
Art Galleries are they fake paintings or real?

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Art Galleries are they fake paintings or real?

When you go to art galleries to see art pieces on the wall you cant help to wonder how much it costs rite? When you find out that most if not all of these pieces of art are priceless it makes you wonder. Do they hang the real thing or do they display a fake? So many criminals out their you would think someone would try to swipe them rite? Well i did some research and i found out that they really do display the real art! Some exhibits may not realize it but some of the art they are displaying is fake! Brooklyn art museum found out that one of their pieces was a fake! Would you pay the same to see replicas?

Art Galleries are they fake paintings or real?

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wow thats crazy! i always thought all the paintings and pieces of art were all REAL. it would make sense and be really smart to be in replicas though, because there are alot of people with sticky hands and with the prices of those paintings, i wouldnt want to run the risk of them getting stolen! although im sure its probably really hard to steal from these art galleries but im sure it has been done. interesting topic jkeyz, thanks!

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Yea no problem im glad you liked it. I know people spend a fortune sometimes to get into these art galleries and they don't realize that they are being bamboozled. Why do i get the feeling that everything as we know it is a lie. I have a strange feeling that they keep these things secret from us for a reason. What makes me think that its all one big conspiracy is that these galleries supposedly don't even know they have fakes? I mean from what i understand it took this museum years to find out that they had a fake. Imagine how much money they made on admission to this exhibit before the people where told. I am almost 100% sure they knew ahead of time before letting the public know. Its just crazy what you can get away with with a little bit of money.

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Really,so some of those well crafted and neatly placed art work in those galleries are actually fake.I usually though same especially the big well carved looking one exhibited
I was like wouldn't this etching hands want to play pranks because I believe the cost a lot.

I don't know but the art galleries in my country tends to hold only originals no replica.

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This is an interesting topic indeed, and no, I wouldn't pay the same to see replicas. I would probably not pay at all to see replicas, in case I knew they where replicas that is. However, I do understand that some of them are replicas. Just take a look at the quote below for instance. That's about Mona Lisa. That's an insane amount of money..
Guinness World Records lists the Mona Lisa as having the highest insurance value for a painting in history. On permanent display at The Louvre museum in Paris, the Mona Lisa was assessed at US$100 million on December 14, 1962. Taking inflation into account, the 1962 value would be around US$780 million in 2015.

[List of most expensive paintings]

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I never understood the hype of the mona lisa painting, and never did. I don't understand why that painting get so much hype when there are better paintings from the same century!

I understand that it is a famous painting made by the one and only Leonardo Di Vinci, but still why do people seem to remember that painting so much. If you walked out into the streets and asked a regular stranger about one painting that comes to mind it would probably be the mona lisa painting.

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That is crazy i thought that this piece especially was priceless. Last time i checked no value could be put on certain pieces and the Mona Lisa was one of them. The insurance on these works of art must me insane i mean 3 quarters of a billion for one painting? How to they get away with showing off real paintings without anyone trying to steal it? This is what makes me believe that the real pieces are hidden away in a vault while replicas are being put out for the public. I mean what if someone splashed wine on it? What if someone took a razor blade to it out of spite? That artwork is ruined and you can never get another one. We all know from my Bitcoin posts that the value of money is falling. So no matter how much that painting inflates the money that is insuring it will decrease in value over time.

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No, I wouldn't pay to see replicas, what on earth would the point in that be?

Yes I am sure that so many of these art pieces are priceless, but they do have security measures in place I'm sure. I saw the Mona Lisa in 1996 and I would be very disappointed if I found out it wasn't the real one.

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The point is how would we ever know? The price of admission to see these things are upwards to 1000 dollars for entry. Some art galleries it NY have been known to charge more than this just for admission. Im sure they have security to guard the painting but nothing is safe from everything. Criminals find a way especially if money is involved. Thanks for sharing Lynne.

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I agree there is actually no point of seeing replicas of art, like you can almost see it everyday on the internet and why see it on an actual galleries but I guess every other person in this world is different. And also, I wouldn't waste my time on something not precious.

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I think that it is quite possible that what is displayed could be reproductions in some cases, maybe even in many cases. I have also read that this same ting is true with science and archeology museums. They do not actually display real dinosaur bones, they make those displays from molds and then put them together. A lot of the actual bones they found were not whole dinosaurs, in any case, and they would have had to use the bones from a lot of dinosaur findings just to make one whole dinosaur display. Obviously, we have displays all offer the world in many museums; and every one thinks that they are real, too, and people pay to see these fake bones, just like they do to see the fake paintings and other ancient artifacts, such as carvings and pottery.

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Depends on the museum or art galleries. If it's a private show or gathering, then those arts exhibited would probably be the legit ones. The public galleries, on the other hand, mostly have replicas or fake arts displayed for security purposes. Sometimes it would be a mix of both, like they would put the original ones but doesn't have that much value or not worth stealing, you know. -.-'

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Personally I think that they are real painting the artefacts, considering all the security protocol, guards and technology advanced protection ; why would one go through such fuss over a fake painting or fake artefacts? I definitely think it's not worth the stress if those paintings together with the artefacts are not real original ones.

I really enjoy getting familiar with long historical painting and artefacts. It's full of knowledge that one can't easily look up anywhere or find someone to tell the tale.

My love for museums can never fade, it's in fact a history bank to me, as virtually everything about human existence could be found inside it. As of late, my interest is going to have a viewing of the decoration of independence letter in United States of America. It would give me a great joy associating with the first institutional power given to man.

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I will never pay the same amount to see the fake art. However, the replicas also attract me. I admire the artist who has duplicated a certain artwork with the same skills that the original artist had. yes, the duplicator does not have any creativity because basically, he is copying. However, copying and creating the exact piece is also a brilliant skill. I don't think the galleries will display fake artworks. If some of their items are fake, they were using these artworks unknowingly.

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Well you will notice it all if it is sold privately or publicly. Original arts are bought in a proper security and handling so there should be an special event during the sale. There are lots of fake fooling people art galleries that is very interesting and captivates your attention. When we talk about replicas, yes for me i will pay the same because they look exactly like the original design and all we need is the appearance of the art, it doesn't matter the legitimacy but better to buy original one if it is preferred.

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it would be a bad thing displaying a fake art and be bought expensively but if they display fake for security purposes and when someone buys the art painting they will get the original one so for me it is okay. but as normal person i would love to see a art that cost so much either it is replica or original just seeing it would make me happy and feel amaze.

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Interesting. I think any time there's an art show, exhibit or gala, people assume the pieces and portraits they will be seeing on display and possibly purchasing later on... are real. As for fakes or duplicates, I think a seasoned, professional collector or dealer who intends to flip the piece later on perhaps? Would be able to spot a fake. Some of these pieces have distinguishing marks or color streaks that are purposely inserted by the creator. So his or her work can't be cloned or replicated. That information is then passed along to most high end collectors so they can separate or distinguish the real version from a knock-off. Apparel designers have been doing the same thing for years. Certain tags, emblems or stamps are embedded within merchandise to let customers know if their version is authentic or not.

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The price of something reflects the value attached to it. It would make sense to display a replica and sell the real version. Art is a very valuable commodity and they are many robberies that takes place in galleries. It makes sense to be cautious rather than sorry. It's also easy when you buy your art, to take it to be valued. If you find you have been sold a fake piece you can sue the gallery where you purchased the art.

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Most of them are real painting. But some of the famous painting like Mona liza etc. Those are going to be fake and the impressions are shown as if it is real. And there are some of the paintings which are worth seeing are going to be replica. As you can see that it is going to be different for each people these days. We just have to learn how to in such case.

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Well, I guess it makes sense for them to hide some of the most valuable pieces because it is more cost-effective when a replica is available since most museum-goers do not have trained eyes anyway to distinguish real from fake, and also deter potential thieves who won't know which ones are real or fake. As long as the replica is really well done and could pass off as the original, i won't mind it in the museum.

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What an interesting thought! Fake art on display. I remember my first trip to our nation's capital, Washington, D.C. I went there on official government business but during my non-working hours, I could do some sight-seeing. It just so happened that there was an exhibit at a museum of the art of El Greco. I went to see the exhibit, of course. But the thought never occurred to me that fake art was on display. Glad to know your research disclosed that the art was for real. Art Galleries are they fake paintings or real? I would have been very disappointed.

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