
Are the customers always right?

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Are the customers always right?

The phrase “The customer is always right” was used by businesses to convince customers that they will get good service but, should all businesses allow this?

I have a friend who works in a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company and he vents out his frustrations to me whenever we meet. He told me that they have CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) Ratings and their superiors always give them their scores per week. His problem was he receives DSAT (Dissatisfaction) despite answering them based on the company's rules and regulations.

There was this customer who wants to receive a cancellation fee, but the problem is, she can't receive any fee because she didn't wait for the allowed waiting time to cancel the order. He said that he gave all his best to empathize with that customer and explain thoroughly the process, but she still gave my friend DSAT, which really hurts his rating.

I felt bad for my friend because first of all, he was not the one who implemented the rules but, he's the one suffering from the customer's frustration. For the customer, why would you do something so unfair for a customer representative who assisted you and explained to you everything you need to know?

In this case, "the customer is always right" phrase is totally WRONG! It is so unfair for the employee who works hard every day. I just hope companies will realize this one day.

Do you have any experiences like this one? You can share it here and let's hear your opinion about the customers being always right.


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I believe that the customer is not always right but should always be treated right. As an employee or business owner, it is non-negotiable that we always maintain the highest level of professionalism when dealing with customers. It is true that and I have personally experienced dealing with extremely rude customers which only increased my over all hatred for humanity. But somehow I have always managed to pull myself together.

In my experience, the best way to defuse the situation and to pacify irate customers is to acknowledge their emotions. Let them speak and hear them out. Try to understand where they are coming from and provide assurance. Show you care. An angry and yelling customer will always tone down once he realize that you are in his side.

Customers are not always right but we can always do something to make them feel right.

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You're right. Respect is important in life and we should always give this even when others are not giving it to us. It doesn't matter if you are the employee or the customer, the most important thing we need to do is respect each other under any circumstances.

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Customers can never always be right. That would be insane or else our business industry will be extinct in no time. It's just being used to attract customers in a business point of view. Every human being has rights. Restaurant owners, waitresses, salesladies and grocery boys have their rights too.

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Very well said but there are some instances that if a customer doesnt know how to respect others then maybe just maybe you have the right to contend fight for your dignity whenever that customer are trying to humiliate you. So your right that customers are not always right but deserve to be treated with respect if they are being respectful also.

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I have worked in retail and I can say no customers are not always right, it's a quote that is usually used to make the customer have the confidence to work or do business with you. There are incidences where a customer will demand that you fire your best employee but there was some difference of opinion, do you d that? No, you don't. A customer is always right when they demand or choose a service that they want.

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I agree with you as well here. Sometimes the sense of entitlement of the customer is astounding. Everyone, customers and employees alike, can have a bad day and when a customer does not have the proper perspective of one of your best employees, that can be troublesome. Most of the time, cooler heads prevail, and you can manage to calm everyone involved down. However, I have seen some customer disputes which could just not be resolved, and so both parties just agree to go their separate ways and cease the business relationship.

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I also worked as a promodizer and based from my experience, the customer is not always right also. Customer tends to abuse this saying and become overly demanding. I am not saying all customer is like that, but only some people whose virtues are of no value.

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I agree with wilkan the customers are not always right. I worked as a Promodiser back then and i encountered some customers that really puts you to the test. I often hear a lot of bad things about call centers encountering bad customers that usually yells at you the whole time. It's just annoying because you have to be professional and maintain a cold head, When dealing with them even though you are right.

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I also agree with you, call centers agents are the most affected by these irate customers. They don't see you as a person but a slave. They yell at you and said bad things that can lower self-esteem. They do not mind that you are only there to work and earn money as they are.

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You can imagine how much patience you have to be when you encounter a harsh and abusive customer, whom you would smack if it wasn't for the work setting. Sometimes the pressure gets too much you just excuse yourself and let your supervisor or colleague deal with these kinds of customers.

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I agree, I encountered a lot of know-it-all customers back then. They tend to insist that they are right and basically you are forced to agree, because your manager is right there watching you. I feel like a robot when i was working back then and i keep on getting sick because of hours of overtime with little pay that's why i left their abusive company.

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Well, I think that the customer is ALMOST always right. Saying that the customer is right no matter what will give people the opportunity to be dishonest and try to rob the owner. It's very hard to assume something as a universal truth in life. Most of the times we have to evaluate the situation and consider several factors before making a decision.

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I must say in the saying the "Customers are always right", it is really unacceptable to be true all the time. It gives a lot of premium powers over the workers. Sometimes employees are just doing their job and some customers take advantage of being always right just to make a scene or something. As we all know, customer is also a human and human is a creature that can do wrong or mistake in their life. This is the reason that I totally disagree about this saying or phrase or whatever others called it. Customers are not always right and that is the ugly truth. Hahaha God bless everyone and thank you.

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I don't understand why they created that slogan or whatever! Being a buyer and a seller should be treated equally in every aspect. You need those customers for them to buy your products and they need you to feed their needs. I mean, they are nothing without you and you're nothing without them; Just like a man is nothing without a woman. Simple logic. Not because they're paying you, doesn't give them the rights to treat you badly.

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To be honest I totally disagree that customer is always right. Currently, I worked in a Distributor Company and we sell product to the department store, supermart, and grocery store. We have this cunning customer that always asks for sales support for his business. Well of course to give a favor we give him frontal display and less 2% plus less 3% discount.

After a couple of months, he was asking for Iphone. He said that we should give him an Iphone for free because he purchases items worth millions per month. I think that was very abusive as customer even though he purchase worth millions of items but in return we give him sales support like frontal display, "buy one take one free" project for nearly expire items in his store, and a huge discount.

You know for me why "the customer is always right" is wrong because we are not happy anymore if our customer is asking too much. Customer like that is bad for our business.

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It is just the general rule in customer service but it is not always true. There are some customers who is downright terrible and disrespectful. Customers is always right if they have reasons to complain about.

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It's says "always right" meaning not all the time that the customer is right. There will be a time that the customer is asking for too much and unreasonable.

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Nah. It's just the convincing version of "customers also have [some] rights." To simply put, they are allowed to complain, return or exchange some products that they have bought or services that they are paying for. But that doesn't mean that they can say anything nasty and foul to the employees and sales clerks. It is just that, employees are forced [or encouraged] not to fight or argue with the customers or clients even if they(customers/clients) are wrong. You get the idea.

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I have to disagree, customers aren't right all the time. I believe, individually we commit mistakes or wrong assumptions of something. No one can be right all the time, even I commit a mistake when I was arguing to a saleslady.I was so much embarrassed that I leave the store.

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I agree with you and I am glad that you are not shy to admit that it happened with you as a costumer to a saleslady. God bless.

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Yeah! I don't need to be shy, it's my mistake in the first place. However, the sad thing is I wasn't able to apologize to the sales lady I argued with. Up until now, I wasn't able to return to that visit the store again after that incident.

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I do not think that the customer is always right under any circumstances. In my job experiences over the years, I have encountered many rude customers who could not have been more mistaken, especially in terms of their attitudes and behavior. Sometimes, people forget to treat retail workers with the same respect that would prefer to be treated with, and I find this unfortunate. Also, there have been times when I was an expert in the product or service that I was providing, and the customer still wanted to argue with me about how it worked instead of dropping the ego and listening and learning.

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That's true. I pride myself on being a great customer because I'm in business and I want to behave like I want all my clients to behave towards me. As an example I recently sent a special card that I created to the car salesman who sold us our new MINI Cooper. Today I received an email with a smiley face on it thanking me for the 'special' card that I sent him. I feel good - he feels good! That's the way the world will work if we are all kind to one another, even if there are problems to solve.

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I think it is awesome that you took the time to thank the salesman as a customer. When we do things like this, we not only develop a positive relationship in business, but I think we continue to inspire the service provider with positivity which inspires him or her to continue giving quality customer service to us and others. This type of behavior pays itself forward, and I am sure it goes a long in way in keeping the service provider, the salesman, from burning out in a potentially stressful customer service position.

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No, I strongly disagree on that one. Unfortunately, you have to cater them the best that you can despite some having awful attitude, being unreasonable and ruse. That's just the reality when one is an employee and working in hospitality or management jobs. I feel bad too for your friend, but the management should take in consideration what happened and what lead to him having that kind of rating. It would be truly unfair if they don't because after all, what he did was only follow and implement the rules of their company, right? I

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The customer is always right, yes this is true and if we want as our business to work and have profit we must respect the customers and even when they make mistakes we must say that the customer is always right.
If we do not consider this, we may take our business down, because a satisfied customer means the success of our business.

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LOL. No offense but you should think again and understand again how this sentence affects a business. I understand your point, I really do. We all want what's our best for our business and we should respect our customers and clients opinions and decisions but not to the point wherein they will contradict with whatever you are trying to promote from your business. If they say bad things to your business because they weren't satisfied and they want something which is clearly not stated on your business rules or how your business goes, would you still let them do that to you even if you know they are wrong? If other customers know that you are just a weak manager, you think they will patronize your product or business?

Sometimes, business management should enforce peace and order when needed to those customers who exercise their rights but not on the right place.

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Customers can be very vindictive at times. If they are angry about something the moment they contact customer service they come in 'hot.' Which is a term for angry. They aren't going to try and solve the situation as adults. Instead they're going to yell, scream or use profanities. The other type of vindictive customer is the one who withholds their emotions until the call is over, and then nails you with a bad rating. It's their way of sticking it to the company. What they don't realize is that they have only affected the life and job of one employee. The real people they should be angry with are management. The folks who create, and then implement the rules and by laws by which the employees operate within and under. So company policies are installed by company owners and CEO's. But customer service reps are a buffer between the CEO and the customer themselves. Thus they take the brunt of everything. While the people at the top just keep creating more rules and policies that further infuriate the customers.

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Nope, I think that this phrase is no longer applicable for the new generation. I know nothing about any republic codes in particular to support inhumane acts of customers but I know that Companies have already empowered their employees with the right behavior to deal with such.

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Yes, you are really correct about the rating as a way to grade an employees worth in the company. It could actually be a ground for termination if you didn't hit the desired rating. Sometimes it feels stupid for saying sorry even though it's not your fault and you get that feeling more than once a day. I would only hope that companies would be considerate to remove that as a metric and trust in their employees instead to deliver good service even if it is not included in the basis. I still believe that employees are conscientious enough in receiving their pay for an equivalent quality service.

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No, customers are not always right. In fact, they can be pretty unreasonable a lot of the times. But I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt most of the time because they may not know how things work in the back end and may think we can do more than we are allowed by the company to do. In cases where I think that is the case, I would either educate them on our policies or talk to my supervisors to see if we can come to a compromise.

Of course, there are the occasional customers who are just plain unreasonable and don't care that they're putting you in an impossible position. There's very little we can do for those types of customers. If I get bad ratings from customers that I just couldn't help without getting fired, I usually have the opportunity to explain what happened. I always make sure I stay in touch with my supervisors any time there's a customer issue, so they know I did everything in my power and that the situation was out of my control.

Customer service is a very humbling experience, and I've become much more tolerant and nicer to other customer service individuals as a result.

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No, customers not always right. In fact, customers do not know anything. let me illustrate this. When there was no mobile phone, say 20 years ago, did the customers wanted a mobile phone? Possibly no. When the mobile phones were invented, the manufacturer fed the customers' mind with the thought that mobile phones are essential things. The customers began buying mobile phones. They were happy with a portable phone. Then the phone manufacturer began developing smartphone. When the smartphone arrived in the market and the manufacturer began feeding the minds of the customers that smartphones are essential, they began buying smartphones. Customers do not have a choice, they will play by the rules of businesses.

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Well, for me it depends on the situation. I've work in a company before and they keep reminding us that no matter wgat happens the customer is always right. I am in the accounts department and a lot of customers complaining about changes in theier account and yet when we found out taht they are the ones who made the changes and then blame it on you. I do not want to put my job in jeopardy so there is nothing much I can do abiut it.

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I think this attitude by employers and company runners has come thanks to the internet. It's so easy now for people to hop online and slander companies through bad reviews on review sites, a negative blog, or worst of all... a negative YouTube video that receives millions of hits. The bad press just isn't worth it for a lot of these companies. So they pick and choose their battles with customers very wisely.

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Not really. Because sometimes customers abuse that quote to get what they want , not what they really need. Which is way too different from one another.

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Costumer is always right!, definitely not always.... I've been a fastfood crew before and I encountered a lot of problems regarding with costumers. Some of them always complaint about the food or services but I noticed that they always comeback and same complaint that I always heard from them. Patient and understanding is all we need for this people.

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Technically, customers are not always right but since they have a business to run, companies and owners keep it like that as much as possible to keep clients satisfied and coming back. You see in business, rather than one time big spenders, business are more focused on getting regular patrons instead. This way, money can still keep on flowing in and they can keep running their operations. A lot of customers know this so they can be really unreasonable and difficult to deal with.

While many businesses do give in every now and then, they always have their bottomlines (a.k.a company policies) that they would not cross no matter what. This is to keep them from incurring significant and unnecessary losses.

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Yes, customers is always right. But does not mean in all aspects, depending on the situation, like, they keep asking on price on new stocks and demanding things,you have to be more patient in this kind of situation, also on things they wanted to return or owners must always have a return and exchange policy depending on number of days, at least if the customer insisted more than the days under policy, it means she isn't right at all.

"Customer is always right" it means do not agree with them, you have to adjust in a different level or arguing situation, less talk, means less mistake, treat them properly, be humble and accept mistake if you have lapses in your side or ask time from them to let you explain, let them talk first, do not back fire with them when they get angry, stay calm and answer them in a polite manner, soon they will realize they were wrong and you win the situation.

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What I think is this rule only applies to some of scenarios where there is customer service/satisfaction involved. Customers can't just change the sold goods depending on their preference, they bought it and out of retail stores and that's it. Only products which are requested specifically for something or for services that requires special attention are cases that give this saying justification. From my perspective (I work at a systems integrator company), most customers just voice out what they want on the product not what the product has, which is a bit late for complaints.

On a second thought for manucfacturers and other developers of the product, they get their ideas and innovation from customer feedback so, maybe that is where this saying came from.

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The customer isn't always right. For instance, there are instances of abusive customers. Nonetheless, to a large degree, the statement is normally true. I mean, the customers are supporting the business, right?

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This slogan is only made to promote that a company gives high priority to the customer's satisfaction. But this statement does not necessarily mean that we must give in to all a customer's demands. Companies created policies to protect its interests and the interests of their customers but when one abuses this slogan and demand impossible requests, this slogan still applies that the company must exert its maximum tolerance against the complaining customer. In short, a problem must always be fixed in a harmonious manner. With the story about your friend, I believe the customer shouldn't be blamed alone for the frustrations your friend is feeling. The company should also take into consideration that there are really bad customers and do not give even a small care to the damages they made to the representative. The company should've assessed the situation and treat their representative fairly also.

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Ofcourse not. Customers are not always right. It's just a phrase that company use to their employees to train them on how to deal with the clients. That the employee should never lose their patience and respect in dealing with customers. Specially those who are being rude and demanding. In my job we always deal with different kind of customers so we are trained to talk and explain nicely to customers who are complaining and be sure that they will end up understanding the company policy and be satisfied with our discussion.

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Definitely. I think most people in this thread have agreed with you, including me of course. The customers are 100% not always right but the issue is that we have to believe in this because, for companies, the customers are extremely important. If it weren't for customers, then businesses would not survive so I understand why they are such a high priority. I think the problem is that, no matter how much you train, sometimes it is just not possible to convince them that they are wrong and that it is company policy. That is when it becomes a real problem because it becomes extremely frustrating for the employee.

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Well yes it's one of the main problem specially for those who's employer are close minded and does not think of what really happens and just take the side of the customer. I'm lucky my employer always ask for an incident report everytime problem occurs, so they will know their employees side of the story. they will weigh on what really happens and they will never charge their employee if they know that the customer is the one at fault.

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This must be a wrong perception of all time. I do not agree with this idea. We are employees and we know for ourselves that we try our best to do our job especially if what we deal about is customer service. The customers have the right to be demanding or a little bit rude, yes. But I just don't see the point why they have to give low grades to the ones who tried to give them the best service. Sometimes, they have to be reasonable about this and at the same time, the superiors should give fair treatment and judgement to both sides. It's not always that customers are right. We, the service providers have also our rights. It's not because you are the customer, you can do everything that you want.

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It's just a way of telling you to treat the customer like a king, not necessarily meaning the customer is always right. In the situation above, the said employee probably didn't treat the customer well by providing enough explanation and clarification on what was wrong. That's how it looks like to me. Other than that, some customers give negative ratings because they simply don't like the company as whole. They fail to see that the rating system is meant for a particular employee and not the company as a whole. That ends up distorting the rating perception of a given employee.

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I think we are programmed to believe that the customers are always right. And we have to focus on the service or product we are offering. And people have to understand that customers are going to give bad decisions. And if the people are getting bad advice from the customers and they tend to implement it then surely that would affect them the most. I personally think that customers are not always right. And in such case they have to take some of the decisions on their own.

So customer always right mindset is not good for most of the business. Some of the business requires the people to be more proactive. That's how it should be there as well.

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it depends with the company policy. if the company that you are with is running a sales or commission, you should consider that the customer is always right simply because of the reason that they are the one who brings the income to your company.

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I couldn't agree more. I used to work at a famous clothing line shop and was horrified to see how customers treat the merchandise which they haven't even purchased. So many clothes get thrown on the floor, stepped on and ripped because people just don't have any respect for what's not theirs. It was awful. I only lasted in retail 3 months but now I always put my clothes back on the hanger and I am extra patient with the boys in the fitting rooms.

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No. I don't think it should always be this way. Sometimes costumers abuse that line and it is kind of unfair. There should be a bordeline on costumers right, if they act unfair or ask unreasonable favor to worker, waiters, sales ladies etc., then it should not be granted. All people have right either what position you are.

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From the example above, I don't see how hard it is for the worker to explain what is wrong with the customers. So there is no need to be angry with the customers. Instead, he should try to find a way of telling the management what's wrong with the customers. If the customers are wrong or creating problems, then it will clearly show up, and the management will do something about it. The customers are always not right or nice, some of them are a bit demanding and difficult to deal with.

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First of all I need to say sorry for what happened in you friend, hope he can have the justice of being the victim and I hope that the company he worked from will give him some chance to explain what happened. Though the phrase "Customer is always right" is not unfair because in this phrase the company will improve. The unfair one for me is the company because they should have a process of reviewing things so that if the customer is the one who has mistakes they should punish the customer not the employee.

To provide the greatest service or products to the customers the producer or provider needs the opinions of customers so the phrase "Customer is always right" is the process of allowing the customers to complain or correct the mistake of things they notice in order to get information regarding the products or service performance which can be used to improve the product or service of a company. Also customers are the one who gives money to a company by acquiring their service or product so, we as an employee need to respect them so that our business will grow. Yes, there are things we can say that it is unfair but if you have experience things that makes it unfair you should review all your actions and improve it in the future so that you can be a better employee. I am an employee so that phrase is very important to me because if I don't follow that rule the customer may do things that can hurt the company I am working on and it can cause my job. This is only my opinion since I experience things but I hope employees may have some rights also that can defend their pride as an employee.

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Customer is always right if you are in a company for the good feedback and to avoid complains from clients. Customers are the one who helps build your business into a progressive result. Literally customer is not always right because some customers are so abusive to take this word. Customers must also understand the situation of an employee. But there are some instances that customer is right. The meaning of this word would only be appreciated if respect to each other is applied.

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I think we quote the phrase customers are always right out of context. I think it simply means treating a customer fairly and being considerate.I don't think it about not taking thrash from every Tom, Nick and Harry.

I'm sorry about your friend predicament but next time he shouldn't let himself into situation.I know Employers don't care about their employees most time,so is why one should be careful when working for somonr and a customer is involved.

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Probably not, but for some company customers are because this is the phrase that company used to teach us. I think they are using this phrase to avoid any complaints and problems from a customer. I once remember when I'm working as a service crew for a food store and customers always complain about the food and i cant blame them but when customers disrespect us because were just a crew that's the time I need to step up. The phrase just probably work sometimes and depends on the customer.

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For businessman, customer's is always right, because customer is the foundation of their business. For us employees, it really depends in the situation and customer attitude and trait against us, because some customer are so arrogant and did not even respect our work. That's the time we need to defend ourself.

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Not necessary. Most of the customers don't know what they want. And what are some of the things that needs to be done. So In such case it's reasonable to say that customer is not always right. We have to find out what may or may not work in that case. Customers have their own share of the issues too. And we can't really fix that.

I think this is the part where people have to learn how to change things. You can see that customers often are not always right. And people have to understand this part. People have to change either their model or educate others on this.

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Yes, I understand your point. We really need to change that perspective. Because, customer is always right, but not all the time.

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That saying is truly unfair. You have to be in each others' shoes to understand each other. It is because of our emotions that we act impulsively. I hate it when people would say that line to me. That if they're doing something that would displease the worker their defense would always be like that. A childish thing to say. We, as citizens of our country, should have known better. We are all customers and possible workers.

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Totally agree. It is indeed unfair. Because if people were to know what they want, there would be no apple and other companies. Innovation would be largely limiting in that case. And some of the time business and the companies take risks to change that. Customer can only influence their comfort and saving of time. That's the best thing they can do.

But from what I have seen customer dictating all the things is not always good on the side.

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Yeah, the world would be so boring by then. It's as if walking in a zombie mode. That's why we are born to make a difference.

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As an employee, I don't want to put my job in the hands of some unreasonable customers, especially when I know I didn't do anything wrong. For business owners, they should also love their employees as much as they love their customers. I believe that when they take good care of their employees, the employees will pass their kindness to their customers that result in good customer service. I believe that teamwork makes the dream work. Are the customers always right?

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It's really a bad idea for me. Every person has his/her own rights as a human regarding of hi/her position. I don't know who really started this phrase but it's really not a beneficial one. Human beings are organisms who sinned in being greedy and having pride. This bad characteristics of human are the cause of distraction among selves. Respect is the thing needed in co-existing with everyone. The producers must respect and always been respecting their respective customers, since the business is on their choice. In return, the costumers must also respect the the effort of producers that are serving them to satisfy their needs and wants. Respect each other and all will be right.

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Yes i tried it i have worked in a call center industry i manage the account of billing info we are the retention agent who will be convincing costumers to stay in our program also tackle all their concerns regarding his/her balance and other charges, there was once costumer who is very irate like i already explain everthing but she is like lion keep on bad mouthing me and want to sue our company but as a protocol we have to remained calm and friendly she likes a refund for her money that is already charge and not reversable and since that call. i got a memo from our team leader about my costumer i explain everything and listen to my recording then they just balance everything and they found out its costumer's fault so the management did not give me a bad record.

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No, they aren't. One way to get over from this common challenge is to undergo intensive customer service trainings. One should learn how to dispose oneself when there's conflict with customers. Anything can be fixed when you are very wise in using your words and emotions to declutter arguments. But it is a must that one should not raise tone to customers. Just play them with your words and always smile. Customers are not always right but he bottomline is that it's still business. You must make them feel valued and correct but not to the extent when your dignity's at stake.

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Yes, customers is always right. But does not mean in all aspects, depending on the situation, like, they keep asking on price on new stocks and demanding things,you have to be more patient in this kind of situation, also on things they wanted to return or owners must always have a return and exchange policy depending on number of days, at least if the customer insisted more than the days under policy, it means she isn't right at all.

"Customer is always right" it means do not agree with them, you have to adjust in a different level or arguing situation, less talk, means less mistake, treat them properly, be humble and accept mistake if you have lapses in your side or ask time from them to let you explain, let them talk first, do not back fire with them when they get angry, stay calm and answer them in a polite manner, soon they will realize they were wrong and you win the situation.

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I don't agree with this saying that "the customer is ALWAYS right". If there is an issue with a service/product of course it has to be solved in an efficient way because the customers are very important to the business, but there are some people that like to take advantage out of this and they can be really rude to the employees for no reason. The head of the business has to listen to both sides and solve whatever is happening in the best way possible.

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The trick with customers is to always make them feel, that they are in the right no matter how wrong they are. Also when dealing with them you have to let them know, that you don't make the policies,It's your superiors who do. In this instant, your friend should have referred the customer to his/her immediate supervisor.That way the blame would not have gone to your friend. For some reason when people are spending money on something they become illogical . So yes the customer is always right.

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This is true. You can see that if we can make people believe that they are in good deal. That is going to be helping a lot to both business and the customer. So that's something I have learned while doing the business. I think customers are often mixed with their set of expectations. And we have to understand how to handle as well. I guess when it comes to spending money they have their set of the issues. Many people take time trying to understand things as well.

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I don't think that you're supposed to take the phrase, "Customer is always right" completely literally - of course, there are several cases where the customers are actually wrong, just like in your situation. But this does not mean that you tell them that. You can't say, "No sir, you're wrong. I am right.'' You need to be the smarter person and be smooth like butter. It can be extremely difficult dealing with demanding customers or the ones that think they know all but you're there to SERVE them. You have to be adaptive in the way you approach each individual.

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I hate this because I'm sure a lot of employees at different businesses have to suffer because of this rule. It's a good rule because it ensures that a business treats their customers well and it ensures that the business is able to maximise its profits. But the customer is not always right. It's a shame really that employees cannot treat customers the same way they treat them. Some of the behaviour shown by a lot of customers is absolutely disgusting sometimes.

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No. Not all times, customer is always right. There must be a good communication between the seller and the customer to have a better transaction. Everyone should respect the rights of each other whether you are a seller or a customer. Each of them must play their role with good communication to each and everyone.

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I don't think I would agree with the 'customers are always right' phrase considering the fact that it is the existence of sellers that made customers see what they can buy. Just imagine the world those customers that are claiming to be always right do not see any product to buy, I wonder if they would depend on that phrase and treat sellers anyhow. I think what we should always do when we buy/sell is to have mutual respect for each other in the sense that the customer should do what is right while the seller will also try not to cheat the buyer in any way. I think that is the way things should go.

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I definitely don't agree with the idea that the customer is always right. For starters, logically that is totally impossible. There are absolutely going to be circumstances where the customer is an absolute dolt (with regards to your business) and insists that they are right when in fact they know little to nothing. I look at it as more of a "the customer has their rights" sort of situation. I think it's a means of telling the employee that the customer deserves a degree of respect and you're supposed to provide your service to them as well as you possibly can. But that doesn't mean tell them they're right when they're clearly wrong.

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There are countries allowing to exchange their bought products in a matter of 1 -3 days, depending on goods, let's say you bought box of goods with already insects insides or parasites, defective gadgets, appliances with scratches upon delivery. Of course as a customer you have to complain, there are rights protecting the customer under Department of Trade and Industry.

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Most of us probably heard that "the customer is always right" a thousand times. But wrong. Customer is not an expert to be always right. Its just a company line to promote their satisfying service, but in my own judgement company should support their staff and be well trained of course to actually make adequate decision and solve problems in facing customer concern.

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I totally agree. Majority of business establishments are customer service oriented. Without loyal customers, you'll end up wasting your time or even bankrupt. That is why it is vital to treat your customer right and to make sure that they are fully satisfied with the service that you offered.

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I'm totally against this idea that the customer is always right (by the way, who invented it?). I believe this is the kind of power that they can never have because malicious people can easily take some kind of advantage out of the situation (and people don't have to be too smart to take advantage of it).

This is sad, but also true... Unfortunately the world is not only made up of good people.

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No, I disagree in that phrase. For my observations, there are customers who "overuse" this phrase. It is only applicable to good and caring customers. But whenever the circumstances, customers must serve properly at our best.

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No, I don´t think customers are always right either. The longer the statement has been promoted the more overrated it has become. They can definitely give honest feedbacks at the right time but not everyone is like that when there is a problem. It seems to me that big companies use the sentence primarily to lure new demands and money to them. Unfortunately, it also gives customers too big power over what services they will accept, which sometimes results in unfair rating of the service provider.

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In my job, I've encountered so many difficult people countless times already. And for me, customers aren't always right. Sometimes, there are hard to deal with. They ask too much and demand too much but no matter how hard they are to deal with, I have learned to adjust to satisfy their needs. It's inevitable in any business to have clients as such from time to time but for us who are transacting with them, patience is really a virtue. Besides, even if there are circumstances like this, it's also a good feeling when we satisfy our customers with our service in spite of the difficulties in dealing with them.

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I know that every human has their own right and just from that we can say that this idiom is not really true. Human rights is a very critical issue nowadays, whether sociologically, biologically or philosophically. It is very hard to define the term "right", it's very complicated. As of who is right? Well, it is much much complicated than what you think. So we must salute judges who always give a fair judgement because it's a very hard thing to do. Like what I said before, there's no need to know what is right and who is, as long as you respect each other, there will be no problem.

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In my opinion, the customer is always right and I agree, that the customer is alwYs right because he believes that what he believes in is tight. So you must change his belief in order for him to change what he believes in. If you can do that, then both of you would be right on track.

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Those are different times when that phrase came out. Nowadays the customer like the vendor has to prove themselves right. A senior sales executive told me once whenever two people meet to settle a business transaction sometimes one out of two things take place, either one person buys the other's goods or the other buys the persons issues! Every situation must be assessed and dealt with accordingly. With so many people abusing the system from both sides of the table now it just pays to be vigilant and take the necessary actions deemed necessary as the situation develops.

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In my personal opinion, they are always right or preferably put you should make them feel like they are always right because they have the money and you have the goods. The money spender has an upper hand compared to the goods owner, if you make the buyer uncomfortable with you, it would definitely result in dumping both you and your goods and services which is not good business strategy.

Customer can be wrong but their decision is theirs to make, if you make too much effort in trying to influence or change that, they may feel that you have another hidden agenda thereby making them not to fully trust you.

It's better to allow them follow their mind in choosing whichever way they need your services and it's your duty as the seller to deliver so to the latter if you value your business relationship with the customer.

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No they're not. But as a worker you don't have a choice. You must follow the motto that customer's are always right. As far as I see some customers are acting not right. They have act according to what they want cause they believed that they are always right. But as we look at it correctly, not all customers are right. It is just depending on the type of job that you have been taken espically in selling. You must deal with some bad customers that thinks in a wrong way. Because you don't have a choice.

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I agree! Not all people are concerned about other people's job. Even though they're wrong, they will still push what they want even it will cost the employee's job. That saddens me. Are the customers always right?

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