
The Twilight Book Series

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The Twilight Book Series

I really liked the Twilight books. I thought that they were well written and all the books really went together. However, I was talking to a huge horror buff and he can not stand them! He said that the author did not do her research very well. For starters, he said vampires can not go out in the sunlight. And they do not sparkle if they do. Now I do agree with that, but I feel that this was a great way for the author to be creative. Do you think that in books like this authors need to follow the standard "rules", or do you feel it is better when they go out on their own and come up with something completely different?


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Seeing something different always keeps people interested. If an Author wants to be different and creative then let them. You only have to look at books such as Harry Potter to know just how popular being creative and different is. It's about giving the reader something new and different, if we all followed the rules when it came to writing everything would be pretty much the same and there would never be anything unique.

I like what they did with the Twilight books and how the author was creative in the way she was.

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I haven't read any of the Twilight Books but I've watched its movie version, all the series. And I find the movie really interesting and amazing. I bet the book of it is really good and very well-written. Maybe one of this days I'll read its book.

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I have read the twilight series and i love it. I love how the author find her way to make a modern view of vampire. She gives justice to what she has written, she's really creative. And i don't see any reason why we have to stick to what we are used to. Where's the fun in that. Those kind of books are the one's you can able to predict the story and i don't appreciate those kinds. I love books that makes me think and open my imagination into a new world. And twilight is one of them.

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Twilight as a franchise is really for teens and mostly girls. That's why the films made so much money. The audience was able to actually get in to see the movie! Which was based on a popular book series. As far as horror movie vampires though, yeah the Twilight vampires are pretty weak compared to the vampires seen in films like NEAR DARK, THE LOST BOYS, FRIGHT NIGHT, and other classic horror films. I think American culture and British culture are used to good, strong and solid vampire fare like the Dracula films featuring Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee. Twilight just doesn't register with them.

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A great author creates exciting twists in her story-line and his/her characters. They don't have to follow any rules or characteristics they want to portray on their characters. I think, Stephanie Meyer did a great job in this book although this story is really for Young Adults and not for those active film enthusiast.

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I've watched all the movies of twilight saga but I did not read the books yet. I would definitely read the twolight in a book because tey say that the book is different from its movie counterpart.

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I enjoy reading Twilight book stories because it's adventurous in nature. I so much love adventures. It comes with the thrills and increased adrenaline.

Most people prefer comedy stories as it would make them laugh, but I am not most people, adventures are for the head strong ones.

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I haven't read the Twilight books, but I have seen the movie trilogy and I made an idea on what were the books, and I must say is not my style because I prefer more natural books with subjects that can be identified with the real life and not such as supernatural creatures and powers.

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I enjoy twilight book, in fact I have full series of that book. yeah, you're right, the author should have to make a research first before coming up to a subject, let's say a vampire did not shine on light...but the author also wanted to add additional glittering imagination to the character, and it makes sense,,, when the author tells, the vampire did not shine on light,that's not interesting at all! but when she tells, Edward Cullins, is different from other vampires, since she shine on the light...WOW! this is amazing!
and i will be more interested on the story.
So, do vampires really exist? There's no way to be sure. There have been reports from around the world over thousands of years of creatures like these. If vampires don't exist, then how do you explain all of these sightings and encounters? A hoax is one thing, but the same hoax being played over and over again for thousands of years across independent cultures is entirely different. We have reason to believe they might exist because of these reports, but we have reason to be skeptical because we don't have the proof we so badly desire.
Keep in mind too that if you were to encounter a vampire, you probably would not live to tell about it. Not only are vampires insatiably hungry for human blood, but they live by a code that requires their existence to remain secret - only making detection that much more difficult.

In my opinion, the only way to answer this question is to give the only honest answer anyone can. Do vampires really exist? Maybe they do, maybe they don't. I, for one, treat vampires like I treat demons - if they do exist, I really don't want to run into one. Therefore, I choose to be cautious about my actions and activities, and limit my exposure to any of these kinds of beings to a purely inquisitive one.

Better safe than sorry. Or dead.

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I also loved the Twilight book series books and the way that they worked with each other. it is nice to be able to read a book that sends you into another place while you enjoy it. This book series is what makes a person want to read rather than watch the movies. I just hope that more kids have the opportunity to to read and enjoy it and for once forget about the internet. Reading is good!

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Personally, I never liked them. They made use of mythological creatures and joined them together in a love story. Not the best plot setting in my opinion. I prefer Lord of the Rings as a better alternative to mythological creatures use.

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I have not read any of Twilight books, however, I have watched two Twilight movies. Since I have never read the Twilight books, I don't know how the books compare with the movie. However, I did not like the movies. I have watched many vampire movies, even though vampires are not my favorite subjects. I still believe Dracula was the best vampire movie because it was based on the fictional character created by Bram Stroke. There is nothing new on Twilight movies, it is the same old story with new characters and little bit twist.

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Every author has the freedom to build a fictional world however they want, so if they want sparkly vampires that can go out into the sunlight, then I don't see why not. If every vampire out there follows the same rules, readers might get bored and the vampire fiction genre may get even more saturated and can grow stagnant because everyone is coming up with the same thing. Even if vampires don't sparkle, there are other authors out there who create vampires that can eat garlic and touch a cross even though the traditional concept of vampires can't do either. So, I don't think you can put restrictions on the depictions of beings that don't exist in real life.

That said, I read all the Twilight books and did originally find the idea of sparkly vampires laughable, but I got used to it and let myself sink into Stephanie Meyer's world.

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What makes the author stand out is because of their uniqueness. In writing, you don't have to follow the majority. That's your art.
On the other hand, I am not a twilight series fan but I have watched some of the series. I could say that it was good but I just can't stand the nonrealistic content in it. Maybe I would love to read them but watching it would like another step.

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What makes the author stand out is because of their uniqueness. In writing, you don't have to follow the majority. That's your art.
On the other hand, I am not a twilight series fan but I have watched some of the series. I could say that it was good but I just can't stand the nonrealistic content in it. Maybe I would love to read them but watching it would like another step.

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Any author is free to describe what he thinks or imagine, and that doesn't mean everybody will like it. For sure vampires haven't been described as sparkling beings, or werewolves as kind and caring ones, but that's what is all about. If we are always going to read the same, then what is the point? Whenever I read a book, I give credit to the author whether I like the book or not, because not everyone has the strength to write a story, I just keep my own opinion and go to the next book. Twilight books are not my favorite ones and the movies either (in fact, I think the best part are the soundtracks), but the story was catchy and characters were interesting.

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I never had a chance to read nor tried reading about their books series. In my opinion about your concern, authors should follow what happened and events should be well described based on the movie. There are lots of authors techniques that they want to prove for their earnings and popularity. I watched twilight and it is such a great movie indeed i was amazed every fight scenes. You will notice this movie is not really using an effects during war but still very satisfying to watch. Combination of great actors and director is towards success and popularity and i personally congratulate them for that very big hit movie.

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I first see twilight in the movies. And later on, I found out that it is originally based on the book. I like the story of it about the war between vampires and wolves. There are so many movies that is also like twilight. But for me, this movie is the best in all of them. And I am happy to read it in the books. I hope the book series will be continue.

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I have not read all the books but watched the movies. I really liked those movies but unfortunately there were many people who didn't really like those movies. I think that all the actors did a wonderful job. I really loved the character of Jacob. I like such kinds of movies. I have also been watching the Vampire Diaries TV show. This was a good one too. I think I am addicted to those vampire movies.

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The problem with the TWILIGHT films is too many of them came at once. There wasn't really any time to breathe in between installments. This may be good for studios in terms of making money from the target audience - but it can also become cinematic overkill. The STAR WARS franchise and other big franchises put at least two years space between their sequels. Also because so many TWILIGHT characters appeared in the movie series, there was never enough screen time for most of them. Thus some characters backstories and development really took a hit. Particularly, the Volturi clan.

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For some reason I just can't stand the twilight series at all. I mean I have seen that type of writing as nothing but boring. I mean there is no fun. Just random love story. And some random battle between the clans. So it is kind of boring for sure. And it does not add much value there as well. That's what I have seen. I'd rather read maze runner.

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I have never read about the Twilight books and can't comment about them. However, I have watched the movies and they were not bad. In fact, I was not interested to watch the movie because of the actress. I don't really like her. My friend dragged me to the cinema to watch the second installment. I then started watching the other movies as I wanted to know about the ending.

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