
What is your go-to rush graphics app?

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What is your go-to rush graphics app?

We sometimes need to make a rush graphic or even a simple one without opening the very slow loading Adobe CS or AIs and other related high end graphics software. Sometimes we just want to draw something to show someone which we can't explain. Or just, make a meme because you feel like it.

Mine would be Microsoft's Paint. This is my go-to and my favorite light graphics app ever since it existed. I use it for resizing, filling colors, adding texts and sometimes changing image types! Some people tend to underestimate this little guy but this has helped a lot of people in so many ways possible.

How about you. What is your go-to light graphics app? Do you use the mobile versions like most people do?

What is your go-to rush graphics app?
Image source: Google Search Images

And oh by the way, to those who are saying that MS Paint is dead, check this out. Welcome to the Internet buddy. ;)


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Paint applications doesn't exist anymore, in modern release window OS. I often use photoshop stand alone, as rushing editing for every picture assign to me. It helps me a lot when ever, someone ask help for rushing things, like cover picture for animated projects. I don't usually search other app, as long as it will accessible, and working.
Photoshop is just easy to learn, as long as you follow the basic short key on it. It helps me, even when I still teaching in school.

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Lmao. Where did you hear that it doesn't exist anymore? Just because you saw a meme and viral post on your favorite social media, you would immediately believe it instantly. No wonder fake news has a lot of followers. Anyway, I understand that you did not even bother researching about MS Paint and if it still exists or not.

Here is what Microsoft had to say: click this link

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That's the problem with social media. There is so much fake news on there that most people will just assume everything they read is true and not bother to do any more research. That is why I think Donald Trump won the United States presidential election. But that is another topic. Microsoft Paint is definitely here to stay, Microsoft has confirmed that and I'm really happy about that What is your go-to rush graphics app?

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Yeah, sorry my bad, I was foolish enough to believed in fake news. I thought, it was an official official news. Because, I was subscribing such online news trend which I subscribe, for so long. I didn't try to use updated software of Microsoft, so I did assume that, paint is already dead application. Glad to hear such, accessible simple application. Anyway, thank you for correction.

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No worries buddy! I am also like that, sometimes. Specially if it's something that excites me. I would jump up and share it to everyone lol. Not really, but sometimes. What is your go-to rush graphics app?

Yeah after Microsoft announced that they are killing MS Paint, a lot of people showed their love and support by sharing and retweeting so Microsoft obviously felt the love and nostalgia of people. MS Paint is such a good rush graphic tool to have.

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I think Windows 10 does have the MS Paint. They have just made the application outside the OS now. So people are using it that way. Also the new update of Windows 10 may enable it once installed.

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Yeah, I also read some articles where they were saying how Microsoft is definitely removing it in the future update to Windows 10 but then I actually googled it and I read on their official blog that it won't be completely removed but simply reinstalled onto the Windows shop where you can simply download it yourself. I am glad that they won't remove it because that seems stupid considering how many people absolutely LOVE to use MS Paint What is your go-to rush graphics app?

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The MS Paint I think will never sink, no matter what Microsoft says. MS Paint will still be available even in hundred years. What is your go-to rush graphics app? If that happens I would recommend, better and more detailed. is heretic to our glorious MS Paint. Just saying.

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Yep! Photoshop is very easy to learn. And the good thing is there are so many Photoshop tutorials on the internet especially on Youtube so it is so very easy to master Adobe Photoshop. And as I observed, Photoshop is now the most common graphic editor used in business.

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The difficulty learning Photoshop is based on your long-term experience you have used the application. The longer the better. This is not easy for beginners cause there are more tools and shortcut keys that must be familiarized first. I know Photoshop is the best compared to other applications about graphical designing but it will take time to master the application.

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Yeah, I agree. I rarely use Paint anymore. I use Photoshop more often to do some of my stuff. It comes with so many options to choose from. all your need is right there.

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If you are using Photoshop as your rush application then you are a pro in your word. Using it as a rush editor sounds like you've done so hard and took a several years in that software because learning Photoshop is quite hard as coding at first try. Since i learned Photoshop i never use again any other software to focus and improve my skill so i use this already as my go to rush application. Paint is very easy and very user friendly but sad to say it never exist anymore on nowadays current version of operating system. But you can still download the application online if you prefer to use paint as your rush editor. I also recommend new users to use Photoscape also and it is an improvised version of paint which offers a lot better than paint.

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Adobe illustrator on your tablet or phone is a good one. I used to make drawings, illustrations and memes with this monster and as a matter of fact, you can edit photos with it too.

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Didn't know they have mobile versions already. But I guess it's not unusual since what doesn't even have mobile versions these days? I might try it out. But I don't know if my phone will support it, and even if it does, I doubt that it could run the app smoothly. Unless the app is like a very light one without any special features. Well I guess it's fine since it's supposed to be a go-to graphics app.

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Wait, they have a mobile version? I was not aware of this so thanks for posting this. I doubt I would have ever found out if you hadn't posted this. It seems that it is on both iOS and Android which is great. And the app is free as well which is amazing which I'm sure a lot of people will like. It's probably not the best for me though because I'm awful at drawing anything on my phone

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I agree that Adobe Illustrator is a good and easiest way for you to make graphics or drawings but sometimes I rather used Photoshop because for me it's more handy and I did learn how to use it for a very long time. It really depends on people but what is the awesome thing for both is you can learn it fast and you can learn it yourself, you just need to watch some tutorials on YouTube on you're good to go.

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I heard about this application already. Adobe illustrator is commonly known editor also for many users. You can able to edit but with limited tools only unlike Photoshop. The illustrator is and industry-standard vector graphics app that lets you create logos, icons, drawings typography and complex illustrations. If i will rate this compared to Photoshop, this will only reach 4 out of 5 in Photoshop review.

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Wow! You managed to draw a dog using MS Paint, that's cute! I use my mobile phone whenever I edit pictures and I use PicsArt Studio, It's a user friendly mobile app and its widely-used for mobile users on-the-go like me. I never learned editing pictures using Adobe or any other apps in my PC because that would take a lot of skill and study. I know you got some editing apps installed in your phone, try to make use of it and you'll see you'll have fun without noticing it. Goodluck with the MSPaint by the way! ^_^

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Haha. If you noticed at the bottom of that image there is a small text called credits. Lol. PicsArt is also a handy tool to have! I've used it before and i forgot to reinstall it on my device. -.-'

Haha thank you. MS Paint is my best buddy. I create memes mostly using it. What is your go-to rush graphics app?

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I see your MS Paint skills are much better than mine! You're right, for drawing something quickly Paint is the most useful application but if I need to make something like a poster or an interesting banner I use canva and I can recommend it to everyone. It's an online app with many cool tools, some free photos and has awesome drafts you can work on.

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I always just open up my Photoshop if I'm honest. I do know about the MS paint but I am really used to Photoshop so I automatically click the icon on my desktop without even thinking. Even if it is some stupid thing that I need - like a screenshot or cut part of the picture and so on. Photoshop is amazing for simple or complex things and that's why it's my favorite go-to graphics program! The only bad thing about it is that it costs to buy.

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This is what I was thinking, I open my Photoshop like automatic. I used Paint but time ago, after Photoshop I stayed working with it and didn't use any other. Yes, unfortunately you have to pay for it, but in the end you enjoy it, is easy to use and have tons of features.

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I am still having a hard time using Photoshop, I wonder why? But I am used to paint , but they are closing the application.

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When Photoshop came out, it was kind of hard to get at the beginning, but eventually I learned how to handle it. Right now it had been updated some times, so maybe you can try to check some tutorials on YouTube to learn the basics. If you have a friend who already has it, ask for help, because once you know how to use it, you will see the difference with Paint.

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I use paint too. This is something which is very easy to use and most of us are familiar with paint. Moreover, it is very convenient to use especially when you don't have enough time ahead of you. Moreover there are many tutorials available on the internet which can be very useful for those who are not well versed in paint. However, if I have more time then I usually uses Adobe Photoshop.

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Same. Paint is such as handy tool. You can like do the basics (just not with the color blending and layer effects). I always use it to add texts or make a boarder or add another picture to an existing one. Glad that Microsoft didn't kill it. ^_^

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I use photoshop when I want to do eleborate editing or a quick editing. Since photoshop is the best image editing software, I have never considered using another program. However, when I am not in a mood to play with photoshop, I use online photo editor tool such as picmonkey. ONline photo editot eases your work, You can create wonderful grapics with just few clicks.

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Aside from Photoshop and Illustrator which I always use at work, my go to app in terms of quick cropping and resizing of the image was called IrfanView. It has lots of features although I've never tried to learn all of those and been using it just to crop a picture or resize it and save in lower resolution to be able to upload it quite fast on the internet. Its really useful if you had relatively slow internet connection and taking a lots of time uploading a scanned document or a high resolution photo taken from your camera, I just open the image using the app pressing CTRL - R for resizing option then reduce to my preferred size and resolution save it as jpeg, reducing the quality for up to 90% only then save. Then a 3 to 5mb size of image went to a 200 to 500kb only.

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Well I still used Photoshop it is more convenient for quick editing. I remember using MS Paint when I was in college and the good thing about MS paint, its easy to use, not much complicated, very anime, and even children can enjoy using it. About mobile version like most people do well, I don't used it when it comes to graphic designs, I'm still comfortable using my laptop.

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I always use adobe Photoshop every time I edit pictures or any graphics. For me, this is my go to rush editing software because it is easy to use and it has many tools to use in editing. If you just want to draw or do something basic, I also recommend MS Paint it is classic tool for editing. But for me, like I said earlier I always use adobe Photoshop since I learn using it when I was on college.

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Yeah. I also use Photoshop and it is a great tool for sure. I sometimes use MS Paint for memes and for making simple graphical or text base images. The downside of Photoshop is it is very cpu intensive. So if you have a poor processor and poor system, it will probably lag a lot or hang sometimes and if you are unlucky, might get it to stop working.

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I have Photoshop CS 4, Canva and Picmonkey as my option. i can't use the Paint and application effectively. I mean don't have much control over those apps. But I do make use of the apps like say GIMP. That does sound reasonable for me to use them. I also made use of the Adobe's new simple graphics tool for the social media managers. It seems like a good app. So worth taking a look at if you want to edit the content. I may add thread here after the usage of the application.

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I usually use Photoshop CS6, it doesn't really load that slow, so whenever I have to use it for something that requires proper editing, that's what I do. However if I just want to resize or crop something, I just use the Paint that comes with my Windows. I've heard that people use GIMP as an alternative to Photoshop, because it's free, but I am not sure how fast it loads, it should be faster, because it's open source.

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Since I am not that professional in this field I only use Microsoft Paint and some free apps in the mobile. However when exporting the image from the mobile it affects the quality that's why I have to use an IOS mobile.

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Yes the same with you i use Microsoft paint it is easy to use, and honestly i am not good at editing using advance editor like adobe but i am contented with Microsoft paint it makes my picture look presentable.

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Have you guys tried autodesk's sketchbook pro? It's the one that I am using right now on my ipad and I am quite satisfied with the results. I really recommend it. You can download it for free from apple's app store or from google play store if you are using an android device. It is user-friendly and easy to use. Whether you are just doodling or painting a digital masterpiece, it has all the tools you would need. You can also use it on your computers but I think you would have to pay for that one.

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Hmm, Ms paint?, for graphic designs?, wow, never heard of that, like who will even think of having their designs on MS paint, or am i missing something. I taught MS paint was only for fun, and other funny ,mediocre things What is your go-to rush graphics app?. never have i heard of designing graphics with MS paint though, looks you got some cool skill with that.
Well, my Go To Rush, or so you said, is still my normal AP and AI, i don't think i will do it faster with any other soft ware though.
I prefer those two, and am very handy with it.

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Well, you will be shocked if you find out that I can do vector images and templates for t-shirt designs using just that mediocre tool. What is your go-to rush graphics app? I also use Adobe tools but back in the days when those big time softwares weren't a thing, MS Paint and other light tools were used for basic designs and for clip-arts too.

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I also use MS paint at work only just for editing and saving my "print screen". Its not so much but its useful and its easy to use. I used to use Adobe Ps but I guess it doesnt count because Adobe Ps needs a lot of effort and time to use.

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I have always used Inkscape and GIMP. They are both free. I can make and do pretty much anything I want with these two programs. They are also pretty easy to use after you learn the basics. I love them.

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GIMP and paint! Well paint becoming obsolete is already inevitable that's why I'm making the most out of it lol! I use these two for basic editing, while if the photo needs a major editing, I go with Adobe.

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It used to be paint, but I've been studying Photoshop for a while, and it has since replaced it. There's just so much you can do with that software it's amazing, and I'm learning more each passing day.

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I choose Adobe Photoshop CS6 because it has simple tools that I can use which can give quality products even in small amount of time. I aso like it because it has different features that will make your work easier and better than paint or other graphics app. But If you are a beginner in adobe photoshop cs6 it might be tricky so I suggest that practice will make you a better user in making quality pictures or graphics.

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Well, it seems that majority of you folks don't even use MS Paint probably because you weren't used to it back in the days or you just want to have "elaborate" editing rather than what I was hoping to hear specially when it comes to rush minimal photo edits. What is your go-to rush graphics app? But yeah I understand you guys. I also use Photoshop when I need to edit something quicker which MS Paint would fail to do. Besides, who still uses MS Paint these days right? What is your go-to rush graphics app?

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Photoshop! Then again, MS Paint has its perks too and it's really easy to use. I have been playing with this software ever since I was a kid and I believe I have the knowledge about everything there is to know about it now. There's a lot of more techie softwares compared to it, but I still use it because well, it is easier to use. It may not have awesome editing tools, but if you only need the basic, this is good enough.

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Definitely I agree, MS Paint. It is very easy to use and it is a pre-software so you don't need to install it.
It is best for on to go editing for simple and basic task.

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Yes, and everyone, as long as they know the basic about computers of course, can use it. I actually learned it first than using MS Word, and I'm still using it up to now when doing basic picture editing. It's also somewhere I can have fun when I'm just bored.

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Yes and it's very efficient because anyone can you use it. So easy to use.

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I would say Adobe Photoshop. Eversince i learned editing pictures there, I became comfortable. I admit, before it was so confusing, I didn't even know how to use the basics. But now after watching some tutorials on youtube and exploring the function, I manage to use it everytime I news to edit pictures. So whatever I need to edit, I'll go for adobe photoshop.

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I learned Adobe Photoshop back in my senior year in high school, but since I haven't used the program for years now, I can no longer remember even the basics of this application. Maybe I should watch Youtube videos like what you did to refresh my memory. Having this kind of skill is actually very helpful especially for people who do freelancing jobs like me.

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Just like you, i forgot some of the basics before when I stopped using the program because I need to work. Well, youtube can really help a lot to refresh your memory. And yes, it very helpful skill to have. Well, good for you that you can apply it on free lancing jobs, for me I just do it for simple editing like logos and basic picture effects.

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Try Photoshop. Photoshop have it all. It is very easy to learn. You can be expert it easily by just watching tutorial videos in youtube.

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Before now I was a fan of Microsoft paint,because it quite easy to use and can perform different functions like re-sizing,fulfilling colors and changing images but now I have swiftly moved to Photoshop as the best graphics editor.Photoshop is quite easy to learn and operate especially for larger editing and for a quick editing fix.

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I use Microsoft paint but not too often for my go-to graphic needs. What I always use is the CorelDraw, which, most of you haven't really heard of or use it. I have always love their feature about the quick trace that gives me an opportunity to change the vector color once it was traced. It also has a version especially for photos to be edited like how you would edit on Photoshop. I guess this is my go-to app for my graphic needs.

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I'm sticking to adobe photoshop because it's the graphics software that I'm familiar with and with tools and features it provides it allows me to do what I want for my design. I just use a computer with high speed processor and memory so I won't have problem in loading and using adobe photoshop.

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When I need rush graphics, I go to It is easy, and there are a ton of prest sizes and templates. It couldn't be easier.

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Yes, I also think that Microsoft's Paint is the best light graphics app ever, but if we are talking about the best photo editing app, then I can recommend you the site I use. This app allows me to edit photo size and also photo resolution. Now I love editing photos. All my friends know who to appeal to when they need to edit their photos, and I think it could be a good idea to start a business as a photo editing service provider. By the way, if you want to know what site I am talking about, then you can check it here Stay safe and have a wonderful day!

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In fact, Photoshop is one of the most difficult programs for perception and loading. There are a lot of other cool tools for solving your daily tasks right now. For example, to remove the background, I usually use this one . Amazingly, it will only take a couple of clicks and the problem will be solved

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I looked through the answers and see that many more are on the Photoshop side. This is a multifunctional tool, but in order to use it professionally, you need to have a lot of knowledge and skills. This is not at all the tool that you can quickly understand. I am currently working on headers for the site, and I found the best solution for myself in this typography design app for Mac, I advise you to study it in more detail. This is really what you need for a quick hand. Downloaded and working

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