
What's Your "Perfect" Music Album?

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What's Your "Perfect" Music Album?

What is your list of "perfect" music albums? I know that some of you may not have a single album you consider perfect, so use the definition loosely. What music albums do you think are good from start to finish and have no filler tracks on them?

I'd be happy to start:

Zaba by Glass Animals
How Do You Feel Now? by Joywave
Mutemath by Mutemath

Only 3 right now, but I feel like I could pick out a ton more if I really wanted to. One of the perks of listening to tons of music, I suppose! If you want, share a link to the albums you like, so we can take a listen to them, too!


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They say music has no boundaries. And I’ll stick to that. My favorite album is KWON JIYONG album. Yes, you might never heard it yet because it’s a Korean album. I don’t understand Korean that much but I could say that album is worth the price.

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Ohh, I also love Kwon Ji Yong a.k.a G-Dragon. I really love his personality and his music. He's actually not my bias in BigBang but I appreciate his good leadership and his passion for the group's success. He's a good composer and he's very friendly as well. His recent album was actually very unique because of the USB thingy tho. I'm actually a Daragon shipper, how about you?

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My sister is really into Korean music, and while I still prefer other genres, I can see its appeal on why it gets popular. I'll suggest this album to her, although I'm pretty sure she already knows about this.

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I am not sure there are any perfect music albums actually. There are simply some albums that I like and enjoy. I think that most music is pretty awesome actually.

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This is SOOOOO yough! Do you mean what is my favorite album of all time, or what is it that I look for in a perfect album? Wait, I see--let me name a few!

Almost EVERY albu by the bands Polvo and The National are perfect throughout without filler, in my opinion. I have been into indie rock for over 30 years, and these bands, both of which formed in the mid 1990's, I think, have never let me down with a song ever. This is not an easy thing for a band to pull off, either. Of course, you can always find a greatest hits album from a band or artist after they have had a long career spinning tunes, but for them to consistently make solid albums over and over is an amazing accomplishment!

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The National is a great group. I dig your taste in music! If I recall correctly, I think we talked about Explosions in the Sky among other post-rock groups in another thread a while back.

I always get anxious when a group I follow closely it going to put out another album, as I worry about whether or not it will live up to my expectations, especially if I fell in love with their previous album. Alt-J's first album, An Awesome Wave, is another album I would put under the "no filler tracks" category, and it blew me away when I heard it the first time. Unfortunately, each of their releases after that has let me down a little bit more each time, which is disappointing.

So I understand what you mean about it being difficult for a band to release solid albums continuously. Definitely a feat if they can accomplish it!!

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Yes--you are right--I forgot about that, but we did speak about Explosions in the Sky. Thanks for complementing my taste in groups. I have played electric guitar for over two decades, and have also been in bands, so I tend to gravitate towards groups who are heavily influenced by a unique guitar sound or who create walls of dense sound and sonic experimentation. i will check out "An Awesome Wave" and let you know what I think seeing as how we look to have similar tastes here!

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I love The Doors, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Deep Purple, Zepplin and many other rock artists. I also love to listen to Amy Winehouse and Adele. I never get tired of my favorite musicians. However, if I am asked to choose only one album I will choose Another Brick in The Wall by Pink Floyd. By the way, the title song is also my all time favorite song.

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Great response here--you are obviously a Classic rock fan! I grew up listening to all of these bands, and I also still do on the radio on a pretty regular or frequent basis! Pink Floyd albums are always epic and amazing, and they really stand the test of time. That album you love, in particular, is pretty current even now with what is happening in today's times, almost in an Orwellian sense! I also love Led Zeppelin, and I love learning their songs, the ones I can learn, on the guitar.

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English is a foreign language and my father did not listen to English music. I got interested in English music only when I was in a college. There was this friend who was mad about Classic Rock. He insisted me to listen to classic rock. He even lent me his "cassettes." Once I began to understand the music, I began loving it. I love Another Brick in the wall just because it is so much relevant to our times.

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All really good choices. You honestly can't go wrong with classic rock, as there are plenty of hits that have stood the test of time. That being said, I was never the biggest fan of four out of five of those bands. It isn't to say that I think their music was bad, quite the contrary. It's just that I guess I've always been somewhat of a poser and only really enjoyed the hits that they were known for.

What's that fifth band I didn't include, you might ask? Led Zeppelin. I've listened to every single song off of every album, and love each song as much as the last. Truly legends of classic rock.

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I agree that you can't go wrong with most Classic rock--I am a crazy fan of the Zeppelin album, "Houses of the Holy", and I still listen to it to this day--that album, I think, came out in the seventies, so it is already close to 40 years old! I mean, just think about that in terms of the history of rock and roll and the influence that band had, right? Anyway, my dad used to listen to this band all of the time when I was growing up, and they were considered controversial back in those days, actually.

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Good choice sir. It's all classic rock, from new wave era to blues and a little technical guitarist from Pink Floyd. I really like how Jimi Hendirx play his guitar on stage, and actually some of my friends become good guitarist because of him, and sometimes they have an argument about what genre belongs Jimi Hendrix, If punk or rock, and I said it's blues.

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Well, you can never go rock with older rock and blues albums, especially by famous artists like these. I am also a big fan of these bands and they do have a lot of great albums.

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I think mine isn't a single album. I am into electronic trance and ambient music. And there is no one fixed artist who can get things right. So I am more or less into the music that has the different variety on that basis. I guess as time goes on I'd find things much better to listen to solo songs such as those. But I have one album of old country songs. I don't have it name just compilation of those songs.

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Huh, really good question. I haven't really thought about this in quite a while, because I haven't really been listening to most "mainstream" genres of music. I've been mostly into instrumental soundtracks lately. That being said, I do have some albums which I regard as some of my favorites of all time.

The first ones that come to mind are Lateralus and 10,000 Days by Tool. The only way I can describe both those albums is that they're just out of this world. Very complex, poetic, cryptic, and spiritual in some ways.

The Fragile and Year Zero, both from Nine Inch Nails, are two other albums that have been immensely influential for me. I can't really listen to The Fragile these days though, as it can put a person in a really dark place, which was somewhat the intention I assume. Year Zero is still amazing though, very political and aggressive, with a doomsday warning to mankind that is still relevant years later.

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It's interesting. While I was in high school, I was very much into "underground" groups and listened to a lot of metal. Since graduating, I've moved more toward indie rock and alternative music, and I've started listening to a lot more mainstream music like The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar, Drake, etc. I find it's really interesting to keep up with what's popular, and a lot of what I find is pretty good in my opinion!

As for your pick of Tool for great albums, I appreciate your choice very much! Tool are incredibly innovative, and I absolutely love their instrumentation. Forty Six and Two had a huge impact on me as a drummer growing up, because the drum patterns in it are so influential. It's a song that's progressive enough to facilitate learning for a budding drummer, but not too difficult to scare them away, which I loved.

Do you listen to any Dream Theater, Cynic or Opeth? These three groups have always stood out to me above any other prog metal bands. Cynic in particular has blown me away with their sound, as they'll layer deep growls underneath vocal tracks using a vocoder, which gives their music an incredibly dichotomous sound in terms of lyrics.

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It's amazing how much of an impact Tool had on my life. I'm not even joking when I say that the moment I read you wrote Forty Six and Two, chills went up my spine. Such an impactful track, and probably the best one off of Aenima. Danny Carey is easily one of the best drummers alive right now, and watching his live performances via "drum cam" is mesmerizing. His technique has only gotten more complex over the years yet he still manages to make it look like child's play.

I haven't listened to much Cynic or Opeth, but I listened to a bit of Dream Theater. Thing is that I only got into progressive metal at the very end of my "metal phase," before I transitioned into instrumental music, so I could pretty much say that Tool was the last metal/rock band I dedicatedly listened to before I entered the next phase of my life.

Although this conversation has definitely put me in the mood for some progressive rock/metal listening tonight.

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I love a lot of the soundtracks that an indie artist I like, Mac Macaughen, has been putting togerther--I think he is a true genius. I also really like a lot of Danny Elfman's work and the works of Phillip Glass. That being said, you brought up Tool here, and I agree with you that their music hits even on the spiritual level. As a matter of fact, from what I understand, the lead singer of Tool, Maynard Keenan, channels a lot of his yogi, Hindi, and Buddhist viewpoints int ohis lyrics and into the formation of his songs. I appreciate your taste in mucsic, and I also identify with it and listen to it myself.

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"As a matter of fact, from what I understand, the lead singer of Tool, Maynard Keenan, channels a lot of his yogi, Hindi, and Buddhist viewpoints int ohis lyrics and into the formation of his songs."

Oh definitely, Maynard has had a lot of--shall we say--metaphysical influence in his music.

For example, their second album Aenima, featured a lot of references to Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology, referencing things such as the anima, animus, shadow and other anthropomorphic archetypes.

Lateralus went in an even more New Age direction, placing emphasis on the value of things such as the Fibonacci spiral and golden ratio. Hell, the eponymous track Lateralus is actually written to the Fibonacci sequence, and that is in my opinion their best song.

Thankfully after 12 long years, they seem to finally be working on a new album.

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That is great to hear that TOOL is working on a new album. I was not aware of that, but I am a huge fan of theirs. I remember seeing them at the first Lollapalooza back when I was still in college so so many years ago, and they blew my mind, without a doubt. I have not seen them live since, but I have kept up with collecting their albums and still listen to them fairly regularly. That guitarist is sick--the dramatic sounds he creates and the mood and emotional tones he delivers really give them a signature sound--I wish I could play guitar as well or as originally as he does.

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Well for me, the album of Pearl Jam "ten" including the the best song of all time by Pearl Jam, like Even flow, black, alive and Jeremy, and actually this album is one of my precious treasure. Although, I have a lot of favorite albums and it's almost perfect for me, like the Nevermind of Nirvana, Audioslaves albums, Alice in chains, Stone temple pilots, and some Seattle bands during 90s, but this one of Pearl Jam is my favorite and perfect for me.

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The "ten" was really a hit back in the days when I was into lots of mainstream songs. Pearl Jam did an awesome work on those songs that you can't get tired of listening to them. The thing with that is even when you feel moody, the songs got a way of getting you back to your feet so that you can have some solo dance and feel good.

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Well Eddie Vedder is a really good singer, and the song of pearl jam or the lyrics is actually will reminds you a lot of things about your life, and I really like how he perform in the stage, you will feel the emotion, although they are rock band, but the lyrics of the songs is really sad. It will definitely changes your mood immediately when you listen to their song.

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Your post is really taking me back to my youth! All of these "Seattle-based" and grunge bands hit right when I was starting college, and I saw many of these bands live at shows in Atlanta, here in America, over the years. I was actually on the front row, right in front of Jason Cantrell, lead guitarist for Alice In Chains, and he rocked my face off, lol. I think that I really started playing the guitar because of Kurt Cobain, and I also remember how sad I was over his death (whether it was a suicide or not--there is still a lot of controversy surroundng that). From what I understand, Pearl Jam was just inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame last year, actually.

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Me too, the songs from this Seattle bands reminds me a lot of things during my high school days. The popularity of the bands from Seattle hits even here in Asia during that time. And the death of Curt Cobain is a big loss in the music industry during 90's. Somehow, the rivalry of Nirvana and Pearl jam slowly gone because of the controversy death of Curt Cobain. The Pearl Jam become number 1 on the chart and that's the reason why Pearl Jam pissed off Curt Cobain, but the rivalry of these two bands was the reason why the 90's rock/grunge is worth to remember.

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I'd pick Harry Connick Jr's When Harry Met Sally Soundtrack Album. It has my favorite songs like It "Had To Be You", "Winter Wonderland", "Live Is Here To Stay", "It Had To Be You", and many others.

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I guess you go in for the old time classics. That album certainly seems to have a romantic feel and is one that many people would enjoy if they like that kind of music. It isn't really my cup of tea.

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My very best all-time favorite album is the soundtrack of Pretty Woman which has "It Must Have Been Love" by Roxette, this is my favorite song from the soundtrack. Also there's Roy Robinson's "Oh Pretty Woman" which has a very powerful beat and also Lauren Wood's "Fallen".

I still remember when I first heard "It Must Have Been Love" while watching the film, I was with my girlfriend then, and it was my first highschool date. That song made my night.

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I've not really got a pick on the best album of all time in the sense that I listen to lots of songs every passing day and most of them are unique in their own way. Just like I said in the other comment, Pearl Jam is one of the best that I can talk of, but that doesn't mean that he is the best of all time as long as albums are concerned. Moreover, I've learnt to always listen to more of our local songs.

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I love listening to different types of music. Some of my favorite singers are Adele, Lana Del Rey, Lara Fabian, Avril Lavigne, Indila, Desire Francois, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Stromae. Whenever I feel down listening to some music from my favorite singers is enough to cheer me up.

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Among all these musicians that you outlined here, I'm only familiar with the songs of Katy Perry. One of her songs was titled Roar, it was such a wonderful and interesting song. I also know Taylor Swift, her songs comes in some kind of mystical way but it sounds good as well.

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I also like their songs, but the problem, some of their album, there's only one or two great song, and the rest is need to skip in the playlist. Most of them is just a seasonal artist, or let me say, they become famous because of one popular song. but I think not Adele.

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That seems to go for artists other than your run-off-the-mill popstars as well. I don't listen that much mainstream music, but I also notice that quite a few albums just have 2-3 songs that really have soul, and the rest just feel like they're fillers in order to be able to release the album. Luckily some artists have dropped the whole album thing, and go for EP's instead nowadays.

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It's really hard to pick a perfect album, but if I had to choose one it would be an album, which contains songs in a perfect order and easily enjoyable. There are a lot of albums that are good for certain songs, but a perfect album would have a lot of great songs, if not all.

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Thriller by Michael Jackson, Boston by Boston (great debut album), A Night at the Opera by Queen (and all their albums, really lol)

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You took me WAY back with this one! I remember my dad blasting BOSTON on his ancient stereo, on vinyl, when I was growing up. He would literally shake our house playing "More Than A Feeling", and I would play air guitar to it and jump all around the living room as he laughed! He also played a lot of Electric Light Orchestra and some Journey albums, so I grew up with a lot of Classic Rock. He was always wary of Led Zeppelin, and I think he thought they were way too into the occult (which, as an adult who has read about them, I do not think he was totally wrong there...).

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Yeah, I was born in '93, so I just heard most of this music from my father's records. I grew up with this music, it's actually surprising that I never learned how to play the guitar, but I learned piano instead.

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I dabble in piano, and I try to apply what I learned on the guitar to the keys, but I am jealous of your ability to play the piano, to be sure. I wish I would have started with that instrument, learning my bass and treble clef, at the yougest age possible. I can dabble wth it, but I can't do anything to acrobatic--basic chord progressions, etc. I think that people who do not know much about piano think that I am "ok"--lol. However, I myself know better! I was a junior in college in 1993, so I am jealous of your youth! I guess I could take some lessons--it's never too late to start, right?

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I love New Wave of the late 80's and the best band then for me was Fra Lippo Lippi, they made a great new wave album called Light and Shade which became my favorite then. It has songs like Angel, Beauty and Madness, Light and Shade and Some People.
These are some of the best songs made in that era.

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I have so many must i choose? My favorite album of all time is the Script,with the album entitled the Script.I can listen to this album over and over again. i normally have a falling out with music, after I have listened to it, so many times. But for this I can have it on repeat over and over again.Never get tired! At the moment I'm also loving Camila Cabello album named Camila. Her music is really good. Haven't had a better album in ages. I'm loving every song on it.She is the girl who left fifth harmony.

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I like alot of the greatest hits albums. Heart and Queen are some of my favorites in this regard. I have a real thing for 80's rock and these are some of the great groups of that time period. I like and admire these groups and albums.

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I like the 80s music also, specially that Folk rock and country album during that time. And this Queen is one of my favorite band i really like the voice of Freddie Mercury, high and powerful. There're so many great album during that time, like albums from, bread, america, kansas, scorpion and Journey.

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I wouldn't say that I have a particular favorite music album because I have listened to so many songs that I cannot even recall or remember the albums that they came from.

There are lots of musicians whom I enjoy listening to their songs, even though I cannot remember their albums, I sure still can remember their names. They are :
Ciline Dion
Lucky Dube
Elton John
Phill Collins

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I like the album of Taylor Swift Fearless. This was the time where in I begun to like Taylor Swift because of her songs. I think this album was about turning into teen and as a teen, her maturation changed into deliberately cool and I can relate to her those times. I also like the album of Parokya ni Edgar's Halina sa Parokya. Parokya ni Edgar is one of the famous band in Philippines they have been so popular back years ago until now. Their songs are really great and we can say that it's such a classic especially their old songs. Until now their old songs still sing by millenials and young generations. I picked the Halina sa Parokya because this was the time where in they promoted that album and it was also the time that I was so addicted to Chito Miranda ( the lead vocalist of the band). I even bought their album from Cd Store.

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I only have four perfect music albums actually, because most of the time even I like a music album, chances are that there will be one or two songs on that album that I will not like compared to the other songs on the album so I can't really call it perfect. For me, the four perfect albums would have to be:
  • Diamond in the dirt - Mist
  • One foot in - Nines
  • One foot out - Nines
  • Stoney - Post Malone

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You also can't go wrong with my boy Post Malone, he has been making a lot of nice music and his personality is even greater too. A person's personality might not change the music itself afterwards, however it's always great, knowing that a person is cool and his music is as cool.

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Great to see another Post Malone fan over here. I love him and I can't wait for him to release his next album - Beerbongs and Bentley. I'm sure whenever it comes out, it will be another perfect music album for me. Have you heard his latest song Psycho?

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In the late 90's my fave singer/rapper is Eminem and his album Slim Shady was a favorite of mine, next is his third album Marshall Mathers.

Eminem brought about a new kind of rap that has funny and sometimes dramatic lyrics with a unique beat. I really love his Slim Shady album and I still play it at home sometimes.

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That is a tough one and there are probably a lot that I would leave out in considering them. If I had to be a prisoner of the moment though I have been listening to Modest Mouse We Were Dead Before and it is up there in my personal list. There are older groups I would probably rank higher but right now this one works.

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I'm so glad to see someone mention Modest Mouse! Though I can't say they have an album that I enjoy from start to finish, I do love Modest Mouse's work. I enjoyed their latest release, but Good News for People Who Love Bad News holds a special place in my heart.

I don't remember how I found it, but King Rat was the first song I heard by them, and it was such a powerful song to me. They really had me hooked from that first tune.

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YESSSS!!! Modest Mouse! My girlfriend and I were just listening to Lonesome Crowded West yesterday while driving home from atlanta! Isaac Brock is one of my guitar heroes! I saw them play years ago in grad school at gabe's Oasis in Iowa City--it was a tiny venue and tiny stage, and it was incredible! I was hooked from the start as well, The Articulate!

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They're a real blast to listen to! It was just announced that they're coming to a venue in my city this October. Needless to say, my girlfriend and I purchased tickets the day they went on sale. Really looking forward to the show!

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The linkin Park Hybrid theory is also the perfect music album for me, almost all of the songs inside that album is really great. This album is really worth to buy. I can listen to this album for the whole day. And I really like the lyrics also. It's looks like a motivational speech that encourages you become strong, but the linkin park diverted it to as music, so the listener can understand it easily. Most of songs included to this album if I'm not mistaken become number one song in the daily top ten in some radio station in our country during that time.

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Linkin Park is a solid choice! I've respected how their desire to experiment with their sound over the years, but I think their best releases, by far, were Meteora and Hybrid Theory. I can go back to either of those albums and listen to them from top to bottom and never get tired of them.

I was traveling abroad last year when Chester Bennington committed suicide, and it was on my mind for quite a while afterward.

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I think, almost all of the songs of LInkin Park related to Chester Bennington, and I also think that, during the first album, chester was already suffering from depression. He just diverted it into a music with rock and grunge genre. This depression somehow helps him to release it by the help of music.

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There is probably not a single person among the 90's generation who hasn't liked Linkin Park at a certain point in their life. Even though I've never had an LP phase, I do appreciate their music a lot in the last couple of years. They did make great music and are an important part of the nu metal wave.

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You're right. During the middle of 90's maybe 96 or 97 if I'm not mistaken, when the boy bands become popular, and the people forgot about the rock music, here's come they Linkin Park, trying to save the industry. That's the reason why they become more popular also, because there's no other bands perform that kind of music during that time.

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Yup. I always correlate their music to anime's epic scenes. What

It always makes me feel like Linkin Park's songs are made to be combined with something epic! Anime fight and epic scenes are what fits the criteria perfectly! What

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It may sound cheesy but my perfect music album would have to be "High School Musical." Not just the first but the entire albums from the three movies. They have such good music. So catchy and nostalgic. It takes me back to my younger days as a carefree individual.

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The album "Don't look down" by Skylar grey was my favorite and still is. Listening to that album was the first time I was listening to her songs back in 2015 and I loved each song I heard.

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I have no specific album which I really love to listen to just like what you guys are sharing. So I will just share this with you, in spotify, my favorite album there or rather playlist is that playlist entitled "Music for Malling", it consists of different recent songs which are perfect for a lighter mood and more of happy and party theme.

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My favorite music album is "anti-example" from Carla's Dreams, this band is a band from Moldova, they have a big success in my country and not only, it is possible that you have already heard of them.

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I read Pink Floyd above and it did make me think of The Wall, and I could probably listen to that all the way though. There are some other older ones, and maybe a collections or a best of album here and there. Anything recent though I am having trouble coming up with anything even close.

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I like anime theme songs and Japan's type of songs so I prefer a prefect song album of my favorite singer Lisa. She's from Japan and a very good singer. I like all of her songs and most of it are anime theme songs. Every time I listen to her songs, it is really nice to hear because I like the beat, the melody, etc. and the message because I am also searching its english translation for me to understand the song. What makes it for the songs to be perfect is that it gives enjoyment or it suits the taste of music from the listeners and somehow the listener can relate to the message too.

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I am a certified fanatic of music and it really means a lot for me. My favorite music album would be the slow rock of the greatest singer before just like Michael learns to Rock, Scorpions and many more. I really like thier music because it is very good to ears and might as well the lyrics of the songs makes me feel relax and fall in love. I really like to hear classic songs because it reminds me of something in the past which really a treasure for me.

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My favorite music playlist would be these three artists' discography. Ed Sheeran, Adele, and Sam Smith. I do not get tired of their songs. They both make me feel sad and happy at the same time. The message and melody of their songs make me confused on what to feel. What

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The Beach Boys Pet Sounds is a really good album and one that I would be happy to have in my arsenal. I think it would be an album that I would put in the category of perfect album. It is one that I really like..and always enjoy listening to.

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I don't know if you can relate with me but my Perfect music album is Day6's Sunrise Album. Day6 is a K-Pop soft rock band and they have really good vocalists and I just love their songs because they have such sad lyrics which I can relate. Most of their songs are about moving on from a failed relationship and how hard it is to cope up with a breakup but anyways, that's my preference and I like singing along to a heartbreak song.

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I would listen to Sarah Machlaclan, Coldplay and Christina Aguilera-but not the recent albums she released. I really like singing the sound of music and imitating voices. It's really fun doing it and being able to sing their songs as well haha
This is a hobby of me back then. Still I enjoy listening to other songs with relatable and promising music content.

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I like all the songs of Ed Sheeran. I listen to all of his songs. He and Bruno Mars are my favorite singers as of today. I always listen to their music in Youtube.

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I listen to Eurobeat. I'm usually a gloomy person by nature so I need music to pump me up. This is a genre of music popularized by racing fanatics. It's fast, it's loud and makes you want to do more with your life after a few songs or so.

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This group popularized (in my opinion) the whole acoustic or unplugged sessions in MTV. Their album Nirvana: Unplugged in New York is my all-time #1 best album. The other albums in my list are the following:

Alanis Morrisette: Jagged Little Pill
Metallica: Black Album
Oasis: Definitely, Maybe
Limp Bizkit: Significant Other
Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory

I could go on, but these are 5 of my best.

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Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory and Meteora were incredibly influential in my drumming early on. I used to listen to both albums regularly in middle school and high school, and I'm still of the opinion that those two are albums are their best, hands down.

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I love the black parade of my chemical romance but my favorite would be in love and death by the used. Yes, it is an emo punk artist. But I don't know why I feel every lyrics of their song. Especially sang by their girly voice vocalist Bert. It feel a pinch in the heart.

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The Used are great. I saw them live several years ago when they came through my city. Really good show! In Love and Death is a great album, but I'd have to say Lies for the Liars is probably my favorite album by them. In terms of punk albums, I definitely things it's solid through and through. Also an album that I learned drums to early on, so it holds a special place in my heart.

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Today there is a lot of music for every taste, in a way it is good because you can find every day something new, but on the other hand, there is a lot of copied music and that's bad, very bad. I don't like disrespect, and copied music is a big disrespect from an artist. So my answer to your question will be "my favorite album is a copyrighted music ". In case you want to find if an album is copyrighted or not you can click here .

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I love the instrumental music

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I am a lover of the instrumental music. I learned to play the violin and the piano since I was a little girl. I was taught by They inspired me every time I was sitting next to the instrument. My perfect album would consist of different songs played with the same instruments I can play. I enjoy listening to them as much as I enjoy hanging out with my friends or going to a party. It calms me a lot and I get relaxed very quickly.

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