
7 easy ways to get crayon off your walls

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7 easy ways to get crayon off your walls

So as most of you know, I am a mother of 3 little minions...i mean girls ;) and 2 of them have used my walls as their very own personal canvasses! After trying everything I could think of to try and get it off without the paint coming with it, I came across some easier ways with less effort and elboe grease!!!

Here they are:
1. Baking Soda - just use a damp rag, dip in baking soda and lightly scrub!
2. WD40 - Spray some WD-40 onto the marks and wipe with a clean rag. WD-40 will not damage the paint or most wallpaper. It can also remove marker and crayon from furniture and appliances.
3. Toothpaste - Squirt the toothpaste on the wall and start scrubbing with a rag and rinse the wall with water.
4. Mayonnaise - Rub some mayonnaise on the crayon and let it soak in for a few minutes. Then wipe the wall clean with a damp cloth.
5. Pencil Eraser - try using the eraser to get the crayon off.
6. Steel Wool - Use some steel wool/brillo pad to just skim the surface, (make sure to use strokes in one direction instead of going in a circle)
7. Vinegar - try rubbing with a old toothbrush soaked in undiluted vinegar.

I know for a fact that baking soda, WD-40, and vinegar works!
I hope this helps anyone with little ones!


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I swear WD 40 has so many uses lol! I like the fact that most of these things people already have laying around the house. You don't have to buy any special chemicals or tools to do this. Even the most attentive parents will get crayon on the wall or floor. Our kids have done it so many times already so im glad we have this to go by. Renting was tough because the place was nor ours. Now that we own our own house the walls are ours and although we don't want then to ruin them we don't have the the pressure of us not owning them. This is awesome and im sure everyone with kids will love it. Thank you for sharing!

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it does. i have seen it used for lots of things!!

and the convenience of all these things already laying around the house is a huge plus!!!

you are right, renting was pretty tough, with little toddlers but the baking soda mixture was definitely a saving grace when we were renting. now that we have our own place, im not as worried about the walls but im not encouraging them to use them as canvasses!! =]

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Oh these tips are like gold, I thank you. I was aware of vinegar but the rest of these tips to get crayon marks off of walls are new to me.

I have two minions and I have had our walls being used as an art canvas on plenty of occasions.

I am just wondering if these work just for wax crayons or for pencil crayons, kokis (felt tip pens) and pen too?

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i know some of this works well with markers. i have heard, though, that rubbing alcohol can be used to get ink off walls but im not sure if that will also take the paint off the wall. ive heard hand sanitizer can work with the felt tip pens and ball point pens as well!

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Kids can really do unthinkable stuffs and having your house wall repainted for you with drawings is the least of what they could do to your house when you aren't home. Sometimes, when I look at their drawing all I can make out of them is someone or something with a big head. Lol.

These tips on how to get those crayon painting off the wall is a life saver because I can really tell you that am dead from these kids and their drawing imagination. Those tips would do me lots of favor in getting those drawing off my house wall. Thanks a bunch.

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I got a problem with removing this crayons on our wall. Now I have a solution and I can't expect that there are 7 ways to remove it. Thank you for the tips. I will surely try it at my home. I hope it will work on me.

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I'm struggling with this issue right now. Will they ever stop doing this?

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