
Kids Activities - make quick and easy snow!

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Kids Activities - make quick and easy snow!

This is something that my kids absolutely love - to make their own snow!

Making your own snow is so quick and easy. Just grab a big bowl and throw one 500g pack of bicarbonate of soda in and then add in one can of shaving cream.

My kids loved the process of getting the entire contents of the shaving cream out the can, not something they would normally be allowed to do LOL.

Then you just mix it together and you have snow! It feels cold too which is pretty awesome.

You can squish some together to make snowballs or even a snowman. This might be something fun to do with the kids this Christmas!


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WOW!! this is so cool, i had no idea you could make your own kind of snow!! bicarbonate that baking soda? the fact that you said it is cold and is really awesome as well, and is especially cool if you live in a place that doesn't get snow often or any at all! you can kind of experience a little bit of snow...i guess. lol unfortunately i moved to a place that is cold 9 months out of the year pretty much! but its ok because i like where i live, its pretty even though we are surrounded by woods and trees!

does this stuff dry out easily? could i store it in a container or is it more of a one time use thing? thanks for sharing Lynne!!

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We don't get snow here at all, so for my kids it was amazing. I have never ever felt snow myself.

I am not sure if it will keep, I have never tried.

I am not sure if it is the same as baking soda as we get baking soda here too... I am sure bicarbonate of soda is in baking soda but I think it is a different thing. You do find it in the baking section.

Sorry I don't know if you can keep it, we just played with it for an afternoon and by then it was quite dirty, so we chucked it out. Perhaps try keeping it in a container in the fridge?

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Thank you for that Lynne, I will try that.

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As a kid and you never had a playing experience filled with fun, then your childhood is somewhat an incomplete process. This snowing and making ones own snow, snowballs and even snowman seems to be pretty cool, although I never tried it during my childhood age but I do really think it to be a wonderful and interesting experience.

At my own kids period, I had a very outstanding playing life which involved lots of playful activities that I could hardly recall lately but let me mention but a few of them. There is this particular play we call tire racing. It's a very funny game, we get used car tires and pour grease inside of it, put a small cup inside and use two long sticks between the two sides and use it to ride the tires.

The grease poured inside the tire helps with the movement of the tire with the use of those sticks. It serves as a lubricant to reduce friction. Sometimes we tend to race throughout our neighborhood and it's so much fun.

Kids of these days doesn't engage in such plays anymore as technology improvement has taken most of them to having fun through online social activities than the actual real physical activity.

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Nice post! this is a very fun way of playing this coming Christmas i will include this one to my party games like they need to create a snowman using this 2 ingredients which one finish first will be the winner. and also this is also great bonding play for mom and dad while taking a shower for your kids they can play this one at the bathroom.

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Definitely true, Christmas season is nearly here so games like this are probably an exciting and awesome thing to do on the actual Christmas Day. They can probably play it outside and also on the inside, like on the bathroom as you say. This snowball thing is definitely a need on Christmas Day, like even if my country doesn't have a snow, still having this kind of thing makes our Christmas more memorable.

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Even I will love it. I think it is useful when there are snowball fighting. As a kid, doing it by yourself is amazing. I will try to do it and I know it is fun. Thanks for the information you give. Even if there are no snow around, you can make snows now and have a snowball fighting.

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Another Christmas season it will be awesome for the kid to play with this, especially with the erratic we are having now and the kids looking forward to having a great time at home, games like this will help to make be stable.Will see if we can squeeze this into our already lined up activities.

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I love all our ideas. I live in a very hot Country. And christmas is always advertised as a white winter christmas. It's always a bit confusing for my kids because there is no snow here .How do they ride the reindeer? When they're big I'm sure they'll understand that we live in the tropics.For now when they still young, I'd love to give them the full christmas experience that they see in movies and books I'll be using your recipe.

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