
How did technology change your life?

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How did technology change your life?

Nowadays, technology is part of our daily life, honestly I can't live without it and I admit that it was part of my whole being. We can use the advancement of technology in all aspects.

Technology changed my life in a way that it makes my life much easier.

Can you share your thoughts on how technology changed your life?


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Technology changed my life a lot, both in a positive and a negative way. I have to admit that I learned a lot from internet. Nowadays, Google is like everyone's godfatherHow did technology change your life?

I love watching youtube videos a lot. I learned many things from there like cooking, makeup, personality development and many more.

On the other hand, we had been wasting our precious time in the mobile phones, which not only spoils human- relations and also our health.

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Same as you. Technology changed my life a lot and learning from the internet. Google is always my source of idea. Also watched youtube a lot. I always watch somd tutorials on facebook like tutorials for web programming. I also watched NBA highlights, dota2 and many more, cause it removes boredom.

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I think, that we both are sailing on the same boat How did technology change your life?
But, we should be little careful on the time we spend on our mobiles. We also mind spending our precious time with our family members.

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Yah, I will agree with you. Some people spend almost all their time playing or surfing the internet on there mobile. They didn't even spending time with their families. But me, I have time for my mobile/PC and time for my family, because time for family is the most important at all.

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I feel you. Well, all things have positive and negative effects in our lives. It's just about how we balance them. There's no such thing that wastes our time if we use it in a useful manner.

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I really felt like technology helped me be close to family and friends recently. I went on a 2 month trip to Canada, and during that time I could skype my parents, talk to my friends on Facebook and even game with them when I wasn't exploring the city. It really hit me how the internet and all these new devices that pretty much became part of our lives help us to be close to our loved ones.

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Facebook is a great medium in communicating to our loved ones and friends. I always use Facebook to keep me update on my friend's status and relatives. I have relatives aboard and it is easy to communicate with them as long as there is internet connection. Facebook has messenger and with this messenger we can easily chat, call and video call with those people who are close to our hearts.

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I see that you are one of those Facebook dependent persons hahaha. Anyways I agree with you Facebook made our long distance communication easy. We can chat, video call and voice call on Facebook rather than downloading Skype, Which i still use for my clients online.

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Well, technology drastically change my life because by means of using the internet you can access different information in matter of seconds or minutes. It is like you have the power in your hands, it is amazing how the world modernize so fast that we can't imagine that it will be. Technology really help not only me but all of us to do stuffs much easier and faster. But as we know, even though technology have a lot of positive effects towards people it has a lot of negative too. I believe in the saying that Too much can kill you so we have to manage using our technology and still take care of the environment we have for in modernizing the world we tend to sacrifice things which are deem important than the latter. Thank you and God bless.

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It really affects my life, everyday in my life we use technology, right now been using a smartphone, it's really the biggest impact in my life, making mu life easier communicating with the people i loved, is one of the perks of having a technology in my life.

Technology is one of the greatest invention of humankind.

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Because of the technology we have today, I can now work at home. I don't need to commute and suffer from heavy traffic or from the bad weather and pollution outdoors. I could wake up any time that I want, set vacations any season and come back whenever I want, and most of all, I earn while I share my time with my husband and baby. Could I have done all these if ever I was born 50 years ago? I don't think so!

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Yes you're right. With technology, everything is easy to access. It's just one click away and we can access what we want as long as there is an internet connection. If we have an online job, we don't need to go out early in the morning to work with that because can take care of that for us. But we also have to be careful in using technology because if it has advantages then it also has disadvantages. We need to balance when using it because it can also harm us.

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Technology has a huge impact in the society today. There are some pros and cons in this modern world. I remember when I was 6 years old when there is no internet, we play outside the house. We're very active physically that's why we're healthy. Family spend a lot of time talking and giggling with each other. But today it's totally different, children has no time to play outside because they were too busy playing in the computer. Family don't talk too much because each one of them is busy using cellphone.

However, technology makes our life easier. We can shop online, bank transaction is very easy, you can reach your loveone anytime anywhere because of cell phone, and a lot more. Apparently, because of this so called technology, many have lost their job in the world of manufacturer since most of the company were using machines instead of human labor. Internet sometimes has been abused by others.

Yes technology changed my life completely, and I think I can't live without my cellphone. It makes my life much easier when I transact to bank or transact business, do my office work, communicate with my relatives abroad and most of all I can communicate to the world.

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This tools offer us more efficiency on today's task, every day. The technology that, we have today has many useful things, such as making easy to access website, through cellphone, and computer. In simple technology we use,
like using cooking food. The more we have tasks that, we work, the more
demands of helping tools needed.

I have cellphone that, help me everyday to finish, all my transactions.
But, when I don't have these technologies, it simply delays my works,
and sometimes, all necessary outcome would waste. Everyday, technologies
simply a hand out of someone, to have efficiency about to his works, so all things will done faster.

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To a large extent, technological advancement really did changed and affected our daily lifestyle. Some common example is having an internet connection wherein the information you might need is easily attained by just click of a button. Although, word wide web is remarkably accessible. We use it for our leisure or a hobby. The online social media is still growing exponentially as we speak. More and more people like me is making a habit out of it. Overall, technology truly did changed my life style.

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It is incredible how technology changed my life. I seriously can't live without the internet, I do everything with it.
Nowadays, you can do everything you want to since from order a pizza to buy something in another continent. I think that is so cool. What I also think about how technology changed my life is that I can talk with my family and friends who don't live in the same country as I am or they live in another city far away from me. You now can have FaceTime calls or Video Calls and watch everything they do while they are talking to you. You still can be part of their lives.

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It totally changed my life. I am a 90's kid and we didn't have any online resumes before so we have to walk 3 blocks from each building to apply jobs. When Technology came into a blast in the 20th century, everything suddenly changed from paying manually to a cashier to paying bills online, from bundy clocks to hi-tech proximity cards, from big mobile phones shaped like soaps to super thin and fast smart phones, and to never ending innovations. Today, a 3 year old toddler already knows how to play games on your mobile phones. I just really hope Robots do not replace humans in the future.

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Technology definitely made our lives better, not only for me but for most people around the world to be fair. It's still changing and we are getting some amazing developments at the moment. Just imagine what your world would be like without technology. It definitely made me choose a different career path. When I was smaller I wanted to become a pilot but as I grew up my computers and websites, I wanted to become a software developer.

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I think that technology changed everybody's life, whether we liked it or not. I love it though because I am a huge technological fan and I even enjoy reading about the new inventions and more. I was born around when the computers started getting very popular - not the first ones, but later on and it's weird because nowadays, the newest generation is born literally with a tablet or a computer in their crib.

When I was younger, not everybody had the computer yet or the internet, let alone the phone. I am not sure how old I was when the smartphone and the regular mobile phone was invented - it changed everything. You could now text and call people with few buttons. It was mindblowing and it took me ages to get used to it. I loved it because it connected us and I could reach my friends very easily. Same goes for the things like the internet. I learned so much through it and I am very grateful for technological advancements.

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Things like these are very inevitable. It's like since before, we already saw this coming and so we shouldn't be shocked on how things are going now. That just means that we aren't apes and we have used our brains to the fullest potential hence the results now.

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Technology changed my life in a huge way. When the internet became more mainstream and smart phones appeared in everyone's hand it made it so easy to contact literally anyone. Computers let me learn new things, get work done faster, communicate with people faster, communicate in better ways. Technology created a new hobby for me, playing video games. Technology let me meet people and make friends and phones let us plan things in less than a minute. Instead of looking in a book to find the answer to my history homework the internet lets me find it immediately with some clicks on the keyboard. Information is just so accessible now. Technology is also the reason I am no longer religious, I used to be huge into my religion and technology with the internet made it so obvious that there is most likely no god out there (agree or disagree with me I do not care) and completely changed my beliefs. Without technology today I would be a totally different person.

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When I was in the military we dealt with our own technology that is completely different from that of the outside world. But when I retired I realized that I was extremely lost and had no clue how to work a simple computer. I spent hours each day teaching myself how to use all of this new technology, and now I can not live without it. It has made my life easier and it is so convenient that I can handle the majority of my business online.

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Technology has influenced my life in some positive ways and some not-so-positive ways. When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time on the computer or playing video games. Looking back, it was probably too much. Of course, as a child, I thought this was great! However, in retrospect, I think my parents should have placed more limits on my use of technology and encouraged me to be more social and physically active.

Now, however, I feel that technology has had a more positive impact on my life. When my partner and I were living on opposite sides of the country, we used the internet to keep in touch. Of course, we also talked on the phone, but it was also nice to be able to send each other quick Facebook messages throughout the day. It helped us to feel more connected even though we were far apart. Also, technology has enabled me to continue my education with online classes. I'm taking an anatomy course this fall that includes virtual labs, something that wouldn't be possible without the technology.

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The possibilities that modern technology has are endless. For starters, meeting people on the internet from all around the world is the craziest thing if you just imagine it. I've made a lot of great friends this way. Another thing of technology and smart phones for example is having Google and a lot of other information sources everywhere with me, no matter where I go. It has helped me in school too, which is also a plus. We are living in the age where we'll see technology improve faster than ever before, we have still seen nothing and so have the people before us.

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It allowed me to earn a sizable chunk of extra income in addition to my day job. Also helped me make some good connections in certain arenas and fields that will surely be beneficial in the future. Not to mention, connected me with news and opportunities I didn't previously have access to.

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I agree with this the most. Back in the day I never would have imagined making a living completely off of just using a laptop or even just a phone would be possible, but these days it's so common that you wouldn't even notice it unless it is brought up and really given some attention. It really is a wonder and a great thing which is why I hope it stays this way forever and net neutrality keeps getting protected.

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Technology has changed my life for the better. I’m so thrilled to be in immediate contact with those I love all the time. However, there are some downsides – I can feel lost without my iPhone and may depend on it too much nowadays. If I accidentally leave it at home, I panic. But the positives that technology brings to my life outweigh the negatives.
There are no words to describe that warm, fuzzy feeling I get when I turn on my phone and see a notification from my loved ones. The worst of it all, is that i can't stay a day without my phone or laptop, doing so will make me fall sick.

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Yes, technology did change my life for the better. First major change was the mobile phone, I used to ride my bicycle for a long distance to go make a phone call on a paid booth, you can imagine the change I felt when I owned my first mobile phone.
Another on its the internet, a lot has really happened for me with the internet, it has connected me to the world I only dreamt of.

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I cannot start mentioning how much good technology has been to me for it cuts across almost every part of my being. The advancement in technology has made me a better person in the sense that it has affected the way I reason, the things I say and how I relate to others.

With the improvement in technology, I now have answers to many disturbing questions on life, association with others and how to improve one's self socially, academically, financially and otherwise. There are books that I could not have read till now if not because of technology advancement that has made it possible to now download books online with ease and read on a mobile device/laptop. I tell you that technological advancement has brought more joy into my life and I wish more changes continues to come.

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Technology changed my life a lot. Using todays technology its easier for me to know and learn things. And even working at home was made possible by technology but the negative part of it is kids these days don't play oustside like kids usually do. Kids these days tend to play on a console or on a device wich at somepoint I dont like.

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With the invention of several communication technology gadgets, today the world is a global village. Technology gave me wider reach to a lot of information, ideas, events, culture and interactions I wouldn't be able to have access today without technology.

Also, with the latest upgrade in technology today in the banking sector, I am more happy transacting from the comforts of my home. The old system of going to cue in the bank to carry out one banking transaction is very painful for me but today, all that is a past story.

Even in shopping, today most buying and selling are done with cashless means but digital process. Just with one's credit card, everything one intends to buy are paid for easily without worrying to get physical cash to pay.

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Technology has definitely made my life easier and happier. Its amazing how much information I get just by surfing the net. I learned lots of stuff from YouTube while google is my right hand. I have also made cool friends on social media. Activities at home are also easier like shopping and all. Over all technology is great.

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When you look at the use of technology in banking transactions today, you can be very appreciative of how good technology has been to the world. Gone are the days when people used carry millions of dollars in raw cash to travel for business purposes but with the use of technology and with just pressing of few buttons, one can stay anywhere and wire any amount of money to any part of the world.

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Technology totally changed my life from my high school days to my college life. It made doing assignments easier by using the internet with just a click, you'll find what topic you are looking for. It also made entertainment to me since the use of android smartphones increase as time passes by. But the consequence is people became to much dependent to the fast growing technology. Many people use facebook in their free time instead of grabbing a book and read to gain knowledge. That is the pitfall of the technology we have this days.

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Technology in general, has made my life a lot easier and less boring. The only drawback to it is that now, I rarely leave the house. I have become more widthdrawn and less sociable. I was the type who usually spent a lot of alone time to begin with but I still went and hung out with my friends every now and then. These days however, I rarely get the urge to go out. All the things that I need, I pretty much have them in the convenience of my home. When I get bored, I have my video games in the internet. If I get hungry, I can just order some food over the phone or online. If I run short of money, I can make some from websites online. I've become a total recluse, a modern day hermit. Lol.

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It makes our lives easier and helps us to earn more money as well. Like doing this, we can earn money by staying at home do online writing, surveys, etc. Technology has disadvantages as well but what I really love about it is the communication. I can communicate to my friends and family that is outside the country.

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Yes I agree, this is one of the good benifits that we get from technology. We can get job online with the comfort of doing the work at home. Less hassle and one more good thing is that you can take work as many as you as you can as long as you meet their standard. You can have an easy money unlike before.

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Well, I can say that it changes my life a great deal since I work online. Never thought I'd be making a living online but this is what I do. It changed the world so much that nowadays it's possible to work from the comfort of your home, listening to your music and drinking coffee. Very nice.

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There are so many things that technology change my life. We all know these days or this generation is being so hightech on everything like especially communication. Technology help us communicating other people around the world and it's a big changes to us people around the world, its a big changes about our life because of high technology like today's gadget and new devices that can use internet, using app like a social media app like twitter, facebook, etc. and even in youtube you can communicate other people from different country. So I can personally say that technology helped me by the way of communication its a big help for me because I have relatives from different country that is far from me.

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I think that advancement in technology is really designed to change the way how people lives. It makes living easier for people and gives them opportunity to develop it furthur. As for me, I would say that technology changed my life because I am currenty working in a tech company that offers data warehousing, technology is part of my job description. The development in data storage has helped me a lot in shaping my future and putting me in this career path.

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With the way technology changed my life, there were pros and cons.

Positive impacts it brought me are the convenience. The existence of email, Uber and Lazada or Amazon makes almost everything easier. It is also convenient to connect with friends and virtually catch up with them through social media.

The negative part of it is that when abused, lots of my time are wasted. When with friends or family, I sometimes go into social media instead of being in a real world.

The important thing is that I acknowledge the drawback and make it sure to balance the pros and cons and live life with real meaning.

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Well, technology is a big part of my life for now. I am sick for 1 year and technology makes my life more fun and happy even I am depressed for some quite time. It helps me to relieve stress and removes boredom. Now I am using technology to gain some extra income even I am still sick, to have some money for my medicine.

I think technology now a days plays a big role in every person. Technology make things easier to do ir in short it makes our life easier. So it is very important to us.

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Technology plays a big role in my life, as I am taking a Bachelors degree in IT. It makes our life more easier than before. Technology helps us to get connected to our loved ones away from home. Honestly, I can't imagine my life without technology though I am not that kind of a techy guy. We've become independent in technology as it is our way to make our work faster. However some people take advantage of it in a bad way and become tardy. It is all about control and using it in a good way.

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Most people nowadays are addicted to the rapid grow of our technology and I am one of them. Technology change my life in many ways especially those important things to do. It makes my life easy and interesting at the same time.Today technology is drastically updating daily, and everyone is affected by this change. These effects are mininal or huge depending on your access to technology and its usage.

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It is an undeniable fact that technology is at its phase where in human became dependable on technology. The existent of technology makes everything in this word easy and comes handier. And a lot has recognized the usefulness of such technology on our daily lives.

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Technology has affected my life daily. From my family to the outside world. There are times that my mother would just chat us on facebook just to come down and eat. LOL. It's really hilarious thinking about it but technology has make it easy for us in every way. However these services can also be our downside. But I'd like to see the technology in a positive way in which it can help me from my interpersonal skill to intrapersonal skills. There are a lot of temptations in here but it's all about survival. HAHA. Goodluck to our generation! May we see more progress in the future generation.

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I don't have to go out to pay bills. I can go out for doing other random stuff. And that is more than enough for making money. You can see that in some cases technology does take time to automate things. But for me that is working out. I think in future working with automation would be lot easier. But it'd take time and not going to that easy as clicking one two buttons. But yeah I am saving a lot of time on things. And hopefully this reflects in my earning too. But for now earning is a bit low despite technology for me.

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Our Technology now is soo advanced. And im soo happy about it because everything you want to know, or you want learn about. Is just right in the palm of your hands and soo easy to look for. All you have to do is ask Uncle G. "Uncle Google". So I say it really changed my life. It plays a huge part of our lives for the most of us.

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I love streaming movies and tv shows online, and yeah, Netflix! Our TV experience has evolved and we are no longer prisoner to a TV set. We can now watch what we want, when we want, how we want.

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The technology make's my life more easier. Technology nowadays is one of the most reliable terms of communications.
For me, without technology I don't know how life would be. In daily basis we use technology like cellphone ,computer & etc.
In studying, we also uses computer more often than reading books. In one click you can search for what you want to know. You can call your love ones if you miss them. For me, technology is connecting us to the world.

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technology change my life in a way that it makes my work much faster than before not like the old days you need to use books to find the missing details at class going to library than now that you can just google it and found the answer. so for me i really like the technology it helps me work better and it change the world on how it was before.

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Technology changed my life a lot if there is no technology I can't imagine myself of what am I going to be. I'm currently taking a bachelor's degree in information technology by the word its self I'm taking a profession that is related and the objective is to have a wide knowledge about technology. I guess most of us will not imagine the world without technology be thankful to live in this generation because we experience this things.

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Advancement in technology has been a huge help in my life. It's made communication so much easier. Cellphones have to be one of the greatest inventions ever. It has evolved over time and is now an all around device device that not only does the usual call and text but also play music, videos, surf the net, and a host of other things. Technology has given me the opportunity to have a kickass profession as a programmer. The rapid advancement in technology has opened a lot of doors for employment in the IT industry. Technology has enabled us to have better means of transportation. The internet is a product of technology that has become a necessity for today's generation. Everyone is online 24/7. The social media has been a huge help though it's had a lot of negative effects too. It has helped us to connect to the people that has been an important part of our lives and has enabled us to find someone whom we didn't have contact for the longest time. There's just way too much benefit that we have gotten from modern technology.

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Technology is one of the reason what we have today. Without technology everything will be hard for people.
Technology changed the way of life that we have. It is the primary reason why people nowadays have comfortable lives than before. Its also make things faster and convenient.
It changed my life in way that without it my life will be boring and dull.

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Technology changed my life by opening up my eyes to a world of infinite possibilities. To this day I am still astounded by how much you can do and learn by having access to the internet. With today's technology, the world is pretty much at your finger tips. With a simple Google search, you can learn just about anything that you are curious about. There was once a time where you had to go hunting for books or knowledgeable people, but now a world of infinite knowledge is available to you with only a few clicks. It has helped me solve many of my problems in life, helped me learn more than I ever did in school. Technology is absolutely amazing.

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Technology is everywhere nowadays. We experience it every single day in the palm of our hand using a smartphone, in our every day job using a computer, on facebook to communicate with others. Things changed the last twenty years drastically. I was a part of this change since the early days when i first used an Amiga Computer on a friend's house. The most important thing in technology is how it affects people's lives. Most of the young people are embracing technology in their everyday life. On the contrary older people tend to live their lives as they used to without using technology. There is a technological gap between younger and older people and its obvious. Yes technology changed our life for sure but i think it depends on us if it's going to affect our life in a positive way or negative way. Some people are not ready to change their lives using technology for various reasons. This is what concerns me most because if someone does not choose to use technology things might get really difficult. As an advice to these people i would say to try to use technology in order to understand how things work around them. Ask your self simple question like the following. Why a computer is processing numbers faster than the human brain? This will help you learn the reason technology is used for! Everyone have to understand that we are superior of technology as human beings so try to use technology wisely.

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Technology changed my life by having an easy way to communicate to different people around the world. Technology changed our society in various ways. In Facebook, now you can post a topic or any concern whether it is about people, organization, or services. If you post it then it goes viral, it will be trending worldwide and many peolle will know your concern. Social media is so powerful tool that changed our communication in society.

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Technology is great. For most people, technology means you can do more in less time and have fun while doing it. Technology is in many ways like its own form of entertainment. However, for people with disabilities, technology can be so much more than just entertainment. It can change their lives. It can help them learn and enable them to do things they wouldn't otherwise be able to do. there are plenty examples of even more amazing technology at work in the world today. today's smartphones can help blind people use applications that identify money and read their emails aloud.Text-to-speech technology allows mute people to type the words they want to speak. Speech-to-text technology allows the deaf to read the words they can't hear. For those people who can't type on a computer keyboard or use a smartphone's touch screen, voice command technology allows them to control these devices with the sound of their voice. Voice command technology is also being used in a wide variety of other products, from cars to e-readers, to allow people with disabilities greater access to these devices. So for me technology today has a BIG impact not just in my life but in everybody's life.

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Technology changed my life and the lives of other people in so many ways. The outstanding breakthrough cannot even be described with words. The comparison of what life was before and now is beyond limits. To site an example, one thing that has been greatly affected by technology is communication. Distance is not an issue anymore since cellular phones can reach great distance in just one button. Faces can be seen and conversations are made facing each other in one click.

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I really believe that technology made our lives so much easier and better, but we also can't deny that this has also caused humans who are naturally social beings to just socialize on the internet, no longer to people who are really around them. I find it both funny and sad when I see a family in a restaurant that while they wait for the food that they've ordered, instead of talking and bonding with one another, they just hold there cellphones.

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Definitely technology change not only me but almost everyone's lives. Gadgets have change the way we work, play and even raise our children. Nowadays, offices will absolutely would not be recognized to workers of the past thanks to the creation of emails, video conferencing, tablets, laptops, computers and other relatively recent innovations. Both our personal and professional lives are now technology dependent. Without technology our lives would all be much different.

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Technology make my life easier, in terms of communication.It so easy to see your family and anyone in out of the country.Many gadgets and invention today that makes any life simple, in ways of cooking, transaction in sending money nad transportation.Like me i go to work and find a taxi in my home in just a simple clicl in the internet, the taxi will go to your house to pick up me.In terms of cooking,many equipment that automatically operated, just put the chicken and just wait a minute instant roast chicken.That the technology affects in my life

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It amazes me everyday. That technology has grown far and wide to make our lives so much convenient. But also a lot more complicated. Depending on the situations. It did changed my life. But there was a point i didn't need it.

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Technology changed everything from socializing to doing all sorts business.

In example of technology application in my life would be during my elementary to early highschool days there was no facebook yet and flash drives wasn't really that popular yet so when I was studying my classmates and I needed to share study materials we had to communicate via landline phonecalls or cellphone calls only ,but now we can just send files via email or facebook.

it also applies now to sending resume and job interviews can be done online, in short it saves a lot of time reducing the process.
I also use google maps a lot since I really don't go out much before I'm not really familiar with places in my city, but ever since i've used google maps the thought of being lost in the city is far from my concern now.

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Technology has definitely changed my life. I now rely on many online TV channels to receive my daily news. I don't really read newspapers nowadays. Furthermore, I don't really go to the cinema nowadays as I can easily watch the same movies on Netflix. I have also learnt many things through the internet. I have watched many documentaries on YouTube and this has definitely broadened my general knowledge. The best thing above all is that had it not been for the internet I wouldn't have been able to work online. I work as a freelancer and I really love my online job. There are many advantages working as a freelancer.

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Technology is a great tool that makes our life easier. For me technology help me to become a better person in the sense that I can have a quick access to internet when I have a doubt in my mind. Technology help me to continue learning new things daily. With the new technology like the Online banking you can now easily pay the debt online, you can purchase items easily in the website without wasting time to travel to any mall to buy your needs. Technology help me to become more connected to my family, even we are in different country we continue to communicate to each other daily by video calling. Lastly because of technology I can do part time job online and it increase my cashflow.

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Technology has had such an incredible impact on my life that I can't even remember how I lived without my cell phone, laptop, and the internet for tons of my daily activities, business, fun, and entertainment. A million things come to mind, and it is almost hard trying to figure out where to begin this response. First of all, I was born in 1972. I remember growing up with 13 channels, rotary phones, payphones, and no internet at all. I never even started using computers of any kind until we worked on word processors in high school. Once the internet explosion happened, I was blown away. Obviously, over the last 25 years (I am 45 now), I evolved alongside technology, and it permeates every aspect of my life that I can think of. For example, just take the idea of playlists. I can go to free playlist sites and hear my specific favorite genre of music and listen to hundreds of songs a day in a stream. Sure, i grew up with radio, but you could not custom-make the channels to your own tastes. As a music lover, this is invaluable. I have met tons of people online in literary and business circles, and I could not have done that without the internet either. I also work as an editor for a press in the UK, and I would not be able to do that from Atlanta, Georgia without the Internet. I could go on about this subject all night, but suffice it to say that technology and its boom in the last 20 years has changed my life for the better.

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Technology helped me a lot when i was still studying it never crossed my mind that i would be dependent to it. This new technologies made our life easier from washing our clothes with an automatic washing machine or surfing the internet on tutorials . I remembered back then when i was still suffering from depression, Due to family problems i would take my phone and headphones and lay down on my bed until i fall asleep. This new technologies helped me a lot and i hope that one day i can contribute to making a new device that would ease depression aside from music.

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All of us rely on technology whether it's at work, at home, or at school, my family depends greatly on technology. Without technology our lives wouldn't become comfortable as we are now.Technology change my life in a lot of ways apart from basic source of comfort technology become a friend for me When I went through depression and the only thing I can do to talk to someone is to go through chat rooms and chat with somebody else.I think chatrooms become some sort of my motivation and salvation from depression during my teenage life and now that i'm become adult still help me in a lot of ways.

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It's to hard to think living without modern technology however in the absence of it I'm thinking that me or even many more individual will be able survived. Considering our flexible capability and adaptation to new environment. It may also sound that you are just taking a vacation somewhere in the most remote place in the Philippines where there is no electricity and other modern machines and gadgets.

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To be honest it changed my whole life over things. In school, in my house, and also in the things that I dont know I needed internet to guide me on. Cooking is one of my weakness and internet helps me to learn cooking the best dishes that my mom loves to eat.

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Generally, technology makes our life easier. Not just me but all of us benefited from this invention our ancestors had created. Thanks to their intellect, we can now change our way of living into a comfortable life where communication is at ease that was quite impossible 34 years ago.

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Technology changed my life in a positive and a negative way as well. Technology made my life easier, I can do tasks faster by relying on it than just manually doing it myself which would take alot of my time, and I don't have to get out of the house much but technology also made me lazy as I don't want to do tiring things anymore and I don't find going for an outside walk to be fun anymore which doesn't really help my body.

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Well technology have a great impact to my life it changes how I communicate, daily activities is much easier, and without doubt i can't live without technology which is a bad effect on relying to it. Though you cannot blame people for relying to technologies because having it in your side makes production more faster and efficient which makes people to do more. It also helps me to be creative, using the different technologies with different software it is very helpful on any kind of work. People will always invent technologies because it is in our human instinct to make our work easier and who doesn't want that to happen. Technologies are everywhere you can use it but always think that using technologies should have limitations.

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Technology it's almost a way-of-live to me nowdays. Most of my working relies on technology, since I'm either programming or working with audio production. As anything in life, it haves its pros and cons. It's pretty nice to see your hability to manage and even create technology grow up. But sometime you become a slave to machines and don't even realize. Tech indeed made people a little bit more blank, null. But since it's a new reality, I think someday we'll learn to use it harmlessly.

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Technology changed my life both ways but mostly on the positive side. My job and my career as an engineer needs to be a tech savvy so that I can go with the flow of advancement and development. Three fourths of my working life depends on technology and its ability to fast track my work is my main goal in keeping up with the fast-paced world. As I write this, I am asking myself if I can perform my job without it. It is possible but it will definitely take ten times more slow than when I do it as how I do it now. I am glad to be able to live in a period where in I am capable enough to learn the basics and also grow together with the advancement of the technology. I still know how to do it when technology decides to abandon me.

The negative side of it is sometimes I rely on in too much without really realizing it but I am still thankful I have the habit of learning a new thing manually first before I apply the technology in it so that I can have a ground knowledge of things first.

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Well yeah, these days I don't know anyone who doesn't use technology even the poorest people in the world I think uses technology. It changed my life in a way that I have more time with my family. With technology, I can work from home as long as I have my laptop, internet and phone. I don't have to go out to earn money. I can earn money from home and still spend quality time with my family.

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Technology has worked its way to better my life and provides a platform for me in earning for providing some of my basic needs. I never knew how important technology is until I had known its importance just last year when I was left jobless and no way of making ends with my expenses. When I was scrolling down through my cell phone, I was stuck in a blog that talks about ways how can I earn online without investment. This prompt me and immediately tried it with hopes that maybe this is where I can be better. thanks to technology that I found a new reason to live and source of money.

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Technology really change my life in terms of how I study, play games, or just how I communicate with people. Because when technology was not that mainstream, books and lectures from teachers are my way of studying. But now, even if I were asleep at class I could just Google or search online for the topics that my teacher was teaching us. For games I used to really play a lot outside of our home and comes back dirty and sweaty. Unlike now where I just sit on a chair or bed to use computer, laptop, phones or other gadgets to play games without needing me to be dirty or sweaty. And for Communication with people outside our home before was much more enjoyable, because you can really laugh with your friends, eat, drink, or just do the stuffs you want to do. But now all I do is just chat or video call them, that doesn't need physical appearance. So many things changed because of technology, and I'm not saying it's bad but we just need to balance our life with technology.

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I grew up in the 90s and I didn't depend on any tech device or gadget to have an easy life. As we go into the 00s we saw how our lives started to get more and more dependent on them. Before, if we needed to call somebody, we had these street phones around the corner, then the cellphones became more accessible to everyone and things started to change. Now we cannot live without a cellphone or a computer, I include myself in this, now almost anything is one click away. Times change and we evolve.

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There are many technology that, we can compare with. Such, as computer technology, and machine that help
farmers, everyday. I will give example like machinery. It helps many farmer to do easy task, in everyday activities. They manage to make more jobs, in the farm, when machines help them, and assist them, especially in harvest time.

It was a great advice, and no matter what happens. I will keep it in my
mind that, more people have more struggle than us. What I have learned
from them is that, complaining about everything, doesn't help anything.

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When we say technology, we all think that in future the whole world would be as a planet of robots and machines. For me technology really change us, because before we dont even know how to use cellphones, exchanging messages and taking phone calls because before we just use mailing for us to get connected to our love ones far from us. Some of us be thanked full because our life become easy as we develop some of the things that will help us to do some task. Great example is the evolution of a smarth phone, before we just used it for calls and text messages but now, we use it to change our phisical appearance through editing. Thats how fast technology evolves thats why even if we dont let them to interfere in our lives,we don have a choice, we just have to accept that technology is part of our life and change our lives.

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Technology really changed not just the lives of the people but also the whole world. It helped us a lot from the very little task to the diffucult ones in our everyday lives. Before technology took over, most the works are done manually, time and energy consuming (e.g, laundry, cleaning, making school projects). Technology also took a big part by means of communication, connecting people that are far from each other. The sad part is, it has negative effect too, because some people are abusing technology making inventions that will harm human and the world.

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I cant imagine my self working abroad without technology. One of the best exaple is phone that often use for communication and entertainment.

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technology has been changing my life as long as I can remember, so much so that I'm embracing it now and stopped thinking if it's for good or bad, all I know is technology help anyone being independent and make the impossible achievable, like you said, google is our godfather, you don't have to settle with one opinion, you could know what an Australian have to say while you're in the North pole.

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Well, Technology has a very important role in our daily lives, without technology,there will be no internet, no gadgets
no telecommunications, transportation no medical cure for every sickness.

Another importance of technology in our daily lives is that it has eliminated the bulkiness associated with paperwork. With technology, information can now be stored virtually in various storage devices such as compact disks and microchips. More so, the information stored in these technological devices is secured with passwords and codes which are only known by the proprietors of the information, making it a better way of storing confidential information.

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Technology has changed my life in many ways. Socially, morally and physically, to mention but few. I have acquired a lot of knowledge, learned many skills and in return have given out my own knowledge to others with today's technology. Technology cannot be overemphasized

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It made my social life improve because I was able to express myself in social media sites especially when I take photographs and get a lot of acknowledgments from other people. Technology has also helped me in my studies to be specific aside from transportation, telecommunication, and others because my future profession is teaching so I was able to create visual aids easily.

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For me it makes my work more easy. Imagine the actions that requires a lot of energy consumption before is can be done in a few clicks today. For science people like me, it really saves the time of doing experiments because there are now high-technology equipment that can be used. But in some way, it makes me spends a lot more.

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The way I used to communicate with everyone has drastically changed, thanks to the advancement in technology. I can now use my smartphone to call, make a video call, record live events, browse the internet, download apps etc. Having the luxury to perform all these tasks on a handheld device didn't exist back then. Therefore, technology has changed many aspects of my life and made it enjoyable.

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Technology and innovations that it has caused in how the word works and the day to day life of every people on earth is too great to even mention. Not only has it made things easier for people, it has also no doubt made it a whole lot better. That is the same for me. From the time I wake up, to the time I sleep, I experience the awesomeness of technology. If I enumerate everything that its has offered the world, it would take all day. What I can share though is, I'm really happy that the internet has been invented, and I strongly believe that it's the greatest thing technology has given us.

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Technology has changed my life for the better. I’m so thrilled to be in immediate contact with those I love all the time. However, there are some downsides – I can feel lost without my iPhone and may depend on it too much nowadays. If I accidentally leave it at home, I panic. But the positives that technology brings to my life outweigh the negatives.
There are no words to describe that warm, fuzzy feeling I get when I turn on my phone and see a notification from my loved ones. The worst of it all, is that i can't stay a day without my phone or laptop, doing so will make me fall sick.

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Advancement of technologies all around the improve most people life but you can't argue to the fact that there are some groups or ethnicity of people who doesn't want to acknowledge that the modern times is advancing in ways they cannot cope up with. Well I'm one of those people that looking forward for the next generation of computers, gadgets or smartphones these days to see how much of an upgrade it has and how will it help improve my cost of living.

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Technology changed my life in leaps and bounds. I am not the same person any more. I no longer crave for people - I have them all in my virtual world. I no longer go around asking questions. I have all the answers on the Internet. I do shopping online - just a click of my mouse and the stuff reaches my door. I earn here and here on the Net. Interacting with the world at large is something i never expected. I interact with people who share interests with me. I could go on and on...............

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I don't know how I existed without technology. I use technology for everything. I use technology to read the news ,on Twitter and Facebook. I now read all my books on soft using a tablet or a Kindle. I do most of my communication by e-mail on Whats Apps.I don't really go to the Bank anymore. I do all my banking online or by mobile. I can shop from the comfort of my living room or bed by online shopping on Amazon or Ebay. I listen to music on Itunes or Spotify or on YouTube. I can now work from home, when i want to or need to. No more Blockbuster, i can now watch Netflix or stream movies live online. Technology has really changed my life. I would say it has made it easier and convenient.

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technology affects my life in so many ways, it also affects the lives of other people such as my family, technology helps us so much and sometimes we take it for granted. Try imagining your life without technology, it would be very different from what we are accustomed today. The truth is, all of us rely on technology a great deal to get through the day. Whether it's at work, at home and at school we are all depends greatly in technology.

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Having these technology makes my daily habit different. I'd like to stay at home during my free time rather than going outside or visiting a friend. I'm always in front of my computer browsing the internet looking for ways to earn while staying at home. I don't read hard bound books anymore because almost all of the books that I want to read have been digitized already. I don't have a time for exercise because I always good to bed very late. But with the technologies that I'm using, I've been introduce to new way of earning income and an aspiration was born in my self, and that is to become a blogger/writer. I'd say that there are bad and good things happened to me with these technologies.

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Alvin Toffler is a social scientist who says there are three major waves. The first one is when human beings discovered fire. The fire made human beings out of animals. The second one is an industrial revolution when men knew how to produce more. The third one is internet technology which has changed everything. I use a computer, a mobile phone, internet. I cannot live without these things. I earn my living through these technological tools.

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Technology does not only change my life but help me as well. Nowadays, I've been becoming more and more dependent on technology. So, I can say that technology has changed my life in a more comfortable way and gives me convenience as well in everyday life. It makes me feel like I can do anything I wanted.

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Technology has made it so I can watch what I want when I want and how I want to view it. I no longer need an address book, camera, video camera because my smartphone does the job of all 3. And instead of having to stop and use a payphone, I take my smartphone with me where ever I go. And I no longer have a house phone.

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Technology has impacted almost all aspects of my daily life. From the time I wake up (with the help of a smartphone alarm) to the time I sleep at night, technology is just everywhere. The internet has made it possible for me to make the most of the 24 hours in a day. It has made it possible to work, shop, do business, wash clothes, do the dishes, cook, and take care of a baby all at the same time. It has made a lot of things easier, more convenient, and cheaper. It has also made the world smaller. I can talk to relatives living on the other side of the globe for free courtesy of technology. Somehow, it made separation from loved ones easier to bear.

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Technology has changed my life in a better way, things were harder in the past now technology help us to do things easier and faster. The washing machine, microwave, PC and communication tools, pampers, train, plane, etc all these make our life easier.

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Generally technology made my life much easier. It really cut my time of doing things. It's easier to communicate with a person located far away from me just at the touch of a button. money transactions have been made further easier for me in that I don't have to walk into to a banking hall to transact but i do it in my mobile phone. I can as well get medication from online using my mobile phone or laptop. Basically all i need is available online. its easier to purchase goods abroad just using my laptop and they are delivered at my door post...amazingly am now earning by working online!,,What a world to live in!!!

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Technology connected me with the world. Through blogging and freelancing I learnt about other cultures.

I can now work and earn in the comfort of my room while watching TV-another technological achievement.

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Technology has a great impact and has changed our everyday lives. It made every task easier and quick. It made us work efficiently and effectively. However, it also made us too dependent on it that we became lazy and sluggish.

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Technology taught me how to type faster, it gave me easier access to knowledge. Before the internet I used to take my time typing, but when I learned how to play mIRC, I joined those chat trivia games and got really good at them, mainkly because I typed the answers real fast. Befoer the internet, my go-to for research is my father's Lexicon and Collier's Encyclopedias. Just get the bok with the correct letter, and find the answer flipping through the pages, it's easy, they're all in alphabetical order. But search engines are much easier, just type, enter, and click.

Technology made it easier and faster for me. Technology made me more knowledgable. Technology made me tell my mom where I am and made her find out where I am anytime she needs to. I guess that was the only downside haha!

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I can't live without new technologies. I'm ready to say thank you every day because I have a washing machine. I don't know how to wash so many clothes by hand or how our grandparents did it.

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And I can't imagine how you can do without a mobile phone that contains all our life from photos to bank cards.

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Honestly, I don't really like how new technology has changed my life because I spend less time outdoors and more time with my laptop or phone. I sometimes get the feeling that life is passing me by. On the other hand, I am grateful that I live at this time, because I have a remote job, thanks to which I can provide my family with everything necessary for life. At any other time, I wouldn't have had this opportunity. Well, I work in the field of information technology and I also want to say that I am very grateful to the guys who helped me pass the Cisco exams (you can find more info here Because it is thanks to this certification and my knowledge that I got my job.

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Technology has changed our lives beyond recognition and continues to change it.

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health case management really made it easy to check the records of medical book of the patient

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Totally agree with you, what about case managment?

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I completely agree with you, every day the technology is developing more and more. For example, a couple of weeks ago, my friend's father was in the hospital. We all thought he had the coronavirus, because all the symptoms indicated it. Despite this, he has very chronic diseases, such as diabetes and asthma. When he was admitted to the hospital, the doctors demanded a medical record from him. Since he doesn't live in the city, he left his medical card in his old house. Thank God, today there is such a program as, which helps people view a patient's entire medical history online

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It made my life much easier. I can now work from whenever I want. That's the best part of the technology. And I love it.

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Heard many about new technologies, but such way have many problems. So I just like to work with high stability site that will give me livescore from dota at any time when i need!

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Thanks to technology, now we can have everything with just a click away. Even the pandemic has shown us this. I am delighted to have been born at this age. Or if you are in trouble, for example, as I was a week ago. I was locked in my own car. I took my phone, look for a car locksmith near me and in fifteen minutes, a guy was next to my car. Yep, not the best experience, especially when outside is more than 30 degrees Celsius. We can solve anything just with a smartphone and the Internet. Isn't it cool?

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