
Do you prefer cooking or ready to eat foods?

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Do you prefer cooking or ready to eat foods?

A lot of people go home tired and exhausted already from work and whenever they get hungry they prefer to eat ready to eat food or just simply buy take home food for the day. Are you one of them or you still love cooking it yourself for a healthy and preferable way?


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I do prefer both but on different terms, like I love and need to eat foods to regain some of my energy whenever I go home, feel tired and doesn't want to move any muscles then probably ready to eat foods or canned goods would be the best option for me. And when I'm at home and feeling bored, I would rather cook and experiment some ingredients by my own.

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This depends on my mood. I enjoy cooking and eating home cooked food. However, sometimes I feel too lazy to cook my own food. Therefore on such occasions, I buy ready to eat foods. For me cooking is therapeutic, therefore, when I return home in the late evening, a cooking session will always relieve me. Cooking helps me to destress.

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I love cooking too. I appreciate the smile i see when I've prepared food for my family at home. We enjoy the food better because I know i put time and effort into prepating the meal. The best part is that i know what is in the food and is more healthier than the food ready to eat.

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Funny enough I prefer already made food 😂😂😂, call me lazy I always get that compliment for my preference and choice, I find it very easy and quick because I don't have much time to prepare food.

Everyday is always hectic for me, I spend much of my time online, so cooking food is way out of my time right now, before I was trying to keep up but I couldn't anymore.

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me too, I do cook 6 days a week, lunch and dinner, breakfast is always bread with peanut butter. On weekends, my teen would bring us out to dine at restaurants which is a treat for a full time mom like me

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When you cook your food, it saves you money. making pizza at home costs half the price of restaurant bought pizza. However, in my opinion, cooking has two basic purposes:
making you satisfied
making the people who eat your food satisfied.
satisfaction is the most wanted feeling.

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Yes, I agree that family satisfaction is important, I always hear different opinions from my teen and hubby, too salty, too bland, raw, etc. Then I can improve my skill

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They also say when you cook and eat your home cooked food with your family, it builds a deep bonding. Because of the hectic schedule, we cannot eat together in the morning or day, however, every evening our family eats together. We gather at the dining table and talk about our day as we eat.

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That is true indeed, we gather together at night to dine and chat what had been going on the whole day. It improves the family bonding.

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Sometimes back I read a research paper. The research was done in Australia. The participants responded to a question "what triggers your pleasure?" The majority said food and sex came second. Food is number one pleasure triggering factor. Cooking and eating food together creates a deep bonding in the family. They often say way to your husband heart is through the food you serve.

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Yeah home cooked food is always going to be one of the best things, but sometimes it is just such a hassle. It isn't even the cooking part that is the problem. The actual experience of cooking isn't exactly tiring or requires that much effort, but it is the parts that come before and after that suck!

First you have to get all the ingredients prepared by washing any vegetables, preparing your equipment, making room in the kitchen and such. And then after you're done and ready to eat your delicious meal, you have the thought of having to clean all those dirty dishes, pans and utensils constantly looming over your head!

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In general I prefer cooking foods over ready to eat foods, but I have to be in the mood to do it. I like restaurant dining as well. It really depends on how much money I have, whether I have the ingredients to cook what I want, and how much time I have to prepare food.

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You sound like me. I not only love home cooked food but also enjoy cooking. However, as for change sometimes I go to a restaurant and I also like restaurant food. Home food and restaurant food have different taste. If I make a pizza at home, it will be different from the restaurant bought pizza. Home food has more nutritional value and restaurant food taste better because it is prepared by professionals.

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Yes, there are a number of factors that go into play. One good thing about cooking at home though is that you can prepare a dish and have enough for leftovers for a few days. That is one major advantage.

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When I cook at home, my first consideration is enjoyment. I enjoy while cooking, I enjoy when I offer my dishes to the other people and I enjoy to eat my food. However, there are many benefits of cooking at home. The two main benefits is saving a lot of money and eating healthy food.

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I agree with you. You always don't have the time to cook or the strength to cook. Sometimes, you would just prefer a ready to eat food. Sometimes, you just want to it the real food. Real food meaning home cooked food. Hence, we should avoid ready-to-eat food because it is unhealthy.

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There are many benefits of cooking at home or eating home cooked food. I find cooking a great stress buster. Cooking gives me pleasure. Another benefit of cooking at home and eating home cooked food is it saves a lot of money. Generally speaking the money you spend on outdoor foods for one person can actually feed two people when you cook at home. Home cooked foods are also healthy.

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I used to just buy everything since I was too lazy to learn how to cook anything, even the simple dishes, but you get so much more freedom when cooking and you get to make anything you're craving at that moment. It is also less expensive when you do it regularly and more satisfying to enjoy something you have cooked.

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Cooking is time-consuming. If you cook, you not only have to spend time buying supplies, but also spend time for cooking preparation, cooking and then finally cleaning the table and doing dishes. For cooking alone, you might have to spend more than one hour (considering the fact that you are cooking the entire dinner dishes). If you are a busy man, it will not be very easy to cook.
The best thing about cooking is it is a great stress buster. Cooking and eating together also bond the family.

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Yeah, you really need to spend for the initial expenses in cooking and this could turn down a lot of people, but it is a great form of stress reliever and you eventually save money if you choose your ingredients wisely as you learn more and more about cooking. But yeah, it's not for everyone especially those who don't have much time on their hands.

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many people avoid cooking at home and prefer to buy food from the restaurant because cooking takes time, If you want to cook at home you need at least one hour. However, if you are ordering from a restaurant, you can have it within 30 minutes. Secondly, after cooking and eating, you will have to clean. Cleaning is time-consuming as well as hard work. If you are ordering from a restaurant, you do not have to spend time cleaning.

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Yeah, time is one of the biggest resources you need when cooking. Chances are that restaurant meals would taste better than your cooking, as well! Still, there's a rewarding feeling about cooking and I believe anyone who has time should try to learn cooking at least some basic meals.

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I challenged myself this year to eat healthier. I have started to change entirely my habits. I used to eat
food bought in the supermarket or grab a sandwich from the fridge. Now, I
challenged myself to cook for a whole week. I plan a list of products,
near it a list of meals which I can freeze. I do not cook, what I can't
freeze. I write the dish on and get information
on how I have to freeze better. It was a hard process btw, but not
impossible. We should take care of our health.

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Same situation with me.See

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This is what I always do.

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I would prefer cooking by myself because it is much cheaper rather than buying from the restaurant. By cooking by myself, I have the total control of the ingredients and of course the taste that I really like.

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I kinda agree with you because most of the time, cooking at home is actually cheaper... But I think depending on the dish you're going to make / cook, it's best to go out to eat a pizza or a hamburger, isn't it? Haha!

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Yeah you can eat pizza or hamburger immediately if you're just going to buy rather than preparing it for yourself.

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Besides being a faster option... It's usually - most of the time - cheaper. But everything depends also on humor and for example, whether it's a special celebration or not among many other things.

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I have to agree with this. The fact is that while restaurants might have professionally cooked, gourmet food, sometimes they just don't suit my tastes. I like simple, rustic, home-style food and restaurants aren't too great at providing that usually.

Ready to eat and home cooked don't have to be mutually exclusive though. A lot of the times I do meal preparation, where I take a day out of my week to cook up a bunch of meals, and then I place them into individual packages and either keep them in the fridge or freeze them. This way I have ready to eat meals that also happened to be home cooked!

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I really love rustic foods as well, and I totally enjoy the act of cooking itself. Putting together your own meals and seasoning them just the was that you and your loved ones like them is a great pleasure, and it really brings the family together more than just bringing home take-out food or pieced-together meals. I appreciate what you are saying in your second paragraph here as well, and sometimes I do the same thing and then put the meal together with a family member or members. We do a lot of casseroles like this and freeze them or refrigerate them, and they make for a quick "go-to" meal when we come home late or at different times and dinner is hard to coordinate.

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I buy takeout most of the time and I don't think I spend all that much more because often restaurants are able to get their ingredients for cheaper since they buy in bulk, or maybe it's just something that is more available in our local area. I guess in some places buying takeout can be much more expensive. I fully agree with being able to control the entirety of your ingredients though as most restaurants obviously would just want to focus more on making their dishes tasty rather than healthy.

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Me too. I don't mind buying food outside and cooking it myself.

I only buy fast food when I don't have a choice like when I'm in a hurry or something like that. But if my time and schedule permit, I'll go make a meal for myself. I also prefer cooking foods just because I'm sure that the ingredients I'm using are fresh and not old stock.

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I would buy pizza or McD if I am outside , finished grocery shopping, dead beat to lay my hands on anything else. It really depends on the situation. If time allows, I would definitely cook at home

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Cooking at home is much cheaper and safer than eating food that is already made. With the food that is already made, you don't know what's in the ingredients no matter what they tell you is in it. When you make your own food, you know exactly what is in your food and you know what you like.

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You are right, you can control the seasoning too, you can reduce the salt and sugar in food preparation.

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I like cooking food, still it would be different if you prepare and cook your own food. I am just lucky that when I am already tired, my mother is there to cook food for me. Mom’s dishes are the best Do you prefer cooking or ready to eat foods? But sometimes, when I am alone, i have no choice but to buy ready to eat food, or I eat on fastfood before I go home.

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Same here, my mom is still the one doing the cooking at home. When going home, food is already there and ready to eat. But I don't have a packed lunch so I would only buy something in canteens since restaurants are quite expensive. I agree with you, Mom's dishes are the best. That's the taste you would look for when you'd eat something aside from Mom's.

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Yes, definitely! Even when I know how to cook, I still want my mother to cook for me. Even if there are other dishes that may look and taste delicious, i would still choose my moms dish over it. I guess that’s all we will ever look for when we eat outside.

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And thinking about it, maybe its time for us to do things on our own.HAHA like adulting. I would love to prepare a meal for myself one day and be a version of my mom when that time comes. Deciding whether what to cook and shopping for goods. HAHA just saying.

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JoeMilford mother's cooking! I have not had that luxury in so long! I really miss my mom's food and am jealous that you have a mom to cook with you and infuse your meals with love and care! I am craving several dishes now, from my childhood, because of your post which I just read. it is bittersweet--however, I am going home to her house for the holidays, so I will get to taste her cooking again quite soon!

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I love cooking than to eat ready made food in restaurants, hotels or investing in takeaways. I can always put the ingredients I need and also add salt to my taste. I will also not have to worry about leftovers or not getting fool. Since I can be able to measure enough quantity to cook and also be able to store the excess.

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I agree with you, this is one of the benefit of cooking you own food. You can be sure about the ingredients, you can pick what you want to add to achieved the taste you want. However, there are still some favorite foods outside that we cannot avoid when we crave, lol. But still nothing compare to the taste of food we prepare at home.

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I love my mom's home cooking so i prefer home cooked meals. When i found out that too much fast foods are bad for i refrained myself from eating it. If that ready to eat foods are healthy and fresh then i might eat it.

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I like to cook, but obviously that my mom's and - especially - my grandmother's food is much better than mine (I think it's even unfair to compare). By the way, practically everything that I know, I learned from them, haha.

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I guess its because of their years of experience in cooking for us. Well i do cook too, but when i see my mom cooks i stop cooking hahaha

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It's like being embarrassed, isn't it? Hahahaha!

I mean... There is no way to compare our culinary skills with the skills of our mothers or grandmothers, haha. It's very unfair to us. But the things we can learn from them are timeless.

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I know right, it's like they have been born with cooking skills. But i admire their dedication in cooking and taking care of us. We are lucky to have great mom's Do you prefer cooking or ready to eat foods?

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Yes, I'm very grateful for their lives and I am also grateful for everything I have had the opportunity to learn from them (at least so far).

They are just amazing! Do you prefer cooking or ready to eat foods?

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It is actually my grand mother first who taught me how to cook. I can still remember that time when she taught me how to cook my favorite dish. Do you prefer cooking or ready to eat foods? Then some dishes are from my mom’s and kitchen tips too. They are the best teachers when it comes to cooking.

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I know right, it's pretty amazing how they cook. My grandmother was a cook back then and i often see her cook not following any cookbooks, just pure creative cooking.

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This is true. One must avoid eating on fast food because foods there are high in preservatives that is not good for our health. It would be best to cook your own food, so you pick the fresh ingredients plus you can also be sure that the preparations are clean.

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Agree! Our lives are improved with high quality and nutritious foods. We shouldn't compromise it for the sake of convenience. We'll eventually experience the long-term effects.

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I agree. It really is a bad practice to keep ordering from fast food restaurants on a regular basis. I always order takeout but I try to limit my purchases from fast food chains because I know their food are full of extenders and preservatives. Instead, I just buy from actual restaurants that I would say are fairly close to home cooked meals and when I can I try to order vegetable dishes also.

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I miss my mom's cooking; she inspired me to learn how to cook as well and prepare healthy and delicious food without spending a lot on restaurants.

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Some ready to eat foods can be healthy. The question is what kind of food are they and how were they prepared. So in short, preparing your meals and taking the time to choose your food can improve your overall health.

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Of course, I like to eat cooked foods, the ones that my wife cook and are ready when I reach home. It is wonderful to be married and have a wife that waits for you with warm and delicious food on the table when you come home from your job.

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We are just the same in the sense that I prefer homemade meals to restaurant meals. One good thing that I like about home meals is that I always eat as I want and have all the ingredients at a moderate level instead of what is obtainable at restaurants.

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There is no food more delicious like the one that you have prepared in your home either by yourself or your wife or a family member. Personally, I don't fancy eating outside unless I cannot make it home. The reason for this is that most times eat outside, I tend to end up purging the following day.

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Well for I always prefer and love to eat the food which I cooked but to answer this maybe it will be depend on the situation because if your out of time in cooking and you already starving then ready to eat food will suffice.

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It's the same for me. It all depends on the situation really. Most of the time I will cook my own food because it's just better and cheaper as well. But if it's late or I am just want to eat something nice that I don't want/can't make then I will order a takeaway or buy some ready to eat food from a shop.

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No matter how exhausted I am I prefer to cook my own food, I hate eating food prepared by another, most times it not prepared to my taste and I feel uncomfortable eating it.So what I do is to prepare before I'm hungry that way I will eat my food immediately I'm hungry.

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I am a lot like you. Sure, you can find "ready-to-eat" foods which are pretty tasty and even sometimes not unhealthy for you; however, cooking one's own food is always better. You can specify the seasoning to your own taste, and you can choose the method of cooking and preparation in such a way that you can control the overall nutritional value of the food. I, like you, would always rather prepare my own food, and I do so whenever possible. Sometimes, I run out of time and energy, but I try to prepare meals ahead of time and then refrigerate them or freeze them so I can always eat them later.

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For sure I like to cook my own food like you guys. Usually is healthier, cheaper, and more delicious than any ready to eat one. But, if hunger catch me when I'm running out of time, unfortunately I have to buy anything to eat, seriously hunger is bigger than me, and always gets out my mad humor. The not so good side, is that latino food takes some time to be cooked, we don't have a sandwich for lunch, we eat proper food (rice, meat, salad), so there's no way you can cook all of it in 15 minutes.

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You're the exact opposite of me, to be fair. If I am exhausted then I just prefer to get some ready to eat food because it is just so much easier. I love take aways, to be honest. If you get it from the right place then it can taste really great and it's just so much easier than having to prepare and cook your own food.

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Am one of those very few people who prefer eating what i make. I have a very sensitive body system which reacts to foreign food made by someone else. Don't ask me how. My body just knows when the food is made by someone else.

Coming back to the subject, i think it's almost unavoidable eating out or buying a take home meal in a some situations like the one stated in the post. No matter how much prepare things just have a way of happening in an unexpected manner. In situations like this, i find myself eating out at least twice a week.

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Exactly, there are some situations you cannot avoid to buy already cooked food or eating outside. This applies to me to, when I am tired i cannot concentrate on cooking so i end up eating outside before I go home. But as much as possible I eat on restaurant with dishes that taste like home, it is healthier than those on fastfoods. I am just glad that here in my country you can find a lot of it.

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Ready to eat foods especially from the supermarket taste Iike cardboard don't you think? I love cooking, I believe this is where I show my creativity best. I like to try out other people's recipes that I watch on Youtube or the food network, I also like to create my own recipes from time to time. It goes without saying that I prefer cooking.

Cooking at home is healthier for you. When you eat at home you can control what ingredients go into your food. Store-bought foods tend to have hidden fats, sugars and sodium. All three do not help when it comes to losing or maintaining your weight.

If you have trouble cooking food because you are tired from work, I advise you to prep for the rest of the week, by cooking all your foods during the weekend and storing them in your fridge. Just heat it up in the microwave every day and you're ready to go.

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Have you ever been to a Whole Foods establishment? There are a lot of supermarkets out there now whose ready to eat foods in the deli and cafeteria sections are pretty high quality and delicious. A lot of places are also leaning towards healthier choices and more vegetarian choices, for example. Delis who prepare fresh food everyday that you can grab on the go can be hit and miss, but the more high end supermarkets can really surprise you with their quality. That being said, I still prefer cooking my own dishes in the privacy of my own home or at a friend or loved one's house with company, music, and conversation in the background.

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I like the two options (because both are obviously very useful), but having to choose a specific one between them will basically depend on two things: the size of my hunger and also my mood. These two factors - for me - are decisive at this time... But I think most of the time I prefer to cook. Do you prefer cooking or ready to eat foods?

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HAHAH true. When you are really hungry and lazy you'll just buy/order something for yourself. I love ordering Mcdonalds always. HAHA It's not really healthy but they taste really good! Not advertising here, but I know that everyone understands me, too.

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Well... I think no one in this world can blame you for liking eating these kinds of foods because they are really good. We are aware that they are not healthy, but you know: they are our guilty pleasure, haha!

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You should try ordering some cooked food, because it's not going to be really that more expensive than junk food like McDonalds and it can be as tasty, but healthy at the same time, which is important. You should never neglect your own health and shouldn't underestimate the effect food can have on your own body.

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Indeed. You are what you eat, I guess. Here in our country, Western foods are booming and this culture is widely accepted by us. Now, we are so consumed with being western even speaking how they do. Hope our culture won't fade. Tsk

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I agree and I am also the same way. Sometimes I am craving a nice home cooked meal but sometimes I would admit that eating out is also better especially considering that you really can't duplicate the taste of restaurant food exactly most of the time, or even packaged food. I think a balance between the two can prove to be still fairly healthy.

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It's always better to eat the meal where your mom or someone prepares for you. Eating the prefer cooking is way better in terms of taste and it's healthier too. Unlike prepared meals, eating an instant food is so not healthy as it contains preservatives, msg, and any harmful ingredients that might cause you some illnesses like kidney failure or other diseases. It's not advisable to eat any ready-to-eat foods so as much as possible, avoid them.

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Yes I agree with you. It is much healthier if you will prepare your own food. But here in my country, there are some restaurants where you can pick the ingredients and then let the chef cook it for you, what ever dish you want. You can find a lot of seafoods, meat, fruits and vegies that are really fresh. If this goes to all restaurant, i wont mind eating outside often.

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Oh, I know a place where they do this kind of thing. I think that's "Dampa," where you're the one to pick the seafood/meat and ingredients and then there's a nearby restaurant that can cook it for you in whatever dish you want. You can also tell if you want it a little bit spicy or ask them the best way to cook a certain seafood/meat. I do love going to this place. I love seeing those huge lobster, prawns, and other new seafood that you can never see on a regular wet market/groceries. Do you prefer cooking or ready to eat foods?

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During regular days I would either cook or just buy or do take aways from my favorite restaurants, fast food joints and food stalls. But whenever there's a special occasion or when it's Christmas I always make it a point to cook festive dishes from scratch. The downside is, it takes a lot of ingredients which can cost a lot. But the finished dish is always worth it.

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I prefer to cook my own meals rather than eat those ready to eat foods. Firstly, I find those foods to be tasteless. There are preservatives in some which is not good for health. I bought TV dinners on some occasions and I couldn't eat the food. Furthermore, some of those meals can be expensive too. No matter how exhausted I am, I prefer to prepare my own meals. I value my health.

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I agree with you completely.

I have always loved to cook. My grandmother and mother both cook extremely well so I guess this passion was handed down to me through them.

My nan really taught me many recipes that are beyond delicious. I just find cooking fun because you can freely express yourself and make new dishes as well.

I do sometimes get take aways but not too often since they are expensive and unhealthy.

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I agree with you but only with processed food. Those tend to be pumped with chemicals and artificial flavoring which makes it not worth the convenience since you'd end up making yourself unhealthy in the process. However, sometimes takeout can be good too and some restaurants I buy from have very healthy dishes that are at a very good price so you don't end up paying that much. The best thing about this is you don't have to clean pots and pans anymore.

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I feel the same. Just like you, I prefer to cook my own food or homemade food because I value my health. I actually don't like foods with preservatives which are usually the ready to eat foods. I'm not fond of fast foods as well. Those foods are ready to eat but they are high in cholesterol. Still unhealthy. Considering that I have my time freedom since I turned into a full time entrepreneur and freelancer, I should maximize it and give time for cooking and eating healthy meals.

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I agree. I myself work 10 hours outside and I still prefer cooking at home. Aside from you will save tons of bucks, you'll be sure what you're putting into your body. I eat outside with family and friends once in awhile. But on a daily basis, I still enjoy eating at home.

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I agree. I myself work 10 hours outside and I still prefer cooking at home. Aside from you will save tons of bucks, you'll be sure what you're putting into your body. I eat outside with family and friends once in awhile. But on a daily basis, I still enjoy eating at home.

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I definitely prepare and cook my own food at home. I really love the sound of cooking like simmering and frying. Instead of eating take aways I just prefer making my own version of it, it's fun and worth the effort since I am the one will be eating it. Seriously, it's more healthy if you know what you put in your gut and how clean it is and how the food is made. Take aways have lots of preservatives so I definitely want a freshly cooked meal at home.

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If only i know how to cook food i prefer to choose my own cook than ready made because i believe it is more comfortable to eat. I am picky on foods but i have no choice sometimes. I do not mean that ready made is not good in fact it is very useful. There are times that we are in a hurry for arrival and this ready made food is there where we can rely on. I am only saying that it is preferable to cook your own food if you have a time because most of ready made food have different ingredients that may not be good in our health. In general, Ready made is better but cooking in your own is more safer and much better.

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It depends. If I don't feel like cooking or if it's a Saturday night, I might go fast food. If it's the exact opposite, then I cook. Sure, fast food is easier because you just go, buy and leave with it. But it's not always the healthiest option. So your fast food options depend on what's around you. Some people are surrounded with healthier fast food options.

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We don't have fast food every day so we don't really care too much about it when we do decide to get something from a takeaway. We tend to have it about once a week so it's not affecting our health too much.

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I normally have fast food about twice a week. Sometimes 3 times a week. But it's mostly salad or subway subs. With pizza on the weekends. Occasionally I'll do Burger King or McDonald's. I love Popeyes mashed potatoes though.

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Honestly I prefer BK over MD any day. Their burguers are that much tastier and much more cost effective. I can always get a good discount deal and eat as much as I like. Not to mention the soda refils

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I agree. BK right now is on top as far as taste is concerned when it comes to burgers. It's all about the flame-broiled preparation method.

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I rarely eat burgers from takeaways anymore really. We tend to buy proper burgers and then make our own burgers. It's just so much better because the actual burger has 100% meat and not some crap. I tend to go to McDonalds more because of that as I tend to just get the wraps whereas Burger King doesn't really have anything else other than burgers.

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This rings true to me as well! I don't eat fast food basically ever, because overall it's expensive for what you get (then again I see that as a good thing, keeps people off of it). But overall I do consume quite a lot of processed food, mainly due to working so much that I don't have the time to make anything myself.

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Well that all depends, I prefer my wife's cooking over restaurant cooking. Because my wife uses a lot of spices and her food is so good that it will knock your socks off. Now if I have to cook I would rather go to the restaurant because my food is not that good lol.

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Yup i prefer home cooked foods, me and my wife loves cooking for our meals.. We sometime takes turns in cooking... me in lunch and my wife at dinner. Although there are instances that we go for a fast food just because we are too busy. But still most of the time we do the cooking at home.

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hey I just joined the forum. I know that this tread is kind of old but I am currently in the process of starting a healthier life style (I am going to the gym and cutting down the carbs and processed foods in my everyday life) so it's kind of a hot issue for me. I used to be a takeout fanatic. I found eat take out 4-6 times a week but recently I moved to another city started a new job (I'm a Sous-chef) and moved in a new house. So I started cooking a lot more at home and probably because I bought the best kitchen appliances I could find. I am super happy with them and I suggest buying good kitchenware so you feel amazing in your own kitchen.

Check there kitchenware here:

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it happens all the time with me and my girlfriend, we usually buy some frozen stuff just in case we're too busy or lazy, lol

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I'm in love with cooking, that's why I did purchase a convection microwave, I mean, have you ever checked how many recipes are there for microwaves? I decided to buy really trustworthy, durable microwave in order to be sure that I would be able to not only heat the food, but also cook something in there. I've purchased Panasonic Microwave Oven NN-SD945S as it was the most suitable and powerful for me. Besides, I've discovered it owing to the article I've encountered on the internet. I really appreciated the detailed review of every product and it helped to make a choice easier. Thus, try to visit site and check products there, it maybe useful.

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pretty nice source, by the way, don't you know any rotisserie microwaves?

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Speaking of rotisserie ovens, now I'm planning to purchase one. However, choosing the appliances for the kitchen(especially) is so hard for me since I'm not really experienced and smart when it comes to techical stuff. My friend suggested I order a rotisserie oven as it is more efficient and practical than the ordinary one. I've checked so many guides that gradually I realized they are crap, except one, which actually helps. wellfed blog is based on experience of a simple girl who is keen on cooking since her childhood. All the reviews and guides written are based on her experience, which I consider to be actually reliable source of info. I've bought Ronco EZ Store and I'm so satisfied with it...

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Speaking of rotisserie ovens, now I'm planning to purchase one. However, choosing the appliances for the
kitchen(especially) is so hard for me since I'm not really experienced
and smart when it comes to techical stuff. My friend suggested I order a
rotisserie oven as it is more efficient and practical than the ordinary
one. I've checked so many guides that gradually I realized they are
crap, except one, which actually helps. wellfed blog is based on experience of a simple girl who is keen on cooking since
her childhood. All the reviews and guides written are based on her
experience, which I consider to be actually reliable source of info.
I've bought Ronco EZ Store and I'm so satisfied with it...
Do these guys provide discounts?

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It always depends on my mood. If I am very energic, I can cook something for dinner. If I am exhausted, I will always order something tasty to chill and relax after a hard workday. Usually, I prefer to cook salads. This is why I recently bought this kitchen scale It's straightforward to use, and it's helpful in the kitchen. With him, I use the ingredients proportionally, and the food is delicious. Also, it's very tiny, and you can easily store it. I bought mine from I am very delighted with the acquisition I made. It's the best helper for me when I cook.

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No, but I should try it because chicken pot pie is my favorite dish of my childhood. So, it has already been five years since I can't cook it. But, now I have the second reason to try it: I purchased a new device for my home, a food scale best. It helps me count every gram of the ingredient I should add to the pie. But, it helps me with everything. Since my family started to eat healthier, I have to count each gram, not to overeat. And to minimize the wasting of food. Yep, we don't buy anything in addition if we didn't eat everything from the fridge.

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