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Okay so in my 10 ways to make money from the Halloween season series so far we've had the 1st: Rent Your House as A Haunted House and 2nd: Selling Halloween Costumes. But if those money making methods aren't really ideal for you, after all, sewing isn't for everyone! Then how about chopping things up and creating and selling amazing scary or funny looking carved pumpkins instead?
This idea just came to me after posting these Funny Amazing Hilarious Halloween Pumpkins and Meme's for a Good Halloween Scare! And it's a really obvious one and a great way to make some extra money from the Halloween season! Think about it! Pumpkins sell like they are made out of gold during near the end of October. People love to cut them up and carve scary faces into them and put them outside their house so trick or treaters can see them and call in for a trick or a treat!
In fact, pumpkin sales go through the roof during October and more and more each year, as the population increases, as we celebrate such Pagan like traditions religiously. Pumpkin sales increase more and more and they are hot in high demand. But buying a pumpkin is one thing and is easy to do! Actually carving it into something that looks kind of scary, creepy or grotesque in some artful way is another. Lest some 'orrible little git decides to stick his foot into it but that's what security cameras are for lol
It's not always easy to make a cool looking pumpkin. I remember when I tried making my first pumpkin head. It was a lot of fun removing all the guts and creating triangle shaped eyes and teeth and putting a candle inside. But it looked pretty basic and primitive. Not like some of the amazing pumpkins that people are making today that you see on the Internet though! Some people are naturally gifted at this kind of thing. But there are a lot of videos and guides/instructions etc out there that show you how to make them. And all you have to do really is just look around and get some ideas and experiment and practice at it and you could create a lot of good looking pumpkins!
Although it can be a lot of fun. To create a cool and scary looking pumpkin. A lot goes into it. But if you have any kind of imagination or skill. And you just look up some cool funny amazing pumpkin designs online that have been uploaded by people over the years then you can get a lot of ideas and inspiration and create the same.
Best Place to Find Amazing Cool Pumpkin Designs?
You'll find a lot going through Google Images to be honest. But it's best to use a more dedicated place to photos for this kind of thing and that's to use Pinterest. Search Pinterst for Pumpkin Carving Ideas and you'll find many that come up!
Some no doubt very simple to make and can serve another purpose as well. Like this very simple pumpkin head that was made by the very young Kathleen Boland to hold lollipops in for the kids when they come trick or treatin'!
RRP for this simple lollipop pumpkin $5-20.
[Image Source: Halloween fun.
Something like that would be very easy to make just going from that picture. And from it you could use different designs for the mouth or they eyes etc. Stick loads of lollipops in it and put it on your doorstep with a candle in it.
Of course you can be really creative and create a lot of things in a pumpkin. Not just faces, but things like silhouettes, animals, shapes and intricate patterns, portraits or words. Like these simple TURN BACK NOW pumpkins.
RRP for these three hefty blighters $30-50.
Or this pumpkin using teeth picks as teeth. Simple but effective could go for $10-25.
To Jack Sparrow. RRP: $20-40.
To Yoda. RRP: $20-40.
To Here's Johnny. RRP: $20-40.
This Frankenstein's Monster pumpkin. RRP: $20-40.
Source: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/441634307183222251/
Or this witch with cauldron pumpkin. RRP $25-40.
Or something like this Harley Quinn pumpkin! You may see a lot of them or similar pumpkins and anything trendy like that right now could go for big money. Clubs, pubs, bars and restaurants would buy them to draw people in with by having them outside.
Image source: https://pinterest.com/pin/70439181649814245/
That must take some talent and know how to do carvings like that but you could charge a lot more for them and RRP for that would be from $20-80. You may be surprised but if your pumpkin is really unique and appealing to people. They will be willing to pay that much for it if they can own it and it looks like they made it. Without them having to actually make it! lol
But even if you don't have much carving talent. You can still come up with some clever, novel and unique pumpkin designs. Like this square cut out and sticks for bars with skeletons inside it. Super easy to make, fun and cool looking. RRP: $25-40.
By the way. If you have a drill. You can make many cool looking pumpkins easily and without leaving much mess or needing to mess around with knives. Just drill holes into them using different sized drill bits and create patterns using holes in some way for a spooky mystical looking effect when it has a candle burning inside them.
Average recommended selling price for them would be $10-25 a pumpkin.
Pumpkin Carving Templates
There are many pumpkin carving templates out there you can use to create cool looking pumpkins with if you can't think of anything. They are basically just stencils you can use to go off when cutting the pumpkin up. You can find many of these on Pinterest and in Google too. There are literally hundreds of designs you can come up with from using a simple stencil like these and they can look really good if you do a good job of your pumpkin carving!
Like these 20 pumpkin stencils you can print off and then carve into a pumpkin to create the effect without it being too much hassle or hard to do.
Here are some that were made from these stencils.
Image Source: 20 Free Pumpkin Carving Templates.
Can You Make Money Selling Pumpkins?
Even with not a lot of skills. Provided you have enough foot traffic going past your house. You could knock some together and put them outside for sell. Or you could make them and then offer them for sale to your local grocer store too. Also ask around in pubs and other shops as well as they are likely to buy at least one or two to try and resell at a better price or put outside their shop to draw people in.
And provided you was able to do that (at the least). Then yes absolutely, anyone can make money from selling funny, amazing, spooky, unique, cool, clever pumpkins!
A quick number crunch.
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