
10 Interesting Ways To Get Rid of Headaches!

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10 Interesting Ways To Get Rid of Headaches!

As I have previously stating in another topic, my husbands dire need to find something that works for his headaches and migraines. We can across that headache balm but have yet to try making it because I do not have all the ingredients yet. But I have stumbled upon a few ways to get rid of headaches with simple things you may even have laying around your house.

1. Drink water...duh no brainer here. but seriously most headache can be cause from dehydration.
2. Give yourself a scalp massage or have someone do that for you! Research shows that massaging the optical nerve (which is toward to back of the head and base of your skull) can relieve headache pain.
3. Press that webbed area between your thumb and pointer finger. Lightly massage that spot before switching to the other hand, this helps relieve your headache.
4. Try stretching. Some headaches can be cause by muscle tension.
5. Eat some watermelon! Since some headaches can be triggered by dehydration, eating water rich foods can help hydrate you and ease your headache.
6. Massage peppermint oil on your temples, the back of your jaw and forehead. Peppermint oil has been known to help promote blood flow.
7. Breath deeply. When our bodies feel pain it tends to get stressed, which can help you relax and could help ease tension.
8. Drink a cup of coffee. Headaches are mostly cause by the expanding of the blood vessels. The caffeine from the coffee will help constrict the blood vessels back to their regular size.
9. Drink apple cider vinegar. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and add some honey or lemon juice to make it a little bit better tasting...LOL Apples and ACV helps restore the body's acid-alkaline balance which could help eleviate headaches.
10. Hold a pencil between you teeth. Don't gnaw on it!! LOL gently holding this between your teeth helps to activate your "smile" muscles which relaxes your jaw. Sometimes we tend to clench our teeth when we are stressed (i actually find myself doing this alot) and straining the muscles that connect the jaw to the temples can cause tension headaches.

I will definitely be trying some of these for my headaches as well as letting my husband know about these easier ways to get rid of headaches. I hope at least one of these will help us! LOL Then we can stop poisoning ourselves with medicines and treatments!

Hope you all enjoyed and as always thank you for reading!!


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This is something im super interested in the main problem for me is when i get a headache i don't want to waste time trying new things i just want to get the headache gone and go to bed. I would like to try some of these but only after i have already taken my prescribed migraine pill. Maybe these techniques could be used while my medication is kicking in. So many good ideas here that i will try them i have headaches all the time its apart of my life now. People who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines will certainly get a good use of this list thank you! Awesome topic thank you for sharing it!

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yea i figured we could try some of these out when you get a headache. maybe trying these after taking your migraine pill would be a a good idea. i have headaches alot too but i just don't get them as bad as you can. headaches can be painful so i could only imagine what a migraine would feel like. i hope some of these ideas will work for you and if one does and can alleviate your pain without even having to take a medication, then i think thats a plus!!

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They are indeed nice suggestions. However, I would think one must first find out the reason for headaches. In homoeopathy that is how an approach is made. There are any number of remedies recommended. When one gets a headache there are other symptoms such as may be a bad stomach, cold in the head, etc.

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I have tried some of them and sometimes they work. I dunno how but they would work eventually specially the drinking water and coffee. Since I usually drink coffee, I rarely get headaches. And when I do, I would just try to take a nap. It usually works everything specially if I am feeling a little dizzy due to longer on-screen staring.

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My preferred way to get rid of headaches is meditation. Meditation is very helpful in curing headaches and other mental conditions such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
Head massage is also a good way to get rid of headaches. However, you need someone to give you a head massage as massaging your own head will be very bothersome.
Drinking water, having a bath, using essential oils (lavender is very useful) can also relieve you from headaches.

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Wow! There is a lot of idea that i get from this forum. This i vey helpful.

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For me I just drink this medicine called "Biogesic" which is probably effective for me. Whenever I'm stressed or did feel a headache i just drink this tablet and all is well. Some people also recommend this medicine here in the Philippines because it's not just effective but it's also cheap no need to spend big bucks.

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Same here. That is effective that within couple of minutes you can feel the relief. Plus it safe for pregnant women, too. It is one of the most trusted and affordable medicine here in pir country. I remember when my sister went abroad for work, she brought a lot of biogesic since there is no store that sells them in other country.

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This ways are tested and proven. Almost all of it is true and I try it. It depends on the situation on what is available at the time I have headaches. My headaches are due to overwork and I search for a remedy to cure it. And this 10 came up. Try to follow it and your headaches will surely gone.

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Thank you for these tips. I was surprised with watermelon and pencil, I never thought they can be used for headache. Some relaxing music can also help to reduce headache. I also read some people are putting ice packs at the back of their head to relieve the pain. But me personally, I love the scalp massage that my mother does whenever I have headache, even after I take meds. Mother's touch is the best.

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I have yet to try some of them! I know that lavender oil is good for headaches too because it makes you more relaxed. I do scalp massages and I like to take hot showers which make the body more relaxed and the headaches go away. And keeping yourself hydrated is very, very important.

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Wow thank you for his very helpful tips. Now i can deal with headaches easily. Everytime i get headaches from any reasons, i put it into sleep and medicine and it somehow lessen my stress. I never thought that there are some ways, i mean unique ways to handle this problem. Its my first time to hear that holding pencil with your teeth could help you. Thank you so much for this very informative discussion. I will apply this sooner because most of the day in a week headaches strikes.

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Wow thank you for this tips. I always wanted to have a cure on how to ease the pain of having an headache all I can do is take a pain killer like paracetamol. But now I will do this everytime I got an headache so thank you.

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Those natural ways of getting rid of headaches are really amazing. Though some people try getting rid of headaches with mere medical drugs, there are yet some special cases of headaches that cannot be cured by using medical drugs alone. These special cases are referred to as chronic headaches. Aside from the shortcomings in using medical drugs to get rid of headache, they are reported to bring about terrible side effects, whereas those natural products leave no side effects whatsoever.

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Thanks for the share, I have various options now to deal with my headache.I'm not a fan of taking drugs when I have a headache.A medical friend told me about taking water when I have a severe headache that it a way of the body telling us we are lacking water and it has been working though not all the time.Just saved this will be using some of this if a headache still persists.

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I think dehydration is the most common cause of headaches. Your right this is a no brainier. I'm on a low carb diet combined with intermittent fasting, when I don't have enough water my head bangs like crazy. A head massage is also a good natural remedy for headaches. Normally headaches are caused by stress. This is one way to relieve them.

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It’s necessary to find out what are the roots of headache in order to get a medical or other method of treatment. The primarily causes of headaches are migraine or tension. Moreover, the lifestyle factors can cause severe headaches: stress, depression, an unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, alcohol and drugs… There are many serious illnesses like tumor, concussion, dental problems, back pain that cause
terrible and long headaches. The worst thing about headaches is really hard to find a way to get rid of them. Pills usually act only for a short period of time. Sport it’s a great way, but it’s prohibited in cases of health issues. As for instance people who suffer from disc herniation which is a often met problem can’t practice sport at all. They need surgery or massages to fix the spinal column. In case you have back pain or other problem find more how to fix them. All in all, choose a method of treatment the headaches closest to your heart and your body.

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Hey, very interesting thread actually!

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Very interesting things here! I think now I can make my headache go in very specific ways, but actually, I know a more specific way. Look, there are a lot of things down here, in the internet, that you will think about as a scam or something. Even some medicines, and that is sad. But the thing I am going to introduce here, that saves me when I have a severe headache, is something different, I swear. Have you ever heard about kratom? That thing is a pure pain killer and also an analgesic. You will be relaxed for a while and then your pain will completely go away. If you are interested you can look for more info here I hope that this method will also be in the top!

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I am not sure about the usefulness of all these ways you've described, but my doctor told me that the best way to relieve headaches. He told me that in 99.9 percent CBD is the best option for headaches, so if you have such problems you can take it boldly, but of course, you need first to consult your doctor to find out what fits you the best. Also, my doctor told me to pay attention to the quality of the CBD oil I take. He recommended me to buy only from Magic Mushrooms Canada, as this is the only site he knows and trust.

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Rest helps me from any worries. Find out more about CCELL TH2 here and spend an evening alone with your thoughts, it will help

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