
My Addiction eBook is finished!

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My Addiction eBook is finished!

I can't believe it! The time has come and I am suddenly so nervous!

I am just waiting for my final pdf design to be finished and I will be listing it here. I have written a post on my addiction website to promote it... everything is in place.

My nerves are shot and I am hoping everyone will enjoy the book. All my insecurities are now flooding in and I want to just go and edit half the book away LOL.

But I am going to do things the same way I do on my website. I will always have insecurities and I will always want to edit things and make them better.

So the time has past for that and I am going ahead no matter how I feel.

Hold thumbs for me!


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I wish you the best of luck Lynne and I know you've done a superb job with this ebook. That being said, in case you don't sell as much as you would like too, don't give up and just hang in there. I speak from experience. I've been launching ebooks multiple times and some of the times I've felt like "this is the best ever" and I haven't got a single sale for about 5 days or so.. And things like that that truly hurts. On a personal level.

So don't expect hundreds of sales and just "forget about it" when you've launched it. That's when the surprise will come My Addiction eBook is finished!

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Thanks Andre. I am just chuffed I finished it and put it out there. I have made my first sale already, on my first day so I am happy with that. Now I am going to go and eat lots of chocolate to celebrate!

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This makes me so happy to hear Lynne. I am sure you have been working very hard to get it done. You seem like you have been getting things in line for the past few weeks to make sure you can launch this thing at the rite time. Congratulations Lynne this book is going to help everyone who reads it. Will this be available for purchase on Seoclerks and Listingdock? I would like to support the cause by purchasing a copy from you. If you sell this book on your website i recommend accepting Bitcoin its free to accept it and doesn't cost you anything. Every time you receive a payment you get the full payment unlike Paypal who takes 3.5% plus 30 cents. Im happy for you and i wish you much success!

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Thanks Jkeyz2 My Addiction eBook is finished! My book is already up for sale here, you can check it out on my profile My Addiction eBook is finished!

Yes I am so ready to get into Bitcoin. I don't have much money spare right now to invest but I am really keen to get started. I have been watching all your discussions and I find it so exciting! I think I am going to try my hand at Bitcoin trading with eToro!

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Congrats Lynne! I really look forward reading your addiction story! I didn't struggle with such problems but I do want to give up on certain vices, which includes smoking ( I recently started smoking again) and overall I think your story may help me! I mean, from what I know about your story, you struggled with really awful stuff and you can be a good inspiration for a lot of people for the way you overcome everything.

I personally quit smoking like 2 times now, on the last try I was clean for over 10 months. My Addiction eBook is finished!

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Oh no Cristian, smoking is awful and quitting is a really painful process. I know because I am now 1 year and 1 month free from cigarettes! I'll be honest here, if I start smoking again now I am just not sure I would find the strength to quit again!

Thanks for your kind words Cristian, I really hope to inspire others to get help for their addictions and this is the first eBook to connect with other addicts. I have another 2 eBooks planned and then I am not sure what else I will be doing for that niche...

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oh Lynne, Im so excited for you! congratulations on finishing your ebook!!!

you have taken such a huge step in helping yourself and also in helping others!!!

p.s. i have been wondering where you have been!! =]

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LOL I have been busy writing a very hectic and raw 22 000 words!

I am just sorting out a few things and then I will list it here My Addiction eBook is finished!

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impressive!!!! and let us know when its up!!!! so excited for you!

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It's up! I am so excited....and scared too!

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It is not easy to write a book. How long did you take to write this book. Is this your first one I have so many ideas but have yet to really sit down and start writing atleast the first chapter. The only consolation is when I hear the number of years one takes to complete a book and so may be I still have a chance.

Good luck with your publication.

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As a writer who had published two books on Amazon, I can feel how excited and nervous you are. Publishing a book is like bringing a baby into this world. That's why writing is often compared with gestation. Some say raising a child in the real world is tougher than having hin inside you.

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I think that, the book you write is an inspiring one. I always recommend those of such books. Because, it is a life story related, and have a moral values could share to everyone, and everybody. No matter what happens, just enjoy writing book, as I did to myself in the past.

I find myself a very happy, when I also write books, about myself. It's really interesting, if people try to feed back you, and they will give you a gratitude to share such wonderful story of yours.

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congrats! that's a big break for you making an eBook and sell it online what a great mind. you should continue what you are doing on your book. it's already 2017 i hope you are still on this business passion of making eBook.

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Good luck for that! I am a fan of ebook so I am glad I have another book to read. I once think to make my own ebook but I am fine just reading it. I first encounter ebook when I was in high school. At first, I think it's just for the girls. Then I realized it is a good pass time and a hobby too. So again, good luck!

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Leave your insecurities and be positive and this will bring you a high self-esteem. Things will be ok and maybe you will gain the success you desire. I wish you good luck!

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