
The first ever console you played?

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The first ever console you played?

I have been a gamer for a long as I can remember, nowadays I do not get to game as much as I used to due to other commitments however when I get the chance I love to sit and relax and game on my Xbox One.

I often think back to the very first console I ever played when I was a kid. I remember my very first console was the Sega Master System, man did I love that console. I remember Alex The Kidd was built into the console and we were bought Sonic The Hedgehog. I used to spend hours either playing Alex The Kidd or Sonic The Hedgehog taking it in turns with my brother.

After the Sega Master System me and my brother's were bought our very first handheld which was the Gameboy. I remember this handheld having a non coloured screen and being able to see the screen in the dark was impossible or even in bad light. We ended up buying an attachment for our Nintendo Gameboy which had a magnifying glass and light, that made seeing the screen a lot easier in all kinds of light.

What was the first console you played? What memories do you have from playing that console?


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The first console i ever played was not actually a console, it was my PC windowsXP, and i started with mortal combat,, it was really fun and thrilling before i migrating to wrestling, that's RAW, then i became a fan of it, playing day in out, forgot about Mortal Kombat.
Then i also left RAW, and migrated to wining eleven, it was sensational and that's was how i became a football/ FIFA and PES fanatic, although I prefer PES.

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My first console that I've played is PS1.That the first time i played RPG games.It so memorable for me because i spend a lot of time to finish a game.My mother is always mad at me because i don't have time for studying.I played a lots of games and all of that is memorable for me.Final fantasy,Chrono Cross and Marvel vs Capcom the 100hit combo by wolverine that was awesome for me.I go to my other friends to play with them and i carry my own controller because his controller has no analog so that bring my own.We also trade are games to other if we finish the game we will trade it to another games.

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It was an Atari 2600, I don't know anymore if it was my brother's or mine, It was a surreal moment when we first make it work on an old TV, I used to play a battle ship game on it and when we were playing together, we play a primitive boxing game, we didn't care about image quality or music, we just were just having fun.

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I remember my first console is nintendo family computer. It's the first time that i learned how to play computer games. I Remember it's tape that time contains 100 in 1 games. We always play mario bro., galaga, contra and twin bee. There's even the tricks on how to get hundred lives in mario bro. and contra that we study so much on how to get. It comes to a time that we are getting addicted to it and start to fight. That's why our parents scolded us and started to be strict on the hours of playing. They only allow us to play 3 hours in every afternoon. Well, it's one of the great memories in my childhood. Just playing without worrying about anything.

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My first console was a Coleco Vision console, which featured the old Donkey Kong game. The one where the graphics are absolutely terrible (by today's standards), and Donkey Kong is rolling the barrels down the ramp ways. While little Mario has to avoid them to reach the top of the platform. Good times!

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First console I ever played was my Mega Driver. Such nostalgia. My favorite game was definitely Sonic The Hedgehog. Streets of Rage 1 and 2 were pretty decent too. My second console was a Playstation 1. You see... I kinda miss these old ones consoles. I know I'm pretty suspicious to talk, but I miss the feeling of waking up in the morning, take my breakfast, and just play those old games. It's a feeling I just can't explain. Miss these old days.

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The first console I've ever played would be PS (PS1), I remember that this console was given to me by my father on Christmas day. This is my favorite console of all time and I used to play Mario and Crash bandicoot, this game gives me nostalgic feels about my childhood. And this will be my favorite console through all PS consoles.

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I don't think Mario games ever made an appearance on Playstation if I am correct. Mario and all of the Super Mario games and characters are owned by Nintendo Corp of America. The copyright has belonged to them ever since Mario first started as a game character. They'd never lend him out to Sony to appear on any of their platforms.

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My first console was a Gameboy Color. The good old days! The first game I played on it was Pokemon Yellow and immediately fell in love with the franchise. Since then I've upgraded my Gameboy every time a new model came out, and the most recent console I won is the 3DS XL. I'm considering the new 2DS now, but I don't have as much time to play anymore so that I may hold off on that decision. I still primarily play Pokemon games on those consoles. Even though the 3DS is a great console, I think Gameboy Advance is still one of my favorite devices. Maybe it was because the Advance was when the graphics made a big jump.

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The first game console I ever played was the Gameboy classic. I played Super mario brothers, Yu yu Hakusho, and Pokemon Blue. My most favorite in these three is the Pokemon Blue version. It is the first time I've spent so much time in the game collecting and leveling-up my pokèmons.

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My first console would be Nintendo's Family Computer. I have so many good memories playing it. That console really stands out before and you can still purchase it somewhere and play the same way as you played it before.

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my first ever console i played would be playstation one i receive it as a gift during christmas the graphics are not so good for this present generation but i enjoy the game very much specially the tekken 3 arcade game so intense i usually play it with my cousins for more excitement.

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I first played console game in Family Computer by Nintendo. It's the famous computer game during 90's. Super Mario, Contra, Galaga, Battle city were the popular games during those time. The graphics is not really good but many children got addicted playing those games. Today despite of high graphics games, I'm still amused playing those games.

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My first console ever was a PS1. Back in the days of PS1 and PS2, there were plenty of pirated games around so it was a good investment since original games were too damn expensive. Still, I don't think I will ever spend so much money with gaming as I did back then

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The first game console I ever played was the Atari 2600 in the early 80's and my first console was the NES in 1984~1985. I will never forget how happy that my brother and I were the day we brought it home.

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