
Which do you prefer Online Job or Business

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Which do you prefer Online Job or Business

Currently, I am running a small business. I sell cosmetics and apparel. Lately, when I learn about how to earn money online, I tried to give it a shot out of curiosity and I realize it was fun earning dollar online without capital or money to spent and It's absolutely free.

However, my small business is not getting good these days because of lots of competitors selling their product online too.

Sometimes I'm thinking of giving up my business and save my capital to bank and focused in online job. I want to hear your opinion about this. If you were on my shoe what will you prefer? Online job or to have a small business? I can't keep this two option because I also work full-time. Please help me to decide which one is better.


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This is a tough choice. I have to weigh the freedom that the online jobs give me versus the security and the financial gain which the regular day-to-day brick and mortar business gives me. I thoroughly enjoy working online and working as a blogger and a writer, but, so far, I can't make enough money doing that alone. My "business", or career, pays much more than anything I am doing online so far. I guess that I could answer that I prefer working at both and figuring out, as I go, how to make them work together as well as possible for maximum profit and security.

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Yes it's very tough. Maybe I was just fascinated doing online jobs. It looks like you have more experience in freelancing than I do so I will take your advice into a consideration that I should keep both works. Thank you for sharing your thoughts it makes sense.

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Hi JoeMilford.

It is nicely vigilant of you to point out that choosing between earning income online or by way of a business is a tough choice. This is so due to the fact that both forms of earning income can be wealth-making powerhouses in their own rights. Too, it is keenly aware of you to say what I also was thinking, which is it certainly is possible to do both as long as we can set a standard operating procedure as to manage two things at once; not bad at all.

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Online jobs are more of a freelancing just to earn a few extra bucks for most people who do it. In order to pay for daily expenses and live comfortably, we still need to have a day job. Most business and jobs still pay more than any other online jobs. Then again, it won't hurt to earn some doing it. Many though have earned a lot through their blogs and forums becoming popular that it was okay for them to quit their day jobs.

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I have heard of people who make a living at freelancing, but, so far, I have only been able to use freelancing for supplemental income, and very little of that, as well. I still also have my "day job", even though I do it from home as well as an online instructor. I figure, like you, that every little bit helps that I can earn, so I have started delving into freelancing, but I won't be quitting my day job anytime soon!

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I think it is harder to focus in making real money in these freelancing jobs if you have a day job. Blogging, being Forum owners and being Youtubers are a few of these kind of jobs where you can earn huge amounts of money if people frequent your sites. This isn't easily done though and much patience and time are needed in order to be successful on these.

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As of now i am doing both dayjob and freelancing. Freelancing helps me to buy my wants and needs in life. What i earn in dayjob is for my savings. We must be wise in how we make a living. We must take note that freelancing is an extra income only. You can't replace dayjob with freelancing if your aim is to earn a better income.

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Electronic marketing or e commerce nowadays pays the same and almost higher compared to physical businesses. One good example is the brand youtube. Most of the social media are considered or included in electronic commerce.

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Yes I agree, but like what I said, much effort and time is needed compared to managing or starting physical stores.

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Well same to you and to your experiensces because just like I am also a part time online worker since I know that what I earn in online will not suffice for my needs that is why I am just doing this as a part time job. I am employed full time and also since my salary from my job is not sufficient I have to look some alternative to cover up my expenses so therefor maybe, I can also work in both online and in physical job.

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This is really a great question, for me I would really consider the online jobs because you have given the freedom to do things on your own without investing any capital. You can mange your time with your kids if you are into it. The only problem is that sometimes if you are not skilled you will just end up earning very few which is far from your own business income. But of course there are a lot of opportunities if we only know how to deal with them. Even me myself is planning to quit for my office job since my earnings in my online jobs is just equal to what I am earning with my offline job, I am just afraid that the sites that I am into would shutdown instantly without any reasons compare when you have offline job that you have the security that you will have a longer period of work. I am still in the process of evaluating things since if I would be into online jobs I have the the chance to be with my family unlike when I am working offline that I would missing them for sure.

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Selecting a job category is solely dependent on what your best skills are, personally I prefer an online job so I could get work to comfortable and remotely with ease. In Nigeria to apply for latest jobs and recruitment you'll need to use a website like topnigerianjobs, it the best job recruitment application portal that is widely used in the Nigeria.
So I choose online jobs every time as its the best option for me.

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It is a bit hard for us to make a decision for you or even give you concrete advice since we don't know all the details, the financial background, how profitable you are in each area and more. I think that the right choice will be whatever you enjoy the most. If you are fed up of the business side then quit it, go fully to online work and see how it goes. But if you still love your business and want it to succeed then stick with it. It might be hard right now but continue to invest your energy and effort and it will pay off in the long run. I wish you the best of luck whatever you decide!

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To give you clarification with regards to your concerns, I am both profitable in each area. Although I have ups and down in my business but during peak season I'm earning serious money. While my job online, I earn $500 after I finished my work but the job takes 2-3 months to be done.

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500$ for 3 months for an online job? Is that low i heard some makes more money by contracts on Upwork though. I'd still go for a small business, online jobs for me is as good as part time jobs but with some perks.

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$500 is only seasonal if I'm lucky enough to get a project from UPWORK it's not permanent. But the consequence is, I am lack of sleep. I work until midnight and that is straight for 3 months except for Sunday.

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This is what I have been noticing on freelancing. It takes a lot of my time. I know, a business will take huge responsibility and your days and nights, but will it be this much? So far, this is my own experience, I feel like I have to invest too much time to make the expected goal, and I do feel tired. What if you try to improve your business, have you tried social media?

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Yes, work sin't much of a work if you love what you're doing. The pay should be considered though and the quality of life you can achieve through it. If financial independence is the goal, I think making what you love as your business is the best thing to do.

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I think I'm gonna go with businessman. I've been thinking of starting a small business but still undecided about what kind of business will I be into. I'll get some advice and tips first.

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I'm glad you're interested to indulge yourself in business. It was hard and fun at the same time. Make a feasibility study first before putting a business to avoid drastic losses.

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I will probably go with business because I'm the type of person that is so lazy but wants to make a lot of money. The business that I'm thinking about right now is the T-Shirt Business which is actually my dream business, the main reason is I love drawing, editing and sometimes drawing some logos on Photoshop. And also, I'm the type of person that loves to think and create things all the time.

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I think you're referring to a T-Shirt printing. Well, to tell you it's a good business too especially if your drawing skills is brilliant. You said that you also make logo designs and I think its good for Mugs printing as souvenirs to birthday or wedding. Go follow your dreams and explore your creativity who know's you'll become very successful in that venture.

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That's a great idea! having your own signature design T-shirts. Costumized shirt are also on trend nowadays. I've seen a lot of business page on facebook that sells costumized products, and they really get good income to it. Goodluck I hope you can make your dream business come true. Which do you prefer Online Job or Business

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I don't think you'll still be lazy if you actually love what you do. If it's your dream you are working on, then there will be no shortage of dedication and perseverance on your part. On the other hand, if you hate what you're doing or is not interested on it, then it'll be torture the whole time.

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I have to agree with this too. Because online jobs are too low cost. And it's not easy to make money off them. I personally prefer to try the online jobs that earns some good income. So setting up a business is lot better option in that case. It depends on how the business makes money though.

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If you can find time to do both then I'd say go for it. I think though that when you run an online business you also have to make sure you advertise or offer advertising within that space. Selling ad space or sponsored space on your site will make you some nice extra coin.

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Yes, I agree with you. Although much time and effort are needed in order to make this kind of business work, I believe it'll be worth it eventually.

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What's your work online? Freelancing? Like earning $100-200? I think that's only for temporary.
But as for my opinion, you may still have a business or rather venture to another line of business. Explore more things in business. Nowadays, there are a lot of ways to earn.

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I guess you're right freelancing is only temporary but earning money online is so easy than running a business. Maybe I was tired of doing sales talk to my customer just to buy my Items but I'll keep that in mind that there are still many ways to earn. Thank you for the advice.

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Do both, go parallel, don't give up on your business yet. You can sell your products here at Lsitingdock or Wordclerks or 11 street. Write up your product review in your blog and share online with the media sites. Give your business some time. When you receive orders, your business will revive

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Agreed, using sites and forum are good way to promote business, and at the same time earning from your blogs. This is now the modern way to to grow some business and many have succeed in this strategy. Just give your costumers good service and quality products and surely they will keep coming back.

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I agree. I think it is best to do this and also hitting two birds with stone. Many physical shops have achieved success when they also made there products available online.

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It is actually good that you have already taken a step on the small business. A little more perseverance will somehow make it work I think. Of course it has something to do with will and passion. However, if you really find it more convenient to have an online job instead then you should give up business. Because I think it will require a lot of time and effort for it to grow. Given that you have other job, you really can't focus.

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I suggest that you try to concentrate more on your business. Online jobs really are free, but the pay is not enough to be your primary source of income. You can just have it as an extra source but not the main one. On the other hand, your business can grow if you put more effort into it and it will help you more with your financial matters.

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I guess you can actually really do both. Having a physical shop and selling the products online could be very profitable and more customers can be tapped to browse the products.

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I think choosing your business is the right choice, many people are trying to start a small business but still can't afford to do so. But you on the other hand had already started you small business, so why let go of it? it's not a matter of how high you can earn right now on your business but what matters most is that you have already established a business of your own. Like you said that it's not going good right now, but that's normal because there are peak seasons to sell you products. Maybe in the near future, your business will go from small business to big business that will give you the income that you always wanted to had.

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You have a point. Business have its up and down. Anyway Christmas is approaching probably my sales will increase soon. I come to realize that it's not worth it to stop my business. I will try my best to keep both. Thank you for the advice.

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I also have small business and then when my friend teachme how to earn dollars online I thought of giving up my business and concentrate
only in online job but I realize online job is not dependable and not stable. Don’t
give up your small business you can also do online job at the same time as
other source of income.

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I'm glad you manage to keep them both. I also realize that I should not give up my business maybe I will consider online job as an option for additional income but not a source of income. Somebody told me that online job is not stable and yes it was true.

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Online jobs cannot give you a long-term benefit but having a business will make you wealthy if you have the determination. You can have your businesses online, and I have seen a lot videos on youtube that people are getting more successful selling products online thru advertising and online marketing.

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If you had some success on your online business, it's better to proceed on that route, and not thinking about short term profit, rather, focusing on learning the ins and outs of E-commerce. just hang on there.

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This will depend on the type of online job you have been offered or the kind of business you want to do. Some online job can be very high paying. However, it is very difficult to land a high paying online job. You can make a good money through online business, however, there is too much competition for online business. Whether you should do a business or job online, depends on your skills and time and effort you want to put. maybe you could do both like me. I am doing online job as well as online business.

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If you have enough funds or capital, starting your own business will be a good benefit for you, at first it will be difficult but time will come you will be use to it. While in online jobs there is to much competition in it and there is a little chance of you to work in a very high paying jobs.

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I agree with you sephzer. In online jobs you can earn funds, but it's a slim chance, because the problem is the competition in terms on skills and experiences. In having a business at least you have more stability and security in the long run.

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Yeah! Start a business if you have a lot of funds to support it. Starting a business has a higher chance of growth.

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I agree! Although both is much better, I think. You can have a physical shop and then have your products available online.

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Honestly, I have tried a job before and it has not worked that well for me. So these days I would definitely go for a job. It means making less but I definitely would have a bit more of security and stability

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I guess from what I have learned in College on a subject about economy, you should consider the concept of opportunity cost. If you will abolish your current business what will be the positive and negative effects of this and you also do this when you will work online then try to compare which will be more beneficial to you such as value for time, convenience, money that can be earn and so on as some of the factors that you need to consider. But to be honest, if I will be in your position I will continue doing both for I believe that more is better. Maybe there is someone who can help you with your business or maybe use a online platform for it, for your convenience so that you can be able to do your stuffs in the same platform such as your business and working online. It just need some adjustments and management especially on time. But yeah if you will need to pick just one then use the concept of opportunity cost. God bless and thank you everyone.

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It's definitely business for me because it's more yielding of fund when compared to online jobs. It's best not to rely solely in online jobs as means of earning a living, from my point of view, it's not a wise decision.

The only problem with starting up a business is the capital required to do, if that is readily available, then business is better to back the horse on. Online jobs should be made to be a part time job for more extra cash.

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Why not do both? You can do an online job and a business at the same time. This will give you leverage and advantage because you have the control of your time. In this time, online job is the best money making income online that many people engage in. While having an online job, you can also create a physical shop of your online shop.

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Nice idea saygorem , I know doing both business and online job will be more beneficial to her. But my concern is about her health, I don't think if she can handle both , since she has a full time job already. It will be more harder for her, though it is still possible, depending on how she manage her time.

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I see your point chelfox. Thanks for the information, I forgot that she have a full-time job. She should find an online job that will only serve as her extra income and will not compromise her health. Find some jobs online which only requires little time and easy to do like PTC or she can make an affiliate marketing for passive income online.

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I am a freelancer but I also have a little business in avon products. I admit that for now, the income I get online is much better than my business, but I have no plan to stop doing business even it gives me only little income, still it is INCOME.

For me, I dont think you have to choose if you can do both, it would be better for you, it is just a matter of time management. Which do you prefer Online Job or Business

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I have a small business offline and I also sell some products online. It took me some time to finally succeed in this business. My business is growing and I am quite happy about that. I also work as a freelancer online. I am mostly into online tutoring and I earn a decent amount from too. My next plan is to monetize my YouTube channel. I hope that this works for me.

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I feel you should keep both jobs. In my experience, working online doesn't let you earn a whole lot but it's still something to go by. I think if you work out your time properly you should be able to do both.

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I prefer real life business and the job. You can see that the online business is not going to be any consistent. And some of the time you can see that online business takes more time than the real business. And on that scale it'd be reasonable to go with the online business only in condition when your approach is good with the network. I have learned that online business takes lot of time and earning is very hard for the issue there as well.

I have learned that offline business is something worth taking a look at if you have long term plans. But if you can't get it properly setup then I guess both online and offline business would be harder to setup.

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I have tried the two, I think I prefer the online business better.offline business comes with a lot of taxes, paying for space, employing workers and all that and you need to leave your house very early to meet up, paying for transport fare and all what not.I prefer an online business that if you put the necessary things in place you can be sleeping but still be making money.

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That's my point at first. Although I don't have space to display my items I actually post it on facebook and sometimes I meet my friends to personally show my items. From time to time I go out for meet ups or shipping my items via courier delivery and yes I spent money for my travel expense compare to my online job all I do is to sit and do the task and no need to go out.

However, after reading all the comments here, I realize that I should keep my business and do online job at the same time. I will prioritize first my full-time job and business and I will consider my online job as option for additional income. I will no longer spent long period of hours doing task here but I will not quit because I do really enjoy posting comments on forums.

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Why not bring your business online as well? You can use social media sites and maybe even invest in having your own website. Unless you really find it hard to manage both, I don't think you have to give up on your old store yet. Besides, you can even earn extra income by posting ads on your page (affiliate marketing).

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You can do both at the same time but i prefer to choose business. You have the higher chance to earn more money in business and to be successful. Online job is just a second option The only difference is business needs a capital while online job is completely free. Business works outside while online job is inside our houses only. You can still do online job as sideline as an additional income. They are both good source of income but if you need to focus on one i will choose business.

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I do have a few online business that brings me a lot of money. All my revenues come from earning online and I am satisfied with my work and positive results. I must say that I prefer the online over a real job, in fact, I earn more online that I had earned with my real job.

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But aren't you worried about the lack of security that this type of work can give you? I mean, it can contain several obstacles along the way, right? For example, a crash or cancellation of some website or other type of problem.

Would you have some kind of "plan B" for that?

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Wow! That was great. I think you really have this skillset needs in freelancing and yes I have few friends who quits from their real job and work online as bookkeeper, virtual artist, and Project Manager and their income is really pretty much higher compare to working in a company.

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It's a very tricky choice because I'm torn between the freedom that online work offers me (and this is aspect very important for me) and the security (which is also another important aspect for me) that "normal" work has. I would probably choose the option where I could be happier (without disregarding the financial factor, obviously Which do you prefer Online Job or Business).

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I think the only person that can decide about your current situation is only you. It's hard to say on which one is a better choice. You should weigh first the earning you receive in your online job and in your business. Which one is higher and which one gives you more satisfaction. Online jobs are cool cause you have your freedom of time. But it depends on what online job you are doing. Does it pay enough? Is your business going down or atleast you can still earn from it? For me i have a job and i can say that i can't live with just my online job. It's not enough for me so i have to stay on my freelance job as an agent and at the same time spend my free time on online job.

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One of reasons why you're business went downhill was because of your focus. If you have a business that's got competitors, being wholehearted on it a must. You need to focus on one only given you have a fulltime job already. Weigh the two according to time effectiveness and cost effectiveness. You calculate the number of hours you would be able to spend if treated individually. On the other hand, you perform profit (or income) analysis on both of them. If one wins time and profit, choose it. If one wins profit but will cost you time, assess whether per hour profit of it worth your time or not. If not, choose the other one. If you choose either of them, just don't forget that you should not compromise quality time with your loved ones.

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You have a point actually. You cannot really serve two masters at a time. For now I am trying to keep both and as much as possible I manage my time for my business and job. It's a good thing that my husband right now is trying his best too to help me in my business. Thank you for reminding me to give quality time to my loved ones I almost forgot that.

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Online job is my only job at the moment and I have to say I prefer doing it than having my own business. Having a business means you have to invest some money into that and you might not get anything from it. It is a big responsibility and I think it would make me stressed. I don't want to have my own business.

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I get your point but that is a business you have to gamble. It needs courage and desire. If you think that you are profitable with your online job well it's good t hear that. Yet you are right sometimes business give you stress too but I think all works are stressful.

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Wow, that must be a tough decision. I am making money online myself and am planning to own a small business on the side. It's a great experience to earn money online but it can also be exhausting and boring. I think, if you can keep both then that would be better. it's better to have a backup plan and not rely on just one income unless you have plenty of savings and passive income.

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it is not always easy to combine both the online and offline jobs, but I would suggest you find a way to make both works. The reason is that in the long-run, you may need both of them to really survive as well as cater for the family needs. I would suggest that since the online business is really giving you great success as of now, you need to get someone employed to see to the needs of your offline business and things needed to make it start booming once more.

I'm both a worker offline as well as working online and I see nothing really bad in it, just that it would always be stressful if you don't have people that help in your offline business.

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Don't give up on your business for now, since there are Holidays coming and maybe this is the time you can make more profit in your business. Business is long term investment, there are times that you gain less profit, and there are times also that you make more profit from it. But, the most important thing is you are earning from your business.

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There are a lot of factors to consider. Which helps you pay your bills better? Which gives you more freedom and time to spend with your family? Which of the two will last longer? I think you need to list down the pros and cons of having an online job versus running a small business then start to weigh in. Also, why choose when you can keep both?

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I will go for online job, just for the fact that you won't lose anything and an online job doesn't have that much resposability has being the owner of your own business. It's easier and for a half time job it is good. If you have enough time to run your own business online then go for it but you have to know it will require dedication and effort to get it together and to actually make some profit!

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Starting a small business is like a gamble either you win or either you lose. I prefer starting a business rather than online jobs, why? Because if you have the right mindset and the right attitude with it you can be successful. Hard work and perseverance would take you a long way in the business world. What i'm trying to say business grows from time to time while online jobs might fade in the long run.

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Well, I prefer both of it. Because they are both the same in making enough money. In online job you can work easily but earning money is not easy, same thing with business, it is hard to do but when it worked you can hit a jackpot. Its fortune anyway.

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For me, it is depend on yourself. If you can focus on business, then you must start a business now. If you can focus more on online job, then it is you must choose. In my case, I'd prefer to have an online job because I have now the resources I need to have one. And later on, maybe I will make my own business.

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That's a tough decision. But I think it can be hard to earn money online and your income can fluctuate quite wildly. Owning a business is riskier and also doesn't guarantee a stable income, but I would think you can earn more from selling things than from doing side jobs online, especially since online jobs seem pretty scarce these days. But if you're doing it just to supplement your full-time income, I don't see why you can't do both.

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Can I choose both? I think having both would be a good idea. I mean, you can have a business and at the same time have an online job. In case of having both of them, you should have a good time management and perhaps someone to help you, because not everything would be easy. It also depends on what sorts of things you are going to deal with. I think if you really have a passion for making more money, you can have anything. Everything is possible.

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I don't have my own business although I do have a work which I can be frequently online all day. Well for now I only earn small amount for very tiring and time consuming work online as I can't quite qualify on some high paying programs on the net because of time issues. I do think its quite enough that I can earn small each day and just let it accumulate every day then count it at the end of the month so I do feel motivated to work online.

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Its okay if you only earn a small amount. Time will come you will be able to learn how to earn serious money online. You cannot rush things anyway sooner or later you will see you are quite learning and earning much higher.

I have read one article about the online job and they say online job who pays $5 to $10 a week is attractive to a cheap country like Philippines and India. Yes Its really true because $5 or $10 dollar in my country Philippines is quite a big amount that you can already buy it food to consume for one week and it's not bad at all. But I don't want to be contented by earning small amount so I made a lot of research on how can I develop my skills in Virtual Art or about social media project and now if I have time, I am trying to learn about blogging.

However, I'm happy to see that you are motivated and please try to develop your skills too though it needs a lot of hard work and effort it's worth it in the end.

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If you can find reliable work on the internet, whether it be through freelancing or making money through AdSense or affiliate marketing, I'd say you honestly can't beat online work. Often times you get to create your own schedule, and you can work as much or as little as you want. And one of the best parts is that you can do it absolutely anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. Whether you want to work from home, rent out an office, or make a few extra bucks while you're off vacationing in a different country, working online is just about as flexible as work can get.

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I prefer a business. It's common sense, online jobs don't pay much if you are only a freelancer or data encoder. I need something that I will have enough income to support my needs and obviously , a business has a higher probability of higher income than online job. If I try to manage my business effectively and efficiently, it will sure grow to a bigger business that I will be my income generator for the whole life and for my son, grandson and great grandson.

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Business is something that you own. Building your business leads you to building your very own dreams. It gives you the opportunity to live life your own terms later on since it is your ticket to financial freedom. What is financial freedom? It is the ability to live life without having to rely on someone else for money because you earn an uninterrupted passive income that is higher than your expenses. It can even cover your dreams. Money is not an issue while you enjoy the freedom of doing the things that really matter to you. Since business is something that you own, you have control over it. It can give you true financial security especially when it gives you a passive income. In a freelance work, the income stops once you stop working since you earn active income. A business can help you sustain life once the work stops.

If your business is not that stable at the moment, you may do freelance jobs on the side just to sustain your expenses so your profits remain untouched. Then use the profits you have in your business to grow or improve it. It's the habit of using money to make more money.

Keep your focus on your business while you are doing a freelance job. A successful business can help you sustain life even if work stops. Grow your profits exponentially until you enjoy its fruits and leave it as a legacy for the next generations to come in the future.

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I would rather have a online job and steady income. What I want to know is how people find these online jobs. So many people work from home these days its just insane. And on the other hand its ingenious by business owners. Because you pay for your computer and you pay for your internet and pay for your own office space and electricity etc. So it's a win win for the company!

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The problem is finding a good online job. I have tried quite a few and have not been successful. These days I would take an online business over a job If I had the money to invest that is

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Maybe you're not searching in the right place? Online work is more perspective nowadays

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Definitely agree with you. It's more convenient, because you can work anytime and you have more time for friends and family because you don't commute anymore. Also, since the pandemic hit us, online jobs have gained even more popularity. I'm lucky that my job gives me the possibility to work from home, and this tough period hasn't affected my budget yet. I'm working as a specialist in a company that provides consultation and help concerning child care business for sale. We're working almost on the phone or online, so we can provide guidelines for our clients even from home.

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Definitely agree with you. It's more convenient, because you can work anytime and you have more time for
friends and family because you don't commute anymore. Also, since the
pandemic hit us, online jobs have gained even more popularity. I'm
lucky that my job gives me the possibility to work from home, and this
tough period hasn't affected my budget yet. I'm working as a specialist
in a company that provides consultation and help concerning child care business for sale. We're working almost on the phone or online, so we can provide guidelines for our clients even from home.
You're so lucky to have the chance to work from home! I would like to know more about your company, can I dm you?

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I love my online work. But it is also my business. I am a language coach. However, I began to feel the full satisfaction of my work only after I turned to Elite Imaging Systems, which helped me with all the technological subtleties. Thanks to them, I have a perfect workplace at home!

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