
Answers from user edzalferos

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Currently, it's a trending thing especially in the developing countries to always purchase power banks to support their phones even when it's a brand new product. The reason why I think people follow this trend is as a r...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 137 7 years ago

    I grew up watching cartoons like GI-joe, Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, Winnie The Pooh, X-men, Justice League, The Marvel Superheroes, He-man and SHe-ra and some of them are already made in the big screen. What I am thinki...

  • Marako0406
    Marako0406 Level 1
  • 67 7 years ago

    They believe that the essence in living life is in the small, little things. They tend to do whatever makes them happy. Many might just live an average life in the eyes of others. They believe that happiness is far more ...

  • A10K45
    A10K45 Level 1
  • 96 7 years ago

    I used to remember writing down things I did for that day in a diary. I want to look at it in the future and remember what I do for that certain date. I don't know if you have done this thing but it feels rewarding espec...

  • Neutron04
    Neutron04 Level 1
  • 94 7 years ago

    I used to draw during my elementary days. My classmates would come to me to ask to draw for them in exchange of money. I enjoyed seeing my drawings and earning from it. But when I reached high school I stopped making dra...

  • vhinz
    vhinz Level 1
  • 117 7 years ago