
Does your Cat watch Cat T.V?

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Does your Cat watch Cat T.V?

My cat has recently become addicted to what I call, Mew T.V. There are several youtube videos designed especially for cats. She seems to enjoy the one with a black mouse running around on the screen the most.  Her consternation as to how to find the birds she watches is very amusing. Freya the cat frequently checks round the back of the laptop just in case they escaped.

I hear people leave these videos running when they are out to amuse their cats.

I still cannot decide if the videos are a good or a bad thing for cats.  The other day I caught mine watching Holby City, a UK hospital drama.  She did not pay the laptop or Youtube any attention before our exploration of "mew T.V"  on what we now call "Mewtube."

But are these Youtube Videos a good or a bad thing for Cats. What do you think?


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I find your cat cute! This is because only a few cats watch TV or pay attention to something on screen. Needless to say, I think letting them watch something interesting for them is absolutely a good thing. Like us people, we always tend to watch movies that catch our attention to make us feel relax. I think it is also likewise with cats. They also need some stress reliever in a day.

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Thanks for sharing this to us. We don't have a cat at home. But I saw big rat running around our house. Every morning I saw our bar soap with marks of teeth bites of the rat.

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I am now beginning to wonder. She literally sits and paws at the screen and looks very put out if the viewing there is not to her liking! I was woken at five this morning and only got peace when I played the youtube video of a piece of red string going accross the screen. Then she stared at me and sometimes watched a programme called "Bargain Hunt." Maybe she thought there would be antique mice!

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Agreed. My Cat is the same. She doesn't watch TV or anything and I'm a bit jealous with HappyLady's cat (on a positive side) because I also want my cats to watch videos for them to not go out of the house all the time. I'm not actually against them going out of the house, however what made me became a bit protective is because one time my cat had an injury which she got from a cat fight, and that made me panick so much.

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I actually haven't thought that cats could be relaxed by watching something because we don't have cats at home. My parents don't want to let our cats inside our house as they want to observe order and cleanliness. Sadly, I only see them outside, hilariously fighting with our dog.

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I dont have a cat but my dog loves watching tv and suddenly puts him to sleep, yet he cherishes sitting on my lap while I watch a program. The special case would be a film about lions that we once observed together. He adored it and attempted to join the lion from the back of the TV. I played the film again the following day only for him before sending it back to Hulu.

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That is so adorable! Dogs are man's best friend. They are also playful and love to hang around with their masters. I have seen many dog videos on different social media platforms and they look really amazing!

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That is so funny. Freya often investigates the back of the laptop. I am sure the animals are really puzzled by how the animals they watch got into the screen. I have had dogs, but none of them ever watched T.V like yours.

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That's so beautiful. I always envy people who can bring their dogs inside their house. My parents would never let us do it as they believe that it brings chaos and dirt to our things and our floor. Thus, they are only left outside with their own dog houses.

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Never even knew about this - I don't have a cat right now, but we used to. There were even some iPad games that you could get for your cat, and our cat loved them. One of them involved tapping a mouse that was "running" across the screen. Lots of fun!

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I rather worry the Chromebook will be scratched to death, but I have been known to turn it on its side to please the cat. I know that mouse tapping game. Yes, Freya the Cat loves it.

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I haven't tried letting my at play a game on my gadgets as they are always outside of the house. My parents wouldn't let me bring them in, sadly.

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I think your cat is adorable. I don't have cats right now but we used to have them. One of my cats were watching television. He did not mind what program was being played but he liked to watch as long as there were some movements on the program. I think there is nothing wrong if your cat watches some Youtube videos. It is a good way to entertain your cat.

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Your cat is really cute. I suddenly miss my cat because of this thread, he died three months ago. But he also enjoy watching such videos for cats. Actually, I played a video of a bird chirping then he suddenly jumped onto me and meowed as if he wants to eat the bird. I also play some videos of kittens meowing and he also got attracted to it. I can say that it is our way to have bonding with each other.

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I am so sorry that you lost your cat. I hope you soon get adopted by another one. Every home needs a cat in my opinion. They do seem to like these bird videos.

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Well, good thing my other cat got pregnant and I guess my deceased cat is the father. Their kittens are really cute. They also enjoy watching cat videos. I played a mouse video from youtube and it got their attention. Making them tryinh to catch the mouse. It was really funny and they are really cute that time.

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If your cat enjoys the mew-tube then it is OK. These videos are not common in my area. We leave cats to chase mice and not amuse them with mew-tube

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If I remember rightly, you are from Africa and some Africans I know, from my many African friends, do not understand the English desire to keep a cat as a pet and treat it as almost human. I have even had requests to remove the cat so people can come for Bible Study, but many of the same friends now have grown fond of my cat. I have not told them about MewTube yet.

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Wow your cat is amazing. I never really thought that cat can watch a show. The fast movement of the mice in YouTube might be the one that got your cat interested in watching it. It's still waiting for the mice to come out and run again that's why your cat is now into mew-tube, I think.

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I did not think she would be interested and came accross the videos by accident. It is true the fast movement does attract her, but she also now likes to watch fish swimming slowly and birds just being birds.

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Now, that's a smart cat. All my cats do is sleep all day, throw tantrums by meowing non-stop when its hungry, and poop on our bathroom floor. Good thing both of them are males because if not, there would be a dozen cats here who'll probably do the same.

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That is funny. Did you ever try them with the Cat T.V. It might make them more active? Or on the other hand, send them back to sleep.

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I dont have a cat but I have a dog. Sometimes I found out that my dog was watching too. I also watched in youtube that some cat are really good in watching tv. They were really cute to watch.

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Wow, your cat sounds smart because she can watch TV. I don't own any cats and I think it would be fun to try those videos out if I ever have one in the future. It is also the first time I've read about a YouTube channel that focuses on cats as the audience. Do you happen to know a site that is targeted on dogs? I want to try it with my dogs. Does your Cat watch Cat T.V?

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No, mine does not. This is an interesting topic. It's weird to find out. Cats now have their own content for consumption. I wonder how their mind works. Most of the cats in our area prefer to watch birds and hunt mice. I guess they're old fashioned like that.

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Mine is a hunter. She has about five squirrels to her name. These were caught as a kitten and the same size as she was back then. It is strange how one cat likes something and another does not. They do indeed have a strange kind of mind. So independent, even of each other.

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Both my pets ( Cat and Dog) watches the animal station with me whenever I'm in the mood for animal coverage. My favorite station is NatGeo Wild and we get to see lots of animals.

The cat TV is really enjoyed by my cat because I'm sure she knows it's her mates playing around in the television.

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I had some fun with Freya watching elephants and giraffes. She was surprisingly, less interested in the lions. I will have to look at the station you mention and try it out with her.

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We used to have a dog back then when we were living in the rural area and it is always there with us trying to focus on watching some movies as well. I can't really understand what it was getting from the movies then, but it felt so cute watching the TV with our pet back then. Not many pets will feel okay sitting beside the owner to watch these things on TV.

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Wow! I actually envy people who let their cats live with them. My parents actually don't like cats so we don't let them inside our house. However, we give them food everyday. Also, they have their own place outside. But, it is really different if you are inside the house with them, same as with dogs.

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Yes. My cat sometimes interested watching T.V and it makes her feel weird everytime she sees some weird stuff.

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My cat, Maggie, watch Tv sometimes. I will play videos with birds and then her attention goes to the screen immediately. Although, I don't know if that's good for the cat or not.

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Well I really can't say for sure if she watches cat videos. But I could say though that she likes to sleep in my laptops keyboard whenever I'm typing. Right when I'm nearing deadline too! I don't know if i will be annoyed, but watching her curl up to my keys makes me stop and take a breather. I really love my cat.

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Apparently it is the warmth that makes them attracted to the keyboard. Only now, in Freya's case I think she is saying all that scrummy bird and fish food I see on the screen is "mine, all mine, if only I could figure how to get at it.!

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The real question would be, can cats even see what's going on the television? From what I can remember, cats can only see black and white and the static nature of the television interferes with their eyesight in watching the moving pictures. That's just from the top of my head I haven't really fact checked this.

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Yes. Yet today, Freya was most interested in a Peter Rabbit video and she shows a marked preference for children's cartoons or bright colours. I wonder how one would do the research? I was watching her eye movement and she is definitely following the movement on the screen.

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I think I have not tried this one. I should be showing that to a cat. I know that cats love watching TV. And they do funny things as they see things move. So depending on how the shows are on that. I think we should be showing that to our pets in that case as well.

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Yes, they do. And they are really curious about watching it. because it really looks unfamiliar to them, and sometimes they are playing the screen because they feel like it's real.

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I think some cats are really interested in watching cat videos. They think it is real. I watch some Youtube videos where cats watch videos and some of them touch the TV or the device. When they see some movement on the TV, they tend to attack it or follow. And it is really fun to watch those innocent cats while watching TV. When we had a cat, our cat used to watch TV with a serious facial expression. It seemed like he understood what he was watching.

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I know just what you mean about the facial expression. I now heard of a friend who talks to his dog via an app and the dog goes insane working out where his voice is coming from. I suppose we will never know what the animals really understood as they cannot tell us.

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I think it's good, it could make them productive, it's so adorable how cats watch TV, like do they even understand what's happening. I wonder if they think it's real but I would recommend you to ask a professional if you want to know if it's healthy.

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I very much doubt the cat will come to harm watching youtube or Television. On the other hand, the screen of either might if the animal pounces. I have been watching and preventing the worst of the cat investigations of my laptop. This morning she climbed onto the keyboard and sat on it. I got the impression she was preventing the mice on the screen from escaping.

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We don't have any pets. But I did grow up with dogs at my house and a cat at my aunt's house. When it comes to entertainment, especially television, I never even gave the animal a second thought. But now you've got me wondering. I used to love to watch Lassie and Rin Tin Tin. I wonder if the dogs we owned would have to liked to watch those old TV shows. LOL. Does your Cat watch Cat T.V?

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I remember watching Lassie. We had a dog back then and a T.V but the dog never showed any interest at all. Maybe animals have evolved!

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Well I guess, all the pets are used to watching television. I don't think they would be able to understand anything that happens there but they might be attracted to the movements of the people and objects on the television. You will find it very funny but since my nephew watches Tom and Jerry cartoon on the television, my cat has also gotten addicted to watching it along with him. One of our Dog also used to watch cartoons on the televisions. Its pretty hilarious to see a cat watching Tom and Jerry

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Several people I know have talked about Tom and Jerry. Freya prefers Peter Rabbit. Interesting your cat is addicted to watching a screen too. I can see why Tom and Jerry might work. There is a lot of movement and a mouse!

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I remember watching my cat moaning over and over on my computer screen. I just imagine my cat calling the cat on my screen. And then his start scratching my camera so I have to take him out of my room.

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My cat stares at me more than he does the TV. I tried teaching him to watch TV or watch the shows I'm watching on my laptop and even resorted to making him watch cat videos on my phone. He just isn't interested.

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An update on Freya. The addiction has got worse. I cannot do anything without her trying to sit on the screen and one night I fell asleep with youtube on and awoke to her watching an antiques auction show. Attempts to distract her are rebuffed, and she still sits with her backs to lions while trying to get at birds, squirrels and bears. Other cats are ignored, but she will spend hours watching kittens. It all seems to have increased so there is a fight for me to actually do anything on the laptop myse,f. I have decided to fire up an old tablet and hope she will be happy watching that or no work here will ever get done.

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We have a cat before and as far as I can remember he doesn't are about tv. He just love roaming around or sleeping on our couch. Sometimes when watch television he will sit on my lap and sleep. I find him snobby sometimes but I love him, he use to sleep beside me but what I hate him sometimes is that he used to bring dead mouse on my bed. I don;t why he used to that all the time.

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Not just videos about cat, but yes one of my cats watch videos on my screen whether in Computer or in my Mobile Phone, I really enjoy watching my cat doing that. One scenario that I found amazing is when my sisters phone is in the table and my cat is scrolling through her Facebook timeline and literally stops scrolling when there is cats displayed in the screen, I mean that's just awesome, cats really are some valuable animals, and people who kill them or make fun of them by hurting them must die, they have no heart and soul.

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It's not a bad idea.

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This is really not a bad idea. Only I can't be sure if your cat needs it at all. Cats can find something to do. They really like to lie around all day, and they like it. I don't think you should worry about this at all. If you are worried about the cat's psyche, then you should not. Some of them are smarter than people. In addition, until now, you could notice if your cat is interested or not when watching TV. If not, then there is no need to include any videos for it. It's better to just take her out for a walk sometimes and buy a toy.


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