
What Topic hasn't been made into a movie yet?

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What Topic hasn't been made into a movie yet?

When it comes to movies, what significant or even insignificant topic can you think off that has not been made into a movie yet?


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Hmm, I want a movie set in the distant future where technology or medicine is so advanced that people basically cannot age, but then our main character becomes fascinated by our history and how it's way better in the past when people can get old and die, so he decides to start this 'religion' of people who want to die. It's basically an inverse of current religion where people want eternal life.

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Interesting topic, that would be a great movie and maybe controversial. Specially when one choose to die because of internal life and one choose to live and have internal life.

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On one hand, I want to congratulate you for posting such a brilliant idea. This is definitely a really interesting topic that I'd totally steal if I were a novelist/film director.

On the other hand, it's such a good idea that I kind of wonder if it hasn't been done already. I say this because it seems like most of the time someone comes up with a really good idea on the internet, someone has already done it.

I have this notion that there are no more good original ideas because most other original stuff is just crud, and there is a reason why no one has done it yet.

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Yeah, I haven't really researched on this so I guess it's out there, somewhere. It's really hard having original ideas right now especially for movies since almost everything has been done, which is why we usually get book/comics adaptations or sequels/prequels or remakes of previous films. I guess most original topics are tackled by indie films, but I haven't really explored everything available, just what's in the theaters/Netflix.

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I'd be lying if I said I knew anything about the indie film industry. I know that there are plenty of gems to be found, but I'm only familiar with the ones that go mainstream. I'm not all that passionate about cinema to really care about what the little guys are doing, because quite frankly I barely care about what the big ones are.

It's not to say I don't care about indie content in general, though. I'm passionate about video games so I'm constantly checking out the indie scene there. Lots of good games to be found in the indie scene, so I'm sure it's the same for film as well.

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I guess all topics have already been set in movies, most of them are repeated over and over again. I love story movies or the ones that have the medieval subject.

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Just like you, I think we've seen everything on movies. What makes the difference is the point of view directors/producers give it, or the way they can twist the plot. The ones that can still provide new plots, I would say could be sci-fi, or futuristic ones, because those themes are yet to be explored, so as long as they generate interrogation or doubt, they will keep giving material to create about.

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How about dust? I haven't heard or seen a movie that highlights dust. And i doubt there could be one at all, i bet that it would be boring and senseless. But who knows, maybe producers could make an interesting movie out of it.

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There's actually some movies that tackled dust and sand storms already as well as soil and erosion.

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How about an empire of zombies trying to depend their territory because other zombies are trying to invade them.

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If there has been black panther of recent, I feel that making movies about the zombies should be next since the world is trying to make everything looks fine at the moment. I feel that there is need for us to enjoy our movies and hope to be learn one or two things about the movie at the end of the day.

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Hey that's a good one, it's like zombies vs zombies, I think that would be a great Quentin Tarantino movie. But what would be the motivation of zombies to defend and invade since their all mindless? Hmmm a food source!

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I think there are lots of topic that hasn't made into a movie, we all think that almost everything is already seen in movies but we are wrong. I will give only one example and it counts a billion topic that is really fresh and you will never find it out in every movie. Do you know what it is? This topic is all about our own principles and life story, many people die without our knowledge and we don't know how they live live their life or what lessons we can learn through their experiences in life. Because life story movies is made from famous, heroic, well known and great people and not on everyone. So our life story is one of the most fresh and unique topic that has not been made into a movie.

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Where are you from Albino? Because here in our country, there are movies which presents true life story whether they are famous or not, as long as they have a good story to tell and inspire other people. We also have a drama episode every Saturday with the title "Maala-ala Mo Kaya".
People are given the chance to write their life stories and send it to the management. If they are lucky enough to be chosen, the show will produce a drama which presents their life story.
So I was wondering where are you from? Isn't your country produces any true story movie of anyone? Just wondering though.

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I agree with you on this. And because of this style of gathering stories in our country, it seems like every topic has been covered. I cannot think of any topics that we haven't seen yet. Fantasy or real life, I think we've watched it not just in movies but also in our regular TV shows.

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This is a really good question. In an industry that is plagued by remakes, reboots, and sequels, you would think that Hollywood has run out of ideas and is just rehashing old materials.

Is it because everything has been covered, or because they're just lazy? Who knows.

In my opinion, I'm sure there are plenty of topics that haven't been covered, but it's probably because they won't make for an interesting film. I mean sure you can make a movie about bowel movements, I don't think that has been done before, but who is going to watch that?

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That sounds funny but you're on point. It should be at a topic that's at least movie worthy. Who would want to invest in a film that nobody will watch even if it's an independent film or low budget film? They should be able to build up a story from it.

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How about a live action Family Guy movie....they made a Garfield movie, why not a Family Guy or Simpsons movie right?

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I really do not have an idea considering a lot of all movies that I haven't watched. I think there are really few topics in this world that is not in a movie. We all know that all will end up into a movie someday.

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I honestly think that literally almost 99% of topics have already been made into a movie. However, some people just don't know the less known ones and do not know that the certain topics have been covered a long time ago. I can't really think of anything - there are just thousands of movies being produced yearly and that's why they are able to cover so many themes!

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I think this is a hard one to answer. You would have to have watched all the movies ever produced, or at least have a summary of the story-line. This is not really possible. Remember apart from Hollywood based in the USA, other Countries also produce movies e.g Bollywood, Nollywood e.t.c I don't think that everyone can watch all the movies from around the world. But if you can good luck with that. I think this is an impossible question to answer.

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I've got one, I've been thinking of this for some time now. I've never heard or seen a movie about the Second Coming of Jesus.

Another one is a Movie about the Annunaki coming back to earth or about the Annunaki landing on earth.

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I was thinking of a topic something which is taboo that has not been done in a movie. I am thinking that because of the risk involved and the controversies, some may not have been tackled in the big screen. Child marriage is one thing that comes to mind because this for me is really shocking however accepted as a norm in other societies or countries. I was wrong though because there was an old movie which revolved around this taboo. I just don't know how it was tackled because I haven't watched the movie. I think if there are topics not covered yet in movies they were done in some independent films.

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I read an article where Hollywood actors are pushing this initiative to let pedophilia be a socially accepted thing in society. Yes, there are movies which showcase the bond of a stranger and a kid before but never a sexual relationship between a kid and a grown up. I don't like this concept all together to be honest. Makes me sick that people are pushing for this.

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Most mainstream movies nowadays are all focused around money making. Although, some indie film makers tackles societal problems which is a serious issues around the world. Different human conflicts both internal and external are much made into films and it was only the how the directors would create something significant about it. I guess if there is a topic I haven't watch, someone out there had already done it.

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In Nigeria here, this is the challenge that we are having where most movies are all based on how you are going to make money through one evil means or another. I think if those that are into producing of such movie will make adjustments, then it is going to be a great thing to do.

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Very interesting topic, in fact it made me think deeply what kind of topic that hasn't been into a movie yet. But in the end, I only come up with the existing one but I more of it. What I mean is I want more about astral projection. I want something way beyond what the movie insidious has shown us. I'm really interested with astral projection topic. I think it is something that so mysterious and powerful. I also like movies which theme is all about how our mind works.

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I don't think that there is anything else left to be scripted and acted in movie. Everything that there is to be written and acted have be exhausted in my opinion. What movie industry how do is just re write what they have written before, use another plot, characters, setting and effects to redo it.

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I honestly think that the topics that I had been thinking were already made into movies. I must say that there were also movies that produce topics that we didn't think of until we saw it. I love how the people in the world of entertainment become very creative passionate and resourceful throughout the years. I will not think of topics that were not produced on films yet. I'll just wait for them to showcase another mind blowing production.

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Well, I don't think that there is any topic that has not been covered by or showed in a movie. There are movies on subjects which don't even cross our mind or about things we are not aware of. I think filmmakers are very good at searching for stories and content for there films. I guess we have movies on the most unusual topics because some filmmakers choose unusual topics in the hope that the movies will be more successful due to the uniqueness of the topic.

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The answer to this question is easy peasy! There has never been a movie made about my personal life. And there never will be! LOL. What Topic hasn

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There are still a lot of topics out there, the funny thing is that people never think of it but when they see them while watching a moive, they always go, that's brilliant, why didn't I think of that?! Guilty party right here! If I had a penny every time I said that whiel wathcing movies....

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