
Is it weird that we still listen to radio?

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Is it weird that we still listen to radio?

In the 20th century, with the developments in broadcasting technology and advances in computing, it was predicted that Radio would not see the turn of the century. Though the prediction was somewhat true and the radio waves did experience some kind of recession. But over the last 10 years, Radio has resurged and massively at that.
This uprise was influenced by podcasting and the lowering costs of an internet connection. More people have a smartphone, broadcasters were smart and jumped on to the applications wheel faster than most mainstream media and have kept themselves ever significant.
When I was young I always believed Radio would not survive but it seems it will outlive all of us.


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Radio is still very much a form of mass media representation and thus will not dwindle in the sands of time that easily. The advent of several apps that not only allow increased listener ship but one could easily setup a radio station with a computer and the internet and have a broadcast and faithful following in moments. You know what they say 'the radio is dead but long live the radio!'

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Why should it be called weird. I like to cook in earthenware pots just to bring back memories of my childhood, occasionally. I have not been listening to the radio but would love to. I truly miss those request programmes when we got to listen to the latest popular numbers.
I have been a bit lax getting connected to a radio. Thanks for reminding me.

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i think only the tech savvy in this incoming robotic age could say it would be weird. Moms and grannies who were only left at home most of the time, radio is their greatest companion. And I think DJ's are cool because they would even crack jokes and mention some trivia. They have time for news casting as well. Some radio stations would convey some situational stories that listeners could relate and would engage to participate in reactions or advice. Moreover, some radio stations would share portion of their advertisement fee to their loyal listeners.

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It's definitely not weird that we still listen to radio. I personally find radio very informative and fun. I usually listen to it when I'm driving or even doing chores at home. I like to listen to certain DJs as they are funny and manage to talk on many topics such as technology, entertainment, music, social problems and etc. Radio stations are also great at informing us on the traffic and weather situations locally besides sales deals. The availability of competitions on radio does make me focus to listen to get a chance to win prizes which interest me. I foresee that radio will continue be a mainstay of media advertising.

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It's not going away any time soon so it's most likely to outlive us. Radio is the best thing that ever happened to us and we should be thankful that we still have it as of today in our current society. One of the best things that radio has to offer is the news and current affairs. We always know what is happening in our local place specially if there are major events because radio stations are the first ones to tell us.

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Yes. this technology will never go away as there is a demand. In fact, radio ads are pretty effective from the point of a marketing person. It helps us to keep updated on very specific local news. These are not available on the Internet.

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Right. But somehow the Internet is also catching up when it comes to local and instant news updates because the these live streams and real-time interactions from one Internet user to another. And the best part about this is you can now listen to almost any radio stations using the Internet! How cool is that?

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It is definitely a cool thing to have.I guess that is applicable for people who have mobile data plans. Having an FM radio does not require any mobile data and will still appeal to those who are technologically impaired.

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Exactly, radio keeps us up to date, faster than any other way. To upload an information on social media it takes some time, but with radio you just have it in less than a minute if you want. Also, you can enjoy your favorite show on radio, I still do. I love when people have to be creative on air, when something unexpected happens while doing a transmission, you can't do editing like on TV or social media.

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I don't think it's weird at all. For example, while I'm drawing or doing something that doesn't require 100% of my focus or attention, I love to listen to podcasts. Given that it's just a group of people talking about stuff, it is practically no different than a radio talk show. If I didn't have podcasts, I would probably listen to the radio in that circumstance.

As far as music is concerned, I only listen to radio for music while I'm in the car. Or we used to play the radio all the time while I was working in construction, and a lot of other construction workers still do that as well. I'd say the radio is still doing just fine.

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I never really thought that radio would die. Why would it? Radios and the people that are involved with them are extremely smart and adapted. They adapted with age and technology. I think that people will always enjoy listening to different radios... Not just for things like music but also for talk shows and news.

My grandmother actually still has three big old radios at her house and she has at least one turned on for hours every single day.

I don't have the old radio anymore but I frequently listen to it when I drive around or when I am working on different tasks. Radios are amazing and I have always enjoyed them.

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Well, i don't listen to radio, except when am bored out and there is no internet connection in my present environment. then i got to keep my self busy with listen to radio musics and etc.
But i don't think it's weird according to a research carried out by The Media And The Mood Of The Nation study found that people who regularly watched television, used the computer, or listened to the radio were happier and had more energy than those that did not.
TV viewers averaged a happiness and energy score of 2.1 and 1.4 and those using the internet rated 2.2 and
1.6 on the same scale. The research found that the biggest mood enhancer for people was listening
to the radio while surfing the web, because they were able to enjoy the 'company' of the wireless while achieving more practical things online.

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I'm glad that it hasn't gone away because I love listening to the radio. I don't think many people use the native radio apps on Android because it's annoying that you still need to position your earphones in an exact way or you can't hear the sound clearly. Maybe one day they will find a way to develop the radio so that we can just listen to the radio normally without the internet or without having to position our earphones weirdly.

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True. I used to have bad moments when that happened before on my old phone. Now I can listen to the radio anytime and anywhere I want because most applications are already compatible for the new accessories. Radios has been my go-to when it comes to local news and weather since they keep us updated.

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I also have thought this especially ever since I found a few radio shows that I've been catching up on using archives uploaded online. I'm listening to shows that were broadcast just before the internet started to become mainstream and it really is very interesting to listen to how people were and what the state of radio was before that happened. What I find amusing as well is the fact that people still like listening to radio shows and podcasts without video. I myself prefer radio shows with video feeds even if I'm just working since I like having something to glance over to from time to time.

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No, it's not weird. Honestly speaking, I am a radio listener, and I love to tune my fm radio while travelling. It kinda gives me a mixed feelings, hard to describe, like a vintage mode on (lol). I also encourage my friends to listen radio, and at times I might also participate in the small events organized by the radio station.

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I think it's not that kind of weird to listen to the radio nowadays. Even though we have now technologies that surpass the usage of radio, we can use radio in different way. In transportation vehicles like bus, jeep and taxi, we can see that there are radios install to them even though we can put now television in our vehicles. In case of emergency and the electricity shut down, radio is the one we use to know what is the current situation is. Even cellphones have radios were you can listen to it anytime.

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I don't find it weird at all that we still listen to radio. There are different forms of medium where we can stream music but nothing beats the goold 'ol radio. I believe listening to the radio is still the best way to keep up with the hits in the music scene. Listening to the radio is never boring because the music is always updated. Unlike when you only play music from you iPod, you get to hear what's on your playlist and it can boring after a while. But if you listen to the radio, there is always something new to listen to. And you can switch channels when you get bored listening to a particular station. Listening to talk shows and dramas on the radio are also very entertaining. I believe the radio is still going to be a significant part of our daily lives for generations to come.

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I'm glad about the advancement in technology, but listening to the radio can't be weird because it is part of history. I think it is of great advantage that we still have radio as an alternative to hear news and music for free if we can't afford to pay for internet connection and or TV is just expensive. Also, music on the radio is random. You can hear any genre that you're not aware of and eventually you will be able to appreciate the songs of all time or compare them with the latest. Just saying.

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I love listening to radio. I have my playlist on my mobile but when I played it over and over many times, I get sick of it. While on radio you don't get to choose what to play, you'll hear random songs. Radio can be an alternative in hearing the news. When I get to hear the song I once love, it makes my heart flutter and bring back old memories.

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I still listening right now, because I feel more relaxing, when I do listening to radio. Though, many people consider radio, as outdated today, yet some people do listening until today. We have still many radio station present in our city. My neighbor was among, the radio announcer as his main profession.
My main purpose listening in radio was old music. I love listening old fashion music and songs. I don't get usually have taste to the modern way music compositions. I love it, especially the "Father and Son" song.

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Not at all. I love listening to the radio because that way I can upload my music taste and library. The radio stations most of the time have the newest songs and the best on the billboards. When I am driving I always listening to the radio. So, no I don't think is weird that we still listen to the radio.

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I don't think that it is weird that the radio is still around. I actually love listening to the radio. It brings back old memories of me when I was a teenager with my radio from Radio Shack. I wasn't allowed to listen to secular music so I would sneak and listen to to it through my earbuds. This was the only way that I could listen to this form of music other than hearing it blasting from others' car radios in the streets. The presence of radios will always be a necessity to us as it is one method of communication to convey news when we are travelling in our cars or when we're at work. It is a way for those of us that aren't able to afford subscription packages such as Sirius to listen to music, comedy, and other forms of communication through our radio. And there are people that are just old fashioned and don't want to convert to modern technology. I agree with many of the other participants of this forum that the radio will be around for quite some time.

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Listening to radio is still in demand and will still be the medium to which its easy to listen music with. Radio is a well known media to hear music and news, when internet are down, radio station and channels will still be up. There is a certain feeling of nostalgia in listening to radio, unlike in the internet.

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radio are still one of the best relaxation for me specially in a long drive i just turn on my favorite radio station and listen to my favorite dj that always cracks some joke it makes you kinda stress free for a while and the way they interact with us is more appreciating and marvelous radio will never grow old.

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Radio isn't as popular as it used to be once but it's something many stores use to have non-stop music playing. The other way people listen to the radio often is in a car. Some people don't get CDs or pendrives with music to their cars so when they want to listen to something they can turn on the radio and find a station they like.

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I think it's a no. Yes, we obviously have many different technologies nowadays and radios are like just in the old times but still, the higher technology didn't cover the whole world. There are still places with no internet connection, many households who still can't afford the new technology and some activities that we really need to use the older ones. Yes we can listen to songs that we have in our mobile phones and not in the radio and we can be updated to recent events without a radio, but we still listen to a radio. One advantage of radio in mobile phones is that, the number of songs you can listen is larger. Using a radio, you can listen to the an all day non-stop music without the need to purchase or download songs. It is also convenient while traveling, listening to music and some news reduce the stress I feel when I drive. Best of all that I can think of the advantage of radio is in times of a calamity when electricity is out, all we can rely on updates are battery powered radios. So, I guess it's not weird that we still listen to radio just because we have newer technologies. Remember, He who doesn't look back from where he came from will never reach his destination.

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Radio now a days is not popular anymore maybe because of the internet and new gadget. We people don't always listening radio anymore but you just realized that sometimes radio is the best past time or to relax your self while listening 80's and 90's songs were good music are born. not like the songs of this new generation that not that really relaxing and also kind of annoying song or the lyrics. So for me radio is still the best to listen some of the good music because radio plays good music that makes you throwback good things of your past, I don't I maybe deep or weird but that's just what I thought when I listen old songs. I think you should still listen to radio sometimes, it might help you relax and think good things.

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No.. i think radio will never die. It is still nice to listen to variety of music without knowing what you will hear. It is still nice to hear radio announcer and dj with their different tactics to make their listener stay tuned. It also play a big part on getting our daily news. I always turn on my radio while driving so that i won't get bored and feel like i am with someone. And i can also learn the new song that hits the market by radio. It can make the song known cause whatever i usually hear makes it familiar and be appreciated. There is still so many things a radio can do that we will never be replace easily.

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It's not weird at all!. I still listen to the radio every morning while I make my breakfast and while making food in general. The radio is old but I don't think is going away anytime soon. I listen to the news just because I hear the radio, Otherwise I wouldn't know a thing of what's happening around me. I also like it because I get to hear songs I wouldn't even give a chance if I was the one picking the music and then actually end up liking them.

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It's not weird listening to radio. Most of people find it old school but I really find it cool and very nice. It refreshes my soul and really help me ease my stress.

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It's not that weird. In our country aside from television and social media, radio is one of the primary source of information for mass media communication. Sometimes radio news is more accurate than the television news. Radio communication is very popular in remote provinces in my country. Not all people living in my country have computers, and cellphone, sometimes even T.V, they don't have. But because of having a radio they have ideas what's the news happening in our country. In typhoon days with no electricity. Radio is the only communication running in calamity time. That's why radio maybe old, but it is still a reliable source of communication.

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It refreshes my soul and really help me ease my stress. It's nice to listen radio jocks and giving information for new songs, giving insights about it. Radio also helps promotes new Artist and also help musicians to be known to the society.

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Actually it is not, radio seems like gives an old vibes but refreshing in contents for it is also updated and In line for what people need such as news and advice for the people who are experiencing struggles in their life especially related with love. Radio also plays our favorite songs from old up to the new ones that we never get tired of listening until now. I would say that radio is still helpful nowadays and one of the effective way of communication most probably to the people who works like drivers, they are the one who usually listen to radio and it works like an entertainment to them while driving. God bless and thanks everyone.

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It's not weird to listen to radio. I used to listen in radio when I was high school until now. The Dj's or the radios hosts are very funny and literally they can make you laugh. It is very useful and informative, they also provide news and updates in what is going on. I think this is very useful for those who drives, specially when it is traffic, traffic is very annoying here in Philippines, they usually use this as their entertainment.

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Well,I wouldn't say its weird because there's nothing weird about it.this only go to prove that the only constant thing in life is change,nothing remain same or static.There's is bound to be changes.

With the assertion above,I think the radio is going through a phase that is out-dated or no longer used by many people because of new technologies.

I still use my phone radio though but not as often like in time past,so I see nothing strange about it.

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Hi, Mambo just as you, I thought that radio would be ignored but I was wrong. These days kids and not only they listen to the radio to the radio on the headphones, on the street, in the subway, in the tram, etc. And not only the kids are listening to the radio, I saw a lot of grown ups who love to listen to the radio instead of a DVD or a music channel from the television.
I do not think this is weird, I think it's great because we are not losing something so important from our past ... the radio must survive!

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Yea, radio still a pretty big and massive way of communication and advertising. Unlike television, through the radio the message can be more sublime. Beside that, the hole physics behind radio communication is just beautiful and complex. Til the present day, I don't think there is a way of communicating that scares me more than radio.

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No, I don't think that it still weird to listen to radio. For me radio is still a good past time. It's classic yet their are a lot of innovations on radio programs that goes with todays generation. And I think for me there is always a unique feeling and sense of fulfillment in listening especially the radio. Their are also great things from listening.

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I don't think that is weird at all. Some technologies are so good that can survive the test of time. Think of the wheel. It's an ancient technology and we all use it even nowadays. Of course, that doesn't happen to every technology so some of them are easily surpassed.

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I don't think so, I listen to the radio while I'm driving since watching something is infeasible while trying to pay attention to the road. I don't think audio only forms of entertainment are going to fade out so soon, mainly because podcasts are more popular than ever, and it's an audio only format as well.

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How does it becomes weird?, were infact you can still gain information in the radio especially local news in my place. Radio station will not die because there are places in my country that has no electricity and no television station, no newspaper, and all they have is the radio operated by battery. Maybe like us living in the big cities might not need of radio but for me, I still need to listen to for the local news.

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I listen to the radio on my smartphone. It doesn't feel weird. In this modern age of technology, apps and netflix people still love to listen to radio. I tune in everyday to listen to the latest songs, sport commentaries and daily news. Radio may become old but it is a part of my life and it will never die.

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I think its not weird listening to radio. Based on my own experience radio has different kind of stations that can replace to a television plus it is not more expensive when it comes to electricity because it has less power consumption. When we say Radio it is not something that just release sounds and music but also it can be a source to deliver news in the absence of television.

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No, it's not weird. Radios give us so much information. it does not only give us music but news and updates as well.
Phones might be an easy access since it has a a radio installed, but most of the installed applications are for FM only and difficult to access the AM stations.

Sometimes, you cannot access your installed radio because it needs a a mobile data or internet connections. I would rather stick to listening to the radio than listening it through phones.

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I think it should never go extinct because it is the media we rely on when a catastrophe comes and the telivision or internet is inaccessible. Some radios come with batteries that is why it comes very handy when you go to a place that doesn't have electricity. Besides, some radio broadcasters are entertaining to listen to when you are bored.

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I still heart radio and i do listen to it still. I think there is just one most irritating thing about it and that is the skip the other stations put into every song they play. I am guessing to make songs less pirate-able. Not real hard to record and remix without the skip though. By the way I love spotify more. hehe

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I don't think it's weird but us at home mainly use it to listen to news, not music. Nowadays, we have so many different mediums on listening to music. There's our phones, mp3s and mp4s, apple and samsung watches, and smart tvs among others. These makes the radio obsolete in terms of listening to music. I for one use spotify. Yes I pay for it monthly, but I think it's worth it.

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I don't think so. because even me I like listening to the radio. I like the segment of the DJ. and there are some songs that fit my mood every time I listen to the radio. It's also a relaxing while you're on your balcony listening to it while drinking coffee.

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No. It's nice to listen to radio, get some news, listen to music and also get information from the DJs . It's nice also to interact with the Disc jockeys.

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The news aspect of listening to radios cannot be overemphasized. I've gotten timely news on radio of events happening around the world at a particular time.

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For me it's not weird. I also listen to it often. I am more relaxed to listen to it and multitask on works. And there are a lot of channels to that you could listen, you'll have more choices that depends on your current mood. THere are discussions that I tend to listen especially when there are law cases. It gives me even more knowledge and since they are also happening in real life , giving me an advantage to be up to date, too. There are channels that only has news and I also listen to them since I know that there are times that I cannot watch television and read news on the net. So it is the only option for me in staying update to the current news. I only hope that it will not be disregarded by the society since it is very helpful, too, in many ways.

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It is not weird listening still to radio in terms of music. It's just that Spotify or other apps might outshine radio but lots of people still listen to music through radio because it's their convenience and they want a bit of talking from the DJs. Meanwhile, radios nowadays are getting commercialized to attract more audience.

Aside from music, the main purpose in radio's creation is the broadcast. People especially from rural areas prefer listening to radio than television or newspaper is because it's more convenient and cheaper. Radio broadcasting is also preferred by people who are good listener.

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Its not weird at all, I'm still listening to radio. Whenever i used to do chores or cook sometimes i just turn on the radio. Listening to it makes you not weird but makes more a person. The reason why i still keep listening radio is the love advice that some people used to give.

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I think it's not weird at all, i use the radio just to get away from my computer. The radio also keeps me updated on the latest music right now. Kids this days won't be able to appreciate it like we did back then, when computers are not yet affordable.

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I don't think it's weird. A lot still listens to radio. Not all people listen to radio just because of the music they're playing. A lot listen because of the program, or the DJ. It isn't as popular as before but it is still something that people can't take away from the industry.

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I don't think it is weird listening to radio in the 21st century. It is fun sometimes, most especially when musics you don't have, have been played or listening to the program you like. I do listen to it when I get tired of operating my phone.

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I don't believe it's weird at all. The best thing about Radio, is that it allows you to multi task. You can listen to radio while you're driving, while you're doing the dishes or the laundry or while you're at the gym. You can't really do that with other telecommunication mediums, where you must read or watch. Also because Radio is simple to set up , i believe more information can be passed on, using this medium and it's able to reach, more people.

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Since we are leaving in the 20th century where there are a lot of gadgets you can use to listen music using a radio is not weird because radio are also evolving and it is embedded to everybody's smartphone so which means that it is not obsolete. Also there are programs that are amazing in radios that you can listen to. Radio are also free where you only need a radio to listen to a music and find a great channel with great reception and you're good to go. I do sometimes listen to radio and for me it is definitely not weird Is it weird that we still listen to radio?.

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I know we are living now in a modern days with lots of improvised technology like cellphones, laptops, T.V. and many more but its not bad and weird that some are still listening to radio, how about the poor who can not afdord to buy? and one thing best in radio is there are suspenseful drama and very interesting stuffs we found and we can able to communicate to some djs and ask some advise.

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Definitely not. Different people have different preferences but a radio is definitely very useful to a lot of people especially in terms of disasters or crisis that might happen in the future. Radio could be the only way to send the news to the public if there could a wide range of power black out due to devastating catastrophe like earthquakes, storms, and flash floods. And yes it will definitely outlive modern smartphones and I think its more useful to have around rather than a smartphone which always tend to drain its battery really fast.

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No I don't think it's anything wired that some people still listen to radio. Don't be surprised that in some family that the only technology source of information information about what is going on in the world that you can find is nothing but a radio. So, what else do you think that family would be listening to other than to their radio?

Radio is actually a good device for getting a reasonable piece of information, especially if you are one who loves portable electronic devices. Radio can come in various sizes, even some can be pocket sized and as such makes it easier for one to carry it about without any stress and still have access to the world information and news as they unfold.

Some radio don't even need electricity to be functional and this is one of the best advantage of owning one especially in developing countries where inadequate power supply ruins most things, radio is on a whole different scale, Making it possible for people to still a connection to the outside world even with any source of light but with just a pair of batteries and a small radio.

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Radio is not obsolete. Well, at least for me. I listen to it everyday especially when I am travelling. For me it is much better than your playlist because there are interactions by the DJs and updates from your local station. And it is also a very good source of updates for news regarding traffic and stuffs. While most people these days have their apps for their playlists, there are still numerous people enjoying listening to radio. I don't think this will ever be obsolete. Because when internet signals go nuts, radio frequency is still there.

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I don't really listen to the radio nowadays and I expect that in the future people will stop listening to it. Nowadays we can easily listen to the news on the internet and you can also listen to any music you like for free online. In the future there will be further developments and that's the reason I believe that people will rely solely on the internet for mostly anything.

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I don't think so. I'm still listening to radio from time to time as this is my source for discovering a new release music. I also have a station that I listen often as they play my type of genre music. Even you can easily download and play a music on your smartphone, it's still better to listen to it through radio as they also give you a brief information about the music that they play.

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I wouldn't say weird. I personally haven't listened to the radio, since I was 17 or 18 years old. It was my favorite thing to do back then. I'd sleep with it on at night or listen to it while I was drawing comic books. However, as I got older I felt more and more need to have control over my music instead of waiting for the radio to play my favorite song. So of course, I got into CD walkman, then ipods and then mp3 players. People still listen to the radio though but mostly for the personalities involved. There are morning show teams that are a big part of people's start to the day, while other stations also traffic in giveaways and stuff. Always a reason to listen if you want to win free tickets and such. So radio has changed as of 2017 going on 2018. It's more personality and people driven now.

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It is not weird to listen to radios. Before TVs were available in some parts of my country like 20 years ago, radios were the main source of news. Anyone owning a radio was respected in villages. I do not expect radios to go extinct. They are highly valued by our grand parents.

There are parts in my country where electricity is not there and people still listen to radios.

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I don't think it's weird or odd in any way to listen to radio. Most of the people around us are going to listen to it any way. And it can be really good option for many to make use of the radio for the daily or random way. I have noticed that listening to radio can be surely a good option in many ways. But some of the time radio can get boring. So most of the people prefer to watch TV or something else on the internet.

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I have SiriusXM Radio and I still spend more time listening to regualr broadcast radio. In fact, I am thinking about canceling my subscription. There are some cool stations but, for the most part, I'm not getting anything worth the cost.

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It's not weird at all. Even I still listen to radios. I listen to them, especially when going to trips. Music and movies just bore me during trips. So I listen to my favorite channel using the radio on my phone. There are just segments on that channel that I cannot even think of forgetting.

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Old school like me still are carried away with the radio. My radio uses batteries rather than electricity. Prodcasting is for the young generation which is digital.

The piunter that radios are here to stay is that there are still radio stations like Voice of America, BBC and many others are still in existence and broadcasting. If they were dying out they will be stopping one by one.

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