
Pizza Hut Restaurants closing down...? Why?

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Pizza Hut Restaurants closing down...? Why?

So Pizza Hut has been around for years, serving everyone those bread sticks and pan crust pizzas and those cinnamon sticks too! Over the last few years pizza hut has come out with some new things that have been added to their menu! Like the wings, and also the new thin crust pizzas that are a little bit healthier than the regular ones. We had a pizza hut restaurant back from where we are from, Connecticut, and we had one here right in the next town over.

My brother actually worked for the one back home for the last few years. He was a shift manager there and he would also work in other pizza hut restaurants in the other surrounding towns when they were short on staff. Every time i have gone to a pizza hut, i have always had a good experience, and am always satisfied with the service and food.

One day my brother calls me and tells me that his pizza hut store is closing down, i guess because of some lease thing, so it wasn't because of any health code violations or anything, which is a good thing! LOL So i asked him if they all were closing down, and he said that only his was that he knew of. Well, I don't know if the pizza hut there has any ties or relations to the pizza hut here...6 hours away from him, but our closed down too back in October....=[ I have no idea why the restaurant here closed, could be because of sales, the town the pizza hut was in plus the town i am in are actually pretty small, so i wouldn't be surprised if that was why.

I was kind of upset because i absolutely love their salad bar, and this was the only pizza hut that still had the buffet setup so you could make your own salads! I ended up finding out that they had no relation in closing down, so it was just coincidence that it happened! LOL

But why? Are there more that will be closing? Any pizza hut crew here know some answers?? LOL =] Have any of you guys had pizza hut?

Thanks for reading!


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I think its really sad that they closed that Hut down in CT. We had so many good times going their and having dinner and hanging out with the family and friends. It was the only Pizza hut in Brookfield and the only one within a good 40-60 miles. I was really surprised when they closed the one down here in Berlin, NH. First KFC left and now this! We are running out of places to eat out up here in north country. What i wonder is are they going out of business? If they are not then they must just be slimming down the stores that don't make as much money to cut cost. That would make sense if the company was sinking, i really hope this is not the case. I loved the cookie cake and i really have my own version of it that i cook at home. Maybe one day we will get our answer but for now we still have Mcdonalds and Burger King. If they keep closing things down around here we will have nothing left and thats scary. We already have nothing going on people barely want to come to this area.

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i know and it is because Berlin and Gorham are flooded with drugs now. I would not have a doubt in my mind thats they werent making enough to cut cost up here. that wasnt the case with my brothers store, they were making money, but they were renting that space and now they want to sell the property. i wonder what will be going there, as if Federal Road needs another building or car dealership! haha yes you certainly do have your own version of that cookie cake Pizza Hut offers. i was always a huge fan of the cinnamon sticks that you dip in the icing, still am very fond of it, just unfortunate that i really cannot have it anymore!! =[ lol

i was upset when KFC left too because i love their mashed potato bowls! so good, especially when you add cole slaw to it....ever better!! =]

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Well I hope this is not a global decision. There's only one Pizza Hut in my city and we really like to go there. Honestly their pizzas are more expensive than the average, but let's face it, they are delicious. Also, the place offers more than just pizza, and is a nice spot for chatting.

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I have one nearby I order from. But to supplement their income, they share a space with a restaurant called Wing Street. A buffalo and chicken wing eatery that is owned by the same company that owns Pizza Hut. This helps Pizza Hut stay afloat as Wing Street brings in revenue for the company also. So Pizza Hut isn't the only money maker for the company. It's probably what's keeping the few remaining Pizza Hut restaurants alive these days. As for why a lot of Pizza Hut restaurants are closing up shop? Well, probably their prices. Their prices for "their brand" of pizza is quite steep.

For example, once you've bought two medium 1 topping pies at $7.99 each, your total when ordering online ends up being almost or right at $24.00. They add on fees and stuff prior to checkout. Pizza Hut pizza is good but not traditional brick oven Italian pizza good. I can get one of those for under $24.00. Driver tip included. Big slices with big toppings, far better taste also. Pizza Hut also has issues with their coupons. They offer coupons for free pizza but what they don't tell you is you need to order $10.00 worth of food before you can get the free pie. Their coupons for a $5 medium pie also work the same way.

The annoying trickery combined with their ridiculous prices is the reason they're struggling. Little Caesar's meanwhile seems to be thriving. Domino's as well.

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I honestly hope that the decision is not in a global context as it would be hurting to a great number number of pizza hut lovers out there in the world. I wonder why something so magically enjoyed by a great number of patronizers would wake up one day and they say it's shutting down, how reasonable are the causing such pattern are?

Well, let's keep our fingers crossed hopefully soon that a swift decision and action would be taken and have all the pizza huts around the globe or anywhere affected reopen in order offer again back to the people the satisfaction of going to a nice pizza hut.

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I think it is just a coincidence. Here in our country, there is no news regarding with the shut down of the said restaurant. Maybe there is just a problem regarding the internal control of the branches. I am not really fond of this restaurant but it is popular here in our country and if there is such news regarding that matter it would be a great deal in here.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they started closing down more restaurants. I have never liked the food there and there are many original pizza stores (or pizzerias) that have original Italian recipes. Pizzas there taste better and sometimes are even cheaper than in a Pizza Hut. Maybe in the US Pizza Hut is more popular though.

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Pizza Hut corp. pretty much used to run the state of Utah here in the U.S. Utah as a state had a lot of Pizza Hut restaurants. You could make a game out of counting them as you drive through the state there were so many. Not sure if that's the case anymore though. But people used to tell me Utah had the highest concentration of Pizza Hut franchises in the country.

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Well I am new in hearing about this news but if this is a true news then therefore maybe the resons is that people nowadays are not a fan of pizza anymore thats why pizza's reastaurant today are going to be bankrupt.

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I think only the pizza hut franchise near you close due to not enough profit earn. But pizza hut company is a big company so I think this is just a franchise. No need to worry pizza hut is everywhere. My favorite pizza hut flavor would be teen crust pizza so great.

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A closing pizza store would be the saddest title for a movie. I don't know why but it's really a sad thing if a pizza store would be close and wouldn't be opened again, like who doesn't love pizza, me and my mom used to eat at some pizza food chains where she brings me there whenever I'm sad or happy, she just takes me there and let me order anything that I want to.

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This is news to me because the Pizza Hut in my region is still booming with business.Pizza lovers stroll in every now and then to have their favorite snack.Well, if pizza hut in your area is closing it could be for any reasons like plow patronage and high tax.Do it might not be everywhere.

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Pizza Hut restaurant closing down? I feel stress when I hear that question. I am a certified pizza lover so it is a bad news for me. We all know that Pizza Hut pizzas are so delicious. It feels like you can eat the whole pizza by yourself. So I hope that Pizza Hut will continue to serve us.

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In my city, we have 4 of them. And they seem to be doing well. I don't know if it's region or state specific issue. There are chains that are doing well. And then there are some of the chains that are not so doing well. So we have to be understanding about what are some of the things that may go wrong with such chains. Customer service can be one issue that needs to be handled properly. And otherwise the shops ma get closed.

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I haven't heard that news yet here in Philippines. There are still Pizza Huts here but they have a lot of competitors so I guess Pizza Hut really needs to improve and develop their menus because of its competitors although there are still a lot of people loves Pizza Hut and that includes me. I love their bread because it is thick and the cheese all over the pizza makes me wanna crave. I hope they will still continue to the Pizza Hut Restaurants.

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Well, I was a Pizza Hut vendor, that means I'm a licensed building contractor of Pizza Hut, here in the Philippines and their expanding, since 2016 up until December of 2017, we've constructed 4 pizza hut branches and fully renovated 5 branches. I took a breather this year because of health issues. But their currently expanding here on my country.

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Yet another corporation that is standing by America and her people by outsourcing jobs overseas. Great, just great.

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We are headed for a complete economic collapse in 2020, (it's long over due according to the economists; Dr. Richard Wolff on YT) and Pizza Hut doesn't want to be caught out with all of those stores; the property taxes, the electricity bills, staff salaries, cleaning materials, etc., and a failing economy with people staying home and not spending any money; or not having any money to spend. Pizza Hut corporation is getting out ahead of the tidal wave. This is what you get when you have unregulated Capitalism; so-called :Free Market: a boom-and-bust cycle that repeats itself once in every 5-7 years because it is a system that is built on exploitation and there comes those periods when they have drained the well so dry that people are just flat broke. If these corporations paid livable wages, non of this would be happening, but it is their predatory greed that repeatedly takes us to this doorstep. Vote Progressive (Sanders/Gabbard) and we can end this insanity. It's just that simple.

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