the essence in living life is in the small, little things. They tend to do whatever makes them happy. Many might just live an average life in the eyes of others. They believe that happiness is far more important than anything in the world.


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This is a very individual question. The essence of life might vary from one person to another and what works for me most likely won't work for others. Still, It's an important thing to look towards ourselves and set goals in life so we can work towards something in our lives

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I agree. It really depends on the person. Some people value different things in life. I value peace of mind the most personally. I can't stand clutter within my environment or in my head.

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That is a very reasonable goal. Personally, I would settle for a good job, a nice simple house, and a nice person by my side. Other than that there isn't much that I look forward to in life. I have some tastes but none of them are really exorbitant

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True. We are making our own meaning of life. We make our own decisions that would give us lessons and make an impact in our beings. It's not easy, but that's the most priceless gift we can offer to ourselves.

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I think I completely agree with you. Answers to this question will surely vary. The essence of life depends on what you make out of a ones life.

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As much as I would agree with what you said, I would still add that it all bothers on one final thing which is living fulfilled and happy life. This is basically what life is all about, we wake up every day and work towards having a better and brighter future.

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True. Each person has a unique way of living. Each of us live in a different country and with a different family so I guess our ways of living and the essence of life with regards to our opinion differs from each other. This is actually a question which I find to be a question without a wrong answer.

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I agree, it varies from individual to individual on a case to case basis, as some people put more emphasis on short-term wins while others focus more on the bigger picture and want to achieve long-term goals for their happiness. There is no right answer, as long as the person has a clear understanding of his priorities in life and knows what makes him/her really happy.

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I agree with this answer, you can't have the same essence of life for every single person, that's because every person out there has a different type of life and encounters different things that shape him individually. Of course, there might be people who share the same ideas and goals, however for the most part everyone is individual.

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Happiness can be more important but not everyone can be happy. Some people search for happiness but they never find it.
I can't say what the true essence of life really is but I can say you have to feel you have truly lived in this world. You have to experience, pain, sadness, sickness, happiness and many other things because they are all part of life.

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You're right on the saying that we are going to experience some of the negative aspects of life to be sure that we've lived in this world. It's not like we all don't desire happiness, but for the fact that we can't do anything about mistakes make life quite interesting.

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Definitely right. Experience, adventure and different emotions are very important things to consider that you have lived a meaningful life. That I guess is the true essense of life, and not just being happy alone. We all experience different struggles in life but that what makes us human, that is what makes us stronger.

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I think that happiness is definitely an important pursuit in our lives, and I think we all deserve our fair share of it. I personally do not think that it is THE MEANING of life, but I think life would be a miserable journey without it! Also, I think that a lot of people are spoon-fed what they think happiness should be by a harmful media machine, and this makes them have very un-realistic goals--not being able to achieve these ludicrous goals can lead many of us to unhappiness when, if we were to simplify our lives and desires, true internal and spiritual happiness would be achievable beyond our materialistic and worldly pursuits.

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This is absolutely true. I would've said the true essence to life is happiness until I saw this response. Not many can be happy so I would'n't consider happiness the true essence of life. In my opinion, I don't think there is a true essence to life because we are all different. Yes, we have the same emotions but we all feel different and handle situations differently. I love this response because there isn't a true essence of life. We all have to go through negative aspects in life to get to the positive. As I'm writing this, I think I can say that the true essence of life is not giving up.

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Agree. Life is meant to be lived in small bits. And the happiness is in those small bits. If we add one thing at a time, you'd find them getting better. I think we should stop judging the life and take one step at a time. And let things go slow. That seems to be the way to do things in a much better way. Many people have changed their life by not judging their own self.

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I agree it really is best to just realize the small moments when life is good because it is in those moments when we can really feel that life is worth living. If we don't recognize or remember those moments then when hardships come we will feel overwhelmed and we will forget that there are those little parts in our life that made us happy once and we may not feel like they will happen again.

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Yes. As they say small things together makes big things. And those in itself can be bigger if we don't pay attention. And those things from life vanishes as well. So we have to take things in a proper way. And that's the way it can be fixed.

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it is so hard to remember this and to really "live in the moment". It is so easy to just get wrapped up in our personal and petty worries and our ego-driven lives to the point where we can easily lose track of what is truly important about being human in the first place. It's the holiday season now here in America, and it is Black Friday (a "shopping holiday"), and people really tend to treat one another very poorly as they attempt to amass and collect their material desires because of some strange idea of "Christmas". We allow so much pressure to be put upon us by societal morays that sometimes I think we forget to treat one another properly with common decency.

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The answer to the great question of life, the universe, and everything is... 42. ;-)

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I have seen this before but I have never truly understood it. Can you explain why the meaning of the life, the universe and everything is actually 42 lol?

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It is a reference to a popular novel, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In the story, an ancient galactic civilization built a supercomputer to answer the great question of life, the universe, and everything. After billions of years, It came up with the answer 42. However, no one actually knew what the great question was to understand the answer. So, they needed to build another supercomputer to discover the great question of life, the universe, and everything, which took billions more years to decipher the query and that is where the novel begins.

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That's quite hilarious.

Imagine arriving at the answer and then forgetting what the original question was. Come to think of it, it's not that far-fetched. Take our way of life, at this point in time. At one time, we thought there must be a better way to live. So we started looking into different forms of government. Then we decided that democracy is the way to go. Which should be fine. Except that we have forgotten what the original question was.

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For me, I think the pinnacle of living a full life is becoming as free as possible. I myself try to achieve it by not living life based on whether or not I will get judged by others or whether or not my actions adhere to traditions that I don't agree with in the first place. The last block for me would be financial freedom which I am working towards now.

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I think being free from everything is not that easier. You have to take care of lot of things. And it's not going to be that easy when you have life commitments. And you have to build on top of them. You can see that being happy takes more than just freedom. It's about living in the moment. That's what saves the headache from many small things.

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I like this idea. Achieving true freedom is so hard in modern society. I think that it might be impossible without some sort of amazing transcendental ability or moment. Dogma and traditions can keep us from innovating in our lives, and the weight of traditions and their histories can crush us under their feet before we can even start to figure out who we really all are as individuals. It is a condition of the modern world that we are limited by our finances--I would love to travel the world, for instance, in order to discover more about myself, but, alas, my wallet can not yet facilitate that.

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I agree that the true essence of life is you living freely and doing what makes you happy because in the end of the day, you're gonna be gone in this world. Like someone says that, "I want to live a life where people would remember me and not for the money I make". I actually love helping other people, so for me helping others that are truly needed are also what I can call a part of essence of my life.

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Living freely in this world is all that matters to some people in this world and that's what I agree too about life. It's good that we don't think much about the money we've made, but as a result of how free we are to others.

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The true essence of living is to find in all our endeavors.If the holy book says we should always count it as joy when we encounter anything in this world or world to come.Life sometimes loses it meaning and vapor especially when we are faced with tribulation but the most important thing is to count it as joy and when we see the joy in everything then shall we live out our lives.

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The essence of life is being productive and contented in any thing you have in the present. We must live life to the fullest as long as we are happy and not affecting others personality. Life is god's gift to us and we must take care of this and this is the chance of being a good example to others. Do what is right to feel the true meaning of having a life. Give value to everything what life brought and brings you. Life comes from different emotions and life is given to us by god to feel all of those and to realize or improve everything that could result to a better quality of living.

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Happiness is good for life and it's what we all desire in life, but there are things we can't really change about life and that is the negative aspects of life. All we have to do is to remain positive in life with heart of believing things will get better.

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But happiness isn't the same thing to everyone either. Some people view vice or indulgence as happiness. Others view happiness as a wife, kids and a house. Other people view happiness as a warm and tropical place to live. Ultimately - many different types and amounts of stress will be endured by everyone who wants or sets out to achieve their different forms of happiness.

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In my opinion the happiness of life is family bonding and God. If your family bonding is weak, your parents, siblings and in-laws are always against each other, there is no happiness at all.

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The true essence of life is knowing your purpose and living everyday as if it is your last. We are given one life and we should spend it on a purposeful way, on a way where we can be happy and making the people we love happy too. It does not matter how long or short the life is, but how we live our lives that really matters.

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Living every day as if it is your last is such good advice--this makes one appreciate everything so much. It also makes you appreciate those around you and how valuable those you love are and how valuable you are to them! I am not exactly sure what my purpose is yet in life, or if I am here to try to do great things, or what my responsibility to others is. I know that I need to set a good example for others around me by being a good person. Making those you love happy is the most rewarding experience you can have, I think. Thanks for your post.

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I think that happiness is the most important thing in life. For me, happiness is being surrounded by my loved ones. I can't imagine my life without those people who make my life meaningful. I hate loneliness and I like being around people. I love interacting with others as this helps me to learn many things. I am lucky to have caring people in my life.

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I think I could write a book about this question yet at the same time I could sum it up in one or two sentences. I think that the essence of life is made up of realizing our own self worth and the worth of others. In doing so, we learn to expect the individual and the community. This life is so short, and is often painful, and we all need to be there for one another whenever possible. Each of us is on a journey of self-discovery which is quite unique, but I do not believe that we could achieve success along this journey with self-love, learning to love others, and learning how to BE loved. Hey, but that's just me, a 45-year old English nerd.

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It will vary from person to person. I think for a lot of people, the true essence of life will be happiness. There is just no point living a life if you are not happy. Of course, a lot of different things can bring you happiness including money, family and relationships.

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We all desire for happiness, but most of us do not know what happiness is all about. We run after many things in order to find happiness, but we never become happy. happiness is not something that is found outside. happiness is all about contentment, satisfaction, fulfillment. If you ate not content, satisfied of feel fulfilled with what you have, you will never be happy. happiness is a mental state.

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I'm not sure about anyone living an average life. Wouldn't that make you unhappy? We are told that the reason we are on earth is to be all we can be. I don't think that can be average. In whatever little way I think to be happy we all need to make a difference and be exceptional at something. Whether it is being the best mother, or being the best wife or being the best CEO or being the best worker. In the words of Abraham Hicks, whose teachings I listen to quite often, we are on earth to create something. That's the essence of any God you believe in, creation! In the words of Tony Robbins, you're happiest when you're making progress.

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For me, the true essence of life is depend on yourself. Do whatever you think happy and don't listen on what other people say or think of you. Just enjoy every single thing in your daily lives. Also it is important to have a dream and achieve it someday. In that way, you can find your importance in life. Life has struggles and we can't avoid that. But, don't worry about it. More funs are coming on your life. Just enjoy living.

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Every individual has its own meaning and interpretation of life based on personal experiences and the kind
of environment a person grows up. There are people who do not really know the essence of their existence in this world. Some people believe that life is too short that’s why they do everything that pleases them. They eat, get drunk, go to parties, travel to different places, and other things that they believe will make them enjoy life. Others believe that their existence in
this world has a greater purpose such us serving God, loving, helping, and caring other people.

For me, although we cannot control and do not even know what will happen to our lives, we still have been given a choice to find out what really is the essence of our life through the things we’ll do to ourselves and to others. Our life could be a gift to other people or could be threat. The essence of life really depends on what we chose to become and to what or who we are in this world.

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The true essence of life is happiness, if you are happy you feel that you are alive and nothing can go wrong for you, there is nothing that can stop you on living your life as you want, you may not have money, cars, a personal home but you can still be happy.

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Yes, I do believe that when you're happy then you're living your life to its fullest. How to go about that happiness, however, is something that can vary a lot

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I think the essence of life is to live every moment happily like it's your last day. And it's very essence is to experience love, and that is to love and be love.

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The essence of life for me is serving god and helping anyone that I can help to the best of my abilities. Because the best gift of all is giving to another person, be it time or money or both. Although I am super poor in real life, giving of my time and what little money I can afford to use to give to people. Brings me inner peace and joy to my life and it makes me humble!

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I don't think there is any true essence to life, and that like most things it is a relative concept which changes depending on the person you ask.

That being said, I do agree with your view on it though. I often have discussions with friends and family about the nature of life, and they tend to ask themselves, "What is the big picture?"

Personally I don't think there is a big picture. I think that life is simply a conglomeration with many small pictures, which give the illusion of having a big picture.

It may seem bleak to some people, but for me the truth is that life is simply a series of events, and then you die. I'm perfectly okay with this because I've learned to live in the moment, not worrying about the past or future. Most people find that perspective bleak and pessimistic, though.

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I feel like the essence of life is improving yourself. For every person it can mean something else but you improve yourself for yourself, not for others. You may choose what to learn, what things you should pursue, who to meet with. That's the meaning of life, to feel like you haven't wasted much time.

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@Denis P your perspective is very depressing. Why then would people be striving for more?Have you ever had moments in your life where life is going well? You have everything you need and want? Yet you still have a yearning in your heart. Like something is missing? I think that 's when in my opinion you know that there is more to life. Life is about progress.This is why the rich always look to make more money and the accomplished always want more accomplishments. Look at people like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson. Why have they not retired? All of them are billionaires and can live without working for the rest of their lives.

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"Have you ever had moments in your life where life is going well? You have everything you need and want? Yet you still have a yearning in your heart."

Yes, this has happened constantly. And this is called desire, which is the cause of all human suffering.

The fact is that human wanting knows no bounds. We are temporarily satiated by an experience, maybe eating a nice meal, getting a paycheck, having sex with a beautiful partner; we feel content and say to ourselves "I could never want anything else in the world right now."

But then the feeling passes, and we now want something new. You get a million dollars, and then you want two million. You get a pretty partner, and then you want a beautiful partner. You get a fast car, and then you want a faster car.

As long as we look for sensual desires and pleasures in this world, we will experience suffering. Being content with what you have, not wanting, and living in the present moment is the only true "essence" of life. Of course this is all my opinion, and I respect your views.

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This is that kind of question you could write a book about, turn into script and win an Oscar with it, haha. What is the true essence of life? But speaking in a few words (with an extremely broad meaning, considering the multiplurality that exists in the world) the true essence of life is nothing more than the constant search for your own happiness (what really makes you happy).

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The true essence of life is to live a life of purpose. Living a life of purpose entails getting focused. A life of no focus is probably a life of no purpose and that is eventually a worthless life. Having determined to live such a purposed life, you should begin working towards accomplishments. Getting there is not far away so far you stick to your focus and never allow challenges of life and distractions to get you confused.

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I believe in the beauty of an individual’s diversity, beauty is mystery, the mystery of life, the sense of wonder all around us. When we give value to the most insignificant aspects of life, we give life its meaning. When we begin to realize how diverse other cultures are and we learn to appreciate them, we develop a new sense of truth. Any of us could not even live a life of peace without having hope deep inside the heart. Life is unpredictable, hard and quite notorious at times. Things go out of hand and beyond of our control many times. Hope helps us keep the fight on and improves the chances of making our life better.

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Truth is how one sees it. So how would you identify the true essence of life in the first place?

Everyone is unique which indeed makes life precious. And since we're unique from each other, we may have a different perspective on the world, various standpoint about beliefs and opinions and different choices and likeness, We see beauty differently. We may live a life differently. Does being different make me live a life not essential?

So if I'm living a different kind of life but essential to my own point of view, can that suffice? Can I say, I lived a life with true essence?

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So what is happiness?

Is it just a chemical reaction? If so, then perhaps somebody will come up with some sort of candy which you can just chew on to release the chemicals which give you the feeling of happiness.

Myself, I believe that happiness is seeing other people happy. Even if you are not happy, making other people happy can make you feel better. That, for me, is the essence of life.

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The essence of life for me is family. I would never trade in family over material belongings. They are the most precious creation for me. I value them so much. And, I think they are the top reason why I am living righteously.

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The essence of life is different for every person. Some people enjoy the small things in life and that makes them happy and allows them to carry on, while others focus on becoming great for example and building a stable career or whatever. Every person is different, that's why the word individual exists, therefore they have different interests and ideas, which is great.

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As a student of philosophy I learnt the reason how knowledge and philosophy came about, it came as a result of curiosity through which we were all trying to know the basic essence of reality, in the philosophical school of thought the essence of life is being classified among various philosophers and their prodigies. The essence of life is SK broad that it is only you that can define that for yourself, because it is only you that understand the essence of your being, that no one can define for you.

To me the basic of essence of life is how well we live it, through meditations and purifying your body and soul to become one with each other, I love Buddhism because they teach us to maintain our body in oneness thus making our essence to our being harmonious. Live your life with peace and harmony, love and show charity with all your heart, and never allow negativity and negative people rule your life by this you will understand your essence of life in no time. I have found mine you find yours, remember that it dwells within you, the essence of life is your presence and your existence.

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Your answer is very interesting! I have been wanting to learn more about Buddhism, and this is motivating me to do some research! Do you recommend any books for getting started?

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The essence of life is to live it in a way that one creates a positive impact in the lives of other people. It really doesn't matter what becomes of one person whether he or she becomes a successful career person, a philanthropist, hero, or a stay-at-home mom or dad. I believe that were are here for specific purposes set by our Creator and our goal is to find what that could be and to set our sights and dedicate our life towards the fulfillment of that purpose. While there are people that seemed destined for greatness, there will always be some people behind them to raise and train them and provide the opportunities to make them shine. Each one of us is important and has roles to play in this world.

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There are lot of meaning of line, essence is one of it purposes. With out life, we are not able to exists in this world I think. Life have many purpose in any kind of aspects. But there is also a disadvantages of life and of that is life end. We know that having live is very fun. It made us happy, sad angry and other things. Its very great to start with a life but we need to accept that also life ends.

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As we grow and evolve mentally and spiritually, the mind and soul yearn for more. For me, the true essence of life is to discover your God-Given-Purpose. Sometimes its hard to understand ourselves, what we want and what will make us happy and contented. Have we ever ask ourselves, why am I here for? The true essence of life lies on how to say "YES" to the adventures God has planned to be.

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Personally, I still don't know the true essence of life but what keep in mind is that in life one should be able to serve others. It is because that is what the good Lord would want for us. But most importantly is to love God and praise and serve Him and everything else will follow. However, for some they believe that the true essence of life is enjoying every moment and doing things life it is the last day on earth.

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Life is short. You need to make the most out of it. Do everything that you like and what makes you happy. If you are still a kid, love your parents. Befriend lots of people who has the same age as yours. Nurture that friendship until it becomes long term. It will be a great thing to have a friend who is real and genuine. If you are a student, study hard, do not skip classes. Once you graduate look for a stable job with high salary. Save money.
Once you have become successful enough, this is the time when you need to give back by donating to charities, help those who are in great need. Life is about giving and receiving, about enjoying what you do and taking care of those who raise you, your family when they get old.
Life is a matter of choice actually. You search for things what you like and what makes you a productive member of the society.

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I think the true essence of life is trying to live it at it's maximum potential. It's all about doing the things you love as much as you can, enjoying the little things in life, and be happy that you have a good an productive life. You have to enjoy the moments you spend with your loved ones, be kind and positive. How you live your life depends on your state of mind. If you are optimistic and confident and you pay attention to the things that can make an impact on you, your life will be excellent.

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The true essence of life for me is very broad, life is given to us by god to use it properly for doing good things especially to our fellow men that needs help and assistance. Many people now a days forgot to help others and making it a habit to do bad things on the poor while doings things that benefits them most. The true essence of life is giving, sharing one's blessings and love for each other, since without them life will be full of hatred and selfishness which is not really good if it will happen to all of us. We should give value to life and enjoy it up to the fullest as long as we don't hurt anybody.

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The true essence of life for me is being a genuinely good person. Only being truly good can we achieve all the great things in life. Be it the small or grand picture, we must strive to be our best selves. I hope we find our way to our truest selves. And that we may find goodness in us.

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Life is short so happiness and being a good person is the true essence of life. Sometimes we questioned ourselves what are the reasons for staying here on Earth? Are you contented with what you have achieve? Are you happy with your life right now? Sometimes we face trials and pains but at the end of the day we still choose to live forward and be contented with what we have right now so since we are just temporary here on Earth, be happy and be a good person to everyone. Achieve what you want to achieve as long as you won't hurt anyone around you.

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I consider having a relationship with God as the true essence of life. We can do so many things in life but we will always find a void in our hearts that nobody or nothing can feel. This feeling of incompleteness is felt when we still haven't found our life in God's hand yet. No money, man, or material things could ever fit the piece. In God, we can be complete.

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According to me,the true essence of life is in making someone smile because of you; touching, impacting and changing a life. Giving someone a reason to live, lifting the fallen, restoring the hopeless, accompanying the lonely!...This is a deliberate move by a person kind enough to share their material belongings with the less fortunate people around the world. It is said in my community that kindness is not richness. You don't give or donate because you have too much, but you give willingly and cheerfully because you value the other person and their joy is primary to you. And this in Africa can be summed up in one powerful saying; The Ubuntu family: I am because we are!...Meaning my happiness is because we are all happy! And that's the true essence of life.

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True essence of living is life itself. True living needs you to enjoy to the fullest. Enjoying to the fullest is not allowing anything interfere with your existence

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That's true, happiness is the true essence of life and it is far more important than anything in the world. Most people might settle for just surviving in everyday life, blinded by the problems and struggles they are facing. As for me, the true essence of life is to live your life to its fullest extent regardless all of the pains and disappointments. Life is a gift from God, and we only live once so we better make it worth.

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Well yes, Happiness is very important in our life. One has to be happy in whatever he does in life. We can find our happiness in the smallest of things in life. It is not necessary to have a lot of money and luxurious things to make us feel happy. I think that thinking about our own happiness is very essential for each of us, but we must also try and contribute to bringing some happiness in the lives of the less fortunate people around us

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The essence of living is giving!

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