
Aromatherapy Homemade DIY Therapy Dough Recipe

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Aromatherapy Homemade DIY Therapy Dough Recipe

You can entertain your little ones while calming them down without them even knowing! LOL Or you can use it for yourself to help relax and re center yourself! I saw a website online earlier that sells scent infused therapy dough and they were $25 for some dough you could pinch out of the jar and squeeze and form it and the each different scent can help trigger different kinds of calming emotions! Here is how to make your own for a fraction of the cost!

Here is what you need:
1. 2 cups of flour
2. 2 cups of colored water
3. 1 cup of salt
4. 1 tablespoon of olive oil
5. 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar
6. 5 drops of essential oils

Heres what you need to do:
1. Combine all ingredients except for the essential oils, in a large sauce pan.
2. Once it is all combined well, put the sauce pan on medium heat and stir with spatula until ingredients form a ball.
3. Remove from heat and let cool on parchment paper.
4. Once the dough is cooled off enough, kneed in the essential oil of your choice thoroughly. Store dough in an air tight container in the fridge.

Types of oils that can be used for your aromatherapy dough:

  • Lavender - has a wonderful scent floral, fresh, and a calming feeling
  • Frankincense - this scent has sought out to elevate many aspects of your life. this oil has an uplifting earthy aroma that is actually perfect for grounding yourself and getting yourself spiritually connected.
  • Peppermint - this has a fresh, nostalgic and instantly distinguishable scent that rejuvenates the mind and senses, while encouraging a sense of peace.

Those are just a few of relaxing and spiritually connecting essential oils you can use and of course you can use any other kind of CPTG essential oils (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade)!!! This therapy dough can be used for adults just trying to calm down before bed or even children....this is perfect for a nighttime activity before bed.

Hope you guys can enjoy this one and will be making some of this and trying a new routine of play dough fun before bedtime for the girls!! LOL ;] As always, thanks for checking it out everyone!


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This is very interesting indeed. I would have never imagined that you could use dough in this way. Everything natural that you come up with just amazes me. We have all of these big corporations making all types of things using chemicals. This can lead to cancer and even other sickness, natural methods are always best. I always wondered why people don't just make everything themselves. I guess convenience is more important than being healthy. This seems like a 10 min prep time kind of thing so quick to do easy to make overall awesome remedy. When it comes to our girls anything we can do to relax and sooth them is a great idea and im 100% behind your decision. We have so much going on that when they get out of control it seems like the world is falling down around us. Thank you for sharing this was a good one for sure!

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you pay for convenience, jkeyz! it is so much easier to just run out to the store and grab whatever you need rather than making every single, little thing by hand from home! i had no idea you could use dough in this way either, but it really does make sense as to how it can help reduce stress in someone.

once i get my pack of essential oils, i will be making lots of things to help with everyday problems or illnesses and because it is so natural i think these things especially this dough will work for our girls! they would love to play with play dough right before bed every night. with the lavender dough being the relaxing and calming one, this will make our bedtime routine run alot more smoothly! LOL =]

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Never heard of this kind of aromatherapy. Normally, I use few drops of essential oils in my bath, when I am ready for a bath, or on the pillow when I want to sleep. Lavender essential oils in bath or pillow promote relaxation in your mind and body. For some time, I am thinking to buy an aroma burner, so that I can experience aromatherapy in a better way. I have never heard of this dough recipe but sounds interesting

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