
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control Tutorial

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10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

Gotta hear it for the Mums and Moms out there that have had to come up with all sorts of ingenious ways of keeping their kids under control or just occupied for a while.

So here's 10 Parenting Life Hacks you might find practical at some point!

After all....
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

How to stop kids writing all over the walls!?

Why give them their own cardbox box they can write, scribble and draw on to their hearts content of course!
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

This should provide you with some relative respite for an hour or so where the bigger the box, the more surface area there is, the longer it should last for. The amount of time each box offers can generally be worked out by adding up the cm2 of the box and dividing by crayon to felt tip pin ratio.

However if your walls do get drawn, scribbled and defaced with kids crayons and marker pen ink. The best thing in the world to remove that with is good old WD-40.
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

How to stop your kids from using too much loo roll?

By putting a marker up that tells them of course!
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control
That's definitely not enough for most kids though and adults alike so maybe add yours a little lower? It's probably more hygienic anyway.

How to make kids complete their homework?

By sending their chargers to "Charger Jail" of course!
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

This one is for encouraging good grades but that could take all year and I don't think mobiles last that long on a single charge just yet.. However another message could read "Charger Jail - Get them back when you've completed your homework"?

Great tip for getting kids to do stuff for stuff.

This is some real 21st century parenting right here!
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

How to remove Grass or ink stains on clothes?

Kids are prone to grass and ink stains on clothes. All that rolling around in the grass and mud with school pens in their pockets. Well the best thing to use on them to remove the stains is soak them in Vodka first! The alcohol will loosen and soften the fabric so they will be more removed when you wash them. Or you could just drink the Vodka and forget all about the stains in the first place?
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

How to Keep Kids Valuables Safe on the Beach?

This one posted before in Life Hack 2: How to keep valuables safe on the beach. But it is an excellent if not unconventional way to prevent your kids valuables getting nicked on the beach by other kids or opportunist sticky fingers. Get them to wrap them in a dirty diaper!
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

What to do when your kids grow out of their crib?

Turn it into a play and learn table of course!
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

How to stop your kids from walking off when you're loading the car?
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control
Stick a sticker to your car they can put their hand on.

How to clean up glitter after a messy arts & craft session?
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control
Use a sticky lint roller. Or you could just use a hoover.

Talking of sprinkles..

You can give even the most mundane and healthiest of drinks look appealing by just adding a bunch of sprinkles..
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

And finally.

How to make kids get along..
10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

And there we have 10 parenting life hacks these parents have used.

I hope you'll like them and find them useful!

Have you ever used any of these life hacks or would you? 10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control


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HAHA, you really know how to write funny material, Mike! Loved the list and to be honest, even if I don't have kids I still act like a kid sometimes and that thing with the vodka for removing grass stains is brilliant, won't forget that next time my wife complains about the grass stains on my jeans lol.

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Ahaha, kids are so naughty. I have a child, a boy, his name is Jack. In general, when I lost my job, I was rarely with the child, because I was busy looking for a new job. And then one day this tomboy, he was then 3 years old, found some paint somewhere and somehow got the jam. I come home and see him sitting at the crib with watercolors in one hand, a brush in the other, and jam next to him. He sat and drew on our beige terry-cloth carpet. I was just in shock and called these guys on the recommendation of a friend, who miraculously cleaned my carpet completely.

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OMG Mike there are amazing life hacks for parenting. I laughed my head off reading them.

Are you serious that WD-40 removes kids artwork from walls? If so I need to stock up LOL, this will really come in handy.

I'm wondering with the cardboard box, do you think it would be bad to make some windows and then tape it shut so they are stuck inside for a while? It might give me enough time to have a cup of coffee! And you know they will have all their crayons inside and all... so its not like it would be cruel. In fact I've found my kids are quite similar to cats, they just love a good box!

An no, I have not tried any of these yet BUT I am sure to try a whole stack of them. In fact I should really write an article like this for my mommy blog! The moms will go crazy!

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Hahaha. This is just awesome. But I don't think that wifi password thing will work with my nephews and little brother and sister. They are just so spoiled and I somehow can't control them. They are always busy with their tablets and phones and whenever I change the wifi password, I feel like I'm in a piglet pen! >.>

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Hello, ye kids are so naughty

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I loved reading this post! very funny at the same time very informative.10 Life Hacks for Keeping Kids Under Control

Parenting is an art, I guess. Maintaining children and teaching them discipline is very tedious, it need patience. But, I hope this article will definitely help parents out there, in simplifying parenting.

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I find this tip very useful and at the same time hilarious. Some tips and ideas are brought by ingenious minds that think what can be done to the kids that are very hard to deal with. Thank you for this tips and more power.

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I loved your cardboard idea very much. I am a new parent and my baby is just 4 months old. However, when he is around 15 months, I am sure he will love to scribble on the walls and places where I don't want marks. I have seen my nephew and niece write over walls, paint on the bedsheet and carpet. Cleaning these marks can be really frustrating.
I also liked the vodka trick ( but not drinking of course). Thank you very much for these amazing tips.

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I think one exercise which my sisters and even mother allowed me to do is that. Keeping kids under control is definitely possible when you are working harder towards the goal. As you can see people who are doing the work we neglect the kids or ignore the kids. And that seems to be the way for the kids to take control of the situation. And this may lead to more of a problem than the solution. I have realized that keeping people in control is not the way to go with the work. And that's how the things are going to be there as well.

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Wow, all those tips are very good, and I am sure most of them are working properly. I also think that if we raise our kids with discipline and love, trying to be their friends as well as their parents our kids may do all those things without asking something in return.

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I agree all of them are very informative and very useful in terms of keeping kids under control. I probably like the idea of before getting the wi-fi password is you need to do all the chores that is listed below it, which for me is a very effective way to make your kids listen to you.

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I must say that the carton trick got me laughing, but honestly the tips are amazing and are ways we can get to handle the kids well at home. I always tell people that beating the kids are not the way to go and this is just evidence of ways we can handle them better in our houses.

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Those are some great ideas indeed. I will try them on my nephew especially the WiFi password. I am sure that this will motivate him to do some household chores. My nephew also uses too much toilet paper. I hope that this hack will work. He is really stubborn and doesn't listen to anyone at times.

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I love the hacks! What I like about 21st-century parenting vs traditional parenting is that you acknowledge kids will be kids and you plan accordingly. Traditional parenting on the other hand advocates whipping or hounding the child into 'behaving'

I like and approve getting rewards for good behavior. This is positive reinforcement and teaches the child the importance of working hard for what they want. However, in the real world, you can work hard and still not get what you want. I guess they will learn that soon enough.

I also like the fact that the hacks suggest ways for kids to still be able to play. Like drawing on a cardboard box instead of a wall. Play which is often ignored by traditional parents is important for children as it contributes to the all round developmet of a child.

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Wow! totally love all those tips, specially the loo roll and the wifi/charger bag. Honestly, there's nothing worst for a cellphone addicted kid, than to erase wifi, or stop charging his phone. If that doesn't work to keep them under control, they I don't know what else can do it. And my cousins really need the marker for loo roll, sometimes I think they disguise themselves like mummies, or they are eating toilet paper, because they literally disappear it. Taking notes of all these fabulous tips for sure.

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It's a nice read. You should know that I didn't use any of them; I'm not creative enough in this regard, but here are tips that I must use. I think all parents have a problem with toilet paper hahha..But it is a period that passes quite quickly, you do not even notice how your child becomes a teenager in a few years, and here the attitude must be different. They always seek to be understood and loved, not condemned or punished. I'm trying to reduce my child's time on social media. Because he compares himself to what he sees there, he does not consider himself intelligent and beautiful. At school, he faces bullying and cyberbullying on the net. I installed to monitor his online activity and block such comments and messages. Our children do not have to suffer because of idiots!

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I'll have to follow you since the information you present is really real, reflecting correctly and objectively, run 3 and it's quite useful for society to grow together.

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