
Would you ever have a monkey as a pet? and why?

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Would you ever have a monkey as a pet? and why?

We all see celebrities and people on TV having monkeys or primates as pets. What about you? Do you think you would want to live with one? Although most states have outlawed these kinds of pets some states still allow them. I think my kids would love a monkey honestly but i just worry about it getting violent. Primates are really smart and have a mind of their own. If they feel some kind of emotion they will react, i don't think they are as loyal as dogs. I am probably going to say i am on the fence i don't know if i would or not but my family would probably decide for me lol! Lets hear what you think? Monkey or no monkey!

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I would definitely say no! Monkeys are not pets, they are wild animals and they should remain where do they belong, in the forests. I don't agree with having them as pets because they are not able to be totally submissive as dogs, therefore they may be aggressive.
They are very possessive and they want your affection only for them. Be careful if other members of your family try to hug you that they can get violent. She will demand your attention more and more.

If, by any chance, you will leave him / her unattended, you shouldn't be surprised if your living room will be ruined. They get bored easily.
Being a special "pet", you may get visits from county officials to check your documents, monkey's documents.
It need regular visits to the veterinarian. The checkups should include tuberculosis and other viral tests, vaccines and blood tests. Rest assured, they are not cheap.

Knowing this, do you think it's wise to have a monkey as a pet? I sure don't. Buy a golden retriever, at least he likes playing fetch. Monkey will throw the stick at you and "smile".

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They say monkeys can be life long companions i agree with you though they can become violent. Living in a house or locked in a cage is not natural for them. The intelligence of these animals and the ability to make intelligent decisions is actually the reason people are drawn to then as pets. Your dog can do many things and are loyal but imagine what a monkey can do! Its possible to train a monkey to be a butler they can cook serve drinks ETC. The monkey could probably even train the dog to do tricks lol. Monkeys are not cheap either you are correct about that just the animal itself is about 10 grand. Thanks for sharing!

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I don't think because I don't love monkeys I prefer to keep dogs and maybe cats but for monkeys it a No for me.

I might just love to play with them if I see one or two anything less is a No for me.

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Exactly, I don't know why some people look at them like pets, when they're not. They tend to be anxious and aggressive while on small, confined spaces, remember they are from the wild, so they need their space to feel at home. And they are super curious, it's their nature, so you will always be fighting over this and the mess they leave while checking around. If you consider yourself a good person, leave them in the wild where they belong.

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Hey guys thanks for your input. I appreciate your time!

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I'm with you on this one. I have heard of reports where one of the monkeys went wild and attacked someone in the next yard over. I think this type of behavior is rare and possibly reactionary, such as if he/she feels threatened or could be emotionally induced stress related violence. And the same thing can happen with a dog, such as one who is abused or cramped up in a small pen all day, you get these severe emotional reactions related to stress. They are after all, very emotional creatures. So maybe, monkeys are the same way.

I would never have one of the big monkeys in the house or as a pet.

Though, I gotta say, i really want one of these little guys Would you ever have a monkey as a pet? and why?

Would you ever have a monkey as a pet? and why?

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Yes the little ones are cute my kids are crazy over them. The problem with the little guys is that they bite and they need to have their teeth taken out to avoid injury. Its hard for me to believe that these little things are outlawed but hey it is what it is we live in a country where child molesters get less time than drug dealers. I agree i would not want a full sized chimp that can rip my arm off. Unless i was a millionaire than maybe a gorilla pen would be cool and a zoo at my house like Micheal Jackson. Thanks for sharing bev.

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Hell no! No way. Monkeys are cute and funny and smart but monkeys are no pets! Far too smart to be kept in a cage and far to complicated to keep one around you at all time. The place of every monkey is in the wild with her kin.

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Its great how we have a contrast of opinion here. I was just thinking maybe it could be the ultimate pet lol! I guess you have a valid point though.

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i guess i would be on the fence now after reading every ones input! i would love to have one of those little monkeys though! they are super cute and my girls would LOVE them but they seem to be violent which would make sense because they are not meant to be pets.

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I would personally love a monkey, they are just so cute and mischevious. That said I have heard that monkeys don't do well as pets. They have very special needs and they need to be in the wild.

So I don't think anyone should have them as pets for this reason.

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I think that people think that this is a cool idea, but I have heard horror stories of exotic pets going beserk and permanently maiming or even killing their owners. Years ago, a chimp here in America got angry at his owner and ripped off his ears, nose, and genitalia and broke his arms and nearly killed him. I do not think that the risk is worth it when it comes to certain "exotic pets", especially when a layman owns one and may or may not be very astute at animal care in the first place.

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Nooooooooooooooooo! First of all, monkeys should be on the wild. Second, it's not common for us to have a pet monkey at home at lastly, we don't know how to take care of a monkey. We should leave them on the wild because it's their natural habitat. Wild animals are also like people, they don't want to be inside of a cage. They want to be free!

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No, i don't like monkey at home, we have small kids that need special attention. You must have a skills on training
monkeys before having a pet,they are moody and always wanted to be the center of attention.

I don't like monkey at all.

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No, probably its the worst pet you can have and actually its not a pet. Monkeys can be cute sometimes when they are just babies but when they turn matured i don't know what will happen.But i would probably say no,monkeys are not pets.

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Yes for me i would love to have a monkey pet they are intelligent the only one thing if the monkey cannot be train well they may cause chaos in our house playing fire with the stoves or other things that might harm us. but if your a good trainer or you can hire a trainer we could have a pet monkey i like them very much.

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They are intelligent like humans and sometimes thinks more than humans reach. I agree that if you are a good trainer then you will have a good trainee at the very end of training. Sometimes we must think also that animals like monkey have emotions and feelings that we must be aware of. We must respect them also and do not abuse or else they will bite back. They are not the worst pet gelotologist, why don't you try first before judging and maybe this might change your way how you see them.

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No to monkey pets please, it's not safe both in health related reasons and also violent tendency of such animals when they aren't getting their way with what they want. There are cases of some outbreak of diseases even ones of viral mature that are believed to be originated by monkeys.

In my opinion, it's not wise having a monkey in the community as a wild not to talk more of having it inside ones own home as a pet. Anyone in their right thinking mind wouldn't be considering such as an option because it comes with lots of disadvantages than it could offer an advantage. Be wise is my advice to you. That your kids would be thrilled to have a monkey as a pet would be worth it if you are rushing to CDC for help.

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I would love to have a monkey as my pet, but here is forbidden to own such an animal as a pet. I like a monkey, the small ones, especially the one that is small as a finger, it would be a lovely and funny pet. I know these animals are not safe for our health but I would risk and take all the precautions to have one money!

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Pet Monkeys Bite Because You Treat Them Badly Or Provoke Them It is natural for monkeys to bite. When they severely injure each other in captivity, it is because the loosing monkey is trapped in a cage or enclosure and cannot run away. Pet Monkeys Can Be Taught Not To Bite Monkeys cannot be trained to “behave”. But for me i will not try to make them as pet because they are obviously dangerous or harmful for the owners or even people who would try to touch them.

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Pet Monkeys Bite Because You Treat Them Badly Or Provoke Them It is natural for monkeys to bite. When they severely injure each other in captivity, it is because the loosing monkey is trapped in a cage or enclosure and cannot run away. Pet Monkeys Can Be Taught Not To Bite Monkeys cannot be trained to “behave”. But for me i will not try to make them as pet because they are obviously dangerous or harmful for the owners or even people who would try to touch them.

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I think no. As fun as they could be, I am afraid keeping a monkey as a pet is too much work. I haven't got much time between work and resting. Plus, I don't think my cats would be happy about it.

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